13 January, 2010

White Actress Shot in Jewed South Africa

Posted by Socrates in apartheid, black crime, jewed culture, jewed politics, Jewish Tyranny, Socrates, South Africa at 2:27 pm | Permanent Link

That lady can thank the usual suspects for her terrifying experience:


Re: South Africa/apartheid: haven’t read this book yet, but it sounds interesting (maybe Alex could read/review it): [Book].

More Jewish names re: South Africa/apartheid: [Here].

  • 3 Responses to “White Actress Shot in Jewed South Africa”

    1. ED! Says:



    2. Arminius Says:

      …and a MILLION or more white “Afrikaners” going to the dogs cowering, grovelling, hiding, pussyfooting, praying, waiting for God’s anwer and help.

    3. Igor Alexander Says:

      “‘It was Kill a Tourist Day,’ she explains. ‘And we were in the way. It is frustrating not knowing who the shooter was. Not as frustrating as it must be for him, unsure if he is now a murderer. Maybe he is only 12.'”

      Whites get shot at and still they make excuses for these subhumans.