23 January, 2010

“A Personal Disclosure”

Posted by Socrates in race, racial differences, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White thought at 9:21 pm | Permanent Link

An interesting situation. No doubt quite a few White men have experienced the same circumstance, i.e., becoming racially aware after having kids with someone of non-White or partially-non-White background:


  • 39 Responses to ““A Personal Disclosure””

    1. Shyl0ck Says:

      Wait just one second there!

      Do you mean to say that you do not find the following examples of multicultural music and dance to be an inspiration and a cherished example of the lasting contributions made by diverse peoples?


      Kind Regards,
      Shylock Holmes

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      To have kids that are even 1/4 Yid is not good. They will be much more likely than full-blooded humans to commit acts of espionage and white-collar crime.

    3. Irma Grese Says:

      Tim McGreen is 100% RIGHT. The only sure way forward for us WN’s is to adhere strictly to the racial hygene standards set down in the hallowed Nuremberg Laws. People with four White grandparents should be considered human, but if they have three or more kike grandparents they should be condemmed as jews. Having one or more jewish grandparents makes you a mischling, thus worthy of the ovens. Sorry, “Tanstaafl.” Sucks to be YOU.

    4. A. Says:

      Would a guy with a mulatto wife and quadroon kids be allowed in a White enthno-state?

      You have an ethno-state with 1/4, 1/8th jew kids then eventually if like attracts like the jew renews like the liquid metal terminator dude. 1/4 jew marries 1/4 jew has 4 kids and now 2 are 1/2 jew. 1/2 jew marries 1/2 jew has 4 kids and now you have a full jew. No jews just right.

    5. A. Says:

      That should have been “and now one is a 1/2 jew.” And the only way to stop it is to keep on mixing the jew genes with the pure white. Not acceptable.

    6. A. Says:

      “I am prepared now not only to join Prozium and state openly that my ultimate goal is a jew-free, White ethnostate in North America,”

      and now he denies it?

      “Between the current anti-White regime and a zero-jewish-genes White ethnostate are many gradations, most of which I’d consider an improvement.”

      So how many 1/4 blacks, spics, jews, arabs, asians and their halfling parents is this “white” ethnostate going to hold?

      WTF is happening amongst the Occidentals? Every week another betrayal of awakened Whites. We have been too nice for too long.

    7. Bret Ludwig Says:

      Robert Frenz talks about this in FAEM.

      >> “Suppose we have a set of elements which are derived from the other elements of the set in some fashion. If all of the elements closely resembled each other, we perhaps could define some characteristics of that set. Moreover, the closer they resemble each other, the more “pure” that set would be.

      The most pure set of mice would be one where they were all clones of one individual. In a practical sense, a set of inbred mice would produce about as uniform a set as could be imagined. That’s why inbreeding is used for laboratory mice and rats in an attempt to reduce the number of variables in some experiment.

      Look at a herd of zebra. They look pretty uniform to me even though each has individual markings. I’d say they were quite pure. When I searched the fields for snakes called “red racers”, I knew what to look for since all closely resembled one another.

      If one only saw that sorry collection of canines we call ‘mongrels’, he’d be hard pressed to tell if a coyote was a “dog” or not.

      Members of one group readily identify each other but outsiders have more difficulty. That’s why we have often heard Japanese remark that they cannot tell one European from another and palefaces mention “All Chinese look alike to me.” Here we have a clue to the approximate definition of “racial” groups and of any biological adulteration of their gene pool. The mongrel dog collection could hardly be called “pure” to any degree whatsoever, and they certainly do not “look alike” to any observer.

      The more motley, and divergent in appearance, the members of any set are, the less they can lay claim to being a nation.

      A closely related set simply does not have a wide variety of characteristics. You will not find any set of laboratory rats with anything other than white hair. The bald eagle does not come with head feathers yellow, some brown and most white. You don’t find Japanese with some blond hair and some black. If you did, then you could with great certainly know that those particular beings were not as ‘pure’ as their nation mates and that the blond was an adulteration.

      If we are to define “white”, in a relatively pure sense, then there is no room for brown eyes and black hair. What absolutely follows is that we must admit that the so-called white people have a rather polluted gene pool. Then again, so do most other peoples for the males of all lands poke their protuberances into any handy orifice, living or dead, animal or not. If goats and humanoids were inter fertile, I could well imagine what a horror today’s population would be.

