Book Quote
Posted by Socrates in Fascism, fascism vs. communism, global government, globalization, history, History for newbies, Hitler, Italy, Mussolini, politics, Portugal, Socrates, Spain at 6:17 pm | Permanent Link
Fascism is an interesting thing. It could save the West, but who actually wants to live under a dictatorship? Not many people would sit still for it for very long. Most WNs admire fascism but only from afar. Here’s a quote about fascism (i.e., “authoritarian regimes”) [1]:
“Authoritarian regimes rarely ask for loans. They are producer-fixated, instead of being financier-fixated. Our diplomats and financiers predicted that the dictatorships would fail, but they were wrong: they were, in fact, working very well for the small farmer, small shopkeeper, small producer, and would again, if the fear of war could be removed.” — from the book “European Jungle” (London, England; Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1939) by F. Yeats-Brown, p. 15.
[1] newbies, note that fascism isn’t uniform and takes different forms in different countries. It’s national, not international, which is why the Jews and the globalists fear it. (“Fascism” is used generically here to describe right-wing, anti-communist, authoritarian governments, e.g., Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy, Franco’s Spain, Portugal under Salazar, etc. Some will argue, however, that only Mussolini’s government was genuinely fascist)
21 February, 2010 at 9:49 pm
Only Germany and Italy were properly Fascist. Spain and Portugal were merely Latin American-style banana republics, and in the case of the latter actively helped the Allied side during the war despite their professed “neutrality.” Despite their racial differences the Japs were MUCH better allies for the Aryan cause than Spain and Portugal. Never trust a spic. Never!
22 February, 2010 at 12:11 am
I don’t know about the Japs, Miss Irma. I think Hitler was angry at them for not invading the eastern part of the USSR while his forces invaded the western part. They were just wartime allies, nothing more. I could even see a situation where Germany and Japan would have gone to war against each other, if that’s what it took for Germany to make an ally out of England. Hitler would much rather have had the UK as an ally than the Japs.
As far as I know, Portugal under Salazar and Spain under France were stable, independent and prosperous. Il Duce was the only stable ruler of Italy since Roman times. And the so-called “Communist” states in eastern Europe were really nationalist in nature. Guys like Marshall Tito kept everything under control, as did the great Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Nasser in Egypt. All those leaders were Fascist to some degree or other. Fascism works!
After the Revolution, we’ll need strong and stern leadership to keep all the chaos under control. Someone like Napoleon or a group of pro-White generals and admirals. Then maybe we can have an Aryan Confederate States of America or White Articles of Confederation, after all the dust settles. But under no circumstances should we ever allow another Constitutional Republic or two party representative form of Govt to replace the current one.
22 February, 2010 at 2:06 am
Spain and Portugal, meh. Neither was willing to help the Reich in it’s death struggle with the jew parasite, and both devolved right back into degenerate democrazy right after their respective caudillos died. Not that moden Japan is any better, but they fought to the death with bloody fang and foaming lips until they had to be NUKED into submission. TWICE! Thor’s hammer, next to the Waffen SS they had the biggest swinging DICKS in that war! Come the revolution, that is exactly the sort of death or glory Nordic bushido spirit the Aryan man will have to display in order to finally CRUSH the jew forever and WIN!
The English were just flabby limp-wristed limey FAGGOTS only too happy to bend over and spread for their jew-bolshevik masters! And look what it got them! Loads of turd-world niggers and moslems, with the goddamn jew ruining EVERYTHING. I wonder if they’re happy now? I wonder if they could do it all over again, would they want to switch sides?? I betcha they would!!
22 February, 2010 at 2:46 am
We must face the fact that the most successful and longest lived Fascist state in the world is Singapore under Lee Kwan Yew. The People’s Action Party has its symbol the old Oswald Mosley BUF symbol. Yew was a student in England at the time of Mosley’s later career.
It has its advantages, but I would not want to live there.
Mosley was a fine orator. Blood Axis have a short speech of his set to music as “Sarabande Oratorio”.
