17 December, 2009

Kill the Public School

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 3:20 am | Permanent Link

Ostrowski has a new book on yanking kids out of public schools, the urgent need to.

First read this article.

Here’s the book it’s from.

“Socialists, who were very active in the public school movement, began operating covertly in secret cells in America as early as 1829, before the word socialism was even invented.”

~ Samuel L. Blumenthal [1]

A quick history lesson

This isn’t a history book.  It is a book about why you should take your kids out of government schools.  Yet, misconceptions about history may discourage some readers from fairly considering the evidence and arguments that are to follow.  What I ask is that you keep an open mind.  Put your preconceptions aside and take a fresh look at this important subject.  That will be easier to do after a brief review of the origins and nature of the government school as we know it today.

Were government schools established because private society and families refused to educate the children, resulting in lifelong ignorance and illiteracy?  Were the motives of the reformers pure, selfless and concerned only with the well-being of the children?  Surely, after these reforms were in place, school attendance rose, illiteracy disappeared and the quality of education vastly improved.

None of those things happened!

  • 39 Responses to “Kill the Public School”

    1. alex Says:

      Surely public schools are a greater force for darkness than ever the Catholic church in the middle ages.

    2. Bret Ludwig Says:

      The Founding Fathers would have provided for separation of school and state, if they could have even thought that the state could get into the school business (save the military academies). It was no more likely to them than the idea of racial equality-or really any kind of equality in the sense of capacity or achievement.

    3. Kuda Bux Says:

      The purpose of the government school monopoly is to stop the children from discovering the truth about all the other monopolies.

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      Most kids don’t need any formal education beyond the 9th or 10th grade. Instead, they should be starting an apprenticeship to learn a valuable lifelong trade at that point. But the liberal philosophy demands that everyone go through all 12-13 years of grade school and then, if at all possible, another 4 years of college. No wonder the quality of education has dropped precipitously over the past few decades while the costs have skyrocketed. My own public school education was the most intellectually stultifying experience of my life.

      Death to mass-equality and mass democracy.

    5. Igor Alexander Says:

      “The purpose of the government school monopoly is to stop the children from discovering the truth about all the other monopolies.”

      That’s a good one. I might use it on my quotes page. Are you the author?

    6. Igor Alexander Says:

      I pretty much agree with you, Tim. Though I would argue that if kids were taught properly (and assuming average intelligence and no learning disabilities), they could learn everything they really needed to know (reading, writing, arithmetic, geometry, geography, etc. — the basics) in 6 years or less. It’s ludicrous that you have university graduates today, sometimes even with English degrees, who can’t write a grammatical sentence if their lives depend on it (I’m not joking).

      After that, it would depend on the child. Trades are good for some, but others might want to pursue higher studies. I definitely like the idea of returning to apprenticeships, which is almost unheard of today.

    7. Igor Alexander Says:

      * which _are_ almost unheard of today.

    8. Kuda Bux Says:

      “That’s a good one. I might use it on my quotes page. Are you the author?”

      All mine. I’ve been saving it for the opportune moment.

    9. Doug Says:

      A most damning condemnation, and one that will resonate with those who are losing jobs overseas, is that schools cost us $7k-10k per student annually, yet provide them with no better skill level than the 3rd world countries where many of their jobs are exported. We need more technical and manufacturing expertise, less Jane Eyre/Literature/book work.

    10. Adam Says:

      Disempowering white men and preparing them to assume a subservient place in the New World Order is part of the design of modern educational technique, which as Ellul says, has as its goal the prevention of another Hitler. I will quote at length a passage from The Technological Society, as it’s definitely worth it. Although this passage deals with the education of “children”, it’s equally applicable, if not more so, at the college level. He begins by quoting Mme Montessori in a speech she gave to UNESCO:

      We must awaken the child’s social conscience. I know that is a complicated educational question, but the child who will become the man must be able to understand life and its needs, the fundamental reason for all existence, the search for happiness … He must know exactly what he must do and what he must not do for the good of humanity … To reach these ends, we must prepare the child to understand the meaning and necessity of the entente among the nations. The organization of the peace devolves more on education than on politics. To secure peace practically, we must envision a humane education, psychopedagogy, which affects not one nation but all men on earth … Education must become a truly humane science to guide all men to judge the present situation correctly.