      We should not run from the fact that most of us — those who believe themselves to be white — are not as white as we imagine. Since we claim to be working for a better future for white people, it behooves us all to stop the infantile bickering over “who is white”. As long as we have a substantial percentage of white attributes dancing about in our genes, we can absolutely contribute to this cause. Here and now, we should all ask ourselves whether we are in this racial struggle for individual kicks, or for a long term goal which might not include us at all.

      My lovable aunt, in concert with her parents, apparently believed that all kids who didn’t have blue eyes should be drowned. She also voiced a preference for the light hair which characterized most of the family. I said most, because I was outside of this pale. My brown eyes and hazel hair never set well with her or grandfather Herman, for they rarely talked to me, probably on this account since they were quite open with my brothers and sisters. As I became older, and learned something about heredity, I wondered where my “brown” came from. I found it. There in the family tree was a beautiful Welsh woman with dark hair and eyes. I can still remember the ‘tin type’ photo. She was a great-grandmother on my mother’s side. Shortly before he went to Valhalla, grandfather Herman revealed that he had one or two close relatives living on farms around Hamburg and Stuttgart, who had brown eyes.

      Knowing that I am not as “pure” a white as my brothers, sisters and cousins, bothers me not and it should not be of concern to you either. I will close this well beaten topic by repeating myself — Here and now, we should all ask ourselves whether we are in this racial struggle for individual kicks, or for a long term goal which might not include us at all. “<<

      Very few of us are absolutely pure White. What matters is if we consider ourselves White, behave as Whites and are indeed mostly White. Differential breeding pressure will take care of the impurities.

    8. A. Says:

      Ludwig being a 1/4 kike ain’t like having some welsh woman as a great grandma. WTF are you thinking? What the hell is behaving White? I’m I going to have some quadroon or 1/4 kike telling my kids at school how to act White? If so I hope they act White and smack said kid in the mouth.

      The gall of some people.

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      {If we are to define “white”, in a relatively pure sense, then there is no room for brown eyes and black hair. What absolutely follows is that we must admit that the so-called white people have a rather polluted gene pool. }


      Come now, anyone who subscribes to such hogwash should be laughed out of town. Didn’t Uncle Adolf have black hair? And Beethoven? And Elvis? And Ringo Starr, too? And doesn’t Jessica Simpson have brown eyes? Does that make her a mulatta? I think not.

      The black hair and brown eyes that many White people have today are NOT, repeat, NOT the result of some race-mixing on the part of their ancestors. ALL White people originally had black hair and brown eyes up until about 10-12 thousand years ago. So, such genetic traits are simply original equipment and therefore hardly anything to be disparaged!!!!!!!!!!!!

    10. CW-2 Says:

      Bret’s observations are significant. The strain of ‘Nordicism’ within the WN mainstream has the potential to completely shatter the movement and destroy hope of White unity.
      The native White people of the British Isles still retain distinctive racial characteristics fromed 3000 years ago. At least 25% of ‘English’ people have dark hair and brown/hazel eye coloring and are therefore not likely to be of Anglo-Saxon ancestory but of Keltic / Mediterranean heritage. These are White people but I suspect many American WN of Nordic ancestory wouldn’t spit on them!

      Recently in London I saw a young tall blond Polish guy look with disgust at a dark stocky Welshman and his brunette wife. I guessed they were Welsh by their pronounced accents, but the Polish lad had probably never before seen Meds or Paleo-Atlantids, certainly not in his native Poland.

      So where does this leave White unity? Is it a fleeting mirage never to be reached?

    11. S.U.N. Says:

      Comments above by CW-2 and Tim hit the spot. The opposite I’ve seen in 100% jews born with blue eyes and flaxen hair, gloating as if that makes them Viking (especially the mothers of such anomalies).

      And remember: Europe was pagan before judeochristianity tore away the concept of Anglo, Jute, Gaelic Celtic, Mediterranean, Caucasian, Alpine and so forth, races who were intermixing and giving birth to strong, healthy, resourceful peoples. No money-lenders there for sure!

    12. Bob Says:


      Question: Mr. Metzger, what is a Jew?

      TT says:

      During a legal deposition, the leader of B’nai B’rith’s Anti-Defamation League was asked that same question. He equivocated. He was either unable to answer, or he didn’t want to spill the beans. Jews are not a biological race! Jews are found in all Races, from blond Aryan to black Falashan.