22 February, 2010 at 4:09 am
After the Revolution, we’ll have to nationalize the banking system, or, possibly, allow banks to operate commerically and independently, but only under EXTREMELY strict laws so that they can ONLY serve their repsective communities or states. All health care services will have to be nationalized as well, as such services are much too important to the public well-being to place them at the mercy of the greedy, for-profit private sector. We’ll need to nationalize the petroleum industry while we’re at it, too.
Not only will all doctors be Government employees, so will all lawyers. No longer will the prisons be stuffed with people who were too poor to afford decent legal representation. And prisons themselves will be demolished in favor of open-air work camps. Arbeit Macht Frei, you know.
And no more Wall Street, either. The Stock Exchange is too unpredictable, makes profits only for those with inside knowledge of it and has far too much power over our economy and our lives. Capitalism is the dictatorship of money. The Jewish dictatorship of money.
Small businesses and private enterprise will be strongly encouraged. No more punitive taxes or regulations on those who create decent jobs for their communities.
Domestic manufacturing will be strongly emphasized. Any consumer goods manufactured overseas will be subject to a 25% import tax. Any US company that moves overseas to a non-White country in search of cheap labor will be considered a foreign company and will have the same 25% tax imposed on its goods.
There will be a huge reduction in professional police departments and police officers. Citizens will be encouraged to police themselves and their own communities. They can also hold their own Citizens’ Courts so that we don’t have so many arrogant, overpaid judges throwing their weight around. Ordinary people, not professional full-time politicians, will be able to represent themselves in Government.
All Government employees must retire by age 70 or 75 at the latest. No more Supreme Court justices or Senators who are in their 80s and 90s.
The public school system will have to be re-evaluated. The idea of having young people in school from K-12 when they could be out learning a trade or working to support themselves and their families is absurd. No more classrooms full of kids who don’t want to learn and teachers who don’t care one way or the other. And no more property taxes on peoples’ homes. One’s home is one’s castle and it does not belong to the State.
There will be strict laws against animal cruelty and child cruelty. No more industrial farms where chickens and pigs are herded together with no space to move around.
Some non-Whites will be allowed to live here among us, provided they have their own business, are conducting legitimate studies or research at a University, or support themselves with a job that they did not take away from a White person. Such people will be classified not as citizens, but as “long-term guests” or “resident aliens”.
Finally, churches and other so-called “non-profit” organizations will be taxed and regulated. No private, off-limits communes or secret societies will be tolerated. Any church or organization that espouses race-mixing, internationalism or Jew supremacy will be abolished and its members arrested. All Catholic priests, nuns, etc. will answer to us, not Rome.
The country will be ruled by a pro-White military council. Their role will be mainly to keep order and protect the country from attack, not to become domestic tyrants. Most power will be in the hands of local and state government. A gigantic, centralized State bureacracy will not be allowed to form.
There, I think that just about covers everything. Oh, wait the national flag. How about a blue swstika with white stars in it on a red background? Or the present design, except with a white swazi instead of stars in the blue field? The national anthem could be…I don’t know, something by The Ventures?
22 February, 2010 at 6:50 am
After reading some of Mussolini’s writings published in The Barnes Review and a booklet on the subject written by an Oxford academic, I don’t feel any closer to having a precise understanding of what fascism is. Someone once told me that the defining characteristic of fascism was the use of force and the belief that “might makes right,” but if that were true, it would make communist regimes some of the biggest fascists in history.
The definition I’ve settled on and that I think is most consistent with the facts is that fascism is a highly authoritarian form of conservatism (which isn’t far removed from how the left defines it).
While I think we owe a debt of gratitude to the fascists for having been the only true opposition to communism, I don’t think fascism or conservatism in any form is going to solve our problems.
A lot of people in this movement don’t seem to grasp the difference between conservatism and white nationalism. A lot of them really believe that banning pornography or reinstating prayer in school has something to do with our cause.