      Ellul then gives his analysis:

      This statement seems to me truly remarkable in that it designates candidly the end of psychopedagogic technique in the best possible circumstances, within a liberal and democratic conception of man, state, and society. (Mme Montessori is a liberal and speaks for liberal countries.) I have taken Mme Montessori’s statement by way of example, but one could examine the purpose of this technique in numerous other pedagogical studies published in the past few years.

      We note first of all that this technique must be implemented by the state, which alone has the means and the breadth to carry it through. But the rigorous application of the psychopedagogic technique means the end of private instruction – and therefore of a traditional freedom.

      Second, this technique is “pantocrator”. It must be exercised over all men. If one man is left who is not trained according to its methods, there is the danger of his becoming a new Hitler. The technique cannot be effected unless all children are obliged to participate and all parents to co-operate. There can be no exceptions. If only a minority are educated to comply, this technique can resolve none of the problems it is intended to meet. We note again the aggressive character of technique. Mme Montessori emphasizes the fact that “it is necessary to free the child from the slavery of school and family” for him to enter the cycle of freedom proper to this technique. However, this freedom consists in a profound and detailed surveillance of the child’s activities, a complete shaping of his spiritual life, and a precise regulation of his time with a stop watch; in short, in habituating him to a joyful serfdom.[Emphasis added.]

      In other words, what has been created is a system that not only starves white male genius, but is deliberately set up to prevent it from arising.

      We should also note that technical genius — i.e., genius useful to the technological system — is the only kind of white male genius that is not starved under the current plan. The educational system was set up the way it is specifically to disempower white men, to strip them of their privileged place and position as intellectual leaders and protectors of their race, and to channel and restrict whatever sparks of genius that might remain to the realm of the purely technical, helping the system find new technical means to enslave and further disempower them. The destruction of the structure of the old, racist white culture is the goal, and these educational techniques are the means. Race and the cultures that arose from it are facts of nature, evolved over millions of years, that preceded the advent of the industrial society and stand outside of it. From its point of view, they represent a natural system comprised of obsolete techniques, incompatible with the expansion of the global technological system. Nothing less than the complete destruction of that system will enable their preservation.

    11. mrcrouton Says:

      School itself is mostly obsolete anyway. If you film the best teacher teach a course and record it and put it on Youtube, who needs the thousands of inferior teachers doing a bad job? Also one can watch a lesson at your own time and at your own pace.

      Further you don’t have to worry about contracting swine flu when you learn at home.

      Either way, public school ( a plank of the Communist manifesto) is a tax burden and needs to end,

    12. Adam Says:

      mrcrouton Says:

      School itself is mostly obsolete anyway. If you film the best teacher teach a course and record it and put it on Youtube, who needs the thousands of inferior teachers doing a bad job? Also one can watch a lesson at your own time and at your own pace.

      Further you don’t have to worry about contracting swine flu when you learn at home.

      Either way, public school ( a plank of the Communist manifesto) is a tax burden and needs to end,

      No, you don’t get it. White kids must physically go to school and learn how to listen to niggers in positions of authority over them. This will prepare them for their future lives as workers in the corporations that make up our global plantation. They must be completely immersed in the mud flood. Little Sally must live with Jamal wagging his dick in her face on the school bus, or raping her in the stairwell, until she learns to like it. Little Jimmy must get his ass kicked by gangs of non-whites until he realizes his new place in the order of things.

      Developing politically correct attitudes, breaking down the divisions of race and culture — THAT’s the point of the public school. Certainly not teaching them anything.

