1 December, 2009

More About Jewish Genetics

Posted by Socrates in Jewish genetics, Jews-posing-as-White-people, Socrates at 8:04 pm | Permanent Link

As technology advances, Jews will find it harder and harder to pose as White people. They’ll be exposed as the outsiders that they are:


  • 19 Responses to “More About Jewish Genetics”

    1. J.J Says:

      Filling America with muds makes it easier for the jew to go under the radar and not stand out as he would in a racially pure society.
      Ordinary whites think that jews are white people like them who just happen to follow a different religion. Oh how wrong they are…

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      I didn’t read the article thoroughly, but it seems the author is equating blond-haired, blue-eyed Spaniards and Italians with Jews from Central Asia. I think Nordicists are more of an enemy to the White Race than your average Jew or Negro is. What’s more, you Nordicist pricks, your women sure do love the bruthas. Just ask Tiger Wood’s wife.

    3. Locked n' Loaded Says:

      Sure seems to be a lot of hatred for the Nordic types these days. The hard-core Nordicists could never be as big an enemy to the White race as the jews. “McGreen” is unaware if he really thinks blacks are a huge problem for the White race. Get the jews out of the way and the black problem is solved quickly.

      As for white women and groids, just look at the Kardashians. Armenians claim they’re white, I don’t really know for sure. But the Kardashians love the blacks. As the media has trained them to. As they feel compelled to do being in the limelight. The white women married to ape sports stars are there for the money. They’d marry anything with a bulging wallet; a groid, a spic, a jew or even McGreen if had money.

      Get the jews out of the way, and the race-mixing problems would be lessened in no time.

    4. Andrea Dworkin Says:

      I would say Italians are white people. They gave us Da Vinci, and some great artists in the Renaissance.

      Aren’t some of them the mixed stock of the Ancient Romans as well?

      Compare that to these other dregs on the list: Spaniards, Maltese, Romanians, Bulgarians, Albanians, Georgians and Armenians…

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      Velasquez, Goya and Cervantes were Spaniards, were they not? So what’s this shit about “dregs”? Besides, nationalities are no longer a good indication of whether a person is White or not. There are a lot of “Germans” today who are half-Black, for example. Seems a lot of those frauleins like Negro American GI’s and other dark meat. Tsk, tsk……..Typical Nordic female behavior, I’m afraid.

      “Locked and Loaded”, you are too friggin’ funny: “Get the jews out of the way and the black problem is solved quickly.” “Get the jews out of the way, and the race-mixing problems would be lessened in no time.”


    6. Ein Says:

      Kardashians? I had no idea who that is. (I don’t waste time on TV trash.) So I looked it up.
      According to Wikipedia:
      Kim Kardashian is of Armenian descent (father), Scottish and Dutch descent (mother), the daughter of attorney Robert Kardashian and Kris Jenner (née Houghton). …

    7. CW-2 Says:

      There is still lots of good Nordic blood in both Spain and Italy, not just confined to the northern regions either.

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      Those Kardashians have some kind of reality series on E!, I think. They’re a bunch of dago skanks, as far as I can tell. One of them slept with Hugh Heffner, so he made her Playmate of the Year, or something.

    9. Adam Says:

      As technology advances, Jews will find it harder and harder to pose as White people. They’ll be exposed as the outsiders that they are:

      No matter what happens in the area of genetics, it seems to me very improbable that the great mass of modern American white people will ever stop regarding Jews as white. It’s about as likely as them suddenly changing their minds about niggers being human.
      Indeed, the Jew probably has a better claim to whiteness than the nigger has to being human.

      Further, talk of genetic distance is all well and good, but a point Sallis doesn’t really seem to understand is that it’s not the genetic distance between whites and Jews that is important, but the fact that the Jew has, as a matter of genetics, a superior ethnic cohesion. Also, the evidence of history would seem to indicate that these Jewish modifications to the white genome are dominant when they occur, such that even 1/2 and 1/4 Jews are more loyal to the Jewish race than they are their home countries, or to the white race in general. It could even be that these modifications are confined to only a few genes, leading to a very small separation between whites and Jews in terms of genetic distance. But the effect of the genetic difference, however small, is far more important than the amount of genetic distance. In theory, a large number of modifications could probably be made to the white genome that would have little practical effect, but which, if applied systematically, would result in separating out a subset of the white race in terms of genetic distance. The Finns are a good example of this: quite distinct from the European mean, but not sharing the Jew’s hostile, aggressive, and highly ethnocentric nature. Genes are essentially a set of blueprints, hard-coded techniques that the organism uses in its interaction with the environment, but all techniques aren’t equally powerful. The technique of ethnic cohesion, evolved among the segmentary societies of the Middle East, is a very powerful technique, particularly in our modern environment of the global technological system, and especially so when coupled with the high Jewish IQ. In this environment, using these techniques, the Jew prospers and thrives like a lethal bacillus in a nourishing agar.