The truth is, there is nothing in fascism that excludes jews — Fascist Italy was full of them, and some were enthusiastic Mussolini supporters. Sure, democracy and international monopoly capitalism (the apotheosis of which is communism) are probably more amenable to the jews’ aims than fascism, but they can roll with it. Jews like Milton Friedman had no problems getting along with fascists like Augusto Pinochet.
Nor is there anything inherently racialistic about fascism, as can readily be seen by looking at the fascist governments that have existed in South America. (I don’t consider German National Socialism fascism.)
White nationalism is a completely new idea. Nothing like it has ever existed. There may have been hints of it in NS Germany or the Old South, but what country or movement in history has ever explicitly made race its central organizing or unifying principle?
22 February, 2010 at 7:03 am
“After the Revolution, we’ll have to nationalize the banking system…”
The banking system in Canada has been nationalized since before the Second World War and Canada still has all of the problems associated with central banking and fiat currency. I say get rid of centralized banking altogether and let banking become 100% privatized. Let the people choose which currency they want to use. If people want to use monopoly money for their transactions, they should be allowed to.
22 February, 2010 at 7:05 am
When I say “monopoly money,” I mean the board game, not the monopoly money that’s called “legal tender.”
22 February, 2010 at 7:08 am
We all know the best system of government on the planet is democracy, as practice in the US. It’s a system where millions of 70 IQ nigs on welfare and other dregs of society can vote themselves money from the treasury. Let’s not forget our favorite, Christian approved parasite, Israhell. What ever happened to the Repbublic, where land owing taxpayers actually had a say in where the money would go? Is there any wonder why the cupboard is bare.
22 February, 2010 at 7:11 am
“Small businesses and private enterprise will be strongly encouraged.”
Hey, I’m glad you’re not one of those people who try to conflate “capitalism” with “private enterprise.”
22 February, 2010 at 7:15 am
“The national anthem could be…I don’t know, something by The Ventures?”
How ’bout the theme song to Hawaii Five-O? LOL.
22 February, 2010 at 7:23 am
“Guys like Marshall Tito kept everything under control, as did the great Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Nasser in Egypt.”
Saddam was a true nationlist and defender of his people, but Tito, the ruler of the forced multiculti entity known as Yugoslavia? Yugoslavia was an example of what the commies wanted to do to the entire world. Look at how well that experiment in forced multiculturalism held up once the coercive bonds were dissolved.
22 February, 2010 at 7:26 am
typo: nationalist
22 February, 2010 at 7:34 am
“The People’s Action Party has its symbol the old Oswald Mosley BUF symbol. Yew was a student in England at the time of Mosley’s later career.”
Similarly, Juan Peron was profoundly inspired by what he saw in Mussolini’s Italy.
22 February, 2010 at 7:44 am
You’ve put forward a lot of interesting ideas, Tim. So many, in fact, that it’s a bit overwhelming.
22 February, 2010 at 2:17 pm
You’ve put forward a lot of interesting ideas, Tim. So many, in fact, that it’s a bit overwhelming.
You’ve pretty well filled in the canvas, but for one important achilles heel, “The News media.” As we’ve seen the jews use to their advantage, its worse than jew controlled economy.
22 February, 2010 at 2:27 pm
Watched some interesting footage of 1930’s Oklahoma, what a different country it was then, almost an alien plantet, but they had some calibre people like Arthur Ramsey of Pathe films, and some politicians with guts like Senator Thomas Gore, and Governor Alfalfa Bill Murrayl. Big media moghuls like Murdoch and all the alphabet jew soups like ABC< NBC<CBS need to confiscated, with the jew excocised with some sort of inquisition trials…Stringent psychological testing and liscencing by a board of censors needs to be enforced on media outlets, they don't have the right to but a spin on news or hype it up to appeal to the lower orders… The funding of news by advertizers needs to be put to a halt.
22 February, 2010 at 2:29 pm
I’d go so far as to completely ban commercial television, and public television only to the evening hours.. Anybody got loafin’ around during working hours would receive some corporal punishment
22 February, 2010 at 2:43 pm
Loafin’, malingering, loitering, is only reserved for dead niggers, spics and injuns.
