Bill White Convicted on Four Counts, Three Dismissed
Posted by alex in Bill White, jewed law at 1:26 pm | Permanent Link
Convicted of “intimidation” for sending letter to “Whiny Section 8 niggers,” among other things.
Discussed on forum here:
19 December, 2009 at 1:34 pm
This is why I never ever call or email anymore my congressman, senators, corporate offices, nada. Phone calls are recorded, emails are kept, and IP addresses are traceable. No way in hell.
A white man is going to go to jail for telling the truth and how things are, but in today’s upside down world, not a good idea.
The white man and woman has to work around the system, keep up a network of like minded people off the internet or phone system.
19 December, 2009 at 1:51 pm
“”Frankly, I would like to have been part of the guilty verdicts and not the acquittals,” Pitts said in a telephone interview Friday evening, “because you would like the validation of what you went through.”
What a self-centered jackass. White has actually suffered in prison already and will continue to do so. What has Pitts “suffered” from? Being held accountable for his immoral and disrespectful statement of “cry me a river” in reference to the Christian and Newsom rape/torture/murders.
White was found not guilty before. So we see that all it takes is the right corrupt judge and enough anti-white sheeple on the jury and you can convict someone for “intimidation” and they get up to 35 years for an opinion.
I hope he gets a significantly reduced sentence at least.
19 December, 2009 at 2:38 pm
The conviction for writing letters to niggers was completely political. As for the Warman charge, Warman has done worse than White, yet he’s been praised and rewarded by the System that prosecutes White. The political double standard is undeniable. The practical meaning for WN is never to threaten. Use writing to analyze and describe. Use actions to change things. Avoid making verbal, documentable threats. Threats are easier to document than acts, and can cause just as much trouble.
19 December, 2009 at 2:40 pm
A critically important decision, and one that says that this:
In its current Form(s), such as they are, White Nationalism is on life support, and that’s an extremely favorable position.
I’ll have more to say about this directly.
In the meantime, I’ll make three quick observations:
One, everyone go to Edgar Steele’s website, and download his mp3 of “Let’s Get Small.”
Memorize it, particularly his wonderful summary of your so-called “Constitutional” rights, and what they are worth to you.
Two, in another thread I asked a poster what he thought Pierce would do if he returned tomorrow.
The only person who responded was Alex Linder, who said Pierce would do radio shows once a week.
“The best idea, the best Ideals,’ and they all seem to have gone to Nowhere since Pierce died.
There’s A Reason For That.
I admire a lot of what Alex has done, and does.
Notice something.
Rockwell was all for moving towards organizing a political entity to represent us.
He died before he could get that going.
Rockwell’s heir apprarent, Pierce, never took the first step in that direction.
Note what Alex said – “Pierce would do a weekly radio show.”
No mention of the very profitable records arm of the NA, no mention of publishing, nothing, and, certainly no mention of a political counterpoint to the status quo – SOME sort of political action arm.
And Alex is right about this.
Pierce forced the growth of White nationalism to a certain point, and then stopped White Nationalism in its tracks.
Why was that, and why IS that?
In other threads, I have asked the critics of Harold Covington and the Northwest Republic Analytical Initiative to lay out THEIR Vision for the Inaugural Address of Senator Robert Mathews, which would be broadcast live from the William Luther Pierce Memorial Chapel at the Sandpoint Military Academy.
Not one words of reply.
Funny, isn’t it?
Thousands of words to attack Covington, and the highest and best manifestation of “the best idea, and the best Ideals,” and not ONE will present THEIR Plan For The Future.
Like Children, they are trapped in an Eternal Present, and refuse to face the Challenges they MUST face if they wish to become Adults.
A quote from Harold Covington:
Trying to work within The System, when The System is set up to defeat what we are trying to do, is the height of folly.
So, the Choice is to either build a better System, starting where you are, or going back to being herbivores, and declaring the tofu burgers you are eating in place of steak are “double plus good.”
Most of us suddenly develop a taste for tofu burgers…
Three, when Harold Covington said “The System is set up precisely to stop what is is we want to do,” even I had problems seeing the Wisdom of his Insight.
And then, the Pattern became clear.
Nothing we have tried to do along the lines of political organization has worked, and it is as if they have all been undermined from the beginning by people in ‘Leadership” positions in the Racially Conscious Community.”
Ask Yankee Jim.
Ask Alex Linder.
Consider He Who Must Not Be Named, and see how five fragments of computer files cost him dearly.
And that takes us to Bill White.
Bill took his responsibilities seriously, and led from the Front.
Rockwell would have been proud.
Bill tried to create a national political organization, with screening of members – an excellent idea, and one of which Rockwell would be proud.
Remember what Harold Covington said:
“We Will NOT Be Allowed To Organize Politically On Behalf Of Our RACE.”
That was what Rockwell wanted, and that was what Bill White wanted.
Well, you see how well THAT worked out.
So, apparently, Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic is so threatening to the Children that it is attacked, mocked and scorned.
