13 January, 2010

Controlling Historical Memory

Posted by Socrates in Eastern Europe, Europe, jews, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 3:40 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald: [Here].

  • 14 Responses to “Controlling Historical Memory”

    1. half soldier Says:

      interesting data, xianity is only on life support because the jews still need to rouse support for the shitty lil nation. Case in point it is irrelevant.. Is it an obstacle to our cause? Certainly it’s debris that has to be removed to get a clear shot at the enemy, I see it more like a fog of foggy headed xians, it still even shrouds the minds of alot of intelligent people, the tards will never be convinced that its got to go, until some sorth charismatic faith healer offers them up another quack salve

    2. Tom McReen Says:

      No mention of Christianity in the topic intro. KMac’s article is about jewish control of historical memory.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      Xianity is part of the reason why the Jews are so well-entrenched in our society, Tom. Our pagan/Aryan ancestors would never have allowed those trinket-peddling vagabonds to acquire so much power.

      But I wish Dr. MacDonald and would stop dredging up all that Holohoax/Nazi stuff. It was 70 years ago, for crissakes. It’s over. We need to deal with what’s going on NOW.

    4. Tom McReen Says:

      “Xianity is part of the reason why the Jews are so well-entrenched in our society, Tom.”

      What is ‘Xianity’?

      You have reduced the blame on ‘xianity’ to PART of the reason when the previous rambling posts of you and your trolls blamed everything on ‘xianity’ while ignoring the jews by telling us not to discuss the holohoax which you said may have happened.

      “Our pagan/Aryan ancestors”

      Your ancestors were Native Americans as you told us on the forum.

      “But I wish Dr. MacDonald and would stop dredging up all that Holohoax/Nazi stuff. It was 70 years ago, for crissakes. It’s over.”

      Telling us to stop talking about the holohoax again?

      “We need to deal with what’s going on NOW.”

      WE are. Why are you trying to control our historical memory?

    5. Tom McReen Says:

      “No mention of Christianity in the topic intro. KMac’s article is about jewish control of historical memory.”

      Such as jewish censorship of the holohoax and other subjects.


    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      Xianity is just another middle-eastern mind-control cult, no different from the Holohoax Hustle.

    7. Tom McReen Says:

      “no different from the Holohoax Hustle.”

      It must be different because you believe in the HH. Why?

      Other jewish mind-control cults: the left, the 60s hippy movement.

    8. New America Says:

      Am I the only person who noticed the sociojackers – the guys who hijack threads, to change the subject of the thread, like The Blackshirt Entity and Tim McGreen – (1) do not discuss what Dr. MacDonald actually said, and (2) keep changing the topic to something they Do want to promote – White Nationalism as an Anti-Christian Philosophy.

      Yeah, that’s going to go over real well with the electorate.

      The irony – they have an entire Open Thread available for their off-topic rants, but, using that wouldn’t be as much fun, now would it?

      Again, Socrates, I put forward my call for shutting down the blog to comments for a month, and/or requiring registration.

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      Covington’s Call – a White Homeland, for OUR Posterity, in a Northwest Republic – remains the Highest and Best Hope for OUR Posterity.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      New Amerikwa, did you not yourself just use this thread as a platform to make your usual “All Hail Covington” speech? Nit-wit.

    10. Ein Says:

      “Am I the only person who noticed the sociojackers – the guys who hijack threads, to change the subject …?”

      You are NOT the only one.

      But as Tim/Tom/Thom etc. has just pointed out, we have already heard the Covington entity speech infinite times by now. Talk about hijacking a thread! At least some do it more amusingly than others.