    13. Justin Huber Says:

      I think it would be a mistake to say that we shouldn’t have public schools. Granted, the ones we have now are effed up, but I think that public schools could be very effective if they were run correctly. If saying so makes me some kind of “socialist” then fine. I can live with that. I’m also of the opinion that if we ever were to establish a white nation that we should have mandatory military service for two or three years. People don’t like to hear it, but without a “socialist” institution such as this, we’ll end up in the same state of affairs we have now.

    14. alex Says:

      We should also note that technical genius — i.e., genius useful to the technological system — is the only kind of white male genius that is not starved under the current plan. The educational system was set up the way it is specifically to disempower white men, to strip them of their privileged place and position as intellectual leaders and protectors of their race, and to channel and restrict whatever sparks of genius that might remain to the realm of the purely technical,

      No, it limits technical development too. The high era of White technical genius was BEFORE the progressives took full control. Read Gatto. Large corporations wanted cogs and also to stifle Edison types through public schooling. Progressives wanted to deemphasize-to-eliminate intellectual schooling, ie real schooling, and replace it with attitude adjustment, to the ends the quotes in your post explain. But, Gatto and Iserbyt and Blumenfeld offer far better explanations of this than Ellul who is riding his hobbyhorse. Gatto in particular is the must-read. He doesn’t get the jew angle, but he gets all the rest of it.

      HS have discovered that it takes 100 hours to teach the three Rs. Once you know those, you have the tools to self-educate. So why does PS last sixteen years? to get people used to being bossed, get them used to obeying whistles, get them holding the right attitudes, get them used to being used to having their performance tied to morons rather than individually judged. Plus the PS wastes kids’ most energetic years, bores them, stifles them, wastes their time, keeps them around sicko progressive teachers and people their own age rather than adults truly interested in their character and intellectual development.

    15. Adam Says:

      alex Says:

      No, it limits technical development too. The high era of White technical genius was BEFORE the progressives took full control.

      But it doesn’t really limit technical development. Look at Bill Gates, for example. It turns out that where he went to high school was one of the few places in the country at the time that had a computer, a VAX PDP-11, I think. Some kids went to band or chess club, but Gates spent a hours and hours programming that machine. Just by that happy accident, a nerdy white genius was able to become what he later became — and all due, in a significant sense, to the existence of the public school.

      But the point is, the technological system has entered a new phase, and these educational methods reflect that. The age of the solitary white genius like Edison is over, and has been for some time. Our modern technological age is the age of global teamwork, and that’s the technical reason why race and culture must be broken down. Also, such innovations require much more capital than can be supplied by individuals. It requires corporations or the resources of a state to bring it off. Bill Gates’ family would never have bought him his own PDP-11, that’s for sure. Nobody is going to develop something like the next transistor in his basement, or do gene-splicing in his bathtub. Things of that sort will require a team, backed by the finances of a multi-national corporation.

      Read Gatto. Large corporations wanted cogs and also to stifle Edison types through public schooling. Progressives wanted to deemphasize-to-eliminate intellectual schooling, ie real schooling, and replace it with attitude adjustment, to the ends the quotes in your post explain. But, Gatto and Iserbyt and Blumenfeld offer far better explanations of this than Ellul who is riding his hobbyhorse.

      I have done some reading on Gatto’s site, and found him informative, as I believe my remarks show. He gets the tie-in to corporations that the article you linked doesn’t. That’s where the drive to emphasize the vocational training of public education at the expense of all else comes from. No offense Alex, but if you can’t see how the development of the technological system is driving all this, I don’t think you really understand Ellul’s arguments.

    16. Tim McGreen Says:

      One thing I’ve noticed in some schools is that forced reading is used as a way to keep noisy kids quiet. As a result, the students will associate reading with punishement. Quel dommage.

    17. Tim McGreen Says:

      “punishment”, that is.

    18. alex Says:

      Our modern technological age is the age of global teamwork, and that’s the technical reason why race and culture must be broken down.

      So how’s that working in Japan, China, Israel, and among the Amish? It’s not. Your unwillingness to address evidence that controverts your theory makes you an ideologue. Technology can just as easily be used to preserve a race or culture as destroy it.