When your Posterity grow up to be the Dispossessed, in the land THEIR Ancestors Created, look back on these days.
And, again remember what Harold Covington said:
“We Will NOT Be Allowed To Organize Politically On Behalf Of Our RACE.”
Thank you for your time.
We now resume your regular scheduled broadcast, which is already in progress.
The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.
19 December, 2009 at 3:14 pm
From the article:
“While the First Amendment protects our ability to express views even if unpopular, it does not provide a license to threaten, intimidate, and inflict emotional distress.”
This Jewy misconstruction of the First Amendment would have made it unrecognizable to its authors. What’s considered a threat, intimidates, or inflicts emotional distress is entirely up to the target of the speech to say, and that imposes a tyranny on the speaker that effectively cancels the intent of the Amendment. Under it, Jefferson saying that “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants” could have been a prosecutable offense. After all, it may have hurt someone’s feelings, and it was indeed designed to hurt the feelings of tyrants and potential tyrants. Of course, the American legal system exists now mainly to support tyranny, and to prevent someone like Jefferson from arising or speaking his mind.
19 December, 2009 at 3:59 pm
Annie Oakley Says:
19 December, 2009 at 1:34 pm
This is why I never ever call or email anymore my congressman, senators, corporate offices, nada. Phone calls are recorded, emails are kept, and IP addresses are traceable. No way in hell.
A white man is going to go to jail for telling the truth and how things are, but in today’s upside down world, not a good idea.
The white man and woman has to work around the system, keep up a network of like minded people off the internet or phone system.
Merry Christmas Annie, I am listening to Christmas classic choral and opera singers doing some of the great tunes etc.
As for our so called highly arrogant Representatives or least 99% you are a 100% right it does no good to vote, write or Call. When The Oregon Rev. Pike posted or his info was posted on VNN millions said no to new hate speech b.s., but the sob’s and my own district thug voted for it.
Annie it is not be negative or hopeless to igore those POS’ s because that is the way it is.
The House salaries and for their thug helpers is out rageous.
They could have stopped all the airport insulting and humiliating conduct against US, and still performed perfect sercurity just using brains common sense and profiling, but it is not to be.
There projections of hate and contempt can plainly be seen.
They are IMO so afraid and paranoid we have a standing army today of NKVD types and I would bet you that as of today the majority of NKVD Agents are not Straight White men.
19 December, 2009 at 4:10 pm
Rockwell was all for moving towards organizing a political entity to represent us.
He died before he could get that going.
Rockwell’s heir apprarent, Pierce, never took the first step in that direction.
Pierce’s group had more members than Rockwell. Rockwell did more than Pierce in terms of speaking at colleges and interacting with the public.
No mention of the very profitable records arm of the NA,
It wasn’t profitable. Just because the SPLC claims something doesn’t mean it’s true. Obviously he hoped it would become profitable, but I’ve never seen any proof it actually was.
no mention of publishing, nothing, and, certainly no mention of a political counterpoint to the status quo – SOME sort of political action arm.
NA had local units. Pierce didn’t believe in demonstrations, or in democratic political activity. He believed in flyering and spreading the word about NA in order to generate new supporters.
19 December, 2009 at 4:12 pm
Pierce forced the growth of White nationalism to a certain point, and then stopped White Nationalism in its tracks.
Not accurate, and probably intended as a smear. People do what they can do. Pierce provided first-rate intellectual leadership. That was all he could do. He did not have the personality or will to lead in the streets. That’s for someone else. To say he “stopped” implied actively worked against something. No. He provided a clear consistent message, a message that drew people like me away from the fainthearted conservatives, and he built up as large a base of supporters as he could, and put out his message in as many profitable media as he could.
19 December, 2009 at 4:19 pm
A quote from Harold Covington:
Trying to work within The System, when The System is set up to defeat what we are trying to do, is the height of folly.
This is an excellent point, and one I have made in my own terms many times. Not that we can’t use certain System facilities to our own advantage, but the fact is that too many on our side act as though our decades-long failure to organize is a function of our own behavior rather than Systemic attempts to undermine us. Our failure is not mechanical (relating to dress, behavior or ideas) it is Systemic: it is the outcome the system is designed to produce, the outcome the system overtly and covertly brings about through its actions, namely its persistent attacks on anyone who tries to organize Whites. Not the least effective of its tactics is constantly seeding our movement with infiltrators and state agents who, Kemp being the latest example, like carnival barkers, tell us we just have to alter our technique to find success. They lie. The System is a rigged game, and part of the rigging is fooling as many as possible that it is not rigged.
19 December, 2009 at 4:38 pm
So, apparently, Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic is so threatening to the Children that it is attacked, mocked and scorned.
Classic Harold: combination of self-pity and dishonesty.
No one has attacked the NW idea. What they’ve said is that it’s not any better than any other idea – and they’ve demonstrated that. It’s not honest to characterize logical, evidenced arguments proving the NW is no better than other ideas as an “attack.”
