15 February, 2010

BNP Ends Whites-Only Membership Rule

Posted by Socrates in communism, jewed culture, Jewish Tyranny, Marxism, multiculturalism, race, Race Denial, Socrates, William Pierce at 11:46 am | Permanent Link

How can you have a White party if it isn’t a White party? Britain’s government is practicing Marxism by forcing this BNP rule change (i.e., communism rejects race but at the same time it’s hostile towards traditional White culture, a weird double-standard [1]. In fact, in that sense, all Western governments practice Marxism):


[1] Dr. William Pierce called communism a “poisonous, anti-White creed”

  • 89 Responses to “BNP Ends Whites-Only Membership Rule”

    1. Nordlander Says:

      BLACKSHIRT whines:


      Same shit I have been hearing for the 20 years after the Berlin Wall fell. Yep. “Nationalism” is just growing exponentially in Europe, that’s why all the Muslims have stopped immigrating there and all the Africans have stopped coming to Europe in boats. Yep, each country has a vibrant “Nationalist” movement complete with local führers. Give me a break. “Nationalist” parties are no farther along than they were back then, it’s all bullshit talk. Most of the public in Europe is as stupid and uninterested as they are here in the USA, perhaps more so.

      The time for political parties and working through the system is LONG over, get out of the goddamned playpen, people! Especially you, Nordlander, wake up. The Jews will NEVER allow what happened in 1933 in Germany to happen again, you can bank on that. There will be no wonder führer coming to power in Europe ever again… that’s just fantasy, like unicorns and leprechauns. I know, I know, you want to wear your super-duper black fascist S&M uniform, Nordlander, but you’ll just have to save that for fetish night at the local club.

      LOL What an embarrassing retard you are, Blackface. Did you feel the need to take a dump? Felt good? Keep whining crybaby, while others do actual work.

      You pull any shit you can; the only thing you can use is “you have failed lol losers that means you suck lol im great”. What have you been doing, little Blackface? Other than pumping out whining posts on your computer?

      I suppose Blackface has a better plan for how to do things than nationalists actually meeting, recruiting new members every year, demonstrating and showing more and more people the information they need to see. Where did I say we will win tomorrow? Where did I say we are as strong and numerous as we want to be? Nowhere. Nationalist groups are still small compared to the anti-White groups. So. That means we should do nothing according to Blackface.

      I suppose Blackface has a clever idea for what to do instead. Blackface sitting there behind his computer in the good ol’ USA, dreaming up visions of how he is smarter and better, the real superman, a dream he can only maintain by shitting at the efforts of everyone else.

      Come on, Blackface. Tell us. How should it be done?

      No? Not a sound?

      Poor Blackface. All hot air and no brain. Too lazy and cowardly to ever do anything. That’s all right, toddlers like you are endearing in their own way.

    2. Nordlander Says:

      # Tim McGreen Says:
      16 February, 2010 at 9:54 pm

      Neo-conlander, how naive can you possibly be. You really think voting for some “nationalist” party is going to change a god damn thing? Just go back to watching your hero Glenn Beck on the FOX News Channel. The Revolution will start without you.

      Where did I say that, retard?

      Show me. I’m waiting.

      Okay, so you just made up a lie because what I actually said was too difficult for you to attack. Good little toddler! Maybe in a few years you can play with the big boys.

      “The revolution will start without you.” LOL So moron, how are you going to get your “revolution”? You say Whites should not organize. You are one of the embarrassing losers who do nothing for nationalism and only come on the internet to vent.

      Did I say I support the BNP? In my first post in this thread I criticized them, like I have done before. But I don’t expect you to be able to read.

      Did I say nationalism will win through votes? I have written many times here at VNN that that is now how it is going to be done. Nice try, liar.

      I say Whites should organize. Which is what you don’t want Whites to do.

      You are always advocating that Whites stay disorganized, and you attack any effort to do so. You pretend that I am talking about nationalism succeeding through elections. Yet another red herring.

