29 December, 2009

How Do We Win?

Posted by alex in challenge posts, challenges at 5:58 pm | Permanent Link

This is a challenge post. See if you can come up with the right answer, or a better answer than we can.

How do we win?

What is winning? Define it.

How do we get there from here?

  • 92 Responses to “How Do We Win?”

    1. Karen Says:

      Hey guys, I agree with the real men. We need our military, real men and our police on our side. Bring them home for real defense.

    2. A. Says:

      What miltary is that? Jose and Leroy? The last real men to wear uniforms had to remove them in 1945. Or do you mean the 101st which used bayonets on white girls to force them to intergrate? Or you mean the cops who smashed Linder to the ground or who tazer pensioners to get their peckers up? Those real men?

    3. jewhunter Says:

      It’s unrealistic to consider exporting 150 million people to their homelands, or somewhere else in the world where you can boot this many muds and Jews. The deep ends of the gene pool, namely the midwestern states and the Pacific northwest, should serve as the locale of interest and organization and all efforts should be directed here. A White from Oregon is very different from a White from, say, Ohio, Maryland, or New Jersey, many of whom are of questionable eugenic-assimilation quality and are the worst kind of guineas and part-Jews. I swear, I’m not kidding, I think 85% of the people in the tri-state area are Jewish or half-Jewish. I don’t recall the last time I met a gentile there, and I live there year round. Once enough whites can be garnered for the cause, non-whites and Jews can be pushed outwards towards the East Coast and California, easily enough. With enough motivation, Whites will grow paranoid of one another, entering into “who is whiter” competitions, which I naturally have come to play by looking at people after I woke up. Questionable people and Jews and part Jews will be ratted out, and put before tribunals or courts and considered for expulsion. The entire process would take a decade or so, but ultimately Aryanization will prevail. The current situation in the U.S. has damn near 10-20 million mixed race people, judging from what I see on TV, which appears to have a very small minority of true Whites. Turning on MTV will show people with white skin but indeterminable heritage. These are the primary problems. There should be a standard of Whiteness laid down such that Aryanization will be the ultimate goal, because it is completely impossible to do genetic testing on that many people.

      I think one of my reasons for not wanting to be around non-whites, among far more important reasons, is that they are so goddamned ugly, so if someone like Chuck Norris or Todd Palin is hanging around, is smart, moral and looks like an all-American white fellow, I wouldn’t necessarily have a problem with him, though some people might, especially if the faggot is going around bragging about he’s 1/16th Injun because he’s ashamed to be White. And I’d get flamed for that by the internet warriors at Stormfag, but I don’t see a viable program of DNA testing every White looking son of a bitch in America and doing a complete ethnic cleansing that way.

      At this point it’s all so screwed up in this country that salvaging what we can now and doing a eugenics type cleansing or breeding-out program would be the best bet. I mean, in the heat of battle, you’re going to look at someone, and the split second gut feeling that they’re White will dictate the way in which you should deal with them. Shoot, put ’em on the trains to the East coast, or leave them be. Look at their parents, look at who they’re associating with, look at their names. When in doubt, toss ’em. If the son of the bitch looks like he could be a mulatto, he’s probably a dang mulatto. You see a White guy with dreads, who could be an octoroon? Same deal. You could go places where you have people that are 1/4 Mexican but they look like Italians. Then it could be done by skin color. I know a girl that’s 1/4 Native American, and she looks like a dark White, like an Italian. She’s in Oklahoma. I didn’t know there were Italians in Oklahoma. There’s your answer. You’re not sure, send them to multicultural land.

      To practice, go out, look at faces. If you’re not sure if someone is White, from any part of the world White, or if they have some trace of shitskin or mud in them, which is usually determinable through swarthy features or dark skin, they’re probably not White. Think about it this way: if you were, for example, a mud, you’d be able to tell if someone was a paleface or not. I know Jews that brag that they get mistaken for Latinos in Brooklyn. If the son of a bitch could be mistaken for a shitskin, that’s that. If your nigdar goes off, your nigdar goes off, and you give the subject a chance to prove he’s not. You’re not convinced, he rides coach. If it’s gotten to the point that White people are fighting to create a homeland, nobody is going to call a human rights tribunal forward if we segregate, say, people that look White but may have 1/8th Indonesian or 1/8th Japanese here or 1/16th native there, since they’re probably as danged racist as you an I, anyways. I think most of us wouldn’t have a problem if we even did a pencil-test type thing for the darker haired whites. If you’re not sure if someone’s a Jew or not, these elements can be weeded out later. I have a sixthe sense for these things, but a lot of people don’t. I can just tell. Hardline purity should be an issue for the guys over in Europe, but if we can breed purebred horses here, we can do it with humans too.

