17 January, 2010

Rome: Pope Visits House of Hate

Posted by Socrates in Jewish chosenness, jewish hate & hypocrisy, judaism, Pope, Socrates at 3:20 pm | Permanent Link

Judaism: a creed of bigotry posing as “just another religion”:


An example of Judaism’s bigotry: [Here].

  • 35 Responses to “Rome: Pope Visits House of Hate”

    1. virgil Says:

      catholics are race traitors. the pope grovels to jews and muslims and he promotes the invasion of the west by non-whites. if jesus ever comes back, he will dress like rambo, storm the vatican, and kill everybody. after the liberation of europe, all catholic assets will be seized. the full inventory of the vatican library, museum, and archives will become the property of whichever w.n. militia first manages to liberate rome. it will be a boon to scholarly research. judaism, islam, and christianity are pies in the sky. they have no place in a white world.

    2. CW-2 Says:

      Is the Pope a Catholic? He sure doesn’t appear to be one.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      I’ll bet there’s a huge collection of gay porn stashed away in the Vatican basement.

    4. Howdy Doody Says:

      The Catholic church is no more Catholic than Disney Land is the Disney of 1955. Itz just a name.

    5. Howdy Doody Says:

      virgil Says:

      17 January, 2010 at 7:27 pm

      catholics are race traitors. the pope grovels to jews and muslims and he promotes the invasion of the west by non-whites. if jesus ever comes back, he will dress like rambo, storm the vatican, and kill everybody. after the liberation of europe, all catholic assets will be seized. the full inventory of the vatican library, museum, and archives will become the property of whichever w.n. militia first manages to liberate rome. it will be a boon to scholarly research. judaism, islam, and christianity are pies in the sky. they have no place in a white world.

      They planned/waited for these days for White low birth rates and demoralized folk world wide since at least the Wilson criminal Cabal with War and regime media brain washing vomit.

    6. virgil Says:

      the papacy will be formally extinguished; the fire of vesta will be lit by the new pontifex maximus and maintained by vestal virgins. rome will rise again!

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      Virgil, I want to see the Temple of Jupiter re-built on the site of that wretched Vatican! The Temple of Venus shall be constructed over that ugly Dome of the Rock in Jew-rusalem. The Whining Wall will be torn down, its rubble used to re-build the Collossus of Rhodes.

      PAGAN POWER!!!!!!!!!

    8. Jack Says:

      Well, I consider myself a Catholic and a white nationalist, but if a bunch of moronic WNs tried to destory the Vatican I’d happily turn on them.

    9. virgil Says:

      jack, the european nationalist vanguard will expunge all variations of anti-white ideologies, christianity included. read revilo oliver’s thoughts on christianity. the hammer of thor will replace the cross and homer will replace the bible. no more jewish superstitious mindfuck.

    10. Tim McGreen Says:

      Jack, the Vatican is an eyesore of a building with a rotten, corrupt history. It will be destroyed to make way for a proper classical pagan temple dedicated to the Gods. All vestiges of Xianity must and will be swept away from Western Civilization… It’s just that simple. The nearby Circus Maximus must also be re-built.

    11. Lee Luttrell Says:

      You are not alone Jack……although I am Protestant, most of these guys don’t even know of the Second Vatican Counsel and how it trashed the Catholic belief. These guys opinions are all based on Christianity of today, which we all know is a bunch of worthless shit. I would like to venture into the Vatican basement to see the historical writtings they are sitiing on, but I would never advocate the destruction of the church.

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      You’d probably need to put a pair of baggies on your shoes to go down into the Vatican basement, if you know what I mean.

    13. th Says:

      Wasn’t this pope in the Hitler Youth? I think I remember the hebs being upset about him becoming pope for that very reason. Why the hebs would care who runs a church is beyond me. I guess they have a need to control absolutely everything. Well, we see he is the pope, so they must have made a deal. It must have been great to have been in that organization, the Hitler Jugend I mean.

    14. virgil Says:

      the church of england will also be terminated. all european aristocrats who refuse to contribute to the salvation of our race will lose their titles, lands, and assets. the same will apply to bourgeois, masons, and champagne socialists. you are either with us or against us. all of the western elites better get their priorities straight; otherwise they might as well paint bullseyes on themselves.

    15. Howdy Doody Says:

      Millions of Ex -Catholic born and raised depise the Empty Catholic regime ruled fag church.

      Oh, we know the history of the church.

      It and all Christian Churchs are POS.

      There may be individual decent churches, but the organizations are a cancer on the White race World wide.