      Why are you trying so hard to discredit any effort at organizing, Timmy-boy? I am not talking about the BNP now, I am talking about outspoken racialist, anti-White organizations – which you know nothing about. All you can do is belittle them and insult them. Apparently, the great Tim McNobody is SO much better on his own, than Whites who actually prefer to meet up with each other and then recruit others to join their group.

      What scares you so much with the idea of Whites getting together in real life? What is it you want to prevent by always attacking that idea?

      Then again, the one thing a Jew doesn’t want is for Whites to actually meet up in real life….

    3. nom de guerre Says:

      Its all or nuthing with Blackfoot in the mouth, he believes you can have crops with out tilling the soil. Come off the high jackass Blackfoot in the mouth, in a real world you’re gonna gather chaff along with the wheat. Hitler was right about the Soviet Union crumbling, it did, even the jews acknowledge that, I heard one say that the German Army cut across Russia like a knife through hot butter, nicht Wahr Dumkoph? So jews are liars, doesn’t mean they don’t speak the truth, so the BNP ain’t some lily White suburban bridge club…

    4. nom de guerre Says:

      I give England more hope of throwing off the jews than Amerikwa, as for Europe being swamped by muslims, hell that’s peanuts compared to what the Mexicans have done here in the Kwa, fuck we’ve got um ready to become the majority in 20 years! The English are pretty tight lipped, but once upon a time they did execute a King, has Amerikwa ever executed a President?

    5. nom de guerre Says:

      America is a conspiracy of silence, bigger than anything they ever had in the Soviet Union.

    6. nom de guerre Says:

      Amerikwa just sweeps things under the rug, waiting for the day of jubilee, the fuhrer of the Kwa cannot be human has to be the second coming of Jeboo, etc. etc. ad nauseum
      The kwa has only 2 options, to become heaven on hell, or more of the same shit, the founding felons really did a good job of binding, and they never good have found a more willing group of dupes, than the American population, a monolithic rock between 2 ears, both deaf.

    7. nom de guerre Says:

      America will always settle for the mediocre, since by an large they are middle class proles… They’re fence sitters, real populists when populism is popular.. They never originate anything except maybe Kentucky fried chicken, its all show and blow, They’ll never give up the 1 party system with 2 wings, just ain’t gonna happen.
      Sometimes we have to be grateful to invaders for showing us what are biggest enemy is, us.

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      {The English are pretty tight lipped, but once upon a time they did execute a King, has Amerikwa ever executed a President?}

      Good point about the ‘Kwa never having executed any of its many truly awful Presidents. It shows just how servile ‘Kwans really are, more so even than Chinese peasants were in Imperial China. At least they would occaisionally rise up in rebellion against their feudal lords. We don’t even do that much.

      ————————————————————-{America will always settle for the mediocre, since by an large they are middle class proles… They’ll never give up the 1 party system with 2 wings, just ain’t gonna happen.
      Sometimes we have to be grateful to invaders for showing us what are biggest enemy is, us.}


      America wallows in mediocrity. That’s why Rush Limbaugh and NASCAR are so popular. And Amerikwans are goddamn sloths when it comes to creating or embracing any meaningful change in the political system. Imagine, for example, allowing a bunch of senile old coots in their 80s and 90s to sit on the Supreme Court! Or in the Senate. And the Electoral College? How anachronistic is that? The two party system? Thanks a lot, Founding Fuckheads.

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      To hell with reactionary Meet, Eat and Retreat parties like the BNP. What a shameful waste of time trying to gain favour with the Jews and the anti-White liberals. You want real results or you want to just keep screwing around? What’s needed is the formation of a White Power version of the Taliban, the PLO, the VietCong or Al Qaeda. It’s time to go underground and rock the casbah, not sit there on Question Time like Nick Griffin did asking the wogs and niggers on the panel if he could please kiss their asses.

    10. Blackshirt Says:

      Nordlander says:

      “I suppose Blackface has a better plan for how to do things than nationalists actually meeting, recruiting new members every year, demonstrating and showing more and more people the information they need to see.”