That Harold does characterize it as an attack, and writes in a take-my-toys-and-going-home vein is a product of his defective character. Which character is probably the reason he can’t attract anybody in the first place.
19 December, 2009 at 4:43 pm
New America Says:
19 December, 2009 at 2:40 pm
[I]n another thread I asked a poster what he thought Pierce would do if he returned tomorrow.
The only person who responded was Alex Linder, who said Pierce would do radio shows once a week.
“The best idea, the best Ideals,’ and they all seem to have gone to Nowhere since Pierce died…Pierce, never took the first step in that direction.
…Pierce forced the growth of White nationalism to a certain point, and then stopped White Nationalism in its tracks.
Why was that, and why IS that?…Not one words of reply.
Funny, isn’t it?
Thousands of words to attack Covington, and the highest and best manifestation of “the best idea, and the best Ideals,” and not ONE will present THEIR Plan For The Future…”
No, it’s not funny.
“Nuts!” How’s that for a famous one word comment that WLP would have offered about Commander ASSWIPE’s undoing. “Nuts!”is what WLP thought of your phony Leader up in his NW cave, as well.
Hadding has written most eloquently on the subject of Commander ASSWIPE and how he brought on his own troubles. Hadding’s reasoned commentary on the subject is most like what I can imagine Dr. Pierce would say. Hadding speaks for me. I’d only add “Good riddance!” because I’ve felt the sting of the malicious “satirist’s” poison pen. It’s not nice to lie about people with such malice aforethought. Dr. Pierce was in the truth bidness; he didn’t like lies and he didn’t like liars — just like Hadding says about him.
Turner/White/Covington…3 peas in a pod. What goes around comes around.
19 December, 2009 at 5:56 pm
US Attorney Heaphy: ”While the First Amendment protects our ability to express views even if unpopular, it does not provide a license to threaten, intimidate, and inflict emotional distress.”
Leonard Pitt’s mocking article about the rape-murders of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom could well have inflicted emotional distress on their families.
That could be legally investigated.
19 December, 2009 at 6:08 pm
in partial reply to alex:
I wrote:
Pierce forced the growth of White nationalism to a certain point, and then stopped White Nationalism in its tracks.
you replied:
in reply:
I didn’t intend to smear Pierce.
Quite the contrary.
I do see no connection whatsoever between where Rockwell was headed – an aboveground political organization – and where Pierce led – to – his words, not mine – “White Zion,” a series of “White Archipelagoes.”
Not one of them came into being, and there were no political organizational events whatsoever.
That’s a reflection of Pierce’s choices, and that’s fine.
They came to nothing, the day Pierce died.
And, for the NA’s “local units,” whatever happened to them?
Flyering didn’t seem to change too many people’s minds about us, and such publicity as it created went unharnessed by any political force.
At the end of the day, it seems to me, you want to move to some sort of political response to a political situation, and Pierce’s NA didn’t move in that very effective direction at all.
I don’t know why – if he needed political spokesmen, between you and Bill White, all he needed were close to hand.
So, Pierce dies, and the NA falls apart.
Now what?
My position is simple.
Covington offers us the opportunity to be the Living Foundation of a New Nation.
Don’t be too quick to discount the idea of a White Homeland, even if it is built, as Brigham Young did, one house at a time, and one meetinghouse at a time.
Lots of people listened to Pierce, but he did not provide The Next Step for them, much less the Ultimate Goal.
You can argue why that was, but it is simply true.
If Harold Covington corrected for that – actually, overcorrected for that – then I am waiting for better ideas to come along.
They haven’t.
The Bridge between being better people, and then, becoming the Living Foundation of a New Nation, involves people willing to become part of a Racially Conscious Community, and moving steadily towards building the links needed to form a de facto Racial Homeland.
Pierce, for all the good he did, never built the Community, much less the links, much less connected the links to anything better.
That’s where Covington compensates for the shortfalls in Piercian logic.
Organization beats disorganization, every day of the week,
Untold efforts have been expended to destroy any value in the brand called the White Race.
There’s a reason for that.
Bill White, say what you will, led from the front, and put his own money, and his own life, on the line.
We should learn from that, while we can.
The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.
19 December, 2009 at 6:23 pm
in further reply to Alex Linder:
I wrote:
So, apparently, Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic is so threatening to the Children that it is attacked, mocked and scorned.
you replied:
in reply:
One, I’m not Covington.
Two, the larger idea encapsulated in the Northwest Republic seems to be this:
We can Create much better, in a new social system, where the Racially Conscious Community can work for the long-term benefit of the Race, unencumbered by the archaic models and values of the status quo.
It need not start in the Northwest; it must start where YOU are, and expand outwards from there.
The Northwest is useful as an expression of what would make a perfect Racial Homeland – natural resources, energy resources, you name it, is all there.
And the use of a background for their thoughts that is different from what they have before might help encourage a bit of Creativity among them.
Where would you rather your Posterity lived, four or five generations down the line?
