22 November, 2009

White Art

Posted by Socrates in art, Socrates, White art/architecture at 2:17 pm | Permanent Link

Gahan Wilson is world-famous for his macabre-but-funny cartoons:




  • 9 Responses to “White Art”

    1. Kuda Bux Says:

      The caption for this one:



    2. old dutch Says:

      Should Adolph Hitler be considered the “Father” of the “Mail-Art Movement”? Hitler is estimated to have painted thousands of post cards, and small art works suitable for mailing.




    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      These cartoons, I don’t get them! You ask me, that goy Wilson is a putz!

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      Sorry, but I don’t think those cartoons are quite good enough for The New Yorker.

    5. old dutch Says:

      You lost an art post with links of interest—should I re-post it?

    6. Jugurtha Says:

      Reminds me of Charles Adams cartoons.

    7. Doug Says:

      I don’t like them either. Too bland, nothing significant about them.

    8. Ein Says:

      Not my kind of thing.

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      The funniest cartoon I ever saw was of two pigs looking at a turd on the ground. One pig says to the other: “It’s shit, all right, but not enough to make me happy.”