      Um, yeah, I do have a better plan. It’s called LEADERLESS RESISTANCE. I didn’t come up with the idea, but it works and it has been around for years. As a matter of fact it works much better than membership organizations and the proof is in the thousands of terrorist cells that operate against the NWO around the world, who disrupt, debilitate, and destroy ZOG in many innumerable ways.

      “…nationalists actually meeting, recruiting new members every year…”

      Yeah, where is your proof of that? I don’t see any news stories warning of increases in “nationalist” party membership. Show me some evidence. All I see is massive amounts of immigrants flooding into Europe and the White people there passively accepting it for the most part (and I’m not counting the random bootparty a mud gets or a swastika painted on a gravestone).

      “That means we should do nothing according to Blackface.”

      Really? Where did I ever say that? If anything, I have always advocated leaderless resistance and being covert. There are lots of things you can do as a lone wolf, and don’t ask us to tell you (or prove to you) what we do since secrecy and stealth are what being lone wolf is all about. Lone wolves do all sorts of things to resist, they just don’t advertise it and you won’t hear about it unless it is something that the ZOG can’t ignore.

      “Poor Blackface. All hot air and no brain. Too lazy and cowardly to ever do anything.”

      That’s the same sort of argument infiltrators and agent provocateurs use to get you to participate in an activity that gets you entrapped by the system. If you consider joining some organization and passing out leaflets as “taking action” then good for you. I think you are foolish, but I’m not going to stop you.

    11. CW-2 Says:

      It is likely that serious guys have indeed gone underground or are otherwise in deep cover just waiting for a propitious chain of events to occur. We shouldn’t expect them to advertise their intentions. The economic shit hasn’t hit the fan yet, but is about to do so in Greece, closely followed by Portugal and Spain.

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      It would seem the days of the EUSSR are numbered. Sorry to tell you this, you arrogant, evil plutocrats, but globalisation will NEVER work. True, most people are docile and submissive to authority, but ONLY TO A POINT. The idea of people everywhere around the world being forced to give up their rights, freedoms and national/ethnic identities to a cabal of sinister billionaire tyrants is just not going to happen.

    13. nom de guerre Says:

      America wallows in mediocrity. That’s why Rush Limbaugh and NASCAR are so popular. And Amerikwans are goddamn sloths when it comes to creating or embracing any meaningful change in the political system. Imagine, for example, allowing a bunch of senile old coots in their 80s and 90s to sit on the Supreme Court! Or in the Senate. And the Electoral College? How anachronistic is that? The two party system? Thanks a lot, Founding Fuckheads.
      Kwans always vote for the Pork, lipstick or not. just an olde family tradition like pork barrel, spoils system, railroad going nowhere but to hell

    14. nom de guerre Says:

      Looks like Hillary is getting fitted out for a black coat job as one of the nine idiots, the bitch has always had ghoulish ,sadistic look, she’ll fit right in with the rest of the wax museum

    15. Ein Says:

      “In real world politics you count the numbers. If you double the number of Jews in The UK—they still account for less than 1/2 0f 1% of the population.” — OD

      Normally, yes…. in dealing with normal situations and normal people. But the Jews are anomolous. In their case, you have to look not at mere numbers (which appear deceptively small), but at the real POWER they wield — which is VASTLY disproportionate to those numbers.

      Look at Germany, where they amounted to only 1%, and yet in many significant professions and areas of endeavour they dominated that economy and held that country in their grip.

      If the proof of the pudding is in the results, then we can see from history that England has consistently danced to their tune (and that’s what counts), no matter what their meagre numbers. Jews have clout. It’s not numbers but money that pulls the strings that make the political puppets grovel or jump.

    16. Ein Says:

      nom de guerre Says:
      “Hitler purported to have said “the revolt against the jews will begin in England”

      He did? Well, maybe. I wouldn’t know. But it sounds much more like Karl Marx predicting that the great proletatiat revolution would begin in England.

      At any rate, both of them were disappointed, weren’t they?

    17. Ein Says:

      Proletariat, I mean. (I know someone will pounce on that.)