The Kalispell region looks better and better by the minute.
Now, go watch the reports that cheer on the White Race being a minority by 2050.
Tell ME what your Vision is for our Posterity, for our Race.
For Pierce, I have “White Archipelagoes,” and “Cosmotheism.”
The one came to a mudhole in West Virginia, and other has died on the vine.
For Covington I have an entire White Racial Homeland, and philosophies that build the bridge between what is, and what should be, that only one Race – THE Creative Race – can bring to fruition.
Hell, Covington even has a draft Constitution up and running for comment.
This is raw, naked politics, the battle between – to quote Alex Linder – memes and genes.
Right now, most of us ARE afraid to look at our soft, fat little bodies in the mirror, and ask what we would like to have done with our lives if we had them to do over?
Then, why not offer OUR Posterity those same opportunities, in a place where none may make afraid?
Hell, isn’t that what Pierce would have wanted?
I have made repeated references to people writing out the Inaugural Address of Senator Robert Mathews, to be delivered at the William Luther Pierce Memorial Chapel at the Sandpoint Military Academy.
No one has replied.
Wonder why?
I don’t.
Not anymore.
The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.
19 December, 2009 at 7:05 pm
in further reply to Alex Linder:
I wrote:
A quote from Harold Covington:
Trying to work within The System, when The System is set up to defeat what we are trying to do, is the height of folly.
you replied:
in reply:
Your last sentence says it best, and that is where Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model comes to the fore.
Here’s another challenge I made, to which, as usual, no one responded.
Sit down tonight, and write a letter to your Posterity, say, fifty years from now.
Explain to them the kind of world you see them living in, and explain to them what YOU did to insure they lived in the best of all possible places, in the best of all possible time.
I suspect writing the first damn sentence of that letter is too much for them.
My primary demographic assumption – the success of the Reconquista to the borders of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, and the subsequent collapse of the standard of living in America to equal that of what the standard of living will become in Mexico – is simply too damn frightening for them.
My Solution – based on the Northwest Republic Analytical Model – probably terrifies them even more.
No problem.
Their actions speak much louder than their words.
As to Kemp, I could not agree with you more.
Isn’t it amazing that now, as people are beginning to realize their America, the envy of the world, is GONE, suddenly, we have new shepherds calling us to join the flock?
Damn, that really worked well in
RhodesiaZimbabwe, didn’t it?Suddenly, the Northwest Republic Analytical Model looks better all of the time, doesn’t it?
Can you imagine Bill White turning his considerable talents to building schools where we turn out superior students, better teachers, and the best new industrial workers in the world?
That’s ONE idea.
Let’s keep in mind The Charlies Brown Principle:
Isn’t it time for a new Game?
The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.
19 December, 2009 at 7:13 pm
New Amerikwa, what exactly IS your relationship to Weird Harry Glass-Covington? The way you relentlessly pimp for him and his discredited Super-Duper, Honey-Roasted, Analytical Northwest Imperative String Quartet Model is strange, to say the very least. And knowing that Rebbe Glass-Covington is a mentally disturbed pathological liar, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if you in fact were him, like Colonel Linder implies.
Contrary to what you say, there have been many proposals put forth here on this forum for creating a pro-White, post-ZOG society. You’ve just decided to ignore all of them so that you can continue to champion your unpopular utopian fantasy. In the real world, White people are moving AWAY from the Pacific NW, not towards it, you crackpot.
And finally, we are NOT confined to making a choice between what Dr. Pierce advocated and what Captain Tubby Glass-Covington wants. Why do set up your argument in such a way as to suggest those are the only two choices available to us?
Please, take it somewhere else, dude.
19 December, 2009 at 7:14 pm
New America: ” I have made repeated references to people writing out the Inaugural Address of Senator Robert Mathews, to be delivered at the William Luther Pierce Memorial Chapel at the Sandpoint Military Academy.
No one has replied.
Wonder why?”
Maybe because that seems to be an absurd fantasy. I take it you mean Robert Matthews who led the Order? He was killed by the FBI.
19 December, 2009 at 7:24 pm
Covington offers us the opportunity to be the Living Foundation of a New Nation.
“Covington offers us” – he’s a lying fat shit, and you write about him like he’s Jesus.
I or anyone else don’t need his offer, and, the important point, he doesn’t have any NW community that could make “offers” a valid verb.
19 December, 2009 at 7:25 pm
Now, if Cubbington offers us remission of sins and everlasting life, I might look into that, especially if it comes with a pizza coupon.
