13 December, 2009

Afghanistan: A War of Lies

Posted by Socrates in 9/11, Afghanistan, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, Zionism at 4:11 pm | Permanent Link

by Eric Margolis. (Comment: “Saudis” committed 9/11? Okay. But which country hired them?):


  • 25 Responses to “Afghanistan: A War of Lies”

    1. Tom McReen Says:

      Anyone who says Saudis or Bin Laden did 9/11 is a tard or is deliberately spreading lies.

      Hating Saudi Arabia is not uncommon on the far left. I don’t know why.

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      McReen is a poorly informed clod, so will remind him that the US had a large military presence in Saudi Arabia up until 9/11, something that was an affront to millions of Moslems. Washington is also responsible for propping up the despised House of Saud. Therefore, it’s hardly surprising that a few determined Saudi nationals should want to strike back at the USA. I suspect the Israelis had some kind of foreknowlege of the 9/11 attacks but decided not to share that info with Washington. That would explain the unusually small number of Kikes who were killed in the attacks.

    3. Spaceman Says:

      Come on now, who the hell believes that Arabs/Muslims carried out the 9/11 attacks? It was the American ZOG along with Israel, the British ZOG was probably involved as well. Please, dont buy into the official story.

    4. Howdy Doody Says:

      Spaceman Says:

      13 December, 2009 at 8:21 pm

      Come on now, who the hell believes that Arabs/Muslims carried out the 9/11 attacks? It was the American ZOG along with Israel, the British ZOG was probably involved as well. Please, dont buy into the official story.

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      OK, then who physically hijacked those planes? Are you’re going to tell me they were empty and remote controlled? See how easy it is to slide into that 9/11 fever swamp? The Empire loves it when you guys bicker with each other over who has the more entertaining 9/11 conspiracy theory. Can’t you hear them laughing up their sleeve?

    6. Howdy Doody Says:

      Your Gangsters did it, no fever Swamp, no b.s. about how the building came down or what hit them, none of that matters.

      Hey, do you hear a train Whistle ?

    7. Tom McReen Says:

      “McReen is a poorly informed clod, so will remind him that the US had a large military presence in Saudi Arabia up until 9/11,”

      Trolling while pretending to answer. I am aware of said military presence but I’ve heard the left complain of everything about Saudis from women’s rights to Bush family ties to almost blaming them for 9/11 – like you did.

      “Therefore, it’s hardly surprising that a few determined Saudi nationals should want to strike back at the USA.”

      And again. ‘Nuff said!

    8. Nordlander Says:

      “OK, then who physically hijacked those planes? Are you’re going to tell me they were empty and remote controlled? See how easy it is to slide into that 9/11 fever swamp?”

      “Fever swamp,” nice propaganda word there. Learned from thousands of neocon hatchet jobs. What about the official fever swamp? Are you aware of that even the head of the 9/11 commission says they were prevented from finding out the truth by the Pentagon? And that prominent experts have found traces of highly advanced nanothermite all over the dust from the blown-up WTC – nanothermite that is only produced in a U.S. military lab?

      Are you aware of the Dancing Israelis, standing on top of a white van and waiting for the attack on WTC, taking photographs of the impacts, laughing and high-fiving each other as it happened? People in the nearby buildings called the police. The police managed to find the Israelis and searched through their van, where they found a wad of money rolled up in a sock – not exactly normal. The Israelis said, immediately upon capture, “We are not your problem. The Palestinians are your problem.” Of course they were released, on orders from the politicized FBI. Shortly after the attacks, the Israeli company they worked for returned to Israel, leaving behind tens of thousands of dollars worth of computers and office furniture, which they didn’t bother to sell or bring with them. Obviously a Mossad front, of the kind that whistleblowers and Western intelligence agencies alike say Mossad has established across the West.

      Mossad also had a spy ring consisting of 200 agents in place in Washington, around congressmen, and in Florida, right where the hijackers purportedly trained. These were rounded up by the FBI and quietly sent back to Israel after the 9/11 attacks – not a single one prosecuted, and the Jew-controlled media covered it up so the American people wouldn’t know and ask questions.