    18. Ein Says:

      Tim McGreen Says:
      {The English are pretty tight lipped, but once upon a time they did execute a King, has Amerikwa ever executed a President?}

      Good point about the ‘Kwa never having executed any of its many truly awful Presidents. It shows just how servile ‘Kwans really are


      Yes, that IS a good point! In fact, Americans won’t even impeach a “truly awful president”!

      Americans have shown that they will put up with just about anything. Americans are cautious middle-of-the-roaders who are terrified of rocking the boat.

    19. Arminius Says:

      So are the British, French, Germans, Scandinavians, Russians etc. They are all obedient and take what is dished out by their rulers.
      ’til one day ONE MAN with courage and character says: Enough is enough, breaks the chain ….and the herd will follow him glady- even into death.
      History is full of such examples.

    20. A. Says:


      Britian under the jew. Old Dutch you have just proved yourself to be an ally of the jew in the displacement and destruction of the white race. Consider yourself marked.

    21. torrence Says:

      According to Old Dutch: “In real world politics you count the numbers.” Exactly. That is why any attempt to work for change within an existing ‘democratic’ system is futile and stupidly pointless. The numbers no longer are there. The system loves such advice and those such as O.D. who lean that way. Our enemies love suchy wonderful diversions of money, resources and emotional energy The end result is despondency and a depleted spirit. Better to build up the folk and inner capabilities in order to capitalize on collapse and disintegration as such time opportunities result.

      A says “We must attack and destroy the system which seeks to invert reality.” Exactly correct

      nom de guerre writes wisely and insightfully. I take note of his thougts.

    22. Tim McGreen Says:

      ” (i.e., communism rejects race but at the same time it’s hostile towards traditional White culture, a weird double-standard [1]. ”


      I don’t know about that statement. What about the USSR Symphony Orchestra, whose performances of Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich were unsurpassed, or the Bolshoi Ballet with its performances of Swan Lake, or the Hermitage in Lenningrad, with its excellent collection of Western art?

      I would say all those Soviet countries embraced the very best that Western/White culture had to offer. It was the radical stuff like jazz and The Beatles that were banned.

    23. old dutch Says:

      What’s “A” stand for Asshole? LOL. You are a tard—real world politics is about numbers & votes. Unless you are some kind of a Trotskyite, which may well be the case. The Trotskyites in all of the British political parties are against the BNP.

    24. old dutch Says:

      Btw, “A” (LOL)—This is pretty good:


      It tells what the two major British parties Labour, and the Conservatives are doing to destroy Britain.

    25. torrence Says:

      For old dutch – I was not clear in my above post which provoked your less-than-dignified response. ‘A’ refers to ‘A.’, the board name of a poster above, not ‘asshole’.
      You are right in saying “real world politics is about numbers & votes.” However, that refers to a ‘democratic’ real world politics which no longer is a vehicle serving a racial-nationalistic world-view. The ongoing fragmentation of America in all important spheres of national life – socially, racially, financially and politically makes it impossible for ‘numbers & votes’ to add up to any majority tally on any topic of importance. Hitler viewed a healthy, organic state to be made up of “a community of physically and psychologically similar living beings”. The Judeo-Capitalist destroyers have succeeded in re-constituting our country away form this ideal. So, with there being so little that is mutually advantageous to the increasingly isolated and disparate groups making up the voting constituency, little is to be realized through a traditional election based political process presently. Once the national ideal is re-attained to, a measure of democracy makes far more sense and is workable in deciding questions on matters of interest to all within the national body.

      The present rot is actually ok. It is producing a body of people that will come to fully realize the futility of democracy as it presently exists in America. Until our folk realize where and how to devote personal energies and resources, no change is possible.

    26. old dutch Says:

      I don’t like to get all of you unknown political geniuses & other assholes all shook up, but, Hitler came to power by the vote in Germany. LOL.

    27. Blackshirt Says:

      OD says:

      “I don’t like to get all of you unknown political geniuses & other assholes all shook up, but, Hitler came to power by the vote in Germany. LOL.”

      Your point is what… that political parties work? Do you really think that the all-powerful Jews would let that happen again?