      Can you quit being a Catholic or Baptist? Of course you can. But you cannot quit your Race! You can breed it out of existence by race mixing, but there is only one such Race if its purity is maintained. You must distinguish between biological race, religion and mindset. You can be a perfect Aryan specimen, yet be contaminated by an Alien Mindset. Millions of biological Aryan Whites are afflicted by non-Aryan Mindsets.

      I consider Judaism, the Jewish Talmud, to be the ultimate source of the evil Jew Mindset. One aspect of this Jew-Think is the conspiracy to control the rest of us. The creation of their related Christian and Muslim adjuncts has enabled them to gain near dictatorial control of the West, and powerful influence over the East.

      These days, it is hard to see a big difference between the JewThinking Jew and the JewThinking Aryan White. Actions based upon the evil Jew Mindset are EVIL — no matter the Race! If you think like an evil Jew and act like an evil Jew, it matters little what your Race is. You have contracted JewThink.

      Question: Why are some Jews physically indistinguishable from whites?

      TT says:

      Much of their racial makeup results from centuries of Jew migration into the European area, where Aryan Whites were occasionally married into the clan. (Eugenics?) They maintained their Jew Mindset while hijacking genes from our Race, just as Negroes are doing today. In 1930s Germany, Jews could be tall, blonde and Aryan, or Semitic with non-Aryan features (which is the stereotype).

      Jews have infiltrated every existing Race. When I talk about Chinese Jews, as George Lincoln Rockwell once did, most people scoff. In China there are Jew Synagogues with racially Chinese looking congregations which date back hundreds of years. Early on, the China Jew covered his kinky-haired head because native Chinese have very straight hair. This was bred out of them.

      When a person describes all Jews as eastern European with hook noses (common among Turko-Mongoloid people) he disarms his defense against those Jews who have infiltrated every other Race, including even the Negro Falashans. Most of these Jews accept and promote JewThink.

      Question: Matt Hale, of the World Church of the Creator, says that Jews are the No.1 enemy of the White Race. Do you agree?

      TT says:

      Right wing racial groups often rail against Jews without really understanding what the problem is. The error Adolph Hitler made, as far as I am concerned, is that he threw out the baby with the bathwater. Biological Aryan Whites who simply had some Jew ancestry, but rejected JewThink, and swore allegiance to the Fatherland first and foremost, should not have been harmed. However, all non-Aryan types should have been deported based upon Race, and others based upon their JewThink contamination. In fact, JewThinking Aryan Christians, who should have been re-educated or deported, were a Fifth Column in the Third Reich! This was part of the reason for Germany’s defeat. Hitler admitted that the Jews are not a Race, but for political expediency, treated them as one.

      I believe that anyone of any Race or any religion, who opposes our desire to separate and to use Eugenics to improve our Biological Race, is our enemy. Today there are far more non-Jews who persecute us than Jews, and most of these are of our own Race!

      What causes this sickness in the first place?



    13. fb Says:

      There is no such thing as 1/4 Jew, just as there is no such thing as Jew dna. They are an Asiatic mongrel race (at root) no different from all the teaming tribes of the Middle East. Jews are an ethnic group just like Mexicans are an ethnic group, etc. Whites who becomes Jews don’t have a dna transformation. They have a stupid transformation.

    14. Andrei's ghost Says:

      From a mostly White Lutheran University in Valparaiso, Indiana…….
      Diversity is America’s strength, key to success

      By Mark A. Heckler – President, Valparaiso University | Posted: Monday, January 18, 2010 12:00 am | (6)

      “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom.”

      — Martin Luther King Jr., 1968

      Across our country and throughout the world, people of numerous races, nationalities, faiths and backgrounds are joining today in a celebration of King’s dedication to improving relations among all of humanity. We live in a more equal, just and inclusive society today as a result of this worthy enterprise, and King continues to inspire people striving for the betterment of all.

      Yet we know that King’s work is not over. People across our world continue to live under oppression, their lives at risk if they speak out against those in power, or deprived of their rights and treated as second-class citizens.

      Even within our own communities, we continue to see that hatred persists toward people who look different, who may have been born in a different country or who worship a different faith or at a different church. Those of us who live in Northwest Indiana are no strangers to this dynamic. Despite the progress that has been made in this country toward a society where people are judged by the content of their character, more is required.

