Sure, All White Countries Were ‘Built By Immigrants’
Posted by Socrates in France, immigration, Israel Zangwill, jewed culture, Socrates, Western culture at 1:03 pm | 
Of course Sarkozy – a Jew – would play the role of the pro-immigrant and say that France was built by foreigners. It serves the Jewish community to portray White countries as “historic melting pots of diversity.” Yet, at the same time, Sarkozy, with these town-hall meetings, seems to want to limit the worsening impact of immigration on France – another Jew working both sides of the street. Trivia: it was another Jew, Israel Zangwill, who coined the term “melting pot”:
3 January, 2010 at 1:50 pm
Sarkozy is the quintessential Jew. His Jew father was – big surprise – in the advertising industry. He was a womanizer who abandoned Sarkozy’s Gentile mother and her three sons in 1959. Nicolas was chubby and stocky as a youth, an outsider in the wealthy Parisian old-money neighborhood where he grew up. You can imagine his resentment.
Nicolas became a lawyer and was active in politics at the age of 20. He held a well-known speech where he said that “being a Gaullist means being a revolutionary.”
At the age of 22, Achille Peretti, the Mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine, helped him become a municipal councillor in his city. Sarkozy’s mentor in their part was one Charles Pasqua. Pasqua had helped Sarkozy rise in status in the Gaullist RPR party, and he was a witness at Sarkozy’s first marriage. Pasqua was supposed to succeed Peretti as mayor, but Sarkozy betrayed him, got the other councillors behind him, and became the mayor himself.
Sarkozy got another protector in Jacques Chirac, who helped him into the big league. Sarkozy seduced Chirac’s daughter Claude, and became as one of the family. In the 1995 presidential election, Sarkozy betrayed Chirac by supporting Balladur against him.
Unfortunately for Sarkozy, Chirac won the election. Sarkozy lost his position as minister for the budget. President Chirac’s supporters rightfully called him a traitor.
In 1997, the socialists came to dominate the senate, and Sarkozy saw his chance; he became the leader of the RPR, and used his position to undermine President Chirac. He accused Chirac of being the cause for the loss of the senate majority. (Actually, the French voters often prefer to have one party controlling the presidency, and another party controlling the Senate.)
In the 2007 presidential election, Sarkozy saw that the Front National had the support of 20 percent of Frenchmen behind them in calling for less immigration. Sarkozy fooled these voters by cursing Arab/Black rioters in Paris, promising to be tough on crime and to move against illegal immigration. The voters thought he was “the anti-immigrant candidate who has a chance to get elected” and abandoned the Front National, not only in the presidential election but in other elections, moving to the UMP (the RPR, renamed).
Of course, Sarkozy has betrayed the voters completely. He threw out a few thousand illegal immigrants, which fooled the hopeful, and which gave the Left what they wanted, a chance to cry out against a “racist” president. Sarkozy then hurried to give tons of money to projects in the suburbs, like he had always promised. With Sarkozy as president, mass immigration continues unabated, immigrants are privileged in France, while a few words against illegal immigration are thrown to the voters here and there.
But he is still “the one who has a chance in the polls,” many foolish anti-immigrant voters believe. The mainstreamers are forever gullible.
Sarkozy’s most notable policy change is to drag France into the Middle Eastern mess, supporting the occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq, against the wishes of the vast majority of French.
Sarkozy says he loves America – but specifically, he says it is New York he loves. The Jewish utopia where non-Whites are the majority and Jews control every election. He says he wants to move there when he retires. He feels nothing for France, he is only using France as a resource for Jews, to be discarded when used up.
4 January, 2010 at 1:28 am
Sounds like a fucking Jew parasite to me.
4 January, 2010 at 2:26 am
Excellent synopsis of Sarkozy’s life, Nordlander.
4 January, 2010 at 12:08 pm
Thanks for that info, Nordlander, but are you sure Sarkozy’s mother is a non-jew? She came from Salonika, an historic hotbed of mid-eastern yids.
4 January, 2010 at 1:38 pm
yeah his grand dad was a Young Turk in Salonika, Turkey. He was involved in the Armenian Genocide.
4 January, 2010 at 3:11 pm
As I’ve said before, importing cheap, non-White labor, along with “free trade”, will spell the death of the West.
4 January, 2010 at 3:49 pm
Just another degenerate jew clown. To the lions with the curl! ; )
4 January, 2010 at 8:27 pm
“yeah, his grand dad was a Young Turk in Salonika, Turkey. He was involved in the Armenian Genocide.”