    28. torrence Says:

      I am replying to Old Dutch’s last post. He brings up an important point regarding Hitler’s rise to power through democratic means. He is implying that since Hitler used that approach in Germany and succeeded, we should use that approach in America today and likewise expect it to succeed. I tried to address this point in my earlier post, but did so less than directly. I did not make my thoughts clear. I’ll restate my exact words:

      “You are right in saying “real world politics is about numbers & votes.” However, that refers to a ‘democratic’ real world politics which no longer is a vehicle serving a racial-nationalistic world-view. The ongoing fragmentation of America in all important spheres of national life – socially, racially, financially and politically makes it impossible for ‘numbers & votes’ to add up to any majority tally on any topic of importance. Hitler viewed a healthy, organic state to be made up of “a community of physically and psychologically similar living beings”. The Judeo-Capitalist destroyers have succeeded in re-constituting our country away form this ideal. So, with there being so little that is mutually advantageous to the increasingly isolated and disparate groups making up the voting constituency, little is to be realized through a traditional election based political process presently.”

      My point here is that the Germany Hitler worked democratically allowed for a more representative, truly democratic process whereas in America, it no longer does. The Germany then was far, far different than today’s America . Germany truly was one ‘demos’ – one people, whereas America is a nation defying any traditional understanding of what a nation is supposed to be. America is a bazaar, a market place, an economic order and nothing more. Germany was a federation of states composed of a racially homogenous people sharing a shared past and culture, speaking the same language, functioning on fairly equivalent intellectual and technical planes, with shared national, moral and aesthetic goals. Politically they were less unified due to the dislocations of a lost war and the intrusion of revolutionary marxism. But Hitler took care of all that quite handily. In other words, they really were a FOLK, not the human menagerie making up America. Germany’s people shared far more in common that not and belonged to one another far more than to anyone/anywhere else. Apply this concept to the Mexican immigrant and the traditional European-American. The don’t really fit, do they? We can now understand how a democratic result spoke more representatively and relevantly for them than it does to us here in America today. By design, America has been chopped into so many regional, cultural, political, racial, aestheitc, religious, social, moral, judicial and economic components that few questions posed to the national body can be widely answered similarly throughout the nation. Except on questions dealing with economic propserity, good luck on finding enough unanimity that helps advance a satisfying and enjoyable national life. The irritation I feel here in Vegas everytime I walk out the front door increases daily. Then I reflect on the few weeks spent in Bavaria among a unified folk and unchallenged cutlure and feel rest and soulful joy and comfort. A bessing! For other reasons I don’t want to get into now, I have forsaken democracy as the most effective means of managing a nation. It is a deceptive banner.

      I thank you for your lumping me in with “political geniuses”, which I am not, and I thank-you not for lumping me in with “assholes”, which I also am not, but have one, like you.

    29. reo Says:

      The BNP is an openly hostile enemy party. They train their members to be anti-Nazi and anti-racist and anti the 14 words.

      Americans should not sponsor them in any way.

      Good that nogs are openly in the BNP so that you will finally see what it has been for years. A Zionist front.



      The BNP practice entryism on the forums here and on Stormfront to delay the onset of awareness among White racists that the BNP is an enemy force.


    30. torrence Says:

      I largely agree with what REO states above. ” An enemy force” may be too strong for me, but they certainly have become ineffectual and diversionary. They are in service of the Jew agenda, albeit perhaps unknowingly. Does not the experience of the BNP further illustrate the futility of pursuing ‘respectible’, ‘democratic’ means of attaining to a healthy racial nationalist order? Any mingling, cooperation or partnership with a political party or process successfuly operating in ‘Judentum’ is pointless and futile. The existing powers would love to give us a seat at the table and draw us in to participating in their political games so as to waste our time and resources. Our goal is to REPLACE the present order, not compromise with, negotiate with, cooperate with, repair, modify, rehabilitate, amend, or reform; the BNP has been destroyed in the effort they undertook along such lines.