    11. Howdy Doody Says:

      About Those Rumors
      by Edgar J. Steele

      January 15, 2010

      “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.”
      — Mark Twain

      11-16-09 – Three Flu Over the Ukraine’s Nest
      11-3-09 – One Flu Over the Ukraine’s Nest
      8-05-09 – Things Are Looking Down
      7-28-09 – More Is Less
      6-24-09 – Anarchy with Honor mp3 audio
      6-10-09 – Why He Did It – And Why Von Brunn Won’t Be The Last mp3 audio
      5-27-09 – The Ties That Divide mp3 audio
      5-13-09 – Broken mp3 audio
      5-03-09 – REJECTED mp3 audio
      4-29-09 – Flu Happens mp3 audio
      4-22-09 – Obummer mp3 audio
      4-15-09 – Idaho – You Can See New America From Here mp3 audio
      4-8-09 – Christians? In America? mp3 audio
      4-1-09 – Ed Gov, Not Fed Gov mp3 audio
      3-25-09 – We’re All Terrorists Now mp3 audio
      3-18-09 – Second Annual State of the Revolution mp3 audio
      3-11-09 – The Road to Hell is Paved with Bailout Money mp3 audio
      My name is Edgar J. Steele.

      Life is funny. Death isn’t. Trust me on this one. I died on November 21, 2009.
      Ironically, just two weeks prior to my death I sent a message out to this list that said, in discussing my sabbatical from any sort of public speaking or appearance during the latter part of the year: “It actually has grown kind of fun to watch the speculation over whether or not I died this summer.” It seemed amusing at the time. Little did I know.

      On November 21 I was sitting in my study, reading, when I felt a little “pop” in my chest. I sat there for 15 minutes, fearing that I would pass out if I dared try to stand. Finally, I staggered to my feet, got help and rushed to the local hospital emergency room, where I was quickly diagnosed with a condition serious enough to justify being “choppered” to the nearest cardiac specialty hospital unit. In fact, they told me that I very likely would not live long enough to get there. Fortunately, there just happened to be a helicopter parked on the roof at that very time.

      The surgeon’s team met me in the elevator at the receiving facility and began work then and there, so far gone was I. My blood pressure had gone to zero – technically, I was dead. Nip and tuck, as they say, but somehow they managed to snatch me back. “Seconds,” the surgeon later told me, was all that then separated me from eternity. I spent several hours on a heart-lung machine that day, then 9 days unconscious and on a respirator, then another two weeks in the ICU, barely able to move. It has been a long, slow, painful journey back.

      Turns out that the 15 minutes I spent sitting at my desk when this first occurred likely saved my life. My surgeon remarked upon the extensive clotting at the point of rupture that served to direct the blood for a time, clotting that would not have occurred had I been moving around immediately.

      I didn’t have a heart attack, but what is called an “ascending aortic aneurism.” The main artery, the aorta, blew out just where it exited my heart, kind of like a garden hose suddenly failing right at the faucet. The surgeon replaced a large section, together with the main heart valve, and has pronounced me “good as new.” The odds of my survival were very, very slim – on the order of 3 or 4 per cent. No explanation as to why this happened. Some things just happen.

      It wasn’t my time, apparently. All my life, I have known that something important is coming – something I just have to live to see. It hasn’t happened yet. I had a very significant dream about this when I was 4 years old. Big things are coming. I’ve told you this repeatedly.

      So I have a good excuse for having been silent all this time, folks. Thank you for the inquiries and the kind words expressing support. Will I be back? Yes, eventually. Will I be just as acerbic? Probably worse. Familiarity breeds contempt. After I beat prostate cancer 12 years ago, I became very unimpressed with the disease when others contracted it.

      Now that I have visited the land of the dead (sorry – no touchy-feely “near-death” experiences for me, not a one), I find that I am unimpressed with a good deal of the suffering that takes place in the world. Let me illustrate my lack of sensitivity for you: Have you noticed the similarity between the aftermaths of the Katrina hurricane and the Haiti earthquake? TV films show hordes of Blacks just standing around or looting and hurting each other, doing nothing except complaining about the lack of aid forthcoming from the rest of us. They could be cleaning up, digging out bodies, burying their dead, helping each other, just as seen in similar disasters at other times and in other places. But, no. Ask yourself why. Read my book for a detailed explanation.