22 February, 2010 at 3:13 pm
No more loans from international kikesters, we just take what we want, when we want it, and give it back to them with both barrels.
22 February, 2010 at 3:27 pm
The English were just flabby limp-wristed limey FAGGOTS only too happy to bend over and spread for their jew-bolshevik masters! And look what it got them! Loads of turd-world niggers and moslems, with the goddamn jew ruining EVERYTHING. I wonder if they’re happy now? I wonder if they could do it all over again, would they want to switch sides?? I betcha they would!!
We luv you, yeh, yeh, yeh! We luv you yeh, yeh, yeh. With a love like that you know it was a jew screw
22 February, 2010 at 3:32 pm
{Hey, I’m glad you’re not one of those people who try to conflate “capitalism” with “private enterprise.}
Igor is correct, there is a big difference between free or private enterprise and Capitalism, just like there is a big difference between so-called free trade and fair trade.
Sorry if I came across as being a pedant who claims to have all the answers with that posting above, but the issue of what we should do after ZOG collapses is something I’ve been thinking about for many years. We certainly can’t afford to make the same dumb mistakes again. That will mean keeping a close eye on the churches and the press. Those two groups have always been very subversive and anti-White. It will also mean not allowing any crypto Jews or businessmen and bankers infected with JewThink to cause trouble for us because of their damn obsession with money.
22 February, 2010 at 3:34 pm
We need to completely abolish the English language, and replace it with the original Anglo-Saxon tongue, without the borrowed Latin and Greek terms for legal, scientific or religious mumbo-jumbo…. All assorted English pedophile institutions need to be razed to the ground or converted into green houses.. I’ve been thinking that we might want to swap around population groups, say on 30 year basis the Limeys would change places with the Frogs, and Germans would swap places with Italian etc.
22 February, 2010 at 5:49 pm
I say get rid of centralized banking altogether and let banking become 100% privatized.
This is what we already have. Our banking system is 100% privately owned.
22 February, 2010 at 11:47 pm
“This is what we already have. Our banking system is 100% privately owned.”
And this is a major part of our problem.
“We need to completely abolish the English language, and replace it with the original Anglo-Saxon tongue, without the borrowed Latin and Greek terms for legal, scientific or religious mumbo-jumbo…. ”
I think that’s a very good idea! I’d like to speak the same kind of English used by Beowulf and Venerable Bede.
23 February, 2010 at 8:50 am
We have a federal dictatorship that will gleefully wage war upon any state that wants out of the forced alliance.
White nationalism was a reality in this country at one time, but it fell apart. Why go down that road again. Governemnt is bad — White society is good.
23 February, 2010 at 10:03 am
Language influences how you see the world, so replacing English might be a good idea. But why not just replace English with Latin, the tongue of the mighty Romans? Or German perhaps.
23 February, 2010 at 11:46 am
Sorry if I came across as being a pedant who claims to have all the answers with that posting above, but the issue of what we should do after ZOG collapses is something I’ve been thinking about for many years. – Tim McGreen
Not at all, your plans are mostly right on. One of the things that’s funny regarding this matter is that people view military rule and strict regulation as “unnatural.” Notice this goes hand-in-hand with liberal/marxoid critique as it reduces the monarchy and feudalism of our ancestors to “unnatural” as well, because what were those systems if not authoritarian military rule. That is not equivalent to oppressive tyranny, such isn’t the default culture of Aryans – in fact that is the default culture of Semites.
We certainly can’t afford to make the same dumb mistakes again. That will mean keeping a close eye on the churches and the press. Those two groups have always been very subversive and anti-White.
Yes. The church has always been an alien, enemy oligarchy. I’ve got more to say on this matter but don’t really have time to lay it out. Suffice it to say that there came to be a symbiotic relationship between the Church and our indigenous aristocracy in the old days in which the Church performed the ideological indoctrination required to keep society in line so that the aristocracy could have an easier time ruling. The problem is that the end result of this laziness was always disaster since the Church’s ends are basically Semitic and insane and not to our people’s benefit.