      I had opportunity while in Europe this past summer to spend time with a group of conscious Brits. I brought up the subject of the BNP and they were unanimous in emphatically voicing their contempt of the party and of their sense of betrayal to what the BNP now represents. A year ago, I had concluded such things for myself and had all I suspected confirmed.

      I will be contacting this weekend an equally ineffectual orgainzation, the National Alliance, and suggest to them they remove the BNP link under their tab ‘Links to other sites’.

    31. Jim Says:

      Torrence; I think that your critique of the fallacy that we can vote our way out of the mess we are in is brilliant. I agree with you 100%. My question is how do we REPLACE the present order? If all organizations and poliitical parties are ineffectual, exactly what CAN be done to remove us from the grip of the jew power structure that is rapidly devouring us?

    32. griffinwatch Says:

      “# old dutch Says:
      16 February, 2010 at 10:37 am

      What you tards don’t get is that the membership of the British National Party has been frozen for at least 5 months by the “equality commission”. That means that the BNP is being put at a disadvantage going into the May elections for Parliment. No one will be joining the BNP! The membership is frozen!


      Old dutch you are either ill advised or lying, Griffin himself volunteered to the “equality commission” to freeze the membership, with utter chutzpah he even bragged about it.


    33. reo Says:

      for those of us in the UK it is very much an enemy force. Simon was expelled from it a decade ago .

      I am even banned from VNN because some BNP cunt BEV has been given mod powers here. Like Jews these people practice entryism.

      They mainly use VNN to slander people in the National Front.

    34. Tim McGreen Says:

      That Bev looks like a fat old mental case to me. Isn’t she the one who’s got a fixation on that Metallica guy? Like he’d ever “do” that crazy old cow.

    35. Wilton Says:

      I don’t see the growing tide of Nationalism in Europe like others here see. What I see is watered down Kosher populist movement that get their walking paper from the Jews. The only gripe they are allowed is to complain about Muslims. They can’t even complain about them from a racial standpoint. The Europeans are too old and wealthy to fight back, their better days are behind them. The Euro’s are content with their high standard of living, and will do anything to keep it going.

    36. torrence Says:

      Jim – Throw out some ideas of your own and I will respond.

    37. sean gruber Says:

      OD says:

      “I don’t like to get all of you unknown political geniuses & other assholes all shook up, but, Hitler came to power by the vote in Germany. LOL.”

      Well, Adolf had a large street army. They cracked commie heads. They were willing to get bloody, and they sometimes did so – and everybody in the country knew this. Violence is influential. If the Tea Parties could be organized into a new SA…but the very thought makes me bust a kidney laughing.

      Seriously, I just wish school kids would start singing such songs as “When the jew blood sprays from the knife, things will be twice as good.” The new “subversiveness” and rebellion.

    38. Jim Says:

      Torrence; It is obvious that a White Nationalist government will never be voted to power given the all pervasive jew control over the majority of our people, and the prospects of a forceable take-over of power seem just as remote. In the past fifty the majority of white men have become so feminized and passive that they are only interested in nigger ball and selfish, individualistic pursuits. Even if a truly great Leader like Hitler were to arise in our ranks, he would get hardly any support. I don’t lke to be so negative, but barring a TOTAL breakdown of the jewish power structure no real solution to our dilemma seems feasable.

    39. james Says:

      As a bnp member, most of what you write on this site is shite,we must deal with our real enemys the islamists, jews were and in this sense have never been our enemys.did the BNP murder 2740 people in NY ,did we kill people on London buses, did the jews , did the BNP bash in the head of a jewish girl on a beach, and then gloat over it though out the Arab world, no,You idiots, rant and rave, but most normal people simply veiw you as idiots ,The BNP is about power, there is a vast differance between the raving of a German dwarf, and the nature of BRitish empirlism, based on MINDKIND, the power of the white man ,as appossed to white men, we in the BNP with grant this genetic form ,that man may have more eye colours ,hair colours, than the grains of sand in the sea,that the power of I may rule over US, the mud races with their DEGENERATE consept of conformity with in the conformity, we believe in deverisity, with in conformity ,this is not hitlerism ,it is some thing why more powerful. THANK YOU