    16. Howdy Doody Says:

      Lee Luttrell Says:

      18 January, 2010 at 11:17 am

      You are not alone Jack……although I am Protestant, most of these guys don’t even know of the Second Vatican Counsel and how it trashed the Catholic belief. These guys opinions are all based on Christianity of today, which we all know is a bunch of worthless shit. I would like to venture into the Vatican basement to see the historical writtings they are sitiing on, but I would never advocate the destruction of the church.

      Un Quote

      Right you are, still the criminal converso’s and fag SOB’s need to be deposed by ropes, and as for the archives and the basement vaults well if the regime thugs have not already looted and destroyed it like they did the Bagdad Museum that will be a miracle.

      Lets us hope.

    17. Jack Says:

      Virgil calls Christianity (in his erudite way) Jewish mindfuck yet he wants to reinstitute Thor worship! Good luck with that one.

    18. Thom McQueen Says:

      Br. Nathanael: Why do you think the Jews become outraged at the preaching of the Gospel?

      E. Michael Jones: Anyone who has read the Gospel of St. John or the Acts of the Apostles or St. Paul’s Epistle to the Thessalonians should know the answer. It’s because the Jews rejected Christ, and in rejecting Christ they rejected Logos, and in rejecting Logos — the Reason for the universe and its redemption — they became, not only as St. Paul puts it, “enemies of the entire human race,” but foes of the moral and political order of the universe. As a result, the Jews engage in continual anarchy against reason and truth, a decision they solemnly ratified when they chose Barabbas over Christ.

      Rejection of Jesus Christ is the core of Jewish identity. And this identity will remain so until the Jews repudiate their rejection of Jesus Christ and accept Him as their saviour.

    19. XXT Says:

      Posted this definition of juden on Alex Jones’ InfoWars blog…..it’s still up after 24 hours!!

      jews are not a race, religion, or ethnicity; nor are they descendants of the Biblical Hebrews or victims of a Holocaust; jew is a pejorative term meaning “Rejector of the Logos” ……….AntiChrist!

    20. Kuda Bux Says:

      “Jews rejected”

      “they chose”

      Do groups have free will?

    21. Ein Says:

      Virgil says: “judaism, islam, and christianity are pies in the sky. they have no place in a white world.”

      By focusing on some promised afterlife in Paradise, and on spooks that fly around in the sky and live on clouds and spy on us constantly to make sure we’re behaving, these three Semitic cults all serve to distract us from the realities of this real world and this very real life that we are in at the present.

      And no, like Jack and Lee, I don’t appove of physical destruction either. Like it or not, the churches and church art constitute the repository of much of our history and our culture. Admittedly, a lot of that history is very ugly, but it is ours nonetheless. It is who we are. We can improve and correct, but not destroy.

    22. whodareswings Says:

      This is the place to go for blow by blow reporting the ongoing Judiaization of the Catholic Church. http://mauricepinay.blogspot.com/

      “Interfaith dialogue” means taking orders from Jews. When they don’t like something rabbis swarm the Vatican like hornets. It’s always a one way street. Jews tell Christians what they don’t like about their dogma and Christians change it! When have Christians ever gotten Jews to change a jot in their creed?

    23. Henry Says:

      “It’s always a one way street. Jews tell Christians what they don’t like about their dogma and Christians change it! When have Christians ever gotten Jews to change a jot in their creed?”

      Exactly. “Interfaith Dialogue” is never balanced. They gripe and we grovel. There is no compromise. It’s never give and take. It’s all GIVING on our part, and TAKING on theirs.

      Interfairh Dialogue is definitely “good for the Jews.”

    24. Tim McGreen Says:

      Who cares if the Jews “rejected” Christ or not? Is Christ so thin-skinned and insecure that he can’t handle some rejection? I think he should get a girlfriend and move out of his dad’s house. I mean, he’s 2000 years old, for crying out loud.

      And OK, I am willing to accept that, like it or not, Christianity is a part of Western history and should therefore not be completely destroyed. Even the Bolsheviks spared St. Basil’s Cathedral in the Kremlin, right? (Although just barely.) But I still think the Vatican is vastly over-rated as a great work of Western architecture and should be replaced by exact reconstructions of the great Roman temples, stadiums, palaces, etc. that once stood there.

      The early Catholics had no respect for the Pagan world they destroyed, you know. Theodosius had the Library of Alexandria burned in 393. The poems are Sappho are lost because of early Catholic fanticism, too. So you’ll forgive me if I am not quite as charitable as others here when it comes to sparing Christianity from the wrecking-ball.

    25. Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali Yuga Says:

      All the cathedrals and churches of Europe are a testimony to the Aryan religious spirit. They are a manifestation of that period in our race’s search for the divine when we thought that one man, Jesus, could sum up all that we thought about God. Or, at least, we were told that.

