30 November, 2009

The Price of Being Nice

Posted by Socrates in brown culture, Brown Man, Diversity, diversity is hate, illegal immigration, immigration, immigration bills/laws, multiculturalism, Socrates at 11:30 am | Permanent Link

Two men talk in the year 2120, somewhere in North America:

Brown man #1: “What ever happened to the White people?”

Brown man #2: “Lucky for us, they were too kind to everyone.”


  • 25 Responses to “The Price of Being Nice”

    1. zoomcopter Says:

      Southern California is pretty much one giant Mexican maternity ward, right now. Once our current bunch of traitors, in D.C. provides amnesty to over 20 million potential Democratic voters, the party will be over.

    2. Blackshirt Says:

      Luckily the Republican party is fighting to stop all the non-white immigration, right zoomcopter?

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      Only White countries are required to open their doors wide open to any and every non-White who wants to come in. But apparently all non-White countries have the right to protect THEIR ethnic and cultural “heritage”.

      Must kill anti-White Bolshevik scum.
      Must kill anti-White Bolshevik scum.
      Must kill anti-White Bolshevik scum.

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      Almost forgot:

      Must kill anti-White Capitalist scum.
      Must kill anti-White Capitalist scum.
      Must kill anti-White Capitalist scum.

    5. Lutjens Says:

      Must kill anti-White Bolshevik scum = Jew.
      Must kill anti-White Capitalist scum = Jew.

    6. Andrea Dworkin Says:

      FYI Christians, Christ’s Golden Rule of treating others as you would be treated doesn’t apply to crooks or lawbreakers. All immigration into USA has to stop…

    7. Ein Says:

      Brown man #2: “Lucky for us, they were too kind to everyone.”

      Ther’s a good moral in that. For us, that is.

      But not really so lucky for them, though. Not in the long run. Without the white man to provide them with an organized, productive, civilized society, they would soon slide back into their natural African state of savagery. Mere speculation? No! We’ve seen it repeatedly in place after place, from Haiti to Detroit to Zimbabwe. The white man leaves and civilization collapses.

      Who would provide them with food, medical care, employment, social services? It would be a return to the jungle. Not really so lucky for them at all. Good for their swollen pride, perhaps, but not for their empty bellies.

    8. zoomcopter Says:

      “Luckily the Republican party is fighting to stop all the non-white immigration, right zoomcopter?”

      Hardly, both sides are thoroughly corrupt. We go through the motions of voting, but Democracy is dead. It was nice while it lasted, but once the Jews were able to buy into it and corrupt it, from within, the death throes began.

    9. bryan Says:

      Well these countrys of europe are only as big as one of our states here in amurrica….and they are barely holding on.

      We have enough people here if we can come together in the Homeland. And put an end to this suicide.

      You can start now by telling the mexicans around your wrk, in broken english, this is not for you…no more. And show them a picture of the Homeland.

    10. ajiarcher Says:

      I’m afraid the party is really over, the percentage of non white’s will keep growing, their birthrate supported by us of course, will drown us in the end. We are really a second rate country now, in education, in manufacturing, in the percentage of our college grads. majoring in a science, particularly engineering, buy a jewdicial system that stymies any real change for the better, by some of the most corrupt and immoral politicians in this country’s history, and last but not least, a public that has become little more than well fed sheep.

    11. New America Says:

      bryan and ajiarcher made comments that tie into each other quite nicely.

      bryan wrote:

      Well these countrys of europe are only as big as one of our states here in amurrica….and they are barely holding on.

      We have enough people here if we can come together in the Homeland. And put an end to this suicide.

      You can start now by telling the mexicans around your wrk, in broken english, this is not for you…no more. And show them a picture of the Homeland.

      in reply:
      Germany, alone, fought off the rest of Europe, Eurasia, and most of the rest of the world, during World War II. Germany is about the size of Oregon, and all of our military histories were rewritten against us when it was revealed that we had the ability to read the ENIGMA codes.

      That is a strong argument for what the White Race, working to defend their Families, their organic Nation, can do.

      His points about the Homeland – Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic – are much stronger than he realized. I met a friend of mine from college at the last reunion, and he moved, consciously, to the Homeland, to the Northwest Republic, and did so a a membe of the Racially Conscious Community.

