17 December, 2009

What is the best metaphor or analogy for jews and white society?

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 4:50 am | Permanent Link

We’ve all heard many of them. Give me your pick and defend it. What is the analogy, metaphor, or other that best captures the relation between jew and white?

  • 40 Responses to “What is the best metaphor or analogy for jews and white society?”

    1. Hunter Wallace Says:

      I liked wood vs. termites. I’ve heard Jews compared to locusts. I like that one too.

    2. exalted grand-master oberführer double diamond jim! Says:

      “a flesh-eating bacteria”?

      jews devour the substance & “life-force” of a nation/society, turning its best & most useful human assets into toxic garbage….there-after, the entire nation/society more or less implodes….some-what analogous to “catastrophic organ failure”….the end result of an FEB (?)

      (a nice little YT vid’/clip on it all!)

    3. tbow002 Says:


    4. Tim Harris Says:

      Dwarves amidst elves.

    5. S.U.N. Says:

      Der Ewige Jude laid it out best: all sorts of vermin. Every holohoax movie should be intro’ed by that most truthful documentary.

    6. Jim Donaldson Says:

      Screw worm

    7. Andrea Dworkin Says:

      the eternal enemy…

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      Blood-sucking alien parasite?

    9. Tom McReen Says:

      Here’s a good one from Heretical. Toxoplasma. A biological parasite.


    10. Doug Says:

      A guy goes into a bar, turns one group of friends against another, a man sees what he’s up to and gets a group together to force the guy out. The guy says “HELP, these are the folks who have been trying to murder my family!”, so the groups start fighting the group that tried to stop the source of the fighting. He then robs the register and heads to another bar.

    11. Warlord Says:

      Years ago, Alex once posted an article about an insect that gets into a ant hill, bites the head off the queen then crawls into the corpse. The other ants feed it and raise its young as if it was the real queen.

      The Warlord

    12. New America Says:

      Termites and wood.

      Wood remains stuck, trapped, and helpless, while the termites, smarter, mobile, with a sophisticated organization devoted solely to one goal, totally incapable of remorse and totally relentless, destroy the wood from within.

      Did I mention the word “Genocide?”


      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      We are not the last of a dying breed; we are the first, and best, of a brave new world.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    13. alex Says:

      I liked wood vs. termites.

      It’s a classic. You really can’t go wrong with it. The key thing w ‘mites is that they preserve the outward form until the last minute. Very much like America today.

      I’ve heard Jews compared to locusts. I like that one too.

      Problem w locusts is they work by swarming over a field and eating it down to stubs. Jews are more like a lattice of leeches. They’re not so immediately destructive, altho over time the result is the same, they suck out all the substance of a country.

    14. alex Says:

      “a flesh-eating bacteria”?

      Not bad. Only thing I see wrong with it is I see jews working more from inside out than outside in.

      What I’m looking for here, people, is the most worked-out parallel or analogy, as deep as you can possible take it. Perhaps the best at this was Stephen Whittle, currently in jail, well, as much for his ability to construct animal analogies to jew-human interaction as anything.

    15. Nordlander Says:

      Perhaps George Lincoln Rockwell’s analogy called Friends of the Captain, Friends of the Crew. He describes how a group of Jews tell the crew of the ship that the officers are their enemy, who should be overthrown. Then another Jew stands on deck with the captain, telling him how the crew is plotting against him and that he should work them hard as punishment.

      Or Alex Linder’s own, “Socialism is a way of using the masses to replace the old elite with a new elite.”

      William Pierce described a type of parasite ant that sneaks into an ant hill, finds the queen, and bites her head off. Then this parasite ant sits where the queen’s head used to be, and releases pheromones that make the worker ants believe it is the queen. The worker ants feed the parasite, thinking it to be their queen, and when the parasite spawns offspring the worker ants take care of the eggs.

      Fun fact: there are far more parasitic types of life than non-parasites in the world. Most of them are very small, living off bigger plants and animals, but with the world’s large flora and fauna it stands to reason that at least one type of parasite should grow to human size.

    16. alex Says:

      The ant thing I believe came from Strom; he was criticized for using it at Pierce’s eulogy, if I recall. But the idea of one group of ants capturing another through deceptive signals is definitely a parallel to our situation.

    17. Kuda Bux Says:

      How does a fishing lure work?

      Attract with fakery (fake meal)

      Victim takes bait

      Hooks set

      Reeled in


    18. chubby Says:
    19. MIKE DWYER Says:



    20. DMS Says:

      Some species of ants “farm” aphids, protecting them on the plants they eat, eating the honeydew that the aphids release from the terminations of their alimentary canals. This is a “mutualistic relationship”.
      Ant extracting honeydew from an aphid

      These “dairying ants” “milk” the aphids by stroking them with their antennae. Therefore, sometimes aphids are called “ant cows”.

