16 January, 2010

Queers in the Military Moving Towards Equal Status

Posted by Socrates in General Decline, homosexual themes, homosexuals, military, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 2:44 pm | Permanent Link

Butt-burglar? Rump-ranger? Soon it won’t matter, if the Obama administration has its way. Of course, if you’re a White nationalist in the military, it will matter very much:


  • 17 Responses to “Queers in the Military Moving Towards Equal Status”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      I seriously doubt that neither Al Qaeda, the Taliban, the Red Chinese army, the Russian army nor the Iranian army allow any homos or affirmative action recruits in their ranks. That’s why they are all going to win…..And deservedly so. An army full of pansies, hysterical women and incompetent minorities will get no respect from anyone, including the enemy. Any military or society that lets itself get bossed around by Jews, queers and feminsts is sick and MUST DIE.

    2. virgil Says:

      smash fagism!

    3. roy Says:

      if the gay federals didn’t have an airforce (like Iraq and Afghanistan), they would lose every war.

    4. J.J Says:

      This could be good because it will hasten the fall of the Jew Empire as the American military will find it difficult to police the world for kikes with these types of ‘soldiers’.

    5. DMS Says:

      Homos carry much the same vindictiveness toward straight white people as jews do. This will work to the jews’ advantage if they can staff the flag ranks with gays and re-task the military toward “internal security”.

    6. A.Galland Says:

      godd that mother nature discriminates and continues to as we clearly see tons of queers dying with aids.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      Have any of those Let’s-put-lots-of-fags-in-the-military crowd ever thought about the possiblity that a queer superior officer might come on to a subordinate? Isn’t there a good chance that there will be many incidents where a faggot will use his rank to get homo-sex from a soldier? And wouldn’t incidents like that contribute towards damaging troop morale? But like J.J. states above, such actions will doubtless hasten the demise of the ZOG Empire, so by all means, bring on the nancy-boys.

    8. Igor Alexander Says:

      As revolting as I find it, anything that weakens ZOG’s armies can’t be bad, and letting poofs in is definitely going to weaken them.

      I know that throughout history, there have been warriors who chose to be homosexual (one translation of Hagakure that I looked at encourages samurai to be homosexual), but those are definitely not the kind that are demanding “marriage rights” and want to be let in the U.S. military.

    9. Howdy Doody Says:

      Fags were busted in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s using rank, or when facing discipline to let off the hook for sex etc. Believe it.

      The military is run by civilians and it was Trumans order forcing intergration written a women named “Anna Rosenburg ?? ” that he signed.

    10. Howdy Doody Says:

      Military has been Desegregation Model
      By Major Cox

      Fifty years ago, on July 26, 1948 President Harry Truman issued Executive Order 9981. The order brought an end to racial segregation within the ranks of the United States military forces. The written document contained six paragraphs with less than 250 words.

      Executive Order 9981 addressed four areas: First, it declared the President’s policy of equality of opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin. Second, it created the President’s seven-member Committee on Equality of Treatment in the Armed Services. Third, it authorized the Committee to examine existing rules and determine what changes would be necessary to carry out the policy of integrating the services. And fourth, it directed all executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government to cooperate with the Committee in its work.

      President Truman held views about race and civil rights similar to other southern politicians of his time. This being the case, why was he different? What was the driving force behind his decision to integrate the military? There is no simple answer, or maybe there is.

      One year earlier on June 28, 1947, while speaking at the Thirty-eighth Annual Conference of the NAACP, President Truman provided delegates a glimpse of the future. In his speech about “civil rights and human freedom,” Truman congratulated convention delegates gathered at the Lincoln Memorial for what he called “the effective work for the improvement of our democratic processes.”

      He won their allegiance when he said, “It is my deep conviction that we have reached a turning point in the long history of our efforts to guarantee a freedom and equality to all our citizens… And when I say all Americans–I mean all Americans.”

      In February of the next year, (Feb. 2, 1948) President Truman did something no previous President had ever done: he sent Congress a special message on civil rights. He proposed a ten-point program, which included provisions for an anti-lynching law, an anti-poll tax law, a permanent Fair Employment Practices Commission, a Commission on Civil Rights, home rule for the District of Columbia and desegregation of the armed services.

      The morning he sent his message to Congress, Truman wrote in his diary that members no doubt would receive his message coldly. “But it needs to be said,” the President concluded. He underestimated the reaction in the congress. Critics on Capitol Hill easily stopped his proposals.

      But the issue of civil rights rose again at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in early July 1948. Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey stunned party regulars when he engineered the adoption of a civil rights plank that was stronger than the one proposed by Truman. In response to Humphrey’s coup, many of the southern delegates walked out of the convention hall.

      Some historians believe President Truman had hoped to unite the Democratic Party by promising civil rights to African Americans, but not pushing so fast as to alienate segregationists. That was not to be the Truman legacy. Instead, renegade southern Democrats formed the Dixiecrat Party and nominated South Carolina Governor Strom Thurmond for president.