      And what about the anthrax letters? With messages inside saying, “DEATH TO ISRAEL DEATH TO AMERICA ALLAH IS GREAT.” Please. Al-Qaeda has said over and over and over they don’t see America and the American people as enemies, they only oppose the Washington establishment’s massacres in the Middle East. The anthrax in those letters turned out to be highly advanced, manufactured in American military laboratories. Shortly after that became known, the story was killed. After having gripped the nation, being published in every newspaper on a daily basis for months, it was killed completely, and you never hear of it today. Neocons and their allies never talk about it.

      And what about WTC 7? The 9/11 Commission said they had no idea how that building could fall. The Jewish owner said in an early interview that “we decided to pull it,” but that story was quickly buried, and the story after that was that the building was hit by debris and fell flat and fast because of it, in the exact same manner as the bigger buildings.

      Anyone who thinks there is nothing wrong with this picture, when even the members of the 9/11 Commission themselves said the Pentagon was working hard on preventing them from learning the whole truth, is truly stuck in a fever swamp.

    9. Andrea Dworkin Says:

      Saudis didn’t steal $2.3 Trillion from the Pentagon before 9/11. That was Jew Rabbi Dov Zakheim. Saudis didn’t use their media control to lie America into a needless war for Israel over phony WMDs in Iraq, that again was Jews!

    10. Tim McGreen Says:

      However, I think we can ALL agree that the undeclared, unprovoked wars of aggression against Iraq and Afghanistan were based on nothing, and I mean nothing, but Jewish LIES.

    11. Andrea Dworkin Says:

      How did those evil Saudis get the explosive debris into the WTC rubble anyway?

      How do 2 planes implode 3 different wtcs?

    12. Andrea Dworkin Says:


      Where is any of the alleged plane wreckage of flight 93 at the site of the alleged crash on 9/11/01 in PA? There isn’t anything there. Planes don’t evaporate!

    13. Andrea Dworkin Says:

      19 box-cutter wielding saudis defeating NORAD and our entire air defense system on 9/11 is the most ridiculous conspiracy theory of all…

      Arguing with Jews about 9/11 is like arguing with Ted Bundy about all those dead co-eds. They will deny up until the end…

    14. Tim McGreen Says:

      Arguing with Jews about 9/11 is like arguing with Ted Bundy about all those dead co-eds. They will deny up until the end…


      Mind you, this statement comes from someone who insists no astronauts ever went to the Moon!

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      I guess it’s more important to emphasize the things we disagree on rather than the stuff we DO agree on….

    16. Andrea Dworkin Says:

      You can thank me twice then, Tim McGreen. By the way who is up to their eyeballs in the Global Warming scam? Good old NASA! They were the ones doctoring the temperature data from the past to support this current scam…

    17. Hoff Says:

      Two minute video and even the most retarded American will understand that 911 is a jewish fraud.

      “ZERO : An Investigation Into 9/11 – PART 6 of 10.”

      The only video you ever need to watch about 911. Five minute video and you will realise that everything that happend 15 minutes after the first plane go off course is of no interest whatsoever. That plane should have been intercepted by a fighter, the fighter would flip-flop and the airliner would be shot down if it refused to go down. Go down or be shot down – end of story, and 911 would never have happened.

      “ZERO : An Investigation Into 9/11 – PART 6 of 10”


    18. Andrea Dworkin Says:

      The ‘5 Dancing Israelis’ from 9/11:


    19. Z.O.G. Says:


    20. Z.O.G. Says:

      Why Afghanistan?


    21. Z.O.G. Says:

      Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World


    22. Howdy Doody Says:

      The Case of David Rubitsky

      Executive summary

      45 yrs after WW2 a Jew named Rubitsky claims he held off a Bonzi charge of 5000 Japs single handed in New Guinea . In his 18 hr fight he killed 600 and wounded countless. He said he is being denied the Meda of Honor by Anti-Semitic forces