      Some farming ant species gather and store the aphid eggs in their nests over the winter. In the spring, the ants carry the newly-hatched aphids back to the plants. Some species of dairying ants (such as the European yellow meadow ant, Lasius flavus) manage large “herds” of aphids that feed on roots of plants in the ant colony. Queens that are leaving to start a new colony take an aphid egg to found a new herd of underground aphids in the new colony. These farming ants protect the aphids by fighting off aphid predators.

      jews: “Dairying” ants
      nonwhites: aphids
      Whites: The plant being devoured

    21. Tim McGreen Says:

      There certainly are a lot of entemologist manques here.

    22. Kuda Bux Says:


      no such word

    23. Mel Brooks Says:

      I think the behavior of parasitic species of cowbird is the best analogy.

      They remain mobile (world citizens?) by laying their eggs in the host bird’s nest (Western democracies?). They keep watch on them and if their egg is removed, they may destroy the host bird’s eggs (eye for an eye-style vengeance)? The demanding (fill in the blank yourselves..ha ha) cowbird young keep the host parents busy and grow quickly, their growth soon outpaces that of the host bird’s chicks, which either starve or are forced out of the nest.

      There’s analogies galore in there; immigration, thievery, vengeance/genocide, accumulation of wealth, dispossesion, greed, agressiveness/pushiness and imposition… and keeping tabs on herd movement.

    24. Tim McGreen Says:

      Entomologist manques, god dammit.

    25. Dagon Says:

      Some very good and prescient analogies. I think the parasitic ant that plays a role as an imposter queen as well as the vintage wood/termite analogy are great illustrations of Aristotles’ ‘revolution within the form.’ Problem is, most people in the West mistake the remaining outward form or facade of the West for its contemporary esssence and thus think nothing is amiss.

    26. Joe 90 Says:

      Parasitism is a common phenomenon in nature. As Eustace Mullins points out in ‘The Biological Jew’, it also occurs in human communities. Such occurrence, as he further comments, receives scarce attention from academics (who seem strangely reluctant to discuss parasitism).

    27. Nordlander Says:

      I did a search on the ants and found the species: the parasitic Polyergus ant kills the Formica ants’ queen and takes her place through chemical mimicry, making the Formica workers care for Polyergus offspring. But the misery doesn’t stop there for the Formica ants; their ant hill is then used by the Polyergus to launch wars against other ants, and to bring in ants from other ant hills as slaves:


      “Accordingly, a newly mated Polyergus queen attempts to penetrate a colony of Formica, kill the host queen, and become accepted by the slave species’ workers. If successful, these resident workers rear the offspring of the parasitic queen until the Polyergus worker population is sufficiently large to conduct group raids for additional slaves.”

      The Polyergus ants are called social parasites – one subspecies taking advantage of another kind of subspecies’ hard work. Another such ant is the Formicoxenus ant, which simply moves in to the ant hills belonging to the Myrmica incompleta and the Myrmica alaskensis, using chemical camouflage (stealing the odor of their host from their eggs, surroundings) to remain undiscovered. All social parasites use either chemical camouflage or chemical mimicry. The Formicoxenus ant also releases a chemical defense that causes suspicious host ants picking it up to quickly drop it again.

      Polyergus: Jews
      Formicoxenus: immigrants

      Then there is the fantastic blue butterfly, a parasite in Western Europe, which is about to become extinct. The blue butterfly or Maculinea rebeli sneaks into an ant hill when still in its caterpillar form. It uses “ant music” to make the ants worship it, and care for it at the expense of their own offspring. While the baby ants starve, the ants protect and feed the caterbillar.


      “They appeared to be treating the caterpillars as if they were the holiest of holiest, the pinnacle of power, the queen ant,”
      Thomas noticed that the interlopers seem to get particularly special treatment. When he disturbed a laboratory colony, workers sacrificed their own kin to save the butterfly larvae – much as they would if a queen ant were threatened. “There must be some form of communication by the butterflies that make the ants think they’re royal, and at the same time we were pretty damn sure they weren’t by chemicals,” he says.

      Amazing, isn’t it? But research shows that at least one type of ant has developed resistance to the caterpillar’s seductive song.

    28. JJ Says:


    29. Ein Says:

      How about the worm in the apple? It burrows in, avoiding notice, and then destroys the apple, slowly, stealthily, from the inside. Finally, the apple is just a hollow shell, before it collapses. Then the worm presumably moves on to another apple and repeats the process.