    10. Ein Says:

      Are there Armenian Jews, I wonder?

      There are/is just about every other kind of Jews.

    11. Blackshirt Says:

      Oh Jewsus, not the “Nordic” stuff again! Tim, I agree with you as always, but I think you went a little overboard with Locked ‘n Loaded. He doesn’t seem to be saying anything anti- Southern European.

      Also, as someone with Italian heritage I cringe when you called the Kardashians “dagos”. First, that term is usually reserved as an insult to Italians, and second, the Kardashians are Armenians.

      As for “Andrea Dworkin” I think you are wrongly throwing Spaniards, Maltese, Romanians, and Bulgarians in with the mud races. Like Tim said, you have to be careful condemning a whole European ethnic group to the dustbin due to some admixture in some parts of that population. Tim is correct when he says “Besides, nationalities are no longer a good indication of whether a person is White or not.”

      I once dated a girl from Brazil with blonde hair and blue eyes.

      But I have to say there is some merit to what Tim says about Nordic women being more attracted to blacks than other types of Whites… I’ve seen this myself here of course, and in Europe. While I was in Scandinavia I was utterly sickened by the girls there who were running around with Somalis and Sudanese. I didn’t see anything like that happening with Italian women, even though the nigger population was higher in Italy. It is interesting to note that some blonde women are so proud of being with niggers that they even have whole groups devoted to it on the internet, groups formed by these race-traitor sluts themselves, and not Jews. When was the last time you saw a brunettes for/with blacks internet group?

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      Blackshirt, I just finished reading “Black Bodies” by Evelyn Waugh. In that book, there is an unscrupulous Armenian merchant, Yokoumian, who is contemptuously referred to as a Dago, so that’s what I was thinking of. Maybe Waugh should have used the word Wog instead.

      Ein, seeing as how the Jews and Armenians are so similar, in terms of geography, mentality and appearance, it’s really kind of hard to tell them apart. Suffice it to say they are two groups of unsavory western Asiatics with more similarities than differences.

    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      I meant to write “Black Mischief”. Another Waugh novel is called “Vile Bodies”.

    14. CW-2 Says:

      Armenians are an interesting people, they take great pride in being the first Christian nation and throughout their long history have fought to retain their identity and culture. Let’s not forget the Armenian massacres, 1895 – 1915, in Ottoman Turkey organised by Enver Pasha and his fellow Salonika jews.

      The Soviet airplane designer Mikoyan was an ‘Armenian’ jew.

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      And there was the great Soviet composer Aram Katchaturian, as well. Still, the Armenians are generally clannish, swarthy and sneaky like the Jews are. I just don’t like those cut-throat Asiatics.

      As far as converting to Xianity is concerned, the Armenian King probably ordered everyone to convert so he could rule over them more easily. When every tribe and village has their own deities it’s hard to keep the country united and under control. So I’d say that making Xianity the official state religion was done for the sake of political expediency, not because of any genuine religious epiphany. Constantine and other leaders converted their realms to Xianity for the same reason.

    16. Tom McReen Says:

      What’s ‘Xianity’? Is that like feminists using ‘womyn’? Extremist nuts driven so insane that they can’t use words properly?

    17. Tom McReen Says:

      “No one here likes you or your silly trash at all.”

      Obvious socks are too obvious.

    18. Babette Says:

      I’m puzzled by the claim that Jews are non-white. ALL of the Jews I’ve ever known have had white skin. Some were blonde, some red-haired, many were blue eyed, so why call them non-white?

    19. Emerson Cozzolino Says:

      Wow. That Kourtney Kardashian is wierd. I love following the family just because they’ve always got something goofy going on. Hope you keep posting info about the Kardashians.