It will also mean not allowing any crypto Jews or businessmen and bankers infected with JewThink to cause trouble for us because of their damn obsession with money.
Plutocracy and debt-based currency must absolutely be done away with. Otherwise we will end up back where we are, it would only be a matter of time. Easy money has always had the capacity to corrupt Aryan civilization and it cannot be allowed to happen again.
23 February, 2010 at 11:56 am
But why not just replace English with Latin, the tongue of the mighty Romans? Or German perhaps.
Both would be an improvement over the English language as it has been reduced to “jew speak”, mud shrieks.. Old Anglo-Saxon was more akin to Frisian and low German than the modern day variant English, which I don’t consider to be a language, a medium between similiar folk, more a pidgin type language.
23 February, 2010 at 11:58 am
One of the biggest problems the Limeys and Kwans have is the smug snobbishness of regarding Continental Europeans as aliens, while doting on English speaking muds.
23 February, 2010 at 1:07 pm
Anyone of you actually read some serious works of economics, and I mean AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS? or are you just another bunch of all-knowing troglodytes who hope that when the Fuhrer comes, he will magically make manna rain from heaven, and somehow magically the Fuhrer-command economy will work, and those evil pesky jew-capitalists will not bother your magical national-economy, even though a half of the population will live in severe poverty while the rest (constituting the Chosen Caste of National-Socialist Ubermenschen) will revel in exploiting, pard me, serving the “Volk” ?
Fascism/socialism CANNOT work, get over it. Government is the problem.
General Augusto Pinochet set the example how the true dictatorship should look like and where the place of commies/fascists is: at the end of the barrel of a firing squad.
23 February, 2010 at 2:39 pm
It’s always amusing to hear a savage-looking Aboriginie or an uncouth-looking Jew speak with a refined British accent.
23 February, 2010 at 4:09 pm
It’s always amusing to hear a savage-looking Aboriginie or an uncouth-looking Jew speak with a refined British accent.
Right o matey, pull the bone out of the nose, tuck in the tail, zip up the loin cloth, give um a cell phone, teach them a few quotes of Shake a Spear, and presto! Their Dons of Oxford material!
23 February, 2010 at 4:18 pm
Yes, what we have here is a coalition of the forces of primitive humanoids, jew, nigger, injuns and mestizos trying to pull the White man down.. They would have hit the list of extinct dead ends long ago, but they always manage to find a White society to feed off, or some long lost White explorers raise them a bit up the ladder from their monkey status to where they become dangerous enough to destroy White mans Societies.
Of all the bullshit thrown out and up by jews over religion, turn on the tv on a Sunday and you’ll be greeted by mulattoes, octoroons and garden variety niggers and jews galore, the crowd that can’t phanthom reality
23 February, 2010 at 4:25 pm
Have you have ever seen a photograph of Jew Yawks current governor David Patterson, Hell he makes King Kong look aristocratic!
23 February, 2010 at 4:29 pm
23 February, 2010 at 8:17 pm
Where do I sign up to become a member?
24 February, 2010 at 3:35 am
I like some of your ideas, Tim! Many are very close to my own. However, I disagree STRONGLY with the idea of allowing ANY non-whites to live here! That’s the mistake the old south made – bringing in niggers to do the scut work because they were too damn greedy to hire poor whites to go pick their cotten instead! Why make the same mistakes all over again?? No way will I ever fight for anything other than a 100% jew-free, colored-free ALL WHITE Aryan state! Being jewish, nigger, spic, etc should be a DEATH PENALTY offence within the borders of the Confederation of Aryan States!
I also disagree about public schooling – I am in favor of the STATE paying for education from k through university provided the prospective student showed the proper intellectual aptitude for it. Otherwise they can just go to a trade school. But if they turn out to be mentally retarded or something then the eugenics laws should come into effect and they should be peacfully euthenized. Sub-normal intellects should be DISALLOWED in the new Reich!