      Things become clear. You kick down doors, you’re going to see the kind of books people read, and shit like that.

    4. half soldier Says:

      The problem with Americans is none of the existing Whites have any experience of living in a White country, they have no imagination, like Mao tse Tung said anybody that don’t have world view is like somebody without a soul, and believe me most Whites in America are souless nincompoops, who’ll go along with the Zog . I don’t rely on them, and am not disappointed, after all what kind of a lesson would that be to win an easy victory? The American Revolution 1 didn’t last long enough, wasn’t bloody enough, did’nt affect enough of the elite, made um pay through the noise with their own blood. Probaly if it would have lasted a few more years, it would have seen Ole Tom Jefferson fleeing to France to seek subterfuge with the liberals of the time, Whites in the Southern Colonies then might have booted out all the niggers

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      New Amerikwan, I’m afraid I must carry an additional workload of dis-information over the next several weeks, as the main component of BSE is currently off-line and being fitted with updated software and instructions. However, Herr Adam/Dietrich has compensated me for this extra responsibility by placing a Three Musketeers bar in my employee mailbox on paydays.

      {As I have noted before, TBE’s attacks and diversionary discussions – all off-point, and all designed to keep us off-balance – displayed much more sophistication than any other attack.}

      Commander Linder asked his readers to come up with practical, realistic suggestions for a plan of attack and victory over the Enemy and that is what I have attempted to provide.

      {Wipe out technology – both that used by the Federal Government, and that used by us.


      Ask Bill White where that leads, at least for you, if not the agents provocateur of TBE.}

      I may be mistaken, but tacitly suggesting an act of violence against a length of PVC tubing that is buried alongside a railroad track is not quite the same thing as overtly or explicitly calling for acts of violence against a public figure. Perhaps the Wise Latina Snapper Judge Sonia Sotomayor can issue an Opinion on the legal distinction between those two concepts.

      Additonally, I do not believe that a massive White retreat to the redwood forests of the Oregon Country is any kind of solution. You have made this suggestion on countless occaissions to no avail. If you have nothing further to add then please lower your hand and take your seat.

      PS….Despite repeated requests, you have never expalained what your exact relationship to Lord Covington is.

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      Nor have you ever EXPLAINED what your exact relationship to Lord Covington is.

    7. Garrett Says:

      See it’s over by ELO circa 1978. “it’s over it’s oooover, it’s all over but what can I do?????”WHat makes you think you can “take back” The USA?? Part of being a winner says that you know what battles to fight and what battles to walk away from. Sun Tsu says to fight battles that you can win. The jew owns the USA flat out, no question. The battle is lost. Not the war just the battle.

    8. Garrett Says:

      the jew owns the USA and will not give it up without massive bloodshed.

    9. Garrett Says:

      Merry New Year!!!

    10. Henry Says:

      I agree with jewhunter that if if you look at someone and you have to wonder if he’s white, then he’s not!

      I also agree that there’s an awful lot more Jews out there (and semi-jews) than anyone is likely to imagine. They seem to be everywhere. I think we’d all be amazed if we really knew the number.

    11. Hoosier Says:

      Happy New Year!


    12. Dave Says:

      We know feds must read this forum. These comments. I wonder what consequences may come from that. That being said we should be careful.

      I consider myself to be in a good situation. Not great but good. The local cops know me. I never broke any laws but was very active and vocal. They know me. Thats bad. Former allies have changed their tunes,they know where I live. Thats bad. The city I live in is small and isolated but has two large military bases,thats bad!

      The good,I have many associates who live in nearby rural areas,good indeed. We garden extensively,good. We are armed and hunting is prevalent,good. Most of my neighbors only know me by first name and greet me daily with a smile,good.