19 December, 2009 at 7:32 pm
I send the following e-mail to local Jews from the newspaper and media almost every day when they stick their noses out. I have never been bothered. As long as you don’t threaten, you should be ok…We have the overwhelming odds (33 to 1) to be throwing our weight around instead of cowering…
How did Osama make these Mossad(Israel’s Secret Service) agents show up in
NYC on 9/11/01 to ‘document the event’? How did they know there would
even be an event to ‘document’ anyway?
where is any of the alleged plane wreckage of flight 93 at the site of the
alleged crash on 9/11/01. there isn’t anything there. Planes don’t
Here’s a whole page on the topic:
here’s a link with pictures of most of the people who did 9/11 if you’d like a look…
19 December, 2009 at 7:37 pm
Don’t be too quick to discount the idea of a White Homeland, even if it is built, as Brigham Young did, one house at a time, and one meetinghouse at a time.
I haven’t discounted it – as you know. I have supported the idea – as you know. I have merely rejected Harold as the One Way. As you know.
19 December, 2009 at 7:41 pm
This is raw, naked politics, the battle between – to quote Alex Linder – memes and genes.
Quoting me from where? This is an example of what I’m talking about. I can remember quite clearly almost everything I’ve ever said, and I don’t remember saying this.
19 December, 2009 at 7:43 pm
Get to the rear of the line, alex. I’m first lien-holder on Tubby’s life and ill-gotten gain should he ever actually exit his cave to lead the Great White Migration. The first $200,000+ is mine. I’ll put it into my own modest White Zion model here in the lush hills of southern Appalachia, already lily White.
19 December, 2009 at 7:52 pm
Not to mention. New America, your style drives people away. You write in quasi-religious mode, almost always, and in Biblical form, always. All that’s missing is verse numbers. But you content can’t carry that weight. It’s repetitious, superficially solicitous, and consistently irritating in the way of syrup-sticky fingers.
19 December, 2009 at 7:54 pm
# Will Williams Says:
19 December, 2009 at 7:43 pm
Get to the rear of the line, alex. I’m first lien-holder on Tubby’s life and ill-gotten gain should he ever actually exit his cave to lead the Great White Migration. The first $200,000+ is mine. I’ll put it into my own modest White Zion model here in the lush hills of southern Appalachia, already lily White.
Well, why don’t you sojourn to the NW and kick 200,000 big green ones out of Saint Harold’s ass?
19 December, 2009 at 8:00 pm
in reply to Ian:
My hypothesis was Robert Mathews rejected the use of force, which he saw as the best choice available to him, and developed his skill,s talents, and abilities, rising in time to become a Senator.
There are far too many people who have spoken favorable of using force against the most sophisticated intelligence networks, and the most powerful armies, in the history of the world.
A little better thinking about the situation before him, and us, might have saved one and all a lot of trouble, and laid one possible foundation for a better world.
Best to all.
19 December, 2009 at 9:00 pm
Alex: “Well, why don’t you sojourn to the NW and kick 200,000 big green ones out of Saint Harold’s ass?”
Ha! I’ve got a settled life here at the homestead and have lawyers to do that for me if he decides to get a little more froggy and show his fat head. When he reaches his stated goal of “1,000 members” in his NWF he’ll have trouble hiding NFW assets from me. The judgment was renewed and is still good till 2018, when I’ll renew it again for another ten years. Tubby has to work at staying a pathetic, “judgment-proof” fugitive so I don’t keep attaching his piddly revenue stream from being the failed novelist.
I’m satisfied for now knowing this “internal” enemy is holed up under his NWF cyberrock, neutralized for the most part.
That New Amerikwa is truly insufferable.
19 December, 2009 at 9:32 pm
Mr. Williams, it sounds like Weird Harry deserves a visit from “Furio”, if you know what I mean. Any guy who owes another guy 200 grand should be smoked out his hole and dealt with.
And based on New Amerikwa/Harry Glass-Covington’s post just above yours, I’d say he’s going to take his toys home and sulk for a while over not being accepted as a Savior of the White Race. But that rejection will no doubt fuel his Martyr Complex.
19 December, 2009 at 10:25 pm
So Saint Harold of Tubbington is popping around like a gopher in Wackamole while calling for people to come join him in the NW?
19 December, 2009 at 10:26 pm
alex Says:
The practical meaning for WN is never to threaten. Use writing to analyze and describe. Use actions to change things. Avoid making verbal, documentable threats. Threats are easier to document than acts, and can cause just as much trouble.
Sound advice. Making threats you have no intention of carrying out is unmanly. If you actually intend to take direct action against a man (or a race, for that matter), you should just do it. Never threaten in advance. That’s stupid. It only gives the target the opportunity to get prepared, and creates an evidence trail leading back to you. In fact, if possible, it would be best if you could be seen by others to be on good terms with your target. That way, when the action is taken, you’ll be the last one anyone will suspect. “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.”
19 December, 2009 at 10:54 pm
Hey, I’ve read from a link on here that Rabbi Glass-Covington has a wife and kids he abandoned in Ireland. Can’t she nail the fat fucker for back child support? Also, did you guys read that 2008 article by the SPLC (if didn’t, google it), where they interviewed his brother Ben Covington, who called him a coward and related how Tubby sponged off his family for literally decades using emotional blackmail and just like Alex said he uses classic self-pity et al?