      Despite all these events, and with his civil rights legislative proposals bogged down in congress, President Truman decided to desegregate the United States Armed Forces by executive order. This decision surprised both liberals and conservatives. Army General Omar Bradley, warned, that it was not the business of the armed services to conduct “social experiments.”

      Notwithstanding General Bradley’s public admonition, the armed services marched forward and implemented the desegregation policy. By the end of the Korean War in 1953, the U.S. military was almost completely desegregated.

      Today, thanks in large measure to President Truman’s gutsy decision to do the right-thing, the U.S. military is a paradigm of institutional racial integration, a 50-year-old role model. One with a path to success, that would be a wise choice to follow, for the many public and private institutions that seem unable to modify their racist policies.


      Originally Published: 4 August 1998, Montgomery Advertiser

      Okay, what is her name ? She was NYC, and what group or organization did she work for ?

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      “Today, thanks in large measure to President Truman’s gutsy decision to do the right-thing, the U.S. military is a paradigm of institutional racial integration, a 50-year-old role model. One with a path to success, that would be a wise choice to follow, for the many public and private institutions that seem unable to modify their racist policies.”


      “Gutsy decision”? The “right thing”? Who wrote this trash, Morris Dees? The Right Thing for whom, scumbag? US Navy aircraft carriers have become little more than floating welfare hotels. The Army has large numbers of unwed Negro and Mestizo mothers in its ranks. Female soldiers in Iraq die of dehydration because drinking water means they would have to go outside their tents at night to pee and then risk getting raped by male soldiers. Not even the god damn International Zionist Jew Conspiracy is benefitting much from the de-segregated, affirmative action US military. Thanks, Harry Solomon Truman!

      He did get one thing right…the Berlin Airlift. But Secretary of State George C. Marshall probably had more to do with that than Truman did.

    12. Noshirt Says:

      You are so right DMS. Queers only seem nice, if they ever do, when they are outnumbered twenty to one. Get in a room where half are queer and they play a mean game of fuck the nigger with the straights. Just like jews when the numbers get percentage wise high.

    13. Howdy Doody Says:

      A stray snipet of text from the book, House of War: the Pentagon and the disastrous rise of American power, by James Carroll (2006). I put it here as to not bile-ate any copyright conventions.

      As chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Powell proudly kept on the wall of his Pentagon office a painting of “Buffalo soldiers,” as blacks were called in the old Army. But records of the Ninety-second Buffalo Division as far back as World War I were cited by opponents of Truman’s order [desegregating the military], records that enumerated such behaviorial characteristics as “straggling,” “disorganization,” “panicky retreats,” and “melting away under fire”–all attributed to the race of the division’s members. Blacks in uniform were commonly regarded not only as intellectually inferior but as cowards, deficient in everything that matters in war. There was no way the typi
      cal midcentury white American wanted a black man in a foxhole with him. In an official assessment of the record of World War II, the chief historian of the Army wrote of blacks in 1945, “They lack self-respect, self-confidence, and initiative … feel very little motive for aggressive fighting.”

      They were also innately immoral. Against Powell’s blithe assertion, the entire campaign against integration was fought on the issue of character, not mere skin color. Strom Thurmond denounced the “evil” of Truman’s order. Some members of Congress declined to stand when Truman appeared before them, as an act of conscientious objection. Questions of virtue were at stake, of God’s will, of the order of the universe. This was an intrinsic part of racist rant, and it is unimaginable that Colin Powell did not know it. In opposing Truman, Senator Richard B. Russell of Georgia said on the Senate floor, “The mandatory intermingling of the races throughout the services will be a terrific blow to the efficiency
      and fighting power of the armed services … It is sure to increase the numbers of men who will be disabled through [sexually] communicable diseases. It will increase the rate of crime committed by servicemen.”

    14. Howdy Doody Says:

      It will increase the rate of crime committed by servicemen.”
      Un quote

      By the late sixties savages were commiting crimes on bases and off bases.

      By early 1971 there were Congoidal 0-3’s from Ag schools and b.s. degrees with ROTC.

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      Look, it’s a fact that Negroes are terrible soldiers…They are unpatriotic, lazy, stupid, prone to violence, vice and immorality. So tell me, all you enlightened liberal dipshits, just how many wars has the USA won since the military was forcibly de-segregated by that Jewish haberdasher from St. Louis?

    16. Howdy Doody Says:

      The CABAL Knew FDR was a sick POS and was going to croak, and Truman was carefully picked I would bet you years earlier.

      Truman the hack ass kisser who called Douglas MacArthur a common coward.

      A true pile of steaming —-was he.

    17. sean gruber Says:

      Let the queers be cannon fodder. White MEN have been sacrificed to ZOG for too long.

      Only fags should be sent out to die for us. Of all the people who need to die prematurely, they are near the top!!!

      The White MEN can stay home and breed strong WHITE children and rear them to be racially aware.

      Fags as cannon fodder? I’m all for it. And bring on WWIII.