Televistion is fine with me – as long as it is STRICTLY controlled, monitored and censored by the state, same with all the other media! No allowing any crypto-kikes to sneak in any subversive material! TV should also be broadcast only during the evening hours, say from about 8PM to midnight. This should discourage the growth of couch potatoes, the bane of modern “civilization.”
I like Alex Linder’s idea about dividing up North America into various polity’s – states, city-states, territories, what have you. Various economic ideas can be tried out within such a framework. Inexplicably, many WN’s prefer jew Ayn Rand’s laissez-faire approach while puritans like myself prefer to keep the SOCIALIST in National Socialism. Within a confederation, BOTH ideas can be tried out and where Whites move will tell which one works best!
As for the flag, how about the Confederate Battle flag with a blue swastika in a white circle surrounded by oak leaves in the center? I like that idea a LOT.
The national anthem should be something to stir the Aryan blood, like the Olympic anthem, or the Host Wessel Leid.
24 February, 2010 at 3:53 am
Hey Socrates – I posted a comment on here in reply to one of Tim McGreen’s posts but it never showed up. Is it caught in the spam filter or is my browser effing up again?
24 February, 2010 at 4:57 am
Wait a second…If Governor David Patterson is Black and blind then he must be able to sing and play the piano like Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder, right?
26 February, 2010 at 12:35 am
“the Japs were MUCH better allies for the Aryan cause than Spain and Portugal. Never trust a spic. Never!”
Irma, my dear, despite all your otherwise excellent comments and opinions, you’re way off there. Allow me to inform you that a Spaniard is a European, not a mestizo or mulatto; and thus a Spaniard is not a spic. They are our people.
They were also one of the few Europeans countries that took on and tried to resolve the Jewish Problem in a definitive way.
As for joining in the 2nd WW, Spain was left so wasted by its own civil war just prior to that, that it was incapable of aiding anyone.
I could go further to say that without them and their incredible feats of exploration and conquest, unrivalled anywhere in the history of the world, we would not be sitting here in America discussing this matter today.
26 February, 2010 at 7:18 am
“Spic” has always meant “some wog-nog that speaks Spanish” in the popular usage. Actual Spaniards are usually cultured and refined people, the ones I meet. PRs and Dominicans are mulatto-zambos, Mexicans are mestizos or pure indios (there are White Mexicans but you see them here only in Nieman Marcus), most Central American mutts are mestizos alloyed with different tribes than the Mexicans.
Some of the mestizos of Central America are really violent, others just stupid and lazy. And to be honest a few are basically all right (in their own country, that is, or at least not in ours).
28 February, 2010 at 2:16 pm
[I tried posting this a few days ago and it seemed to get caught in the spam filter or something. Usually when that happens, it shows up later, but it hasn’t this time. So here goes again.]
After reading some of Mussolini’s writings published in The Barnes Review and a booklet on the subject written by an Oxford academic, I don’t feel any closer to having a precise understanding of what fascism is. Someone once told me that the defining characteristic of fascism was the use of force and the belief that “might makes right,” but if that were true, it would make communist regimes some of the biggest fascists in history.
The definition I’ve settled on and that I think is most consistent with the facts is that fascism is a highly authoritarian form of conservatism (which isn’t far removed from how the left defines it).
While I think we owe a debt of gratitude to the fascists for having been the only true opposition to communism, I don’t think fascism or conservatism in any form is going to solve our problems.
A lot of people in this movement don’t seem to grasp the difference between conservatism and white nationalism. A lot of them really believe that banning pornography or reinstating prayer in school has something to do with our cause.
The truth is, there is nothing in fascism that excludes jews — Fascist Italy was full of them, and some were enthusiastic Mussolini supporters. Sure, democracy and international monopoly capitalism (the apotheosis of which is communism) are probably more amenable to the jews’ aims than fascism, but they can roll with it. Jews like Milton Friedman had no problems getting along with fascists like Augusto Pinochet.
Nor is there anything inherently racialistic about fascism, as can readily be seen by looking at the fascist governments that have existed in South America. (I don’t consider German National Socialism fascism.)