      He didn’t realize he was a member of the RCC, but he started over, on much higher ground, as a result of the midlife crisis, which he saw as the midlife opportunity.

      He describes it as Heaven; he wasn’t much of a materialist (his ex-wife was, but that’s another story), but lives a million dollar lifestyle on less than thirty thousand dollars a year.

      When he leaves the Homeland, for family/business trips, he describes it a “going to Hell, without the redeeming benefits.”

      He meets with what he calls his fellow expatriates around town, and they all have a “brightness” about them, and the Unspoken Open Sccret they share is this:

      They all dodged the bullet of the Collapse of what America has become.

      As he put it, “We don’t know WHAT The Answer is, but we know we will never find it back in The Darkness.”

      My response was right out of Harold Covington:

      “You spent too much time of defense, and didn’t have the time and energy to think about what needed to be done, and how you were going to do it. Listen. You bought that old farmhouse, and fixed it and the barn up. Your daughter is almost finished her Hell of a divorce. Why don’t you have her take the kids, and move in with you? Your daughter wants to home-school them, and here’s the chance of their lifetimes.”

      Anyway, his grandchildren will see THIS Christmas with enough snow on the ground to make everyone happy.

      “Quality of Life” versus “Quantity of Dollars.”

      No choice, really.

      That takes us to…

      ajiarcher wrote:

      I’m afraid the party is really over, the percentage of non white’s will keep growing, their birthrate supported by us of course, will drown us in the end. We are really a second rate country now, in education, in manufacturing, in the percentage of our college grads. majoring in a science, particularly engineering, buy a jewdicial system that stymies any real change for the better, by some of the most corrupt and immoral politicians in this country’s history, and last but not least, a public that has become little more than well fed sheep.

      in reply:
      Good points.

      This is what has taken me such an effort to realize, and accept.

      The United States of America of my youth is OVER; it is finished, it is done. It resembles nothing so much as advanced bone cancer; on the outside, everything LOOKS like it works, but the bone has grown weaker, and you mask the pain until the cancer rots out the bone, and it breaks when and where you least expect it.

      The examples are too numerous to mention.

      One literal example is infrastructure failure.

      Another, softer example, is the public education system.

      Need more examples?

      You can find too many, all too easily; just look at the newspaper.

      My friend and I talked most of the night, and most of the next day.

      He said that his first morning in the Homeland felt very, very “different” from his – and I quote – “previous lifetime.”

      It took him a few days to realize what the difference was.

      He said it was like he had been living underwater for all of these years, and finally came to the surface, learning to breathe and walk all over again.

      He also said he has never worked so hard in his life, and has neve been so damn content.

      He thought he was rehabbing an old farmhouse.

      He wasn’t.

      He was building the foundation for a future for his daughter, and her children.

      The foundation for a better life, in our Racial Homeland.

      He’s one of US.

      He just didn’t realize it, until he was ready to.

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      We are not the last of a dying breed; we are the first, and best, of a brave new world.

      Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet removes our excuses, offering in their place a Nation, a White Homeland, and a path whereby our Posterity may one day walk Among The Stars.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      1:1 In the beginning, the earth was void and without form. And then behold, the face of the LORD COVINGTON shone upon the waters. And He commanded : “Let there be the Northwest Republik”, and it was so. And the LORD COVINGTON saw that it was good; Thus began the First Day. 1:2 And the LORD COVINGTON thought it wise to populate His Republik with fools made in His image. And so a fool was formed from the mud of Puget Sound on the Second Day. And the LORD COVINGTON gave the fool a name, calling him New Amerika. 1:3 On the Third Day, New Amerika said unto the LORD COVINGTON; “Behold, I am without a helpmeet and am dreadfully horny.” And so the LORD COVINGTON caused New Amerika to fall sleep and extracted one ball from his sac. He then sneezed upon the ball and rolled it in His fingers for a while, causing it to take the form of Christopher Pike, the original Captain of the Starship Enterprise. And the LORD COVINGTON saw that it was good.

      2:1 But New Amerika was not pleased with his new helpmeet, for he said unto the LORD COVINGTON: “Stop fucking around and make me a woman!” And so the LORD COVINGTON turned New Amerika into a woman as he had asked. 2:2 And New Amerika said unto the LORD COVINGTON: “No, stupid, I want a woman, I don’t want to BE a woman!” And the LORD COVINGTON said unto New Amerika: “Duh, I knew what you meant.” 2:3 And so so the LORD COVINGTON caused New Amerika to fall asleep a second time, extracting the fool’s remaing ball. And from this, He created a woman for New Amerika called Irma Grese. 2:4 Granted, Irma was no hottie, but she was the best lay that New Amerika would ever get.

      3:1 And the LORD COVINGTON said unto the happy couple: “Live long and prosper. My Northwest Quartet removes our excuses, offering in their place a Nation, a White Homeland, and a path whereby our posterity may one day walk among The Stars.” And Irma saith unto the LORD COVINGTON: “No shit?” 3:2 And thus were many other fools begotten in the Northwest Republik. And behold, they all had to take turns driving the LORD COVINGTON to his doctor’s appointments.

    13. CW-2 Says:

      Most of the White tax $$, both in the US and in Europe, is spent on breeding up more muds.
      In the wise words of Dr W Pierce, “This is a war in which there can be no truce, no peaceful resolution, only victory or extinction, because the populations of those who covet our living space continue to grow, while that space does not.”

      That is the ultimate truth. What is an illegal immigrant? Nothing less than a thief. A thief of space, of time and opportunity.

    14. Blackshirt Says:

      LOL @ Tim :-)

    15. New America Says:

      in reply to Blackshirt/Adam:

      you wrote, quoting me:

      New America Entity says:

      “His points about the Homeland – Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic – are much stronger than he realized. I met a friend of mine from college at the last reunion, and he moved, consciously, to the Homeland, to the Northwest Republic, and did so a a member of the Racially Conscious Community.”

      you replied:
      Good grief, does every thread have to be a pitch for Harold Covingtoon and his Northwest Homeland BS?

      in reply:
      This would have been an opportunity to refer to Dr. William Pierce’s ADV piece, “To Be, Or To Be Nice.”

      I’ll succeed where you and yours have failed, by, as usual, structuring my comments to address both the post topic, and the largest possible solution – a Racial Homeland for the White Race.

      CW-2 spoke of Dr. William Pierce’s summary, and Pierce’s Solution:

      CW-2 wrote:

      In the wise words of Dr W Pierce, “This is a war in which there can be no truce, no peaceful resolution, only victory or extinction, because the populations of those who covet our living space continue to grow, while that space does not.”

      in reply:
      This is a simple battle.

      In the words of Alex Linder, “It is a war to the death between memes and genes.”

      Look at the demography of America when Pierce made that speech, and look at what it will be less than a decade later.

      The battle will be over; BOTH political parties favor the legalization of the illegals, and the importation of their families, in 2010 – just in time for the White House controlled 2010 Census to reapportion the Congress.

      Let me repeat:

      There is no going back to the America that worked, the America that sent men to the Moon, and brought them back, and now can’t get out of Afghanistan; the American that won a two ocean war in less than it took for us to “conquer and stabilize” Iraq.

      So many potential White Nationalists look at where we stand, and see the sunset.

      I see the sunrise implicit in the sunset, but that sun will rise on a different America, one that will have devolved to a Second World Country with Third World Regions, and First World Enclaves.

      The ONLY Solution that makes sense is one that allows us to organize along Racial lines, that lead to the formation of a State that serves the Race, with only one governing principle –

      “The State Exists Solely to Serve The Race.”

      Linder said it best when he observed, “In politics, things can change very quickly.”

      We should be prepared for that.

      I have issued a challenge to those who oppose Covington’s Northwest Republic with a simple test:

      Write out your side of how America will develop over the next twenty to fifty years, and define your – YOUR – solution to the problems the Race faces over that time frame.

      They have yet to respond, for obvious reasons.

      I’ll make it easier for them.

      Imagine you are at a point in the future less than fifty years from now.

      Imagine you are at the William Luther Pierce Memorial Chapel at the Sandpoint Military Academy.

      Imagine you are Senator Robert Mathews, giving his inaugural address.

      What would you say, and why?

      What would you have Senator Robert Mathews say to YOUR Posterity?


      Yours is the silence of the gelding, mocking the work of Men who live in a world you can not even imagine, much less begin to comprehend.

      There’s a reason for that, and it does not flatter you at all.

