7 January, 2010

New Political Party Directed by Dr. Kevin MacDonald

Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, politics, Socrates at 10:54 am | Permanent Link

It’s called American Third Position (A3P):


  • 72 Responses to “New Political Party Directed by Dr. Kevin MacDonald”

    1. Truthteller Says:

      The 3rd Position is doggy style.

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      Dr. MacDonald ith joing a third party…And thath’s okay.

    3. Igor Alexander Says:

      “And someone who’s willing to put himself on the line is deserving of respect, not abuse.”

      First off, criticism isn’t necessarily the same thing as abuse.

      Second of all, considering this party may well end up consuming the money and energies of many more people than Mr. Rogers, er, I mean, Mr. Johnson himself, its approach should be discussed critically, rather than receive only blind cheering.

      Why would having a law degree be a major point in his favor? I’d vote for an outspoken and articulate plumber any day over a lawyer whose speeches put me to sleep. I’m more impressed that he’s been married 27 years and has 5 kids than with his law degree.

      This preoccupation with law degrees seems to confirm what Linder’s said over and over: that most WNs are just marginal conservatives, not radicals or revolutionaries.

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      This preoccupation with law degrees seems to confirm what Linder’s said over and over: that most WNs are just marginal conservatives, not radicals or revolutionaries.


      Having a law degree would make me much less inclined to vote for a guy. Say what you want about Herbert Hoover, at least he wasn’t a lawyer or career politician. And you’re both right about the marginal conservative types who dominate the so-called WN community. A Stalinist purge will be necessary after the Revolution.

    5. Tom McReen Says:

      “A Stalinist purge will be necessary after the Revolution.”

      Your choice of words is revealing as usual. You spend a lot of time at a community you believe to be ‘so-called’ and whose members you obviously hate.

    6. New America Says:

      in reply to Igor Alexander:

      Ein wrote:
      “And someone who’s willing to put himself on the line is deserving of respect, not abuse.”

      you replied:
      First off, criticism isn’t necessarily the same thing as abuse.

      in reply:
      The fine line between abuse, criticism, and abuse masquerading as criticism must be seen in bright clarity, and the distinctive element is clarity of purpose.

      Ein meets this test, and, usually, so do you.

      you wrote:
      Second of all, considering this party may well end up consuming the money and energies of many more people than Mr. Rogers, er, I mean, Mr. Johnson himself, its approach should be discussed critically, rather than receive only blind cheering.

      in reply:
      Cheap shot, and one well beneath your usual level of discourse.

      The fact is, anyone who supports positions remotely related to the WNist positions is portrayed by the System Mediacorps as a raving loon, and, all too often, the “spokesmen’ for our position are only too glad to accommodate them.

      He dresses like respectable members of the greater community dress.

      Isn’t that MUCH better than the alternative, such as bright red t-shirts over pot bellies with swastikas on the front?


      you wrote:
      Why would having a law degree be a major point in his favor

      in reply:
      The law degree is the universal professional credential that can cross all class lines; it also shows the possessor can put in three years of solid, intellectual work.

      Most importantly – it is universally respected.

      Nixon had one, Clinton has one, Obama has one, you get the idea.

      you wrote:
      I’d vote for an outspoken and articulate plumber any day over a lawyer whose speeches put me to sleep. I’m more impressed that he’s been married 27 years and has 5 kids than with his law degree.

      in reply:
      The voters aren’t, and they outnumber us by a substantial margin.

      For now.

      you wrote:
      This preoccupation with law degrees seems to confirm what Linder’s said over and over: that most WNs are just marginal conservatives, not radicals or revolutionaries.

      in reply:
      Most WN’s happen to be marginal conservatives because that is where we all started out.

      We only become radical when he have no alternative.

      We only become EFFECTIVE revolutionaries when we develop a better System, such as the Northwest Republic Analytical Model.

      Have I mentioned Harold Covington tonight?


      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      Covington’s Call – a White Homeland, for OUR Posterity, in a Northwest Republic – remains the Highest and Best Hope for OUR Posterity.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    7. Nordlander Says:

      # A. Says:
      8 January, 2010 at 12:47 am

      Not going after the jew is failing to act. This party doesn’t go after the jew, therefore to waste your time and resources on it rather than using your time and resources to go after the jew, is to fail to act.

      Anything else I can clear up for you?

      Little blowhard amateur pretending to understand how it works.

      Kevin Macdonald is one of the foremost Jew-namers in the West. He has written the ultimate books on detailing Jewish power in the West and their work in pushing for race-mixing.

      Anything else I can clear up for you, little moron?

    8. steven clark Says:

      Reminds me of an old cartoon I saw of three guys in capes:
      ‘I favor the forces of good.’
      ‘I favor the forces of evil.’
      And I…favor the forces of moderation.’

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      {Tom McReen Says:

      11 January, 2010 at 7:29 pm

      “A Stalinist purge will be necessary after the Revolution.”

      Your choice of words is revealing as usual. You spend a lot of time at a community you believe to be ’so-called’ and whose members you obviously hate.}


      OK then, a Night of the Long Knives will be necessary after the Revolution. But Stalin’s purges got rid of a lot more riff-raff than the Nazi purges did. You won’t like reading this, but Stalin dealt with the Jews more ruthlessly and effectively than Hitler. But I guess if something doesn’t fit into your extremely narrow belief system then it just doesn’t exist, eh?

