Screw it, Chicago is a lost cause. Why would any decent Whites want to live there, anyway? The sooner the quality po-lice force deteriorates, the sooner the whole damn Empire will collapse. Besides, discrimination is the worst crime imaginable. Except for anti-Semitism and Holohoax Denial, that is.
Blacks have been failing tests – and blaming the test – before many of your readers were born.
I remember a stink over the Maryland Bar Exam that occurred 37 years ago. Blacks failed the test in really disproportionate numbers.Their explanation was that the test was discriminatory.
Rational people (Whites) pointed out the following:
1.) Everyone took the same test. It was multiple choice and written.
2.) The test taker was given a number to put on the test. The name, which could be racially identifying, was not known to the grader.
3.) The written portion of the test could be completed with a typewriter (we had them them) so that the test taker couldn’t be identified by his writing.
The answer of the Blacks was: “Black man don’t get no chance with this White racist test.”
It must truly be embarrassing to be black and some how know (if that’s possible) that your race cannot compete with whites on an employment exam, especially one that has been dumbed down over the years to get your people minimally qualified to be a beat patrolman. This should put to rest, for once and all, the nonsensical idea that the races are somehow equal in intelligence, work ethic and morals. If this should stand and be the standard for all police departments then the US will collapse into chaos that much sooner. If they think having blacks on juries is bad for jury nullification, because they don’t want to see another brother go to the slammer, then street crimes will just proliferate because what black ghetto officer is going to arrest Trey his ghetto brother. How can there ever be a civilized society with such notions being considered? What ever happened to excellence, going after the best and brightest, not the blackest?
What’s even worse is all the ‘smarter’ (mostly white) cop superiors cover for these babboons, meaning promotions over white cops with no real accomplishments, letting shit like poorly written reports slide or not requiring them at all, or just plain turning the boons loose on the law-abiding public. When that all stops, meaning no whitey cops left on the force, it will be a free-for-all in the streets. Spic cops are just as bad if not worse than the nigger cops.
That’s as worrisome as hell having niggers masquerading in police uniforms.
As if it’s not bad enough having loose niggers wilding around in their usual ‘clothes’.
jEW FLASH! The Hebes are now touting their terrorism prevention at Tel Aviv airport as a model of security. yeah the terrorists ought to know all about terrorism. ICTS and Israeli firm ran the security at Schipol in the Netherlands where Santa Nigerian boarded the flight to Detroit on XMAS without a passport. And if that ain’t enough Chutzpah we’ve got Jews at the helm in the helm in the White house running Homeland security. Do you feel safer now?
Israeli firm located at Tel-Aviv West(Jew Dork Shitty) now seeking qualified applicants for security @RahmEmmanuel/Michael Chertoff Homeland Airport.
We is a Equal opportunity/affirmative action employer seeking to make up fo’ past discriminations agin folks of color.
Niggers, and various Mudslims encouraged to apply! No Sex tests will be applied to determine gender unless you are A White beach blonde Bimbo.
Please bring the necessary i.d.s when applying at your local Mossad Checkpoint located in all 51 States of the Jew Ass Oh Vey. DON’T WAIT, DON’T BE LATE TO BEGIN YOUR CAREER! ps. bring along disposable body bag, as our Rabbis will not furnish them after harvesting your body organs
A guy I know was in charge of screening applicants for the Mercedes plant in Alabama. He was told they needed a certain percentage of blacks to make up the work force, including management. Well nigger after nigger failed and failed again the written test to qualify for employment. The same niggers were given the test over and over until they passed. The ones they wanted for management were given plane tickets and hotel reservations in Stuttgart, along with $2500 in spending money for the month in Stuttgart. Most of the niggers cashed in the tickets and took the cash and never went to the training. Mercedes wanted these same roids to still go to Stuttgart even after all of it. Well the moral of the story is, you can’t blame the nigger for acting like a nigger.
if a lo IQ nig cant pass a simple entrance exam, how is officer darnell williams pass the 18 week training program. Just wait until the ‘maff’ exam, there you need some reasoning skills; darnell ‘gots problems’.
The CPD is currently operating at 2,000 officers-a-day short of its authorized strength. Police hired only 46 officers this year, with plans to hire fewer than 100 next year — and those hirings rely on federal funds.
There was a really crappy hit song in 1974 called “The Night Chicago Died”. Actually, I think it was a bit premature. Ha ha ha!
Cops are worthless anyway. Nothing but revenue collectors for local government. They might as well all be niggers.