      King recognized that everyone must be engaged in creating a world where people are not only equal, but where the vast diversity of humankind is welcomed and embraced. Diversity breathes life into our world. Think of the countless genres of music we enjoy — blues, jazz, country, rock and more — that were born from the fusion of different musical traditions. Or the plentiful options we have in Northwest Indiana to travel the world by sampling the food of different nations and regions, from India to China to Spain to the Middle East and many other countries.

      In his 1963 book “Strength to Love,” King wrote that “Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Today, I ask the people of Northwest Indiana to stand up and be champions for making this region a loving and welcoming community for all who choose to live, work, and study here.

      This will not be achieved passively. We must speak out when we see intolerance and hate in our communities. We must model what it means to unconditionally love our neighbors at all times. We must lift up our sisters and brothers in need.

      King told us that life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “What are you doing for others?” I urge you today to answer loudly that we will continue his struggle to make this world a place where diversity of people, backgrounds, ideas and beliefs is seen as America’s historic strength and the key to its future success.

      Mark A. Heckler is President of Valparaiso (Indiana) University. The opinion expressed in this column is the writer’s and not necessarily that of The Times.

    15. A. Says:

      “The error Adolph Hitler made, as far as I am concerned, is that he threw out the baby with the bathwater. Biological Aryan Whites who simply had some Jew ancestry, but rejected JewThink, and swore allegiance to the Fatherland first and foremost, should not have been harmed.”

      They weren’t and some were placed in high positions within the Reich. Metzger should know that. That he either is lying or a fool makes no difference his reputation with me is now shit.

      Hitler made two mistakes. 1. Doing what Metzger suggested and not getting hard on ALL kikes. 2. Declaring war on the USA instead of declaring war on Japan.

      So fuck Metzger for not bothering to read a history book or two and wanting my children’s genes to be mixed with yid blood.

      The “resistence” is so faggoty at this point, destruction of the system is the only viable avenue of attack. With a faltering system white warlords can arise. Prepare your children to take the reins of power by force of their own arms, spirit and purpose. Any white who wants to contaminate our blood like Metzger is the enemy.

    16. Angryyoungman Says:

      “I believe that anyone of any Race or any religion, who opposes our desire to separate and to use Eugenics to improve our Biological Race, is our enemy.” -Tom Metzger

      That is simple, succinct, and the best quote I’ve heard in a long time. If you are not on our side, you are an enemy. As long as you stay out of our way, you will not be harmed.

      Aryans need to stop dicing their enemies up into little groups and arguing over which ones are more dangerous. We need to adopt the mentality of Jews and militant blacks, “it’s us against the world.”

      Complicating your message and making it more complex just confuses the average person and turns them off.

    17. Dave Says:

      I have to say that is the strangest round-about thing I have ever seen from Metzger and will ask him about it personally.I wonder if those are really his words? As anyone with any knowledge of the reich knows better.

      At first reading of this mans misfortune,I was sympathetic. Why not allow them into said ethnostate? Breed it out! That is what makes us weak and what makes us lose. upon further reflection I came to a harsher but more logical conclusion…

    18. Dave Says:

      Oh and Elvis was a jew.

    19. Socrates Says:

      A. Says: “Hitler made two mistakes. 1. Doing what Metzger suggested and not getting hard on ALL kikes. 2. Declaring war on the USA instead of declaring war on Japan.”

      Why would Hitler want to wage war with Japan?

    20. BF Says:

      Metzger’s observations are nothingmore than Monday morning quarter-backing. His website is total chaos. It’s all over the road on all issues with constant contradiction.

      Hitler was hard on Jews. And America had been waging a proxy war against Germany as early as 1939 by supplying Britain with millions of dollars of money and war material. I would say that is real cheesy on the part of the federals. And why would Germany declare war on Japan. They were allied in many ways.

    21. A. Says:

      He wouldn’t be. It would just be something the history books couldn’t erase.