      We have only two REAL drawbacks. One previously stated,Large military bases,the second,no alternative heat in a very cold state. No power,no heat. No gas,no heat. I cant believe a house from 1896 doesnt have a fireplace. This leads me to a recomendation. If you live in a cold area and have no alternative source of heat for you or your family invest in a wood burning stove. they can be had for under $200 and installed in a matter of hours by anyone!Place it,vent it. You can burn almost anything to stay warm if you lose power.

      I am literally just thinking out loud here so as stated above,and very wisely someone might pick up where another leaves off. A good example of this is we all know what we know and are basically on the same page,we read books that re-affirm our beliefs. We know these things. However sometimes reading what we presumably already know by say,a different author can trigger something in our brains previously un-triggered. We can see the same things,but in a different light,which can help up progress.

    13. Irma Grese Says:

      One thing to do I’ve not seen mentioned yet: STOP ATTACKING CHRISTIANS. Needless divisive CRAP like going after WNs who happen to be religious believers is completely idiotic and serves NO PURPOSE other than to turn us against each other! MOST WHITES – ESPECIALLY IN THE MIDWEST – ARE AT LEAST NOMINALLY CHRISTIAN. If you want to bring at least some of those people to our side, STOP disparaging the god they grew up with! Otherwise they will always be against you. This is coming to you from an ATHIEST! Who wants to WIN!!

    14. Johnny Says:

      Even if we manage to create an all-white state somewhere in the U.S., the natural degradation and degeneracy in our sons and daughters that even Thucydides claimed the Spartans suffered from, means that there is no guarantee against the future of racial mixing. I’m telling you, it’s way easier being a carefree teenager than it is worrying about your genetic heritage. The answer is, sadly, that there must be a completely failsafe check such that everything we fight for is not lost upon our deaths. We have plenty of young in the movement, now, but what guarantee is there that they will be as we are? I know how rebellious I was as a teenager, and I still am, against my father’s Christianity, becoming a Neo-Nazi as a means against his we’re-all-god’s-children mantra.

      What does this failproof method entail? War. Decades of it. Global elimination of the Jew. Seriously. Every last one. Even the “good” and “nice” ones. That’s what I’ve come to realize. Like blacks, Jews just have something in their blood that is so repulsively undesirable that I would sooner have Injun blood than Jew or negro blood, or be dead. Maybe even teaming up with the Asians to get rid of the Jew and the darker races, even. The chinks would have no problem exterminating every last Mudslim or African on earth. We should use them. The current system, with all its music, and television, and “culture” should be burnt to the ground, completely and totally. Every last strip mall, every last piece of degenerate programming destroyed, forever. If that means destroying the cities of the West, the paintings and sculptures of the West along with it, so be it. The power of creation lies still in white genetics, not merely in what is past. If anything, this could be a scorched earth operation.

      One good direction that WN has gone so far is shaking off the skinheads and tattooed Aryan Circle prison types. These fucking retards are paraded across the Talmudvision constantly in a war of attrition on us, to make whites angry at the poor negro man that was beaten for no reason by some drunk 15 year olds.

    15. Johnny Says:

      Another thing is: there’s no guarantee that whites won’t go off with shitskins after the formation of a WN state. It’s human nature to act selfishly. Given the miscegenation between groids and human men even under slavery speaks to the end that no law, no matter how just, can ensure that men will act as you please. So frankly, the temptations should be removed. That means that for maybe 100 years the white world should cut itself off from the rest of the muddy world, and let the third worlders die off and kill themselves off, so that the balance of the world will return to normative, with the majority of people on earth being whites.

    16. Dave Says:

      statistics in this country are funny. I live in a state that is 96 % white,yet within four blocks of my home there are several multi racial,black,mexican and native american families. When was the last time YOU met or spoke with an employee of the census beareu?

      They claim whites make up 65-67% of the american population. Very conservatively they give:13% black,14%???hispanic(that is an absurd underestimate on my part since 10 years ago they claimed hispanics displaced blacks as the leading minority)3% jewish,1-3%native american,3% asian,3% multi racial…pacific islander???well the baby is crying and im sure you get the point. by these super conservative estimates we are less than the 65% they claim. realistically,50% or lower nation wide!


    17. Tim McGreen Says:

      In principle, I don’t like the idea of knocking other people’s religious beliefs. But it’s neverthless a fact that Christianity is a formidable obstacle to getting rid of Shylock once and for all. That’s why he invented Xianity, so he could project his power into the very minds of the Goyim. There are still many foolish, unthinking Whites who literally and/or figuratively sport bumper-stickers that read “My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter”. And the Baby Jeezus don’t want His followers to hate nobody nohow.

      So I’m afraid the attacks on Christ-insanity MUST and WILL continue.

    18. Irma Grese Says:

      Tim McGreen Says: But it’s neverthless a fact that Christianity is a formidable obstacle to getting rid of Shylock once and for all. That’s why he invented Xianity, so he could project his power into the very minds of the Goyim.

      I know, I know. But whether we like it or not, the overwhelming majority of White Americans at least verbally profess some kind of Christianity, and WILL NOT TOLERATE or support views they consider to be blasphemous. WHY alienate them? What possible purpose would it serve?? Besides, there is a very distinct difference between the Christian religion as practiced by our forefathers for many centuries and the organized churches of today – the pro-jew, pro-multi-cult SLANT which didn’t exist in the days of the CSA or the Third Reich, both at least nominally CHRISTIAN!

    19. half soldier Says:


    20. half soldier Says:

      Most Xians don’t follow the book, which means they follow the lead sheep,problem with sheep is when you remove the leader they all fall down, yeah we got a disciplinary problem here with lot of rebelliousness, something the orientals wouldn’t tolerate. Maybe Johnny is right we need a long period of isolation, let um have the right to do as they please, but not please what they please.
      One thing that hasn’t been addressed here is : What is War, is it just dressing up in costumes, pointing firesticks , and whoopin it up? The battlefront as I see it is a mind game, to enforce your will on the enemy, make him want to give up without a fight.
      We may want to arrange some sort of rapture for the xtians.

    21. ED! Says:

      Christianity is a religion of acceptance, tolerance, peace, with a philosophy of turn the other cheek. If you look at most Christians and examine their actions, you will see that they do not follow the bible. CUFI Christians think that Israel should wipe the Palestinian people out completely. Other Christians think that there should be a separate state for the Palestinian people, fat chance! New Testament liberal Christians and Old Testament hard line Christians. Christianity as I see it is the facilitator of the Jewish monster that has the world in its grip. If one would take a good look at the Jewish religion and all that goes with it like the Kabbalah and the Talmud, it would seem to be very strange at best. The Jews have been known as practitioners of sorcery and witchcraft for thousands of years. What Aleister Crowley and the New Age of the Golden Dawn practiced was most defiantly Jewish Sorcery. If one has ever read the Lesser Key of Solomon then they know. In that book is the Ars Goetia which is a catalog of 72 demons some believe King Solomon controlled and used. The Jewish religion strikes me as downright weird, creepy, sleazy, dangerous and corrupt. I cannot accept in my mind that any true religion could be based on such a bizarre monstrosity as Judaism! Any White Nationalist mind that is free of the chains of Christianity most certainly will have a hard time convincing a mind that is not free of Christian programming. Like it or not Christianity is plain and simple JEW WORSHIP! It is a turd in a candy wrapper! Most of all it is mental morphine for the mind that is incapable of facing mortality…

      I recommend any Christian read the book “The Bible Unmasked” by Joseph Lewis. The dedication of that book reads as follows:

      This book is dedicated in all seriousness to rabbis, priests and ministers, in the hope that it may bring them to realize the fraud they are perpetrating by preaching the Bible as the Word of God, and as a moral and intellectual guide for the human race.

      -Joseph Lewis

      I will say in closing that I believe anyone has the right to believe whatever they want however, when they think they have the right to tax me against my will to support rogue nations like Israel or any other for that matter is when I take issue with their belief in a major way!


    22. The Irishman Says:

      Does anyone care to address the strategy advocated by Jim Giles?

    23. half soldier Says:

      Xianity is still around because itz sooooo… goood for the jews. That is a fact. The jews won’t dispense with that turd in a candy wrapper, because its a vent for the goys to let off steam against the mudslims , which they should vent off against the mexishits and niggers. Just an example I was sitting next to an individual while the jew tube was on showing a Palestinian rock thrower tossing a rock against an Israeli tank. and the goy knee jerked and said “Kill him!”

    24. Karen Says:

      Hey guys, please do not misunderstand what I have said. To me real men means only Aryan men in the police force as well as the military. The rest are polyglots who have no idea what the true Western mind thinks. Women have no business in the police force let alone the military forces. We are not wired to fight and kill enemies.

      And please let us do away with so-called “Christianity”. It is middle eastern in nature and has no business to the Aryan mind. It is truely our downfall afterall. Whatever it’s beginings, it has turned into a gateway for the jews.

    25. Igor Alexander Says:

      What is winning? At a bare minimum, the goal is to:

      * Close our borders.
      * Deport illegals along with any other immigrants who have proven unfit for citizenship (criminals, welfare leeches, radicals and agitators, those whose dual-citizenship puts them in a conflict of interest, spies, etc).
      * Abolish laws and policies which discriminate against whites or violate the rights of whites such as affirmative action, forced integration, and social programs which largely benefit non-whites at the expense of whites.
      * Restrict jewish representation in the mass media, academia, politics, and finance to the jewish share of the population (2% or less).
      * Cut off aid to Israel.

      However, since not even one of these objectives (let alone all of them) can be met without a revolution, we should be setting our sights much higher. The goal should be an explicitly white nation which is completely free of muds and jews.

    26. ED! Says:

      • The Irishman Says:
      1 January, 2010 at 1:12 pm

      Does anyone care to address the strategy advocated by Jim Giles?

      I do respect Jim Giles view point however I wonder if he has had some of the experiences that some of us have had? I recently listened to his interview with Professor Kevin MacDonald. The good doctor seems put-out with some of the language used on the VNN website and does not agree with Alex Linder’s tone. At age 57 I think I have been around enough to know that there is not going to be an intellectual solution to the problems confronting the White Race. OK doc so I get arrested by black Metro police officers and get hog-tied while they chain my motorcycle to a wrecker and do $300 of damage to it, call me a white supremacist and say that it was my brothers that dragged one of their brothers to death in Jasper Texas! But the doctor does not want me to refer to them as niggers, why not, THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE! We should not say anything about violence? I would love to be driving down the freeway and see those two black bastards hanging from a bridge and if we ever have a violent revolution I am sure they will be!

      So what do we do? Oh please Mister Jew don’t steal my retirement fund or lobby my whores in congress for my tax dollars. Please mister black man do not rape, murder and rob. Please mister nice Mexican do not run drugs, litter, steal, and smack into my car or truck because you love to get shit-faced and drive! Non whites are like cockroaches or rats in that they are going to invade your space no matter what you think and the only way you are going to get rid of them is to wipe them out otherwise they will never leave you alone.

      The Jews and their rich Christian enforcers love the influx of drugs, mud race filth, and terrorists, its more work for judges, prosecutors, lawyers, cops, prisons and the construction companies who build them like Manhattan Construction Co. out of Muskogee Oklahoma just to name one. And they do believe that crime pays!

      America was built by White men who chew, spit and cuss. The crafts, skills and trades that I know and use were taught to me by such men, honorable men like the late Gale Gossett who taught me how to hunt, fish and clean game.

      The sorry excuse for men who are ruining this country use worse language behind closed doors than you will ever see on the VNN web-site. So welcome to the White Nationalist movement Professor MacDonald, the Jews hate you just as much as they do us unwashed Nationalist like it or not!


    27. The Irishman Says:

      I think that’s a pretty darn good summation there Ed of Giles’ attitude. Regardless of what flowery language we dress up in, they fully intend to run us into the fucking ground.

      Now then, with that in mind, the only entity capable of competing with the jew on its own terms is the apparatus of the state – just like Uncle realized after his failed putsch.

      Everything we need to defeat the jew and to stop the anti-White violence is already in place. Counter-revolutionary hostilities directed against the apparatus of the Kwa would never be effective nor supported by the overwhelming majority of Kwans.

      Giles strategy is to appeal to all White men with honor and courage within the system to step forward now to stop the violence.

      It is a novel approach and should not be dismissed out of hand as patriotardom.

      The flip side to keep in mind is this. There is a lengthy list of genuine hyper-violent counter-revolutionary groups that have burned themselves out only after decades of futilely hurling themselves against the impenetrable armor of the modern democratic state.

    28. ED! Says:

      As I say they can do their own thing, but serve me my White Nationalism strait-up! When the time comes and the talking ends let the boys step aside and the men will do the job! Then it will be Thor’s Hammer that does the talking! The word is out on the Jew, it is only a matter of time! Once again the Jew has painted him self into a corner probably for good this time!


    29. Ivan Says:

      Jim Giles is a character, a genuine one at that. Not many characters of his caliber out there. He has this incredible strength, and I am not talking about physical strength he boasts about so much. He has this incredible mental strength and agility of a peasant to reckon with.

      His language is not that of his own choosing, it is rather a language forced upon him by the gravity of the situation he finds himself and his people in, and it is a language that is more than appropriate to the overall dire situation in America.

      As of his strategy, I believe it has a reasonably good chance of success. He does not have a wide audience, that’s for sure, however the audience he is appealing to is definitely listening to him because it’s their job to do so. I am talking about FBI, CIA etc, in other words, the Intelligence community. The intelligent people in that community hardly can fail to see the truth in Jim’s Gospel. And I am sure that at least some of them can’t help but feel sympathetic to him and his message.

      I would suggest to those good people in the Intelligence community do whatever it takes to have as many of their peers as possible to be exposed to Jim’s rants. It is in their interest, it is in our interest, it is in the interest of all people except the Jews and their irredeemable collaborators. And I don’t believe for a second that the magority of the Intelligence community is irredeemable.

    30. Johnny Says:

      Remove the non-whites and Jews from the earth, (leaving only, say, the East Asians, since I like their food and culture) and like it or not, white people will still have to breed with one another, whether they feel guilty or not.

      Our forefathers didn’t think the shitskins big enough of a problem to consider this option, but had they seen what is going on now, they probably would’ve gone on a global extermination plan rather than merely a global colonization plan.

    31. half soldier Says:

      Xianiity has always been a religion for ‘tards, and gullible women, with alot of flakes that couldn’t make it in a real world. Then the wife murderer Constantine got on the idea of a one world religion as means of control, so he called a convention of pedophiles and
      self emasculated Xtians to draw up a plan, no doubt plenty of the Chosen were on hand in the steering commitees like at Versailles and Nuremburg, and I’m beginning to belief they were well represented in Philadelphia for drawing up the Kahn stituionn.
      I guess Tards always need some physical representation of Gawd, but why not Santa Claus, I mean look at all the Chinese junk they pile up outside on their yards at this time of the year, fuck even the Messicans go in big time with lights strung up all over, like a Las Vegas

    32. half soldier Says:

      One relative of mine asked me “uh why do kkk light up crosses”? And I said “why do you put lights up in an xmas tree?”

    33. Himmler Says:

      The problem is turning white people onto the Jewish problem. This is the main issue. However, most whites view Jews as being white, even though they are not, even if some carry enough Aryan genetics to look white, and in a sense suffer under the same propaganda that covers up nigger on white rapes, etc. We can talk about sterilizing Jews, but how many would have the heart to sterilize 20 million Jewish women and children? The male Jews and male half Jews I would have no trouble with since men are naturally inclined to hurting one another and I have a big problem with their nearly incessant pursual of Aryan women on the level that niggers do, but I know a handful of women with Jew last names that are probably the result of a pairing of a male kike and a shiska woman and are sweet and probably on the end of muhdikk a lot. Who do we consider Jewish? All full Jews, yes, I think are suitable for the gas chambers. What about half Jews? Can they be converted? This is an essential Jewish question that must be answered on behalf of White Nationalism as a whole.

    34. Johnny Says:

      Jews are also outbreeding at a rate seemingly worse than whites. If your average skinny, dorky white kid feels like he can’t score a white chick, imagine what your average ratty, scrawny, steel wire haired kike kid feels. Of all the Jews I know, maybe one or two is in a relationship with another Jew. The others, all gooks.

    35. Tim McGreen Says:

      Half-soldier, I like your characterization of the Council of Nicea and Xianity in general. Emperor Constantine had managed to re-unite the Roman Empire after more than a century of on-again-off-again civil war and geographical/political division. Establishing Christianity, a religion that had gradually found some favor among the masses, as the new Roman State Religion was no doubt part of his attempt to make sure his Empire stayed re-unified. So I think his “conversion” to Xianity was more of a political expedient than a true religious conviction.