That song was by Paper Lace. I think it was about the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, although I originally thought it was about the August 1968 antiwar riots outside the DNC convention. Another sappy song from those days was Billy Don’t be a Hero. I think Paper Lace also recorded a version of that song.
Cops are not just a revenue enhancement squad, they are also there to protect the rich and powerful while keeping the poor and weak in their place. How many millionaires do you see behind bars? Prison is only for the poor and mentally ill. What an enlightened society the ‘Kwa is.
This is why if you have jobs that can be moved offshore, you have to move them offshore to a country where you can screen applicants with IQ and behavioral tests, such as China or India. It is impossible to compete globally with a workforce that is required by law to be 10-20% subhuman.
The superiority of El-Al security screening has been much reported lately, with the news media attributing it to superior training and army experience. In fact, the obvious difference between El-Al security and Amerikwan security is that El-Al uses Jews (median IQ=107), while Amerikwan screeners are disproportionately negroid (median IQ about 80), with many below the threshold for retarded (IQ=70). Jigs with IQs of 90 are corporate Vice Presidents, and those with IQs of 100 go to Princeton and Harvard Law School (eg, Michelle Obama). Only the losers would take jobs in airport security.
With such inferior genetic reasoning power, Amerikwan screeners have to do their jobs by rote, following easy rules that are drilled into them, ie, no shoes, no liquids. El-Al screeners, in addition to applying racial and religious profiling banned by the US, use their superior reasoning skills to spot and analyze suspicious activities. There is no requirement to remove shoes at Tel Aviv airport.
“How many millionaires do you see behind bars?”
I don’t know, but isn’t ONE of the chosen people doing time inside, who made some billions recently… how is his name…Madoff?
“What an enlightened society the ‘Kwa is.”
True, indeed!
Madoff, being a Jew celebrity whose family still has millions socked away somewhere, is housed in a minimum secuity country inn. He probably gets weekend passes and has no bars on the door of his cell, a cell which is probably more like a college dorm. But some niggger or dopey White hillbilly who steals $10 from the cash register of a gas station during a stick-up will rot for 25 years in some filthy, violent, overcrowded shithole of a prison.
“Their explanation was that the test was discriminatory.”
Now we’re living in the era of “systemic discrimination,” where the system is considered inherently “racist” even if the whites working within it are not.
What they would claim about that test today is that the questions themselves are “culturally biased” and hence innately “racist.”
Let’s solve the problem of racism for good and ship the niggers back to Africa (along with the jews who brought them). There, they can write their tests however they want.
“Spic cops are just as bad if not worse than the nigger cops.”
In the Rodney King beating, at least one of the cops (and maybe more) was a latrino. That didn’t stop the media from portraying it as a white-on-black incident.
If Madoff was a Chinaman in Peking and pulled this sort of stunt he would definately have been executed. Publicly executed, to serve as a warning/example to other would-be white-collar criminals.
Hebe IQ is not only answer for Jew Dork Shitty East (Tel Aviv) screening prowess, but the fact that the Jew Ass Ohvey their best Bitch furnished them probably free, the latest in airport security equipment.. Nothings to good for The Chosen.
Too much credit to the kikes alleged IQ. Israeli kikes, Sephardim and other non-Caucasian (non-Ashkenazim) kikes, are actually not that smart. They simply take out and ‘profile’ anybody who is not a kike, especially Muslims. Also niggers are obviously always prime suspects. See, you don’t have to be very smart to do that.
Send letters, packages, review copies and donations to:
8 January, 2010 at 4:32 pm
Come on, fellow VNNers! Let’s be fair about this issue.
Ask these applicants to spell ‘white beaver’ or ‘white booty’, and we all know that they’d all be knocking down 100 percent on those tests.
8 January, 2010 at 4:37 pm
Screw it, Chicago is a lost cause. Why would any decent Whites want to live there, anyway? The sooner the quality po-lice force deteriorates, the sooner the whole damn Empire will collapse. Besides, discrimination is the worst crime imaginable. Except for anti-Semitism and Holohoax Denial, that is.
8 January, 2010 at 4:38 pm
The sooner the quality of the po-lice force deteriorates, the sooner the whole damn Empire will collapse.
8 January, 2010 at 5:08 pm
Blacks have been failing tests – and blaming the test – before many of your readers were born.
I remember a stink over the Maryland Bar Exam that occurred 37 years ago. Blacks failed the test in really disproportionate numbers.Their explanation was that the test was discriminatory.