      Hitler went with the Japs hoping they would open up a second front against the USSR. Trusting in coloreds, his faith was duly rewarded by nothing. Declaring war on Imperial Japan would have sent a message that white is white and colored is colored. Don’t mess in our affairs. Remember, America, though led by jews was still 90%+ White at the time. It would give pause for thought. Imagine opening up a history book and reading that after Pearl Harbour Germany had declared war on Japan over the attack. What would you think? A stumbling block it is and also America would not have been able to use the declaration for full out war on Europe but would have to have used all its resources in the Pacific sphere. How would it have explained to the American public that materials that could be used in the Pacific were in the European theatre being used against an erstwhile ally? Another stumbling block. Such a declaration of war would have opened up the chess board for more daring moves.

      In the end it is all principle. Hitler broke two. No jews just right. And when a colored attacks a white always get in behind the white and tell him why you did.

    22. Howdy Doody Says:

      A. Says:

      24 January, 2010 at 5:51 pm

      He wouldn’t be. It would just be something the history books couldn’t erase.

      Hitler went with the Japs hoping they would open up a second front against the USSR. Trusting in coloreds, his faith was duly rewarded by nothing. Declaring war on Imperial Japan would have sent a message that white is white and colored is colored. Don’t mess in our affairs. Remember, America, though led by jews was still 90%+ White at the time.

      As for What if’s. If Adolfo had sad around and discussed the situation calmly as to what was BEST for GERMANY/ALL OF EUROPE yes declare war on JAPAN.

      At the least he should have ignored them, UNLESS they took Substantial combat action’s against the USSR with 90 days or declare war on them.

      Listen pilgrams, 90% of our men back then Wanted NO part of the STALIN war. Enlistments feel through the floor when Germany got in to it.

      Japan was the KEY for White America to smash its own home lands!

    23. Howdy Doody Says:

      The FDR Cabal purposely made US look much worse than we were per the Flip islands and Hawaii, the NYC/London Cabal did every in their power get the Japanese to attack US.

      Any one looking in to the facts will find that Japan was slapped in the face and had their boots pissed in.

    24. Howdy Doody Says:

      So that Germany Would come in to the war, that was the only Reason to mess with the Japanese for the Cabal, not to mention preparing to hoist MAO in to power on the mainland.

    25. Nordlander Says:

      Look at the blog comment from “Pat” there. It shows exactly why you cannot let part-Jews into racialism. You think you have found one that is all right? Okay, and then you let in the next one. And the next one. Big mistake. They in turn will let in more Jews, more non-Whites, more allies, and soon your party magazine is only writing about “Islamofascist terrorism” while the “racists” who started the party are purged so as to gain a more “respectable” image.

      Here’s the beginning of part-Jew Pat’s comment, to illustrate the inevitable attitude twisting:

      My great grandfather was an Ashkenazi Jew who converted to Roman Catholicism. The rest of my ancestry is Irish and Scottish, the Irish dominant.

      I have learned a hell of a lot from blogs like yours (like you “I had no explicit racial awareness” and no idea of the power that Jews hold in our nations). One of the reasons I have never commented on any blog like yours is because always at the back of my mind is the thought that White Nationalism may ultimately lead to not just me, but my children coming under attack solely because of some genetic link to Jews.

      I find it troubling, as it sounds like you do.

      Personally I do not understand why White Nationalism and opposition to inordinate Jewish control and involvement at the upper echelons in our nations must result in some sort of extermination programme against them.

      Perhaps I am biased due to my own ancestry and the fears I have for my children. But logically I don’t see why one must follow the other. Why opposing Jewish power necessarily must result in an exterminationist programme against them.

      Further, I think this notion is a liability to any White movement.

    26. Tim McGreen Says:

      {BF Says:

      24 January, 2010 at 5:30 pm

      Metzger’s observations are nothingmore than Monday morning quarter-backing. His website is total chaos. It’s all over the road on all issues with constant contradiction.}


      BF is right, the WAR website needs some tightening up, just like the old WAR newspaper was in need of some serious editing. Metzger’s a good man and has lots of interesting experiences and insights, but he’s not right on everything. (I think he’d be the first to admit that.)

      His definition of what a Jew is, for example, is not satisfactory. Jewry is more than just a “conspiracy”. Just look at Ben Stein or Howard Stern. There is NO way they could be mistaken for anything but Jews! All that jive about Turko-Mongoloid this and Khazar that just confuses things. Jews are like their Arab cousins,ie, a middle-eastern Semitic ethnic group.