      Yes, I will be back eventually.

      New America – an idea whose time has come.

      My name is Edgar J. Steele. Thanks for listening. Please visit my web site, http://www.NickelRant.com, for other messages just like this one.


      Copyright ©2010, Edgar J. Steele

    12. New America Says:

      in reply to Ein:

      you wrote:
      “Am I the only person who noticed the sociojackers – the guys who hijack threads, to change the subject …?”

      You are NOT the only one.

      But as Tim/Tom/Thom etc. has just pointed out, we have already heard the Covington entity speech infinite times by now. Talk about hijacking a thread! At least some do it more amusingly than others.

      in reply:
      Thanks for your comment, and a comment, in reply.

      I told VNN/Socratres that I would be using the sig, and if they had issues, of course, I would change it.

      The sig is important because Wnists have always made one fatal error – they have always allowed their Racial Enemies to define their agenda, to a remarkable degree, by overtly setting limits on the agenda, openly, and by discreetly providing nice little sandboxes we could play in, where we would pose no threat to them.

      In fact, the sandboxers worked to the advantage of The Destroyer, as they were used as fundraising tools by The Destroyer, and tools to demoralize anyone who might consider looking at our positions.

      More on those “positions” in a minute.

      The fact is, The Destroyer has supported those whose actions work to put us in the worst possible light, and yet, like moths to a flame, all too many of us refuse to get the lesson.

      White satin Klan robes?


      Morbidly obese, uneducated, gap-toothed morons wearing classic NSDAP uniforms?


      The Destroyer then takes the videos, and uses them as fundraising devices. for The Destroyer.

      We have always made the mistake of accepting our Enemy’s Terms, Definitions, and Frames of Reference.

      We were defeated before we took to the field.

      That leads us to Terrible Tommy Metzger’s great metaphor:

      “When you are trapped in a revolving glass door, break the glass!”

      How do we “break the glass” of the intellectual traps The Destroyer set before us?


      A NEW Analytical Framework, based on a positive theory of Race, based on what is best for the White RACE over time.

      Suddenly, our Creative Spirit is free to conceptually reframe issues in a brighter, Whiter light, unlimited by the false choices put before us by the Destroyer-controlled Propasphere.

      And, the idea of a White Homeland is strongly supported.

      The next step is, What would that White Homeland look like?”

      The net step – and this is where we can all play the Game – is to ask:

      “How would the social issues we face today be addressed in a White Homeland?”

      For example, instead of moaning helplessly about the Federal Reserve, what sort og banking system SHOULD we have – COULD we have – what would the currency look like, what would back it, all manner of Questions that lead to Choices are opened to us to solve Creatively.

      The Fourteen Words should guide all we do.

      Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic is the strongest possible expression of the Fourteen Words.

      On several occasions I have asked Covington’s critics on VNN to define how they see America is fifty years, and what they would do to insure their Posterity did not live in such horrific circumstances.


      The reason is obvious; no matter how you see America fifty years from now, the Northwest Republic is simply so superior an alternative that their lack of support for the Northwest Republic is really a de facto repudiation of the Fourteen Words, and a de facto condemnation of their Posterity to live as third class citizens, in a Second World Country.

      I want better, MUCH DAMN BETTER, for my Posterity, and helping them to have the Choice to help become the Living Foundation of a new nation, the Northwest Republic, is the best I can offer them in the time I have remaining.

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      Covington’s Call – a White Homeland, for OUR Posterity, in a Northwest Republic – remains the Highest and Best Hope for OUR Posterity.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      Is there anyone in charge who can put a stop to New Amerikwa’s annoying and endlessly repetetive postings? OK, maybe I drift off-topic a little at times, but at least I try to make each posting of mine worth reading, god dammit.

    14. Ein Says:

      Alex had been commenting here, and often, until maybe a week or two ago. Suddenly, his absense has become noticeable. Has his illness resumed?