The guy is absolutely worthless and human excrement, even his own family despises him. Just a longwinded and classic shit-disturber, but one thing he, Hal Turner and Bill White can prove is that these people are dangerous and by associating with them is at one’s own risk. They are the Pied Pipers to the Abyss.
20 December, 2009 at 12:10 am
ok, enough about tubby. back to bill white case.
20 December, 2009 at 12:14 am
Give me your predictions for sentencing and how this whole thing plays out.
20 December, 2009 at 5:29 am
“…threaten, intimidate, and inflict emotional distress.”
Even if one were to agree with the first two, that last one is way out of line. In a free society, no one has a right to be safe from “emotional distress.” What a totally feminine concept.
20 December, 2009 at 6:54 am
And all those people who said that Bill White was a Jew/FBI Informer!
20 December, 2009 at 11:06 am
That would be me, Mr abc, and I’m permabanned from VNNF for saying the same thing Mr. Linder had said, himself, previously, about your “satirist,” Commander ASSWIPE:
I’m still able to monitor current threads at VNNF and just caught this exchange between two comrades that go back 25 years for me:
F.Glenn “Rounder” Miller to Ron Doggett:
“Well said, Ron. The BW-haters on here are delighted BW was convicted and facing decades in nigger cages. Not because they don’t think his actions were effective against our racial enemies, but because BW bashed them personally on this or other forum. Selfish turds who place their own egos above what’s good for The Cause. FACT !!!”
OK, Glenn. Count me in the selfish turds camp. The air is somehow much fresher over here. Your Commander ASSWIPE bashed me here at VNN with impunity. He accused me of murder, per se, as well as child rape. Those are fighting words where I come from, not “satire.” There are consequences for being an insufferable, famicidal asshole, you know. ASSWIPE had no business anywhere near a serious White resistance. There’s your FACT!!!, Top.
I want to quote an old VNNer who died recently. You didn’t like him, Glenn, because he ignored the tabloid project. I knew him in the real world as “Jay” and counted him as a rare, trusted friend who shared my Piercian world view and whose sober judgment I could always count on. I’ll never forget Jay — a man of few words — once made a three-word post at VNNF: “Fuck Bill White!” That sums up my sentiments perfectly.
The following was posted here in a long buried thread; I’ll repost in this active thread, since it’s topical, in the hope some fan of Jay’s will see it and announce it on the grapevine:
# Will Williams Says:
12 December, 2009 at 1:09 pm
I received an email notice today that this long dormant thread had been bumped by “Randolph,” but when I clicked on the link his post is missing. Odd…[While I’m here] I should update what I’d written here (below) back on August 19th:
“Speaking of Hal Turner, I just got off the phone with Turner nemesis “Paul Drake,” who used to post with purpose on VNNF. He finally had a bellyful of this sandbox and tells me he doesn’t come here any more, but he told me he was glad to hear that Mr. Linder is sounding more like Paul Drake these days when he mentions Turner and Bill White and other known federal assets. Maybe one day he’ll be saying, “I told you so” about your Mr. Covington, too.”
Since I wrote that Hal Turner got his just desserts, may he rot in his Xian hell. So did Bill White get his, thank you. Mr. Covington, OTOH, is being interviewed on Internet radio shows, promoted here on VNN and even in otherwise scholarly journals as legitimate.
I listened to a couple of those interviews with HAC. The one where he was talking about “what WN needs is men of good moral character” is the one that grabbed me, almost as much as when he said his NW Migration movement is “sort of like White Zionism.” Mr. New Amerikwa really ought to get talking points straight with his man in the cave.
All that soap aside, what I’d like to report to those VNNers who might be interested is that “Paul Drake” is dead. His wife emailed me this a few days after his passing:
“Jay passed away on Thursday, October 22.
He went into the hospital on the 16th of October with Pneumonia. He was
there until Monday October 19 and then checked himself out. He hated
hospitals, drugs, doctors and needles and said that he would lose his mind
if he had to stay any longer. He was still running a fever and still very
sick; but insisted on coming home. He made me promise not to take him to a
hospital ever again. A Hospice room opened up on Thursday morning and they
arranged for an ambulance to transport him there. The Hospice people were
wonderful and Jay died peacefully at 6:30 PM that night.
Jay, that’s Paul Drake’s given name. His wife wrote more a few days later:
“I know that his passing was probably a blessing so he didn’t have to suffer and watch his quality of life dwindle to nothing; but, what saddens me is that he had such a love of life and such beautiful dreams for our future and he didn’t get to fulfill those dreams.
One less beautiful white man in this ever degenerating country.”
I’m blocked from searching VNN forum for Paul Drake’s posts, so I don’t know if he left a farewell post. I doubt it, that wouldn’t be his style. I knew he was dying for over a year but he swore me to secrecy. Perhaps someone reading this will resurrect a few of his pearls of wisdom in a thread to his memory? Looking trough a few of his old emails to me I found this one VNN link: where he was defending a friend.
The rare, trusted comrade Jay was. I’ll sure miss him.