His grandfather, Aaron Mallah, was from a wealthy and influential family of the (very large) Jewish community of Salonika. I don’t know about the Armenian genocide, so I can’t comment. The Mallah’s were Sephardic Jews, who had originally been expelled from Spain. Aaron moved to France, and upon facing the prospect of German occupation “converted” to Roman Catholicism (like a lot of others) and changed his name to Benedict.
Interestingly, wife Carla Bruni’s family (in Italy, owners of the Pirelli tire fortune) had also been Jewish [name: Tedesci or Tedesco], up until the 2nd WW and the German occupation, at which time they too suddenly had a religious epiphany and became “Catholics”. After the war, they were allegedly ostracized by the Italian Jewish community for this shrewd bit of opportunism, and they “suffered for it” (so she says). However, Carla now claims that she was not really a Tedesci/Pirelli at all, that she was conceived by a musician lover with whom her mother had a fling. So much confusion in these Jewish beds!
Sarko’s previous wife, Cécilia (his second), was of Spanish/Jewish ancestry and, like Carla, hadn’t a drop of French blood in her veins — a fact of which she openly boasted, even when she was First Lady of France! Carla, btw, is his third.
Sarko’s father left him and his mother for another woman by whom he had a second family. In fact, pappa Paul [originally Pal], re-married three times! His third wife eventually married the US ambassador, Frank Wisner. Sarko’s father paid no attention to him while he was growing up, and refused to support the family, even though he became wealthy in advertising. There is even some question as to Sarko’s real paternity. Ignored by his father, he was raised in the Paris mansion of his Jewish-turned-Catholic-but-still-Jewish grandfather (the one from Salonika). One of Sarkozy’s sons, Pierre, is now a hip-hop producer. The other is an official of the city of Neuilly (of which Sarko was mayor). Sarko has a half-brother (by the second woman) who is now a highly-placed UN official …living in New York, I believe. There was a NY Times article about him. Little or no attention has been given to this interesting connection otherwise. His half-brother, Olivier, is now managing director of the global financial services division of the Carlyle Group in New York.
Sarko, the son of an immigrant, amazingly became, quite out of the blue and in his twenties, the youngest mayor of Neuilly, a wealthy suburb of Paris, and the youngest mayor of any city/town in France. (Apparently, there were no qualified Frenchmen anywhere to be found! I’m being sarcastic here.) He remained mayor of Neuilly for many years after [19yrs.], until becoming president the regional Department, and then president of France. [In France, you can hold two such governmental positions at once.] Neuilly is the equivalent for Paris to what Beverly Hills is to Los Angeles. Many rich Jews reside there, needless to say. No Arab immigrants though. In France, a city of a certain size is required to spend a certain amount of its income on subsidized housing (in other words, for immigrants), [I think it’s 20%], or else the city is required to pay a substantial fine. Neuilly simply prefers to pay the fine. No immigrants there. The Sarkozy’s are OK, though.
I recently made a small post to Amren stating that it is not at all surprising that Sarkozy, the son and grandson of imigrants, would say that, “France was built by immigrants”. (What else could one expect from such a person?) It was just that simple statement, no mention of Jews or Jewish connections at all. It was NOT printed! I posted it again, re-wording it even more innocuously. BOTH posts were never printed! Neither one made any reference to Jews, nor were they threatening or insulting at all. They were merely factual statements: that he’s the son and grandson of immigrants. What’s the story there at Amren? What goes? Has Sarkozy now become one of The Protected Ones, and all comments on him must be carefully vetted before seeing print? Oddly, there are a couple of mildly critical posts there, apparently allowed just to give the appearance of fairness and objectivity, but HOW MANY OTHERS have not been printed? Considering that BOTH of mine were not, probably quite a lot of them!
4 January, 2010 at 10:35 pm
It’s Sarkozy’s mother who is Jewish. She is a Donmeh Jew whose family comes from Salonika, Greece. His father is Hungarian, but I don’t think he his Jewish, is he?
4 January, 2010 at 10:55 pm
time for a coup d’etat!
4 January, 2010 at 11:44 pm
“His father is Hungarian, but I don’t think he his Jewish, is he?”