      I also like the analogy to cowbords (mentioned by Brooks) and cuckoo birds — all considered parasite birds. But these lazy birds expect other birds to hatch and raise their offspring for them. That’s much more like Negroes than Jews. Jews at least do take care to raise their own children and don’t entrust them to others. Jewish children receive very careful upbringing.

    30. Ein Says:

      “The Polyergus ants are called social parasites – one subspecies taking advantage of another kind of subspecies’ hard work. Another such ant is the Formicoxenus ant, which [uses] chemical camouflage (stealing the odor of their host from their eggs, surroundings) to remain undiscovered. All social parasites use either chemical camouflage or chemical mimicry.”

      Not too unlike Jews at all! Jews use hair dye, bleach, makeup, and (ultimately) plastic surgery to accomplish the same result, convincing the unwary to think that they are our own. (Take Joan Rivers for a good example.)

      Is it any wonder that nearly all cosmetics companies are founded/owned by Jews?

    31. Kuda Bux Says:

      “. . .Jews use hair dye, bleach, makeup, and (ultimately) plastic surgery to accomplish the same result. . .”

      They do the same to the monetary system.

    32. Mel Brooks Says:

      “I also like the analogy to cowbords (mentioned by Brooks) and cuckoo birds — all considered parasite birds. But these lazy birds expect other birds to hatch and raise their offspring for them. That’s much more like Negroes than Jews. Jews at least do take care to raise their own children and don’t entrust them to others. Jewish children receive very careful upbringing”

      That’s true of course, Ein. It’s just that the cowbird analogy is one I was familiar with. The adult cowbird behavior represents the Chosen and the behavior of their young is the model for the burdens, human(??) and otherwise, that they impose upon the host “birds”.

      Except for the ethnocentricity (which is almost certainly the deciding factor) ,the middle-class and working-class Jews I’ve known seem to drink from the same poisoned well their Gentile neighbors do. Most people, whatever else they might tell you…simply don’t think. That ethnocentricity may prove their undoing, at some point, because the Jews still seem to place trust in their leader class, while even the the dullest white Gentiles have begun to mistrust theirs.

    33. Will Williams Says:

      The Frog & the Scorpion was my first thought, with the perfidious scorpion “just doing what scorpions do” as the moral of the story.

      Another memorable analogy was Goebbels’s potato beetle. “Just like a potato beetle destroys potatoes, the Jew destroys nations and peoples…There is only one solution: to deal radically with the danger”

      Zyklon-B pesticide?

    34. Terrorsaurus Says:

      In my opinion, the root of jewish power is money. It isn’t so much that they “destroy” from within. They’re not burning down buildings and dropping bombs. At least not on us, yet.

      They buy everything and everyone. They create banks that allow them to counterfeit as much of the national currency as they want and with that they buy politicians, or the people who comprise the government. They buy many other things as well, and usually at a steep discount once they implement a “depression”. See the “Great Depression” for more details. (What’s so great about a depression, eh?)

      Money is the root of their power. But it’s tough to make an analogy out of it because only humans use money. They’re financial parasites. They also use our good natures against ourselves. And they lie without shame or pause. Nothing but humans “talk” (ocean mammals can also communicate) so again, the analogy is tough to make. And people hold words to be sacred. Jews don’t. They say whatever they want and the goyim believe it because they’re by and large gullible morons. See Christianity for more details.

      But it all traces back to money and banking control. These lead inevitably to control of whatever hard assets and people they want to buy. We (ordinary people) live our lives enslaved to a constant need for these fancy little pieces of material we call money. You can’t get around that fact.

      Jews don’t control any of us directly, but they’ve bought basically all the mass media. So we’re a little like a bunch of fish in jewish waters. The Federal Reserve was completely a jewish creation. It has absolutely no oversight, no accountability, and no one polices it whatsoever. That kind of “power” allows jews to effectively become above the law – because time is money. In other words, human life revolves around money. Thus human life revolves around the jews who control the issuance of money via their various financial institutions around the world. Though most people fail to realize the sinister nature of banking control.

      I can’t see an analogy to termites, or ants, or leeches or anything in the natural world. Precisely because an effectively invisible empire of money control is so unnatural.

      It’s like if a jew came up and tried to convince your sister to fuck a nigger while he filmed them. She’d probably balk and tell the jew get the fuck away her.

      Then the jew says “I’ll give you a thousand dollars.”

      And she starts to think.

      Now take that microcosm and multiply it out to society at large.

      Remember that Nirvana album cover with the naked baby in the pool swimming after the dollar on a hook?

      That’s the analogy.

      Ben Bernanke was asked regarding the bailout a few months back “Is that taxpayer money?”

