20 December, 2009

I Want My Equalocracy and I Want It Now

Posted by Socrates in brown culture, Brown Man, democracy, democrazy, egalitarianism, equality, equalocracy, Marxism, republic vs. democracy, Socrates, women, Women Politicians at 11:28 am | Permanent Link

Why is democracy called a good thing? Is cancer also a good thing? Democracy means “any idiot can participate in politics.” That’s what it meant in ancient Athens (the birthplace of democracy, where politicians were chosen by lot, i.e., at random, which was “equality” that any Marxist today would applaud) and that’s what it means in America now. No standards are needed, any human will do, one size fits all, everyone is equal; male, female, negro, Mexican, retard – it doesn’t matter. Next stop for “democratic” America: Brown Man station! (train whistle: whoo, whoo!) [1]:


[1] How interesting that, in both the Athenian democracy and the Roman republic, women couldn’t hold political office, yet today women rule entire countries

  • 14 Responses to “I Want My Equalocracy and I Want It Now”

    1. Nordlander Says:

      The Founding Fathers thought elections would be decided by White upper-class landowners educated at the university, well-informed and connected to the political goings-on. A group of gentlemen that all knew each other. The voters would listen to the conclusions drawn by these men and approve.

      Instead democracy is a “social science” major screaming hatred against her parents and normal families in a Gay Pride demonstration, while kissing a she-Negro in front of TV cameras invented by Whites but controlled by Jews. Elections are about bribing half the people with money taken from the other half, justifying the theft with stories about oppressive White upper-class landowners. Politics across the West have been permanently locked in a leftist paradigm because of Jew media, workers willing to vote for “social democrats” in return for money and perks, and a flood of immigrants taking the workers’ place when some of them get cold feet as they see the perks diminish in value.

      What a circus. The Founding Fathers would have been wise to listen to stories about bread and circuses in ancient Rome, instead of tales about democracy in ancient Greece.

    2. Doug Says:

      “DEMOCRACY (like looting) IS NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT” [from the site]

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      I don’t think the Founding Fathers were really sure what kind of government they thought this country should have. Their Constitution and Bill of Rights were written in a thoroughly half-assed manner.

    4. Bret Ludwig Says:

      The classical democracies were not every-featherless-biped-a-voter propositions at all. There were standards for being included in the demos . where they fell apart is that the standards were lowered and that is what they became. Every featherless biped with a penis could and did vote eventually and things imploded.

      Restricting the franchise is of the essence.

      Switzerland today is a democracy and, we must admit, a successful one, at least up until most recently. The exception (as Oliver reminds us, as does Edgar Steele IIRC) tests the rule. Switzerland is within each canton very homogeneous and the Gastarbiterer never become part of the demos .

    5. Igor Alexander Says:

      I’m not sure how successful Swiss democracy really is. For example, in 1995 the Swiss people voted in hate speech laws (albeit by a very small margin, something like 55%). A few years later, they paid dearly for it when Ed Bronfman and the World Jewish Congress came in and shook down the Swiss banks for billions and no one could openly criticize the kikes for doing it.

      I much prefer the model of a constitutional republic to a democracy. You shouldn’t be able to overturn things like freedom of expression by a referendum. Of course, maybe the vote would’ve turned out differently if Swiss women had never been given voting privileges. And the issue of “hate speech” wouldn’t have come up at all if we didn’t tolarate the presence of jews in our societies.

    6. Adam Says:

      [1] How interesting that, in both the Athenian democracy and the Roman republic, women couldn’t hold political office, yet today women rule entire countries

      In some respects this was just a cultural artifact. There were back then queens that ruled countries. Egypt under Cleopatra, Palmyra under Zenobia, and Dido of Carthage come to mind. But what we have here again is case of racial predispositions colliding and interacting with the technology of the time.

      The white genetic predisposition to egalitarianism was expressed in Greece and Rome as a cultural preference for democratic or republican forms of government, as opposed to monarchies. In such systems, women didn’t participate back then because the technological system of that time did not support it. The demands of childbirth and motherhood, along with the weakness and fragility of the female body, which made them unable to participate in combat, were obvious proof to the Greeks and Romans of the radical inequality of men and women. But now, owing to the invention of birth control technologies, the welfare state, universal “education”, and advances in military technologies, women can easily pass themselves off as fully equal to men. Given these developments, feminism, women’s suffrage, and the participation of women in government generally, all became inevitable.

      The technological system shapes and reshapes culture as it expands, and changes underlying gene frequencies as a consequence, modifying and ultimately destroying race.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      “…..in Greece and Rome…….women didn’t participate back then because the technological system of that time did not support it. …….But now, owing to the invention of birth control technologies, the welfare state, universal “education”, and advances in military technologies, women can easily pass themselves off as fully equal to men. ”


      I’m afraid this is an exceedingly weak argument. Women are no more suited for military duty now than they were during the Trojan War. Women did not participate in Athenian civil affairs because of Levantine prejudices against women doing so. Saul of Tarsus had those same prejudices. Technology does not change human nature.

    8. Adam Says:

      Yet a woman could put a bullet through your empty head just as easily as a man, couldn’t she? Seems pretty undeniable to me.

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      Just like a chimpanzee could easily pull your pointy head off its shoulders. Yet that doesn’t make a chimp any more qualified to fly an F-22, does it?

    10. Arminius Says:

      “Women are no more suited for military duty now than they were during the Trojan War.”
      Well, Tim, take it with humor, but that statement seems to be a little incorrect.
      The AMAZONS, those famous women warriors, who sufferd no men in their ranks, went to war and battle under the command of their Queen Penthesilea on the side of Troians.

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      Yes, I’m aware of the Amazons, but did they really exist? You don’t believe in Centaurs and Cyclopses too, do you?

    12. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Yes, I’m aware of the Amazons, but did they really exist?”

      Funny, I’ve been wondering that same thing too as of late. Is this utopia without men, or where men are relegated to the bottom, that lesbo-feminists dream about, really achievable? I have trouble believing that a tribe of butch dykes could have survived for more than 5 minutes in the old world. I’d like to see the archeological evidence, preferably from before classics departments were taken over by the homosexual mafia.

    13. Arminius Says:

      Come on, posters, fancy tales have been told for 3000 years, and (as you know) they are told in the enlighted 21.century just the same. The world believes them today as the cyclops and centaurs and amazons of old.
      Have you lost all sense for the lighter side? Are you so serious only because you forgot to laugh?
      A joke, a fitting humorous remark, would make life and this site much better readable.
      “Smile- you are on candid camera!”

    14. George Washington Says: