18 November, 2009

The Tragedy of Chautauqua County

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce at 9:28 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

“A few weeks ago we were treated to yet another case of a Black sexual predator with AIDS infecting as many White girls as possible with his lethal disease by having sex with them. Nushawn Williams, a small-time drug dealer, car thief, armed robber, and would-be ‘rap artist,’ liked to take the bus from his Brooklyn, New York, neighborhood to Chautauqua County in the mostly White, western part of New York state and find young White girls to seduce. He had sex with a large number of White schoolgirls in the county, some as young as 13, and infected many of them with the AIDS virus.”


  • 22 Responses to “The Tragedy of Chautauqua County”

    1. Doug Says:

      Just did a google image search for that HIV rapist Nushawn Williams, and the first and largest result was at the VNN forum… surely people can see that there is a definite bias and conspiracy to conceal the offender’s race of the most highly offensive crimes.

    2. Blackshirt Says:

      I remember when I first heard about this back in the 1990s while I was in the NA. I find it hard to feel sorry for any White woman that has sex with a nigger. She got AIDS? Ummm, maybe she shouldn’t have been fucking niggers.

      Now I know the McReen types will be screaming I hate White people by saying that, but I’m old school. Old school meaning I believe in DEATH for race traitors.

    3. Tom McReen Says:

      “Now I know the McReen types will be screaming I hate White people by saying that, but I’m old school. Old school meaning I believe in DEATH for race traitors.”

      If you wish to defend Tim McGreen’s post that White women (not active ‘race traitors’) being raped and murdered by niggers pleases the Aryan Gods – following on from both of you agreeing that 85-90% of the White race should be ‘purged’ – then please keep it to that thread rather than spreading it onto this one for the purpose of deceiving people who may not have been following your earlier anti-White posts.

    4. Blackshirt Says:

      Causing disruption again, huh McReen? How much longer will Socrates allow you to continue?

    5. Steven lee Says:

      Is this guy still in jail or he freed on parole? I found a news story that says he could be released.


    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      McReen, you have a way of balling things up that even a Jew would admire.


    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      I should know better than to let McReen’s taunts lead me away from the topic at hand. I wonder what happened to all those wigger sluts who slept with that nigger? I’m sure McReen is, at this very moment, crying his eyes out inconsolably over the misfortune incurred by those poor trashy girls.

      “Why do you have to pick on them, McGreen, you trolling tard? (sniff, whimper) Those girls are White, you know, so they can do anything they want and I’ll feel sorry for them no matter what! Whaaaah! Whaaaahhh!”

      Cry me a river, you old limey prick.

    8. Krystian Kowalczyk Says:

      McReen, you have a way of balling things up that even a Jew would admire. – Tim McGreen

      He’s either our resident obsessive whacko, or our resident Mossad/ADL/SPLC/wtf-ever agent provocateur. This has been my opinion of him from day one.

      Ummm, maybe she shouldn’t have been fucking niggers. – Blackshirt

      Who knows if he actually screwed hundreds of girls, that sounds like Judeo-Kwan obsessing over the supposed “virility” of niggers (who, btw, do not have higher testosterone than whites despite conventional wisdom), I call BS on that. But you’re right, it is hard to sympathize with the score of strumpets who fell for his pathetic simian come ons.

    9. Robert Cardillo Says:

      I too have NO pity for some race-mixing slut who gets her just rewards. I am SO sick and tired of these filthy bitches walking around like they are the cats meow. You reap what you sow.

    10. Blackshirt Says:

      Krystian Kowalczyk Says:
      18 November, 2009 at 7:17 pm

      “McReen, you have a way of balling things up that even a Jew would admire. – Tim McGreen

      He’s either our resident obsessive whacko, or our resident Mossad/ADL/SPLC/wtf-ever agent provocateur. This has been my opinion of him from day one.”

      Yes, and that is why I don’t understand why Socrates “unbanned” him. It is so obvious what his mission is here.

    11. Blackshirt Says:

      Robert Cardillo Says:
      18 November, 2009 at 7:41 pm

      “I too have NO pity for some race-mixing slut who gets her just rewards. I am SO sick and tired of these filthy bitches walking around like they are the cats meow. You reap what you sow.”

      You’re right, Robert. How can we have any pity on White people especially women who defile their race by copulating with a non-white? I really feel a White woman is completely lost if she willingly takes a nigger dick into her womb, no hope of redemption. Death is the only answer.

    12. Ein Says:

      I too remember when that story came out, and knowing that part of the country quite well, I tend to take a gentler view of those girls who got seduced ( but NOT of him!). You have to realize that many of these girls were very young and very inexperienced. This is a town that is 93% whte today (I checked) in an area which was until recently practically 100%. What did they know about Big City Blacks except what they’ve been fed all their lives on the Jew tube? — those wonderful, witty, wise, uplifting blacks who enrich our country so much with their presence!

      With our whole society singing their praises, in unison, blacks have been for the past 40 years our sacred cows. What else were these gullible girls to think? I feel sorry for them, disgusted as I am.

      Jamestown is a small city which was largely settled by Swedes, the biggest Swedish settlement east of Minnesota. This give this hate-filled, AIDS-loaded creature from the Big Apple easy pickings and plenty of blonds, which is exactly what he would want. When such as he leave this world, they want to take out as many whites as they can with them. And as white as possible! He was a walking biological bomb, and the good people of Jamestown had no idea what they were dealing with.

      He was the modern equivalent of “Typhoid Mary” (a real person, btw)…. how come we’re no longer able to use such graphic (and accurate) language today? Oh, heavens, someone might get offended!

      Incidentally, Typoid Mary was locked up – quarantined – in a hospital, on an island, for the entire rest of her life! Though she had done nothing wrong (and wasn’t infecting anybody deliberately), she never saw liberty again. In those days, they put the welfare of the general public first, and didn’t worry about civil rights lawsuits. Of course, TM was white.

    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      The problem is that none of those dumb White sluts had any father around to keep them in line. The mother is usually off somewhere with her new scumbag boyfriend, the father is re-married and has another family, so he can’t be bothered……….Mitigating circumstances to be sure, but I still don’t feel one bit sorry for any White slut who got AIDS from that chimp. Didn’t they have any sense at all? Now no one, not even other Negro males, will want them.

      Well, at least St. Thomas de la McReen cares about them. He’s the Patron Saint of stupid White girls who don’t know any better than to associate with coons. But I wouldn’t recommend fornicating with those tainted lasses, St. Tommy. I know that’s your ulterior motive, you sly old dog.

    14. Blackshirt Says:

      Tim said:

      “He’s the Patron Saint of stupid White girls who don’t know any better than to associate with coons.”

      Do you think McReen would have any sympathy for these girls if they were Marxists? LOL. He would be calling for their blood then. He’s full of contradictions, isn’t he?

    15. CW-2 Says:

      We live in a universe of actions and consequences. Race-mixing is contrary to Nature and her immutable and eternal laws.

    16. S.U.N. Says:

      Their just desserts. White females are lost to the race once they let a nigger inside. Aint all that bad that those who end knocked up will be convinced by the monkey to salt the subproduct.

    17. Kuda Bux Says:

      Deserts. Desserts after dinner.

    18. Curt O'brian Says:

      Look at the cover of “Evil Empire” The Rage against the Machine album with a white paperboy faced kid wearing a huge E for Evil.

      It’s targeting white kids. The Jew machine laughs and targets White kids openly. No wonder some AIDS infected killer purposely does the same thing out in the world.

      They shoot Arab kids openly in Israel right? Nothing is off limits.

    19. Tom McReen Says:

      “Look at the cover of “Evil Empire” The Rage against the Machine album with a white paperboy faced kid wearing a huge E for Evil.”

      That’s a marxist rock band alright. If you look at the lead ‘singer’ he looks like he could be a marrano crypto-jew. Michael Moore did one of their videos. Even the title ‘Evil Empire’ refers to Reagan’s remark about the USSR. They are openly communist and targeting Whites, correct.

    20. Krystian Kowalczyk Says:

      Rage against the Machine had no problem touring and taking loads of shekels from white proles. Perfect summation of their message: “communism for the masses; riches for us.”

    21. Tim McGreen Says:

      Beware the Limousene Liberal.

    22. Ein Says:

      Between militant blacks and limousine liberals, I’d say the latter are by far the greater enemy. At least with the former, they have clear markings and you know who they are. It’s always the ones among us who are the most dangerous.