      It’s been my experience that the people who convert to Xianity the most enthusiastically are prisoners convicted of serious offences. They’re not called “cons” for nothing, right? More proof that Xianity is a religion that sane, rational White people should avoid.

    36. Tim McGreen Says:

      The ignorant, superstitious, not-even-a-pot-to-plant-in masses.

    37. Tom McReen Says:

      ‘How do we win?’ has turned into another trolls attacking Christianity bore, unfortunately.

      “We know feds must read this forum.”

      READ? They fucking POST here. You know who they are, the endless socks.

      Anyway, a suggestion: spread the word about the jews by simply quoting their own words. Like that Ignatiev kike and the LA Times jew who boasted about controlling the media.

      That’s not a new idea and it is not enough to win on its own but passing around these quotes straight from the horse’s mouth will make an impact, if done assiduously and cleverly targeting the right people. Handing out printed information in public to any lemming fucktard won’t work these days.

      Let the jews hang themselves with their own words! Throw in some facts about the neo-cons/Iraq war/Aipac too – use examples lemmings have heard about and can relate to. Effective propaganda is a good start on the road to victory.

    38. Tim McGreen Says:

      {Anyway, a suggestion: spread the word about the jews by simply quoting their own words. Like that Ignatiev kike and the LA Times jew who boasted about controlling the media.

      That’s not a new idea and it is not enough to win on its own but passing around these quotes straight from the horse’s mouth will make an impact, if done assiduously and cleverly targeting the right people.}


      McReen, don’t you know anything about human nature? So you quote a few nasty Jews like Susan Sontag and Igor Ignatiev. The average Goy will just shrug and say “Well, it’s unfair to say they all think like that.”

      Sorry to shoot down yet another one of your hare-brained schemes. Well, not really sorry. More like greatly amused, truth be told.

    39. Tom McReen Says:

      “Sorry to shoot down yet another one of your hare-brained schemes. Well, not really sorry. More like greatly amused, truth be told.”

      Timmy is just flaming for the hell of it now. Or maybe not:

      “The average Goy will just shrug and say “Well, it’s unfair to say they all think like that.”

      That’s in keeping with your behaviour here so far, attacking all non-Metzger WN personalities and now telling us all that no goyim will be receptive to the truth about jewish hate so we may as well not even try to inform them.

      Who says we must target ‘average’ goy? Most VNNers came here because they heard about the likes of Sontag or Ignatiev or it strengthened their convictions when they got here. Videos about jew racism are all over YouTube and uncensored comments sections. You’re saying nobody was woken up to the kikes that way? Get with the times old man. Defeatist mentalities and not talking about the holohoax will never be the way forward.

    40. New America Says:

      Tom McReen made a point concerning one of the festering trolls, which opens the door to a point that is worth discussing.

      Tom McReen wrote, in partial reply to Tim McGreen:

      That’s in keeping with your behaviour here so far, attacking all non-Metzger WN personalities…

      in reply:
      Note the common element of the trolls so far:

      They write as if they were in a junior high school cafeteria personality contest.

      One gratuitous ad hominem attack after another, and to what end?

      THAT End defines everything.

      So far, it is simply low-grade diversion, with few exceptions, notably The Blackshirt Entity, which created Synthetic Metzger as one if its Voices, and Adam/”Dietrich,” the Controller for TBE who always shifts the subject to low-grade neo-Marxism, while (1) avoiding looking straight on at the Jew and Judaism, and (2) encouraging s sense of helplessness in us.

      Yet, the White Nationalism as Cargo Cult analysis is perhaps the best single criticism of White Nationalism I have seen.

      The Cargo Cult analysis ties in with the essential passivity of most self-identified “White Nationalists.”

      The ONLY way to “win” involves what worked for the Jews – intelligent, disciplined, intelligent, focused activity over the span of decades, and generations.

      THAT requires Organization of SOME kind, if only a clearly defined Ideal and Philosophy around that Ideal, to guide one’s daily efforts.

      ALL criticism of Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic Initiative has been of Covington personally, which is irrelevant.

      I have mentioned previously that the alternatives to what Covington proposes have been, with rare exception, of two kinds – passive waiting for Sky God Rockwell and Sky God Pierce to return (Cargo Cultists), and Lone Wolf Activists.