White nationalism is a completely new idea. Nothing like it has ever existed. There may have been hints of it in NS Germany or the Old South, but what country or movement in history has ever explicitly made race its central organizing or unifying principle?
28 February, 2010 at 2:25 pm
“Hey Socrates – I posted a comment on here in reply to one of Tim McGreen’s posts but it never showed up.”
Same thing happened with one of my comments. I just reposted it a second ago and it didn’t appear on the site, so I imagine it’s sitting in a cue somewhere.
If I knew what it was about some of my posts that trips off the filter, I would avoid doing it.
28 February, 2010 at 2:42 pm
“Allow me to inform you that a Spaniard is a European, not a mestizo or mulatto; and thus a Spaniard is not a spic.”
I assumed Irma knew that and that his (her?) comment about Spaniards was some sort of a Nordicist thing. The limited experiences I’ve had with Spaniards were mostly pleasant.
Spain should at the very least be given credit for granting asylum to Leon Degrelle (and no doubt a lot of other “war criminals” as well).
4 March, 2010 at 9:50 am
Ein Says: Irma, my dear, despite all your otherwise excellent comments and opinions, you’re way off there. Allow me to inform you that a Spaniard is a European, not a mestizo or mulatto; and thus a Spaniard is not a spic. They are our people.
Thanks, Ein. I actually did not know that! See now the TRUE VALUE of pro-White sites like this: back in high school I was taught that the people in Spain, Mexico and the rest of South America were all THE SAME people. Looks like I have some more reading to do on the subject!
4 March, 2010 at 11:40 pm
For those unenlightened among the admirers of Hitler, you seem to ignore completely that this man created anti-European Male attitudes that still exist today. Don’t you understand that Hitler represents the worst type of human being? His swaggering, narcissistic manner was displayed during each rally, at which he stood as a strutting despot, always seeking boisterous approval from his obedient subjects. He was enamored with his seemingly limitless power. Believe me when I tell you Hitler did not do you guys any favors. He gave you the most prominent black-eye you could imagine. Forget about that jackass!
Igor, Our band played at a wedding for two recently- naturalized Spaniards, and they were not just nice people, there wasn’t one woman attending the reception who was less than a 10.
3 June, 2010 at 4:38 pm
In response to David Baker’s comment:
Some people foolishly condemn Hitler and his ideas simply because he lost World War 2, and as a result Jews were more easily able to multiculturalize everything (and produce better mind-controlling propaganda). His defeat (which some people like Savitri Devi believe was a necessary occurance which would actually lead to an eventual victory for Aryans) does not prove that he was wrong about everything and must be cast aside. If you honestly study various economic, political, and social concepts you will probably come to the conclusion that National Socialism is the most ingenious and inspiring idea ever created. Hitler was not an idiot, he read thousands of books all the time and was unbelievably intelligent.
He may have seemed somewhat arrogant in the way he acted, but only a fool fails to realize that many great and true leaders are sometimes a bit arrogant (example: Rockwell).
By the way, even if he was arrogant, anyone who studies him (maybe you could read Hitler’s Table Talk and study what people who were close to him said) will learn that he really cared about his people and was a true Socialist, unlike many other leaders (Communists and such) who called themselves that. This is why his people loved him and didn’t simply support because they had to.
I also must comment on what Kelthuz (Jew?) said:
Kalthuz simply made intelligent-sounding insults towards Fascism, Socialism, and National Socialism. I’ve actually read a lot not only about Austrian economics (a free-market Libertarian economic theory) but about a wide variety of ideas, from Syndicalism to the Physiocrats to Marxist concepts. And I reject all of them as having a flaw which would lead to some kind of corruption or oppression because the creators of these theories did not understand true Human Nature. Along with that, I must comment that considering what a free-market economy’s effects are, Socialism is one of the only (if not the one and only) moral systems to apply. As for political theories, I think others have covered what’s necessary. But I must note again that Human Nature and the Laws of Nature must be applied to political systems in order to reach the most perfect system for humanity.