      And as far as a pro-White “community” is concerned, I’d like nothing more than to actually see one. What we have now are a bunch of isolated, powerless individuals scattered around who know the score but can’t do anything about it. And I’m afraid your reactionary/petty bourgeois mentality does not help.

    10. Tom McReen Says:

      “Stalin dealt with the Jews more ruthlessly and effectively than Hitler.”

      Stalin? The same ‘anti-semite’ who had jewish wives in a jewish system?

      “But I guess if something doesn’t fit into your extremely narrow belief system then it just doesn’t exist, eh?”

      Your belief system is the narrowest here – 90% of Whites must be purged, any WNs who are not left-wing (you said WN is a left-wing cause) must be purged and you also hate WN Christians (but not satanists or pagans). You have attacked everyone here at one time or another and only Metzger can save us.

      “And I’m afraid your reactionary/petty bourgeois mentality does not help”

      I’m afraid your marxist revolutionary ‘WNism’, divisive attacks on other ‘so-called’ WNs and sock puppet spamming doesn’t help.

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      Stalin’s first wife was a Jewess, but she eventually got on his nerves to the point that he capped her. Stalin wanted an alliance with the Third Reich, something that permanently alienated millions of Jew communist sympathizers worldwide. The Jews never fully regained their power in the USSR after Stalin’s purges, show-trials and Non-Aggression Pact with Germany. If Barbarossa never happened, the Jews would have been finished in Russia. Let’s give credit where it’s due.

      And why are you so thin-skinned? Do you really consider an honest criticism of someone or a parody of someone’s ridiculous views an “attack”? Isn’t that how Jews react when someone criticizes them?

      Sock-puppet spamming, indeed.

    12. sean gruber Says:

      Ein says

      “Something is always better than nothing.”


      “Is this really the most awful criticism somebody can come up with? His sweater?”

      Is that really the only criticism that penetrated your skull? His sweater? Wake up!

    13. Tom McReen Says:

      “And why are you so thin-skinned?”

      Says the troll who still flames my posts when I’ve stopped caring about your ‘contributions’.

      “Do you really consider an honest criticism of someone”

      Not when it’s honest and from a WN. Injun lefties? Meh.

      “or a parody of someone’s ridiculous views an “attack”?”

      Ridiculous views? Like defending Stalin because you’re a commie that nobody here believes is WN? Like saying the holocaust may have happened, Bin Laden did 9/11, believing the government version of the Oklahoma City bombing, wanting 90% of the White race to be purged and to HURT, saying WN is a left-wing cause?

      Check out the TV thread where Parsifal-McGreen the hypocrite does attack me with his trolls with no provocation from me.

    14. Tom McReen Says:

      “Sock-puppet spamming, indeed.”

      Are you seriously denying that you use sock puppets for flaming people when everybody here knows you have done that dozens of times? That’s how jews behave.

      Dude, your handle is ‘Tim McGreen’. You are a troll.

    15. New America Says:

      in reply to sean gruber:

      you wrote:

      Ein says

      “Something is always better than nothing.”


      in reply:
      In politics, true.

      The fact is, sooner or later we must function in the word of possibilities made real, and politics requires we at least put one foot forward – one good foot, at that.

      Absent that, we shall never learn how to manage political systems, and shall rejoice in the self-selected impotence of the ideologically pure.

      Ein wrote:
      “Is this really the most awful criticism somebody can come up with? His sweater?”

      you replied:
      Is that really the only criticism that penetrated your skull? His sweater? Wake up!

      in reply:
      That was the most substantial criticism made of American3p.org.

      The rest is simply complaining that, once again, those who can’t, are jealous of those who can.

      Simple as that.

      Worst case – they are getting the best Ideas out there, and are representing us in a manner people who vote can understand, and respect.

      Best case – they are providing the intellectual ammunition we need to succeed.

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      Covington’s Call – a White Homeland, for OUR Posterity, in a Northwest Republic – remains the Highest and Best Hope for OUR Posterity.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    16. Z.O.G. Says:

      Ridiculous views? Like defending Stalin because you’re a commie that nobody here believes is WN? Like saying the holocaust may have happened, Bin Laden did 9/11, believing the government version of the Oklahoma City bombing, wanting 90% of the White race to be purged and to HURT, saying WN is a left-wing cause?

      Don’t forget about his occasional FBI-style provocateur posts.


    17. Tim McGreen Says:

      ZOG, you wouldn’t know that the FBI is watching you if they stood three feet in front of you. And for you to come to the defense of a bona-fide asshole like Tom McReen? For shame.

    18. Z.O.G. Says:

      Tim McGreen/Parsifal often posts comments on the VNN blog telling people to engage in bombings of Federal buildings and assassinations of government officials.

      This is stereotypical FBI provocateur behavior.

    19. Tim McGreen Says:

      That’s right, just keep making up a bunch of false accusations like your Jew heroes do.

    20. Tim McGreen Says:

      Your Jew/Government/Right-Wing Neo-Kahn heroes, that is.

    21. Tim McGreen Says:

      Who gets you more turned on, ZOG? Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh?

    22. Tom McReen Says:

      “That’s right, just keep making up a bunch of false accusations like your Jew heroes do.”

      ZOG is not lying. I saw those posts. Anyone here can find them if they go back and look. More lies and double-talk from the troll.

      “Who gets you more turned on, ZOG? Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh?”

      Mike Jahn reverts to his usual behaviour. We had to put up with months of that shit on the forum before he got banned. He’s obsessed with Conservative TV and radio personalities.