      Or, as I like to call them, Incompetent Males One, and Incompetent Males Two.


      The Blackshirt Entity provided the sort of really sophisticated attack on VNN that just makes your jaw drop at the intelligence and effort involved in this, and this was NEVER invested in us until discussion began here of Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic Imperative.


      In part, because the Cargo Cult is really the Cult of two Men – Sky God Rockwell and Sky God Pierce.

      Cargo Culters are waiting for Sky Daddies to return.

      The Adult Masculine would simply focus on Doing Better in the absence of Sky Daddies.

      Yet, Incompetent Males can not do this, for several reasons, one of which is most important, and ties in with the Lone Wolf Philosophy.

      Sky God Rockwell and Sky God Pierce both had one thing in common that was lost until Harold Covington discovered it, and formed Something Better.

      The late David Lane spoke of “The Cause,” while not defining it beyond the Fourteen Words.

      Rockwell’s “Cause” was the development of a White Racial political organization, a political party to speak and act FOR White Racial interests.

      Pierce’s “Cause” was commentary and analysis, with, at best, only the barest of nominal political organization.

      Harold Covington looks to the best of both, and says, “See you, and raise you. Call.”

      Covington provides the broadest, infinitely open-ended, and, simultaneously, clearly defined, day-to-day model of “Organization” that simply has the two things our Racial Opponents fear most:

      1. A “Cause” that is totally transcendent, and,

      2. A Philosophy that allows us to start where we are, today, and remake ourselves in the Living Foundation of a New Nation.

      The amazing aspect of this is that such “organizations” that develop will develop organically, locally, and will organize along single purpose lines, moving in one direction that encompasses all purposes.

      Covington gives us the key to Creating adn sustaining effective synthetic organizations that WE control.

      Look at EVERY failure in WN organization, and it has been destroyed within, from the top, by a series of “mistakes” and “misunderstandings” that ended in the nullification of our efforts, at best, and the portrayal of our efforts in the worst possible light, at worst.

      THAT is what has been missing, and that is what Covington uniquely supplies:

      A Cause, and A Philosophy.

      In fact, the Greatest Cause, and the Best Philosophy.

      Moving steadily in THOSE Directions is How We Win.

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      Covington’s Call – a White Homeland, for OUR Posterity, in a Northwest Republic – remains the Highest and Best Hope for OUR Posterity.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    41. Tim McGreen Says:

      Funny how according to New Amerikwan, I am sometimes a sophisticated part of BSE and at other times a mere low-grade diversion…..

      New Amerikwan, I think you leave me no choice but to ask Mr. Truth Watcher, the former playground bully, to grab your ankles and shake you upside down until all the lunch money comes out of your pockets. He will then proceed to hang you by your underwear from a tree branch. There you shall remain until Harry Tubbington comes waddling to your rescue. I don’t like bullies but in your case, I think an exception can be made.

      Back to the original questions:

      How do we win? We could wait for the Empire to overextend itself and then implode, which at the rate things are going shouldn’t take much longer. That may have to do, because there is no organized large-scale resistance to The System like there was in Colonial America, Weimar Germany or late Czarist Russia. Now would be a good time to gradually and carefully prepare for the Invevitable. When the servants of ZOG can’t cash their paychex anymore because all the banks are closed, mail delivery becomes sporadic or because of hyperinflation, then you’ll know the End is near. Their only loyalty is to their salary and to their career, not to the System itself.

      What is winning? When the Jews are exposed and vulnerable, when their million dollar homes in their affluent neighborhoods are no longer being protected around the clock by White cops making 35 thousand a year. And when the airports are closed so the Jews and DC criminals can’t scurry off like rats.

      When a White Citizens’ Militia can march down to the Rio Grande and seal off the Mexican border with no resistance from cops or Feds.

      When a White Citizens’ Militia can march into the Stock Exchange on Wailing Wall Street and shut down that whole rotten den of thieves once and for all.

      When we can surround Black ghettoes and Mestizo barrios with razor-wire and heavily armed checkpoints.

      When White Revolutionary Forces can sweep into Washington DC and find the place an abandoned ghost town, like Paris was when the Nazis liberated it in 1940.

      How do we get there from here? Patience and planning.

    42. virgil Says:

      the s.w.h.t.f. in europe first. lombardy will be the first area liberated.