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      We are not the last of a dying breed; we are the first, and best, of a brave new world.

      Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet removes our excuses, offering in their place a Nation, a White Homeland, and a path whereby our Posterity may one day walk Among The Stars.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    16. New America Says:

      I think we just found the limit of WP nested blockquotes.

      The above, redone for clarity, with a comment at the end.

      in reply to Blackshirt/Adam:

      you wrote, quoting me:

      New America Entity says:

      “His points about the Homeland – Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic – are much stronger than he realized. I met a friend of mine from college at the last reunion, and he moved, consciously, to the Homeland, to the Northwest Republic, and did so a a member of the Racially Conscious Community.”

      you replied:
      Good grief, does every thread have to be a pitch for Harold Covingtoon and his Northwest Homeland BS?

      in reply:
      This would have been an opportunity to refer to Dr. William Pierce’s ADV piece, “To Be, Or To Be Nice.”

      I’ll succeed where you and yours have failed, by, as usual, structuring my comments to address both the post topic, and the largest possible solution – a Racial Homeland for the White Race.

      CW-2 spoke of Dr. William Pierce’s summary, and Pierce’s Solution:

      CW-2 wrote:

      In the wise words of Dr W Pierce, “This is a war in which there can be no truce, no peaceful resolution, only victory or extinction, because the populations of those who covet our living space continue to grow, while that space does not.”

      in reply:
      This is a simple battle.

      In the words of Alex Linder, “It is a war to the death between memes and genes.”

      Look at the demography of America when Pierce made that speech, and look at what it will be less than a decade later.

      The battle will be over; BOTH political parties favor the legalization of the illegals, and the importation of their families, in 2010 – just in time for the White House controlled 2010 Census to reapportion the Congress.

      Let me repeat:

      There is no going back to the America that worked, the America that sent men to the Moon, and brought them back, and now can’t get out of Afghanistan; the American that won a two ocean war in less than it took for us to “conquer and stabilize” Iraq.

      So many potential White Nationalists look at where we stand, and see the sunset.

      I see the sunrise implicit in the sunset, but that sun will rise on a different America, one that will have devolved to a Second World Country with Third World Regions, and First World Enclaves.

      The ONLY Solution that makes sense is one that allows us to organize along Racial lines, that lead to the formation of a State that serves the Race, with only one governing principle:

      “The State Exists Solely to Serve The Race.”

      Linder said it best when he observed, “In politics, things can change very quickly.”

      We should be prepared for that.

      I have issued a challenge to those who oppose Covington’s Northwest Republic with a simple test:

      Write out your side of how America will develop over the next twenty to fifty years, and define your – YOUR – solution to the problems the Race faces over that time frame.

      They have yet to respond, for obvious reasons.

      I’ll make it easier for them.

      Imagine you are at a point in the future less than fifty years from now.

      Imagine you are at the William Luther Pierce Memorial Chapel at the Sandpoint Military Academy.

      Imagine you are Senator Robert Mathews, giving his Inaugural Address.

      What would you say, and why?

      What would you have Senator Robert Mathews say to YOUR Posterity?


      Yours is the silence of the gelding, mocking the work of Men who live in a world you can not even imagine, much less begin to comprehend.

      There’s a reason for that, and it does not flatter you at all.

      You see, the process of gelding our men has been in place for the last fifty years, and modern Judeo-Feminism has simply institutionalized this to an amazing degree.

      And, our Sons have become – to use the perfectly gracious term of Briseis – “Incompetent Males.”

      I think that’s why so many of Covington’s critics practice the culture of critique so well.

      I mention the Inaugural Address of Senator Robert Mathews, and they simply freeze in silent horror, at someone who would have been everything they should have been, but can now never become.

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      We are not the last of a dying breed; we are the first, and best, of a brave new world.

      Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet removes our excuses, offering in their place a Nation, a White Homeland, and a path whereby our Posterity may one day walk Among The Stars.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    17. Andrea Dworkin Says:

      Couldn’t ZOG just ‘accidentally’ bomb the hell out of the theoretical White Northwest thereby making it a roach motel like death trap for the Goyim there?

    18. Blackshirt Says:

      You’re right Andrea. In this day and age of pinpoint bombing, satellite surveillance, and nuclear weapons, the best way to hide is amongst the masses. To set yourself apart and concentrated in one area only makes it easier for the enemy to wipe you out in great numbers.