Jay was a devout Odinist. He sent me this eloquent greeting last year, which could be his epitaph:
“I trust you’re making the most of this beautiful solstice-time!
Plus the planning ahead for it’s opposite, the longest of nights.
…The very quality that set our people on the evolutionary path to begin with.”
If anyone from VNN has made it to Valhalla lately, it would be Jay aka Paul Drake. Think of your departed kinsman as you celebrate mid-winter this year.
—end 12/12 post—
20 December, 2009 at 2:31 pm
I’d like to review more of the charges but does anyone honestly think that a non-whites who engaged in the same behavior as Bill White would be staring at 35yrs in prison? A few months ago in Austin. Tx some blacks threw a brick threw the window of a lone white family in the neighborhood. The message inscribed on the brick read “Keep East Austin black”. For those unfamiliar with E. Austin it is predominantly illegal wetbacks and black gangbangers.
No arrests have been made and to the best of my knowledge the feds haven’t descended on East Austin to crack skulls and make arrests. From what I’ve read Bill White’s actions were not as severe as the incident I just described.
Whites no longer have equal rights in America.
20 December, 2009 at 3:59 pm
This “Movement” has a “leadership” who are money hungry leeches, trying to lead a bunch of defectives.
We need new Leaders with a new cadre plus a new plan.
20 December, 2009 at 4:45 pm
in reply to Truthteller:
you wrote:
in reply:
One, as David Lane discovered, as part of paying the Ultimate Price, “There Is No Movement.”
Think of Bill White – smart, bright, dedicated, focused and virtually alone in a “Southern” courtroom, with precious few willing to go and be publicly identified as his supporter.
Think of how many letters of support – simple damn postcards – Bill White received while incarceration.
<b?Two, there is no "Leadership."
Everyone here knows where I stand on this issue, and whose Ideas, and Ideals, i support, as being the highest, best, most open-ended, choice filled of all alternatives.
Everyone sees where that stands in the world of WNism.
Three, there are “money hungry leeches.”
They are, as a rule, very unsuccessful.
To all Rules, there are Exceptions.
Four, there are “a bunch of defectives.”
That must be the understatement of the decade.
We do have a small handful of really first-rate people, but they are swamped in a sea that aspires to mediocrity, people you would not want to be in a room with – PERIOD.
The unusually insightful Briseis defined, in her usual gracious and charming manner, a deep concern of hers:
“Why do I see so many Incompetent Males associated with us?”
Note her term well.
“Incompetent MALES.”
That’s a term form biology, because she knows all too many of the MALES are not MEN.
See my closing comments for an idea about this.
you wrote:
in reply:
Sky God Rockwell is gone, Sky God Pierce is gone, Sky God Uncle Adolph is gone.
Interested in political leadership?
Join the local Democrat or Republican Party, and take their FREE courses in political organizing.
Learn from the people who have WON on the field of combat.
Download the mp3 of “Let’s Get Small” from Edgar Steele’s website, and pay attention to his focus on NORMALITY.
If he had worn a classic Black Revolutionary beret, dashiki, and sunglasses at midnight, Barack Obama would be a community organizer in Chaicago – at best.
Dressed in a suit from the Custom Shop at Hart, Schaffner, and Marx, he sits in the White House, today.
He was groomed every step of the way, by skilled political leaders, starting with local systems – like the FREE campaign organizing courses offered by your local political parties.
People vote for people who look just like them, and talk like them, and act like them, but a little Nicer.” which translates to “Better, But Doesn’t Think He Is Better Than Us.”
Bill Clinton did this masterfully, and damn it, LEARN from him.
This a a footnote:
Consider going to community functions, acting as am Ambassador from the Best of What We COULD Become. Simple damn courtesy, especially with women who are ladies, goes a long way.
Out-nice your opponents.
And remember, if Duke didn’t have those pictures of him that could be shown repeatedly as something of an “Old South/neo-Nazi,” he would undeniably be Senator David Duke today, and be spoken of quite favorably as a Vice_President of President Sarah Palin’s Third Party ticket – “regional balance,” and all of that.
I think “Plunkett of Tammy Hall” also wrote “Plunkett on How To Be A Statesman.”
Worth reading, both books.
Above all, carry yourself as if you were a Marine Officer at Quantico; Hell, get a used (cheap!) copy of the Marine Officer’s Guide. Try online book sellers.
Hell, if you are young, join the Corps.
The Commandant’s Reading List for Officers is online.
Go Quantico!
Or at least, LEARN from the best.
All OCS Quantico Manuals are onlne, if memory serves.
Above all, be hypernormal in all appearances, except your Marine Officer bearing, which will be instantly identified in the South as the mark of “an Officer, and a Gentleman,” an in the North as “A Man Among Men.”
Being able to hit the VFWs with positive speeches, and positive solutions, will carry the day.
Harold Covington summed it up best:
We have always set our sights too low.
That has to stop somewhere.
Why not with you?