Rational people (Whites) pointed out the following:
1.) Everyone took the same test. It was multiple choice and written.
2.) The test taker was given a number to put on the test. The name, which could be racially identifying, was not known to the grader.
3.) The written portion of the test could be completed with a typewriter (we had them them) so that the test taker couldn’t be identified by his writing.
The answer of the Blacks was: “Black man don’t get no chance with this White racist test.”
8 January, 2010 at 7:08 pm
It must truly be embarrassing to be black and some how know (if that’s possible) that your race cannot compete with whites on an employment exam, especially one that has been dumbed down over the years to get your people minimally qualified to be a beat patrolman. This should put to rest, for once and all, the nonsensical idea that the races are somehow equal in intelligence, work ethic and morals. If this should stand and be the standard for all police departments then the US will collapse into chaos that much sooner. If they think having blacks on juries is bad for jury nullification, because they don’t want to see another brother go to the slammer, then street crimes will just proliferate because what black ghetto officer is going to arrest Trey his ghetto brother. How can there ever be a civilized society with such notions being considered? What ever happened to excellence, going after the best and brightest, not the blackest?
8 January, 2010 at 8:17 pm
What’s even worse is all the ‘smarter’ (mostly white) cop superiors cover for these babboons, meaning promotions over white cops with no real accomplishments, letting shit like poorly written reports slide or not requiring them at all, or just plain turning the boons loose on the law-abiding public. When that all stops, meaning no whitey cops left on the force, it will be a free-for-all in the streets. Spic cops are just as bad if not worse than the nigger cops.
9 January, 2010 at 4:02 am
That’s as worrisome as hell having niggers masquerading in police uniforms.
As if it’s not bad enough having loose niggers wilding around in their usual ‘clothes’.
9 January, 2010 at 10:13 am
jEW FLASH! The Hebes are now touting their terrorism prevention at Tel Aviv airport as a model of security. yeah the terrorists ought to know all about terrorism. ICTS and Israeli firm ran the security at Schipol in the Netherlands where Santa Nigerian boarded the flight to Detroit on XMAS without a passport. And if that ain’t enough Chutzpah we’ve got Jews at the helm in the helm in the White house running Homeland security. Do you feel safer now?
9 January, 2010 at 10:38 am
Israeli firm located at Tel-Aviv West(Jew Dork Shitty) now seeking qualified applicants for security @RahmEmmanuel/Michael Chertoff Homeland Airport.
We is a Equal opportunity/affirmative action employer seeking to make up fo’ past discriminations agin folks of color.
Niggers, and various Mudslims encouraged to apply! No Sex tests will be applied to determine gender unless you are A White beach blonde Bimbo.
Please bring the necessary i.d.s when applying at your local Mossad Checkpoint located in all 51 States of the Jew Ass Oh Vey. DON’T WAIT, DON’T BE LATE TO BEGIN YOUR CAREER! ps. bring along disposable body bag, as our Rabbis will not furnish them after harvesting your body organs
9 January, 2010 at 10:41 am
All cell phones except for the Groid applicants will be confiscated, ITZ ONLY FAIR
9 January, 2010 at 11:33 am
9 January, 2010 at 11:34 am
9 January, 2010 at 11:35 am
9 January, 2010 at 11:36 am
9 January, 2010 at 11:42 am
9 January, 2010 at 3:34 pm
A guy I know was in charge of screening applicants for the Mercedes plant in Alabama. He was told they needed a certain percentage of blacks to make up the work force, including management. Well nigger after nigger failed and failed again the written test to qualify for employment. The same niggers were given the test over and over until they passed. The ones they wanted for management were given plane tickets and hotel reservations in Stuttgart, along with $2500 in spending money for the month in Stuttgart. Most of the niggers cashed in the tickets and took the cash and never went to the training. Mercedes wanted these same roids to still go to Stuttgart even after all of it. Well the moral of the story is, you can’t blame the nigger for acting like a nigger.
9 January, 2010 at 7:54 pm
chicago will self-destruct!
9 January, 2010 at 8:57 pm
Thanks for that story, th. It’s totally believable.
9 January, 2010 at 10:16 pm
if a lo IQ nig cant pass a simple entrance exam, how is officer darnell williams pass the 18 week training program. Just wait until the ‘maff’ exam, there you need some reasoning skills; darnell ‘gots problems’.
