14 February, 2010

America: a Sitcom Without a Laugh Track

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, General Decline, illegal immigration, mestizos, Mexinvasion, Socrates at 3:52 pm | Permanent Link

Deputy #1: “Let’s question this guy over here. He could be an illegal Mexican.”

Deputy #2: “No. He looks Mexican, so that would be racial profiling. Let’s question that White guy over there. He could be an illegal Mexican.”


  • 7 Responses to “America: a Sitcom Without a Laugh Track”

    1. Coup D'Etat Says:

      Technically, the mexicans who call themselves Hispanics or Latinos (incorrect names according to the actual geograhic locations and culture) are not a race but are an ethnic group; therefore, racially profiling does not legally apply here. Mexicans gave themselves these names because (and with the help of jews and mexican attorneys educated in the U.S.) they knew that “Mexicans” alone does not qualify them as a race.

      Hispanics are actually European Spaniards or Itallians. And, they would have to be named so if they are at least 75% Spaniard or Italian and prove it so by birth records and not by name only. They have to prove they are direct descendants of the Spaniards or Italians. Mexicans are rather heavily mixed with peoples from Peru and sub-Asian ethnic groups called “Indians,” which are the dark types that we normally see in the U.S. “Latinos” are geographically located in and originated from Western Europe known as the Latin based languages consisting of Romans, Spaniards, and the French. “Latin” originated in Rome long before this language was introduced to South and North America. This dialect then filtered down into Spanish which was thereafter introduced to South and North America.

      Technically, when speaking of whether the “Mexicans” who call themselves “Hispanics” or “Latinos” are a race, they are indeed not. The U.S. Dept. of Justice better get their shit together and start recognizing this. If they don’t, they are just as much as destructive as the people who are behind pushing the ideal that “Mexicans,” as seen on census and employment/SS applications named as Hispanics/Latinos, are a race.

    2. Henry Says:

      This is the same nonsense as the common assumption (at least when it’s convenient for them) that Moslems are a racial group. They’re always crying “racial” discrimination, although Islam is a religion not a race.
      Jew use the same trick: sometimes they’re a religion (when it’s convenient); other times they’re an racial/ethnic group (when that suits their purpose better).

      Actually, Islam isn’t really much of a “religion” either. It’s more of a political movement, disguised in the trappings of a religion.
      And, come to think of it, so is Judaism. Remarkable similarity there! Was it the chicken or the egg that came first?

    3. Coup D'Etat Says:

      In this case, it wouldn’t matter what came first. It is what it is. Jews are not a race nor a religion, but only an ethnic group. The non-White groups, in particular Asiatic groups including jews, whether they are are truely an ethnic group or a political group believe they can obtain more rights by claiming they are a race. Otherwise, they would have no rights which we need to start treating the jews as such. Besides, they are the ones who started the ethnic-eccentric mess among the non-Whites as well as with the open border fiasco with every country not to mention the civil rights for non-Whites that have created an economic, socio-political nightmare on every level for Whites.

    4. Maynard Says:

      If the jews are not a race, how come they have their own genetic diseases that no other race gets?

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      I just read an article the other day about how “Israel” (aka, the Zionist Entity) is cracking down on allowing non-Jewish immigration into their country. “Ve vouldn’t vant to see ze Jooish charachteh off owr kuntry changche, you untershtand”, said an arrogant Zionist Entity official.

    6. nom de guerre Says:

      The kwa is a not a sitcom, itz a Shitcom, with a bloated burrocracy, I liken it unto one of those nesting kolonies along the South American coastline, that produced gobs of guano fertilizer, along the tops perching sites are the jew shitz, and at the bottom rung are White goyim, in between are the various heirarchies of muds, with nigs slipping lower on the petting scale and mexishits going up, but nobody, not nobody ever higher on the shitz list of things to do-do than the chosen. I had laugh last night listening to Alex Jones call Obongo not Black, but about 10% Black, the remainder Arab and Anglo! Fuckin’ laff heh?

    7. th Says:

      Its my understanding that there are three races. The caucasoid, mongoloid and the negroid. Thanks to JewSA politics nationalities and sometime religious groups are deemed races. I am willing to add a fourth race and thats mixed. The JewSA is the foundation for all lies. Just as when a history teacher told us that a nigger invented the elevator and the traffic light.