    19. alex Says:

      One thing I’ve noticed in some schools is that forced reading is used as a way to keep noisy kids quiet. As a result, the students will associate reading with punishement. Quel dommage.

      There may be something to that. One thing I noticed was, the only thing I ever came across that made me come near to disliking reading, was being forced in PS to read Shane, and write a summary of every couple of chapters. Absolutely off-putting. The use of look-say or whole-world reading instruction, and repetitive-stupid primers with Dick, Jane and Spot are very much intended to piss people off. The latter are like early versions of those tvcommercials that started popping up a decade ago, with eighty idiots intoning the same moronic catchword. Quick-shifting images, extreme repetition are techniques to dumb and deaden. Whole-world reading is intended to frustrate the student and make him hostile toward books and reading.

    20. alex Says:

      No offense Alex, but if you can’t see how the development of the technological system is driving all this, I don’t think you really understand Ellul’s arguments.

      I understand that he and you have no case. As I have demonstrated.

      What you don’t seem to grasp is that a single counterexample destroys a universal law.

      The minute I give you an example refuting your universal law of technological development, you mutate it into some other theory. That doesn’t work.

    21. Adam Says:

      alex Says:

      Our modern technological age is the age of global teamwork, and that’s the technical reason why race and culture must be broken down.

      So how’s that working in Japan, China, Israel, and among the Amish? It’s not.

      I’m not claiming that all races and cultures are completely finished YET, obviously. But they will be. That’s clearly the trend. The natural world is still in the process of being destroyed.

      Your unwillingness to address evidence that controverts your theory makes you an ideologue.

      On the contrary, in the open thread below, I’ve answered your points about the Amish and Japan, and showed why you’re wrong. And you, by contrast, never addressed the issue of birth control technologies and their inherently adverse social effects, not to mention many other points and arguments I’ve made. But what could you have said, after all? I’m clearly right. Technological innovation reshapes culture, and transforms the underlying genetics of race. The point isn’t even arguable by honest men.

      Technology can just as easily be used to preserve a race or culture as destroy it.

      In theory, perhaps. But in the real world, white people as a whole have other priorities. It’s disgraceful that even so-called white advocates like you would rather the white race perish than live in a world without cars or computers.

      Look, maybe you don’t want to understand the theory behind it, or maybe you just can’t. It doesn’t matter. The irrefutable truth that is a result of all this theorizing, however, is that if the global technological system were somehow to be destroyed, the Jews would have no power. No mass media or federal government for them to control, nor international finance to manipulate. No public schools to administer their brainwashing. Without the global technological system to compel them together, the races would naturally self-segregate, and whites would eventually return to their natural place of dominance in the world’s racial hierarchy. Jews would shrivel back into the tiny tribe of hate-filled pustules they were before Pharoah’s time, powerless to affect whites in any way.

      I guess you just don’t want it bad enough to make the necessary sacrifices.

    22. Adam Says:

      alex Says:

      What you don’t seem to grasp is that a single counterexample destroys a universal law.

      The fact that races and cultures differ in their resistance to being assimilated into the global technological system isn’t a counter-example. It’s part of the theory.

    23. -jc Says:

      Bret Ludwig Said: “The Founding Fathers would have provided for separation of school and state, if they could have even thought that the state could get into the school business (save the military academies)…”

      Blumenthal is, to a great extent– correct despite the fact that he’s a Jew.

      However, David Goldstein is one example of their tribe driving the ultra-Judaized cults, e.g., Seventh-day Adventism, and Americans United for Separation of Church and State, etc.

    24. Igor Alexander Says:

      “…this freedom consists in a profound and detailed surveillance of the child’s activities, a complete shaping of his spiritual life, and a precise regulation of his time with a stop watch; in short, in habituating him to a joyful serfdom.”

      Yup, that’s about what public school felt like to me.

    25. Igor Alexander Says:

      “HS have discovered that it takes 100 hours to teach the three Rs.”

      In other words, the equivalent of 16 school days. Holy crap.