There’s no evidence of it, at least that I know of, although his paternity is very “vague”, let’s say. And after communism in Hungary, things are very hard to trace there. Sarko’s father claims to be of the minor nobility (in Hungary). Perhaps that’s true, but lots of Eastern Europeans claim to be nobility. Who knows? And anyone coming from that part of the world is open to a certain amount of scepticism as to their ancestry. There were Jews everywhere.
Also, I’ve seen pictures of his father (the one who ignored him and refused to raise him), and the other half-siblings. They don’t look ANYTHING like Nicholas Sarkozy. The only parent we can be sure of is his mother. That’s why Jews base Jewishness on the mother…. you never really know about a Jew’s father.
4 January, 2010 at 11:49 pm
Sarkozy got another protector in Jacques Chirac, who helped him into the big league. Sarkozy seduced Chirac’s daughter Claude, and became as one of the family. In the 1995 presidential election, Sarkozy betrayed Chirac by supporting Balladur against him. Unfortunately for Sarkozy, Chirac won the election. Sarkozy lost his position as minister for the budget. President Chirac’s supporters rightfully called him a traitor.
In 1997, the socialists came to dominate the senate, and Sarkozy saw his chance; he became the leader of the RPR, and used his position to undermine President Chirac. He accused Chirac of being the cause for the loss of the senate majority.
Very good post from Nordlander! Thanks.
Let me add that former President Jacques Chirac, Sarkozy’s one-time benefactor and mentor, is presently about to go on trial in France on allegations of corruption. Sarkozy, now President, has done nothing to help him.
Chirac, now 77 years old, having had a stroke and then a heart bypass operation, was just charged on Dec. 18th with new allegations of embezzlement. If found guilty, he faces up to five years in prison and a fine. He is already facing up to 10 years in prison and a further fine of about $218,000. for another case of embezzlement and breach of trust for which he was charged on October 30.
Both cases mark the first time that a modern French leader has been threatened with a trial in a public court. He is the first former president in French history to face trial on criminal charges.
Some “friend”, that Sarkozy! With friends like that, you don’t need any enemies. Let the USA remember, and beware.
5 January, 2010 at 12:09 am
Incidentally, the wealthy suburb of Neuilly is home of the famous American Hospital in France. It is where Rock Hudsom went for treatment, and many other famous and wealthy people. It is also where Kathy Lee Gifford was born. She was born Kathy Lee Epstein to Aaron Epstein, a US naval officer stationed there (odd since there are no naval installations in Paris!). My guess is that he was a doctor, captain or major in the military. (What ordinary military personnel could afford that hospital?)
An interesting comment from Wiki:
“Gifford’s father [Aaron Epstein] was raised in a Jewish home while her mother was a Methodist. After seeing the Billy Graham-produced film, “The Restless Ones” at age 12, Gifford states it was then that she became a born-again Christian. She is quoted as telling interviewer Larry King, “I was raised with many Jewish traditions and raised to be very grateful for my Jewish heritage.”
Her brother, Rev. David Paul Epstein, is an evangelical Baptist preacher and pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in New York City.”
My comment: Oh, boy! More Jews in disguise; they’re everywhere. And those pathetic evangelicals are hopeless retards.
5 January, 2010 at 12:29 am
Rev. David Paul Epstein, is an evangelical Baptist preacher and pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in New York City.”
5 January, 2010 at 6:23 am
“It was just that simple statement, no mention of Jews or Jewish connections at all. It was NOT printed!”
That’s Amren for you. Treating its readers like retarded children.
5 January, 2010 at 3:29 pm
“Rev. David Paul Epstein, is an evangelical Baptist preacher and pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in New York City.”
I was curious about that church, so I checked it out (is it in Harlem?). Nope! It’s in very tony, very expensive midtown Manhattan, right on 57th Street, below Central Park. How does Rev. Epstein secure a position in a fancy place like that?
Well, I was interested to see that they’re sponsoring a Spring trip to Israel. Such a surprise. Who would have imagined that?
Click here: Trip to Israel – New York School of the Bible | Calvary Baptist Church
5 January, 2010 at 3:30 pm
6 January, 2010 at 5:06 am
france no longer exists as a sovereign nation. the eu must be ruthlessly annihilated!
6 January, 2010 at 4:33 pm
Good point, Igor. Amren is apparently just another cowardly right-wing conservative organization that is afraid of offending the enemy. Still, I have read a few good articles there, including one about the truth behind human racial evolution. But now that you mention it, I don’t think I ever came across the word “Jew” on that site. I’ll have to go back and have another look.