      True, over the past 1,000 years, some Jews have taken on some of the characteristics of their host population, like blue eyes and red hair or slanted eyes and straight black hair….but they are still Jews, both in terms of their ethnic heritage and their mentality. If a Negro has kinky red hair, light skin and light colored eyes, he’s still considered a Negro, isn’t he?

    27. virgil Says:

      adolf lost the war for several reasons; the lack of long-range bombers and constantly overruling his generals, being two of the most prominent.

    28. fb Says:

      The federals installed Negro occupation troops all over Germany after the war just as they did in the old Confederacy in the 1860s. And the American Negroes are still used as occupation troops in Germany 65 years later. The South did not tolerate Negro occupation, but for reasons I don’t know, the Germans have accepted the debauchery. Occupying Whites with Negro soldiers is one of the most shameful acts in all the pages of histroy. And it can be laid at the feet of the Washington dictatorship.

    29. Howdy Doody Says:

      Growing up there was a Mudlotto in my class, I did not know or understand what they were at that time.

      So one day his mother meed him at school, she was a stunning, sad looking Blonde with a perfect physical presence! Shocked was I. She was war booty.


    30. Tim McGreen Says:

      {Occupying Whites with Negro soldiers is one of the most shameful acts in all the pages of histroy. And it can be laid at the feet of the Washington dictatorship.}


      The French used Black colonial troops from Africa to occupy the Ruhr Valley region of Germany after WWI. Hitler and most decent Germans took strong exception to that.

    31. Howdy Doody Says:

      The French command at the beginning of War had been so disgusted with the filthy enemy alien run French political regime, that they went over to the German side quickly!

    32. fb Says:

      In Mein Kampf, Hitler clearly states that Jews brought Negroes into the Rhineland after WWI also. “VolumeI Chapter II” But the federals were the first to marshall into service an ultra modern Negro army that exceeded 200,000 soldiers in the 1860s. The British armed Negro Hatians to fight the French during that race war too.

    33. Coup D'Etat Says:

      All good said and done, especially the word “jews” not capitalize. The “jew(s)” don’t deserve to be capitalized. There is nothing proper about them.

      However, how would he take the idea since his kids are ashkenazis that they must die? If all jews were to be rounded up and executed would he be able to separate himself from his jewish kids and let them be executed?

    34. Howdy Doody Says:

      Negro army that exceeded 200,000 soldiers in the 1860s. The British armed Negro Hatians to fight the French during that race war too.

    35. Tim McGreen Says:

      Fb must have a different translation of Mein Kampf, because those damn niggers were sent in to occupy Germany by the French. It wasn’t just the Jews who wanted to see Germany remain prostrate after the Great War.

    36. FB Says:

      Hitler stated clearly that Jews brought Negroes into the Rhineland in Volume I Chapter II of Mein Kampf. Hitler did not say that they were occupyers. He simply exposed the Jews for bringing Negroes into Germany. Read the chapter above and you will see what Big Uncle wrote. I don’t dispute that the French used Negroes as occupation troops, but none of that negates what Hitler said about Jews bringing Negroes into the Rhineland.

    37. Tim McGreen Says:

      Metzger is wrong, Jews are not just a state of mind! If that were the case, then the Jews would be impossible to defeat, as every human ethnic group has some degree of what could be called JewThink in it and therefore every ethnic group could be defined to some degree as “Jewish”. No! Jews are a racially and genetically distinct alien race of Oriental parasites and scavengers. However, some Jews have absorbed so much Aryan genetic material and so many Aryan mannerisms that they MIGHT, in SOME cases, be salvageable.

    38. John Denton Says:

      Tim I agree, anyone who says Jews are a state of mind is either moronic or opposed to white preservation. They are indeed genetically different to white Europeans in so many ways despite the seeming inability of the diminishing white masses to recognise them and their expansionist tendencies.

      Encouraging to see some discussion on the issue of whites miscegenating with Jews. There are countless examples of this in society – if one is prepared to look with a keen eye. The ‘Personal Disclosure’ article is an honest admission from a person of partial Jewish ancestry, but for every such individual there are numerous counterpart who are either oblivious to their partial Jewish heritage or don’t want to discuss it.

    39. Steve Says:

      Metzger is wrong on many issues. He edits information people send to him before posting, if he doesn’t like it. Sometimes he violently attacks a point of view by another.

      Jews are born out of the melting pot of the Middle East. They are Asiatic mongrels for the most part. Heavy interbreeding!