    26. Howdy Doody Says:

      Public Schools for working class Whites who attended majority non Whites schools were a tragedy, a horror, and living hell, no matter if you knew how fight, run or learned what to expect/street wise.

      Whites who did not go through this are lucky, but if the support any public school any where today they just do not understand the genocidal War of terror on Whites today.

      A group that would shoot wounded men in a life raft then liek adn cover up, also control y/our government today.


    27. Howdy Doody Says:

      Adam Says:

      17 December, 2009 at 9:21 pm

      Adam, that is an excellent post, as the physical violence, intimadation started against White Children in our large cities over 50 years and is now all over the place.

      Messygroups will sue a White school and White principle for any percieved slight, if that White discipline’s them in the hallway for squeezing White girls etc.

    28. Kuda Bux Says:

      “. . .if the global technological system were somehow to be destroyed, the Jews would have no power. . .”

      How did jews manage to wreck all these nations before the technological era?

    29. DavidTehGnome Says:

      Ahh, it is refreshing to say the least, hearing some decent dialogue concerning the unholy UNESCO pedagogue. Or psychopedagogic teaching style, whatever you want to call it, it is in my personal opinion one of the most substantial, undeniable connections between the jew and their desire for world communism out there today. Just look at the waldorf schools, or montessori for that matter. These “counter cultural” institutions are assembly lines for warm fuzzy feel good cattle, incapable of defending anything they ought to hold dear and these united nations teachings are a growing plague, who’s intellectual tentacles have seeped into the learnings of all public schools . These new age waldorf style institutions are garbage schools that run on a garbage united nations curriculum and are swarming with aging kike hippies, who for some reason absolutely love the UN and are more than happy to de-educate any silly gentile parents dumb enough to send their kids to this godless, earth worshipping, multi-cult, brainwashing camps. Hmmm, how odd that so many anti-authoritarian jew burnouts are actively hyping world government. After all what does the inextricable connection between jews, flower children, the united nations and all branch offs of this atrocious organization unesco unsat etc. etc. working in tandem with most if not all media, who subsequently go hand in hand with our horrid government towing the line, all under the loving gaze of new green communism say about the state of the world?

    30. Tom McReen Says:

      “Adam, that is an excellent post, as the physical violence, intimadation started against White Children in our large cities over 50 years and is now all over the place.”

      Not just in the US. There are cities in England hosting ‘schools’ where white kids are a minority swamped by blacks and some asians and many of the newly arived can’t even speak English.

      On VNNF UK section we covered a story about a shegro X-Factor/talent show contestant who made the later stages and was booted out because a mobile phone video was unearthed by the tabloids showing the female negro and non-White accomplice assaulting and bad-mouthing a redhead White girl. It was awful to watch.

    31. Arminius Says:

      “if the global technological system were somehow to be destroyed, the Jews would have no power.”
      As usual, Adam is putting the cart before the horse, to suit his hobby-“technological system” theory.
      “Terrosaurus” has given elsewhere an accurate decription of the money power rich Jews are wielding and how this influences everything in our life.
      Capitalist money, especially in the form of big (jew dominated) business, CONTROLS ALL technological development and its economic success, not the other way round. A point which cannot be emphasized enough, but will always be lost in Adam’s mind.

    32. Howdy Doody Says:

      Any inventive White who patents something and is making money from it will be targeted by them even if just to try to marry if he or she is single IMO etc.

    33. Adam Says:

      Arminius Says:

      “if the global technological system were somehow to be destroyed, the Jews would have no power.”
      As usual, Adam is putting the cart before the horse, to suit his hobby-”technological system” theory.

      How so? Money is also a part of the technological system, esp. high finance and investment banking.


      Capitalist money, especially in the form of big (jew dominated) business, CONTROLS ALL technological development and its economic success, not the other way round.

      That’s nonsense, of course. What about National Socialist Germany? They weren’t capitalist, and had plenty of technological innovation. Nor were they controlled by Jews. What about economies before capitalism, such as that of Rome or Europe in the Middle Ages? Or non-capitalist economies in today’s world, such as China? Or the non-white world in ancient times?