      Ben “Man of the Year” Bernanke replied (I paraphrase): “No, it’s not taxpayer money. Much as you have accounts with your banks, banks have accounts with the Fed. And we simply use the computers to mark up the accounts of the member banks”

      …to the tune of however much imaginary monopoly money the Fed wants to “mark up” to Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Bank of America, etc. etc. etc. In the case above, it was a cool 700 billion dollars, iirc.

      Chew on that for a minute.

    35. Kuda Bux Says:

      Kuda Bux Says:
      17 December, 2009 at 9:07 pm

      How does a fishing lure work?


    36. Abraham Lincoln Says:



    37. Tim Wise tells lies Says:



    38. jasonc Says:

      If a movie can be called a metaphor, my vote goes to John Carpenters “They Live”


      If you’ve seen it you know what I mean, if not (IMHO) its worth the watch…

    39. Adam Says:

      Terrorsaurus Says:

      I can’t see an analogy to termites, or ants, or leeches or anything in the natural world. Precisely because an effectively invisible empire of money control is so unnatural.

      In biology, it is axiomatic that all relationships between parasite and host tend towards symbiosis — a state in which both parties receive some benefits from the relationship. This is because when a parasite kills a host, it often dies too, so it is plainly not in its interest to siphon off too much of its host’s vitality. Ideally, it will even offer the host some benefits, which will further incentivize the host to keep it around. Disease vector/host relationships are similar. The ideal disease is a stable one that can co-exist with the host, perhaps even hiding in its genetics like the herpes virus. The cleverest viruses may even offer some benefits to the host, such as cross-immunity to similar viruses, or something even more ingenious. Evolutionary theorist Richard Dawkins, for example, speculates that the herpes virus makes the host more attractive to others during its active phases, both assisting the host to propagate its own genetics and helping spread the virus.

      Taking into consideration your analysis, my metaphor would be that the Jew is a racial disease, principally of white people, that attempts, via its control of the technology of money, to establish a symbiotic relationship with its host. The benefit to the Jew is obvious. He finds a home and protected from predators by his host, and even intertwines with the host on a genetic and a cultural level. In the case of the Jew-infected white race, the benefit is that the Jew aids the expansion of the global technological system, which helps, at least in the short term, to bring everyone MORE — which is the primary goal of all technology, after all. His internationally-distributed racial network, with its keen understanding of finance, is indispensable to its growth. By his actions, he helps dissolve the resistance of race, nationality, and culture that would otherwise oppose its expansion; the sophistries he emits in the course of his activity are like memetic enzymes that eat away the moral fiber of nations. The corruption that this Jew-disease brings to the peoples he infects is a precondition for their integration into a global economy and a global government, the basis of a New World Order. Sometimes this disease flares up too much, and threatens to kill the host, just as it did in 1930s Germany, or after the breakup of the USSR under the Jewish oligarchs who were plundering the country. In such cases, a brief fever of the host can kill or expel the Jew-disease locally, but it always returns shortly thereafter. Only a global fever, strong enough to completely burn away the entire technological system, would be sufficient to permanently rid the world of the disease we know as Jews.

    40. Ein Says:

      “In biology, it is axiomatic that all relationships between parasite and host tend towards symbiosis — a state in which both parties receive some benefits from the relationship. This is because when a parasite kills a host, it often dies too, so it is plainly not in its interest to siphon off too much of its host’s vitality. Ideally, it will even offer the host some benefits, which will further incentivize the host to keep it around. Disease vector/host relationships are similar. …
      the Jew is a racial disease, principally of white people, that attempts, via its control of the technology of money, to establish a symbiotic relationship with its host. The benefit to the Jew is obvious. He finds a home and protected from predators by his host, and even intertwines with the host on a genetic and a cultural level.”

      That is a very interesting observation, Adam. Thank you for that insight. It’s something I don’t think I had been fully aware of, at least not consciously, until recently. But it makes perfect sense. It certainly makes sense for the parasite to offer its host some incentive to keep it around and not destroy it. And it can, in cases, make some sense for the host too, if there seems to be some benefit to be had in the relationship. It’s to the parasite’s interest to find some benefit that it can offer.

      Fitting in with that biological observation, I recall reading a news article some months ago about a physician in Ohio (a Jew, as I recall … of course!) who was doing research into the “benefits” that intestinal worms bring to people who have them. I regret I didn’t save the article, but it seems that he has found lower rates of infection of certain diseases and maladies (let’s say arthritis for instance) among those persons who habor worm colonies in their bodies than among people who are free of them. Amazing! It’s repulsive, but it fits in with what you say above. It pays for the parasite to establish a symbotic relationship and keep its host healthy. A healthy host is good for the parasite! And a sensible parasite does not overly drain its host of vitality either, but keeps its numbers under control so that the host can continue to function normally and be productive — for the parasite’s own best benefit, naturally, not for the host’s.