Incidentally, my areas of concern are Recapturing the Masculine, and Restoring the Patriarchy, and being part of the Living Foundation for a Northwest Republic.
As Peter Shank said, “If you want to destroy a nation, kill of the warrior caste, preferably in the womb, but certainly with fratricidal wars.”
If you are old enough to appreciate that, get a copy of the Paul Newman version of “Cat On A hot Tin Roof.”
That movie deals so perfectly with the Vital Masculine of the best of the Old South, the worst of the Old South, and the best of the New South, particularly when Paul Newman *ahem* “takes the Gap” psychologically, and crosses the bridge from damaged Adolescent to Individualized Adult MAN.
Not “Male.”
And, he gets the family fortune, and the young and damn beautiful Elizabeth Taylor, at the end.
He had to EARN both, Starting Where He Was.
Incidentally, if you get the movie, get it on DVD, because you will see a lot of useful things if you pay attention.
What’s the name on the family vehicles?
“Pollitt Enterprises, Mississippi.”
What does THAT tell you?
Good luck.
20 December, 2009 at 5:35 pm
This “Movement” has a “leadership” who are money hungry leeches, trying to lead a bunch of defectives.
We need new Leaders with a new cadre plus a new plan.
Oh, are those the only things holding us back? Excellent analysis, Truthteller. The problem, as I see it, is that the people who would be invaluable to this Struggle, the smart, educated, successful and responsible types like engineers, doctors and small business owners, are pretty much content with their lives and see no reason to rock the boat. After all, why should they attack the same System that has been so good to them? It’s not as if they’re suddenly going to become outlaws, terrorists and criminals, right? So, the Struggle gets stuck with the usual assortment of misfits, conmen, perverts and whackjobs instead.
I guess things will have to get a lot worse in ZOGlandia before the decent, useful White people finally start organizing and fighting back. But then again, have the remaining Whites in Rhodesia and South Africa organized any kind of resistance? It’s really hard to avoid being pessimistic. Yet if only 10% of White Americans got together and organized, I believe the Jew/Black/Mestizo/White race-traitor problem would be fixed once and for all in about 72 hours.
20 December, 2009 at 7:45 pm
Hey White Will;
Just stumbled on this blog and read your comments about Bill White. No two white men agree on everything or everybody. Though, you and I agree on most. I won’t turn my ass up to BW. I’ll help him all I can. He’s a comrade, and a genuine jew-hating, nigger-hatin WN activist with more guts than 99.999 percent of “WNs” I’ve learned about on the internet. And he bad-mouthed me a hell of alot more than he bad-mouthed you. How many young WNs do you know willing to go public with an in-the-streets, membership organization ?? Let’s give credit when and where it’s due, and without personality restraints. I don’t give a shit whether they like me personally or not. I’ll support all brave, young, white men of action, anyway. Think about it and do the right thing not the personal thing.
21 December, 2009 at 4:38 pm
I was a ANSWP member the Section 8 nigger conviction may or may not be double jepardy It was thrown out it had no validity the first time.
Now they convict. ???
22 December, 2009 at 10:43 am
Sorry, Glenn. No credit from me for your “man of action.” I’ve known him to be a disruptive punk since he single-handedly queered many months of personal organizing efforts for the National Alliance in western NC nearly ten years ago — when he was in his “anti-racist/commie punk, man of action” phase. I exposed his m.o. and his treachery at the time in VNN’s “Reader’s Letters,” before “ShopWhite,” before there was a VNNF. How soon folks forget. He NEVER changed. He has been nothing but trouble with his so-called “satire” and obnoxious “neo-nazi” grandstanding. He’s where he belongs. I’m glad he’s there. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving lad.
Were I able to post at VNNF I’d be chewing on your butt here:
Level-headed men like Hadding and Pennsylvania Man are dismissed by you and Linder while you promote the likes of a lying psychopath showboat.
I remember back when you approached me to organize Linder’s Knoxville rally for him. He had banned me from VNNF and I told you, “Let him get Bill White or Hal Turner to organize his goddamned rally.” Remember? How did that rally work out? The $100,000 per year FBI plant ended up giving his “Hang the judges, prosecutors and law enforcement” speech when Linder exited his own stage.
Glenn, how ’bout doing me a favor. Start a thread on VNNF “Paul Drake Dead.” I’ve mentioned this twice here in these “comments” but haven’t seen any announcement. I can’t search PD’s archive. I’d be curious what some of his last postings at VNNF were, knowing he would soon die. You would have liked Jay had you ever actually met him, as I did. Tall, quiet, serious and as dedicated as they come. He was once a member of MENSA, but had little good to say about those self-absorbed types because of their intellectual dishonesty on matters of race.
23 December, 2009 at 5:48 pm
abc Says:
And all those people who said that Bill White was a Jew/FBI Informer!
Certainly if BW gets a harsh sentence, it will be fairly conclusive evidence against this. OTOH, a wrist slap will be evidence in favor.