10 January, 2010 at 12:40 am
The CPD is currently operating at 2,000 officers-a-day short of its authorized strength. Police hired only 46 officers this year, with plans to hire fewer than 100 next year — and those hirings rely on federal funds.
There was a really crappy hit song in 1974 called “The Night Chicago Died”. Actually, I think it was a bit premature. Ha ha ha!
Cops are worthless anyway. Nothing but revenue collectors for local government. They might as well all be niggers.
10 January, 2010 at 7:36 pm
That song was by Paper Lace. I think it was about the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, although I originally thought it was about the August 1968 antiwar riots outside the DNC convention. Another sappy song from those days was Billy Don’t be a Hero. I think Paper Lace also recorded a version of that song.
Cops are not just a revenue enhancement squad, they are also there to protect the rich and powerful while keeping the poor and weak in their place. How many millionaires do you see behind bars? Prison is only for the poor and mentally ill. What an enlightened society the ‘Kwa is.
10 January, 2010 at 10:05 pm
This is why if you have jobs that can be moved offshore, you have to move them offshore to a country where you can screen applicants with IQ and behavioral tests, such as China or India. It is impossible to compete globally with a workforce that is required by law to be 10-20% subhuman.
The superiority of El-Al security screening has been much reported lately, with the news media attributing it to superior training and army experience. In fact, the obvious difference between El-Al security and Amerikwan security is that El-Al uses Jews (median IQ=107), while Amerikwan screeners are disproportionately negroid (median IQ about 80), with many below the threshold for retarded (IQ=70). Jigs with IQs of 90 are corporate Vice Presidents, and those with IQs of 100 go to Princeton and Harvard Law School (eg, Michelle Obama). Only the losers would take jobs in airport security.
With such inferior genetic reasoning power, Amerikwan screeners have to do their jobs by rote, following easy rules that are drilled into them, ie, no shoes, no liquids. El-Al screeners, in addition to applying racial and religious profiling banned by the US, use their superior reasoning skills to spot and analyze suspicious activities. There is no requirement to remove shoes at Tel Aviv airport.
11 January, 2010 at 12:00 am
“How many millionaires do you see behind bars?”
I don’t know, but isn’t ONE of the chosen people doing time inside, who made some billions recently… how is his name…Madoff?
“What an enlightened society the ‘Kwa is.”
True, indeed!
11 January, 2010 at 4:38 am
Madoff, being a Jew celebrity whose family still has millions socked away somewhere, is housed in a minimum secuity country inn. He probably gets weekend passes and has no bars on the door of his cell, a cell which is probably more like a college dorm. But some niggger or dopey White hillbilly who steals $10 from the cash register of a gas station during a stick-up will rot for 25 years in some filthy, violent, overcrowded shithole of a prison.
11 January, 2010 at 6:57 am
“Their explanation was that the test was discriminatory.”
Now we’re living in the era of “systemic discrimination,” where the system is considered inherently “racist” even if the whites working within it are not.
What they would claim about that test today is that the questions themselves are “culturally biased” and hence innately “racist.”
Let’s solve the problem of racism for good and ship the niggers back to Africa (along with the jews who brought them). There, they can write their tests however they want.
11 January, 2010 at 7:09 am
“Spic cops are just as bad if not worse than the nigger cops.”
In the Rodney King beating, at least one of the cops (and maybe more) was a latrino. That didn’t stop the media from portraying it as a white-on-black incident.
11 January, 2010 at 7:14 am
“Mercedes wanted these same roids to still go to Stuttgart even after all of it.”
And who’s ultimately paying for all this? The customers.
11 January, 2010 at 7:18 am
Madoff should’ve gotten the chair.
11 January, 2010 at 1:48 pm
If Madoff was a Chinaman in Peking and pulled this sort of stunt he would definately have been executed. Publicly executed, to serve as a warning/example to other would-be white-collar criminals.
11 January, 2010 at 3:31 pm
Hebe IQ is not only answer for Jew Dork Shitty East (Tel Aviv) screening prowess, but the fact that the Jew Ass Ohvey their best Bitch furnished them probably free, the latest in airport security equipment.. Nothings to good for The Chosen.
13 January, 2010 at 9:13 am
Too much credit to the kikes alleged IQ. Israeli kikes, Sephardim and other non-Caucasian (non-Ashkenazim) kikes, are actually not that smart. They simply take out and ‘profile’ anybody who is not a kike, especially Muslims. Also niggers are obviously always prime suspects. See, you don’t have to be very smart to do that.