      New York Times campaign

      In November 1989 on the front page of the New York Times a campaign began for belated recognition of the courage of David Rubitsky for his actions some 47 years earlier fighting the Japanese. Mr. Rubitsky then a communications sergeant armed only with .30 caliber machine gun, a carbine and an automatic rifle was a lone soldier holding back the Japanese. In the jungles of New Guinea Sgt. Rubitsky killed or wounded some 500 to 600 Japanese soldiers trying to force themselves past him. Two of his former commanders recommended him for the Medal of Honor. These two stated Sgt. Rubitsky did not get his award because a superior officer believed a Jew should not get it. The most compelling evidence supporting Mr. Rubitsky was a handwritten message on the back of a photograph removed just after the battle from the body of a Japanese officer. The officer, Colonel Yamamoto, had committed suicide to atone for the loss of 600 fine Japanese soldiers killed by a lone American soldier. In an interview with National Public Radio Mr. Rubitsky graphically recounted the fighting which went on all night. Mr. Rubitsky admitted to being insane from shooting and bayoneting them.

      The Anti-Defamation League assisted Mr. Rubitsky in his claim as they insisted Jews had been underrepresented in the awarding of Medals of Honor for bravery. Mr. Rubitsky claimed his home had been defaced by attacks and the scrawling of the swastika on his door. Sympathetic reporters took up his case in the pages of the Los Angeles Times and Time magazine. Mr. Rubitsky swore he was far more interested in justice than medals

      70 Congressman support Rubinsky

      Some two months later the matter seemed to have died a natural death. If Mr. Rubitsky’s claim had been true, his prowess and courage would have taken him above and beyond the Audie Murphy and Sergeant York level to the George Washington and John Wayne level. His total of 600 enemy soldiers dead was several multiples of enemies killed by any previous Medal of Honor winners. Yet the outlandish claims on behalf of Mr. Rubitsky did not deter 70 members of Congress from supporting the claim.

      Army investigation calls it a Total Fraud

      The army found the story put forth by Mr. Rubitsky was a myth. The commanding officer who allegedly said “Jews don’t get the Medal of Honor” had been relieved of his command the day after the mythical battle and had nothing to do with either forwarding or forgetting the original affidavits. The key witness for the claim of Mr. Rubitsky, the officer reputed to have seen the bodies of the slain Japanese, was placed back at battalion headquarters writing reports. As regards the photograph, both Japanese and American experts declared it a forgery.

      The real preposterous nature of the claim was that Representative Nita Lowey had sent a “Dear Colleague” letter to House members asking them to support Mr. Rubitsky’s claim for a Medal of Honor. That the action took place some 47 years earlier did not cause the 70 members who signed to express any circumspection. The Anti-Defamation League had been pressing the army to review the case. Once the issue of anti-Semitism had been raised, the emotional and political aspect of the proposed award overwhelmed any sense of caution by politicians. A columnist for the Christian Science Monitor asked the staff of Representative Lowey and two other Congressional members for a copy of the correspondence regarding Mr. Rubitsky. All claimed to have lost it. One office claimed to have lost the entire file concerning Mr. Rubitsky. This has been a common response when ludicrous claims on behalf of Jews are challenged. Nobody would say anything. All forget.

      Some Jewish statistics

      Not one Jew was awarded the Medal of Honor in Vietnam. A legitimate question to be asked has been where did many, if not most, of the Vietnam War dead come from. A tentative answer can be gleaned from looking at the dead of Logan County, West Virginia. With a population of 45,000 the county had 48 young men die in Vietnam. The death rate of Logan County was roughly four times the national average for that war. Two of the dead, Ted Belcher and Frankie Molnar, received the Medal of Honor posthumously for their bravery. To put the sacrifice and courage of these men in perspective, during World War II American Jewry with a population of almost five million were awarded two Medals of Honor for their courage. Yet these men from a depressed coal mining area in West Virginia were typical of the men who received no sympathy or recognition from a national media more concerned with childish exhibitions of rectitude and sleaziness. These white hillbillies died at almost 25 times the rate the Jews of America died. Yet they are lampooned and denied dignity by Jews who control the American media.


    23. Howdy Doody Says:

      Listened to the Savage Winnie Nation talk radio show today for the first time in a month, and for a few minute only.

      I hear Mikey screaming that Saudi’s owned and were buying up control of US media in the Kwa.

      Enemy alien ?

    24. Z.O.G. Says:

      Sounds like something that Alex Jones would say.

    25. Ein Says:

      Very interesting story, Mr. Doody. Thanks.