      Try thinking at least a little bit before you post. It helps to understand something before you try to criticize it.

      A point which cannot be emphasized enough, but will always be lost in Adam’s mind.

      Oh, always.

    34. Tom McReen Says:

      Here’s that video I talked about:


      “X FACTOR finalist Emily Nakanda has been booted off the show after The Sun exposed her “Happy Slap” attack on a teenage blonde.

      The 15-year-old singer was given her marching orders yesterday after we printed stills from a video of her beating up the girl, named only as Anna.

      We earlier revealed how she was shown in a knife gang’s video threatening to cut out a boy’s EYES.”

      Coming to a school near you. This happens more than we are told by the MSM I’m sure.

    35. Igor Alexander Says:

      Just finished the Ostrowski piece linked to. I’ll probably order a copy of the book the next time I place an order through Amazon.

      There are many teachers in my family (too many), including an aunt who is an elementary school teacher, another aunt who works with the disabled, and a grandmother who was a social worker and taught children violin and piano for 15 years. All three of these women emphasize the need to send children to school in order to “socialize” them. What they nominally mean by “socialization” is that kids will somehow be psychologically messed-up if they don’ spend any time with other kids of their own age (perhaps true, I don’t know, but there’s certainly ways for kids of the same age to spend time together without attending school). I don’t know about you, but to me, the term “socialization” has a creepy ring to it, like “conditioning” or “habituation” or “indoctrination.”

      If asked point-blank what the purpose of school is — learning or “socialization” — all three women will answer without hesitating that socialization is more important. People who believe that the purpose of public schools is to impart valuable skills and knowledge to the younger generations ought to keep the attitude of the people running those schools — people like my aunts and grandmother — in mind.

    36. alex Says:

      There are many teachers in my family (too many), including an aunt who is an elementary school teacher, another aunt who works with the disabled, and a grandmother who was a social worker and taught children violin and piano for 15 years. All three of these women emphasize the need to send children to school in order to “socialize” them. What they nominally mean by “socialization” is that kids will somehow be psychologically messed-up if they don’ spend any time with other kids of their own age (perhaps true, I don’t know, but there’s certainly ways for kids of the same age to spend time together without attending school). I don’t know about you, but to me, the term “socialization” has a creepy ring to it, like “conditioning” or “habituation” or “indoctrination.”

      Yep, they all say this, almost all teachers. Why? They’re repeating what they get in their education classes. It’s NEA’s last line of defense, since they can’t, obviously, talk about test scores vs HSers. But even on socialization they’re wrong. See the forum. Kids do much better, by any standard of socialization you want to measure, when they are around adults and people of all different ages. In schools, they’re only around peers – people of the exact same age in all their classes. That’s where bad ideas circulate and peer pressure comes in. The kid at home listens to his parents and his siblings, and hears from whatever outside adults are used to teach. Just think about it, and you can see that the socialization argument is wrong. Not to mention, no white HS kid ever got molested or beat up by a nigger on the bus to public school.

    37. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Why? They’re repeating what they get in their education classes.”

      I had gathered as much from talking to them, since whenever you start asking critical questions on the matter, they’re unable to come up with an answer. They just keep repeating the slogans they were taught like mantras. Not one of them has even been able to provide an acceptable definition of “socialization” when asked; they just know that it’s imperative that it happen.

      It’s still not clear to me exactly what this term means, though I suspect it has something to do with getting people used to working at MacDonalds or at some shit office job for the rest of their lives.

    38. Mark Says:

      Let’s not over look the Founder of the Home School Movement from the 1960’s, Rousus John Rushdoony.

      I see the vast majority of Public School complainers are still Statist. For they have no value or meaning of life of their own. So even the Rebel, is Statist.

    39. alex Says:

      It’s still not clear to me exactly what this term means, though I suspect it has something to do with getting people used to working at MacDonalds or at some shit office job for the rest of their lives.

      It means “learned to have exactly the same attitude as everybody else, like they’re supposed to.”