      That Aryan religious spirit is still there–it is genetic, and not implanted by “becoming a new creature in Christ.” If Europe had become Mithraic, those temples would have still been built, the paintings painted, the choirs would still be singing, the pageantry would have not missed a beat.

      We need to ask ourselves what is was that we erected on the framework of Christianity that made European Christianity what it was, and, even before that, why did so many people call themselves Christians so that Constantine felt safe in choosing this religion as his political vehicle?

      I think what was erected on the rickety framework of early Christianity were the European values of chivalry, romance, heroism, warrior spirit, and love of family and land. Europe took a religion that could very well have gone a communistic route, and Europeanized it.

      Why did so many pagans become Christians, before Constantine popularized it? That is more complicated.

      But it seems to me that Christianity today is becoming de-Europeanized, and niggerized.

    26. Tim McGreen Says:

      “Why did so many pagans become Christians, before Constantine popularized it? That is more complicated.”


      I believe that Christianity was largely unknown in the Western Empire before Constantine converted to it in 307. It was mostly popular with the lower classes of the Greek-speaking Levant. I guess those proletarians did not have much love for the Gods or felt that the Gods did not love them. But the Gods were always most popular with the aristocratic, Patrician elite of Rome and remained so long after Christianity became the new State religion of the Empire.

      Why Christianity and not Zoroastrianism or Mithraism? Because Christianity was originally peddled to the masses by subversive and seductive Jewish con-men, that’s why. Those other religions were too cerebral and upper-class for the proletarians to appreciate. The Christ cult had a vulgar appeal to the ignorant, impoverished and superstitious masses that the cults of Mithras and Zoroaster did not.

    27. Howdy Doody Says:

      Why did so many pagans become Christians, before Constantine popularized it? That is more complicated.

      But it seems to me that Christianity today is becoming de-Europeanized, and niggerized.


    28. Justin Huber Says:

      I don’t think Christianity contains too many racial overtones other than the ones found in the Old Testament, which apply mainly to the Jews. Significantly, the Jewish Old Testament is part of the Christian faith and Jesus, it’s founder, is Jewish or maybe partly Jewish at best. Therfore, if one is anti-Jewish and white does it make sense that they should be a “Christian”? In my opinion, no.

    29. Henry Says:

      I think what was erected on the rickety framework of early Christianity were the European values of chivalry, romance, heroism, warrior spirit, and love of family and land. Europe took a religion that could very well have gone a communistic route, and Europeanized it.

      But it seems to me that Christianity today is becoming de-Europeanized, and niggerized.

      And yes again.

      Europe took a basically Semitic cult that was forced upon it, and eventually Europeanized it, making it ultimately more European than Asiatic.

      This is just the same as how Mexico and Bolivia in turn took Christianity (that was forced on them) and Indianized it into quite another thing than what it originally had been. They made it their own.

      And Africans are doing the same to Christianity today — Africanizing it.

      We can even see difference in the “black” churches of America today, which are very different in nature from the same white churches they sprang from. Negro religion is just different. It’s less mental, more physical. We pray. They scream. They like to whoop and holler and shake and jive, and roll on the floor. Whatever they do to a religion, when they get done with it, it comes down to just another version of voodoo.

    30. Tim McGreen Says:

      In a lot of Renaissance and Baroque paintings, it’s hard to tell the difference between a Dionysus and a Jesus, a Mary and a Semele, or a Moses and a Poseidon. So yes, the European culture of earlier times did manage to Aryanize Christianity as much as they could, but with ultimately mixed results.

    31. CW-2 Says:

      The way things are going in Europe, some of us or our children, may live to see the day when a muzzarin yells the call to prayer from atop the Vatican. Perhaps then bishops and churchy types will admit the error of listening to jews and their globalist friends.

    32. virgil Says:

      nuke mecca!

    33. Shiralee Says:

      Mars Attacks may be a comical sci-fi movie, but it has given me a reason for wanting to steal that giant fucking cube.
      Lets airlift that cube with Sikorskys first before nuking mecca.
      We’ll hang onto that until the islamics create a new religious capital, and based on their response, we either hand it back, send it rolling down their streets crushing everything in its path, or, if by some miracle Israel is still around, smash it into their capital building and hopefully roll it far enough to smash the mausoleums of their former leaders.

    34. Tim McGreen Says:

      What a crazy bunch of people those Mohammedans are, worshipping a meteorite of all things.

    35. CW-2 Says:

      Yep, when Aryans came across a fragment of an ancient nickel-iron meteorite they used it for making useful items like tools and weapons. But the Semites, like the Africans they are, turn such ‘mysterious’ object into totemic items.