25 January, 2010

Parts of the West Bank ‘Eternally’ Part of Israel

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Jewish arrogance, Socrates, Zionism at 1:48 pm | Permanent Link

Hey, the Jews stole those parts fair and square! How can you suggest otherwise? [1]:


[1] about the 1967 war/the West Bank theft: [Here]

  • 3 Responses to “Parts of the West Bank ‘Eternally’ Part of Israel”

    1. Binyamin Nut&Yahoo Says:

      The Goyim Are Eternally Indebted:

      Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, speaking at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting, said, “I hope the United Nations will remember what happened when the Jews did not have a state – and the privilege and obligation of the international community to defend the Jewish State’s existence.”


    2. The Red Skull Says:

      Of Course itz ok for the Jooz!Why don’t they be at least honest and say they want to create a Jewish Ethno-State in the territory they stoled from someone else?Jews-One Standard for Them-Another for the Gullible Goyim.

    3. virgil Says:

      18 million for real!