      One more reason the “Northwest Imperative” nonsense is completely unworkable and fantasy. Of course, if all racially conscious Whites were to move there Tubby Covingtoon would get to play Führer and it would make his ego almost as big as his girth. New America Entity could be his Minister of Propaganda a’la Goebbels.

    19. zoomcopter Says:

      “You’re right Andrea. In this day and age of pinpoint bombing, satellite surveillance, and nuclear weapons, the best way to hide is amongst the masses. To set yourself apart and concentrated in one area only makes it easier for the enemy to wipe you out in great numbers.”

      Is hiding amongst the unwashed masses really the only way to survive? Is it to be survival at ANY cost? After all, if you cannot take a stand to defend your own children, perhaps our race does indeed deserve the fate chosen for us by the Chosen Ones.

    20. Andrea Dworkin Says:

      Why can’t we just take a stand wherever the hell we are now? Who wants to move to the NW that ZOG would bomb first if things hit the fan…

      The idea of white people retreating anywhere when we have a large well armed majority is cowardly(whites = 65% of US population, blacks 13% beaners 14%, jews 2.5%, why would we have to run from smaller minority groups anyway???)…

      Stand and fight in your current area like a real white person should…

    21. Tim McGreen Says:

      That “promised land” stuff is so Old Testament. The Pacific NW is okay, but I never regarded it as an ultimate destination. I would say that SoCal was the most awesome place in the world for young White people back in the 1960s and 70s. Millions of them moved there. Maybe after the Revolution it can be that way again.

    22. New America Says:

      As usual, Tom McReen is right.

      In reply to the Blackshirt Entity:

      This is what I wrote, to which you will never respond, and rightfully so.

      Note that you have your choice of Questions to answer; pick either, but I thought the Inaugural Address of Senator Robert Mathews might be especially educational for us.

      Above, I wrote:

      I have issued a challenge to those who oppose Covington’s Northwest Republic with a simple test:

      Write out your side of how America will develop over the next twenty to fifty years, and define your – YOUR – solution to the problems the Race faces over that time frame.

      They have yet to respond, for obvious reasons.

      I’ll make it easier for them.

      Imagine you are at a point in the future less than fifty years from now.

      Imagine you are at the William Luther Pierce Memorial Chapel at the Sandpoint Military Academy.

      Imagine you are Senator Robert Mathews, giving his Inaugural Address.

      What would you say, and why?

      What would you have Senator Robert Mathews say to YOUR Posterity?


      Yours is the silence of the gelding, mocking the work of Men who live in a world you can not even imagine, much less begin to comprehend.

      There’s a reason for that, and it does not flatter you at all.

      You see, the process of gelding our men has been in place for the last fifty years, and modern Judeo-Feminism has simply institutionalized this to an amazing degree.

      And, our Sons have become – to use the perfectly gracious term of Briseis – “Incompetent Males.”

      I think that’s why so many of Covington’s critics practice the culture of critique so well.

      I mention the Inaugural Address of Senator Robert Mathews, and they simply freeze in silent horror, at someone who would have been everything they should have been, but can now never become.

      SENATOR Robert Mathews.

      The Purpose Of Judaism is The Genocide of the White Race.

      We Have A Duty To Our Racial Destiny.

      We are not the last of a dying breed; we are the first, and best, of a brave new world.

      Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet removes our excuses, offering in their place a Nation, a White Homeland, and a path whereby our Posterity may one day walk Among The Stars.

      Take Control Of The Destiny That Is Rightfully Yours.

    23. Tim McGreen Says:

      New Amerikwa, I have offered my own proposals and solutions to deal with the problems that the White Race is facing, but apparently you were too wrapped up with your idee fixe, otherwise known as the NW Republikkk, to pay any attention. Are you here just to lecture everyone about your pet subject over and over again? If so, your mission is accomplished and you can now start building your White Homeland in the Pacific NW instead of just posting about it.

      And siding with Tom McReen? That really shows poor judgement on your part!

    24. bryan Says:

      Standing and fighting “where ever we are now” is a fukin pipe dream and no real plan at all

    25. Tom McReen Says:

      “Two men talk in the year 2120, somewhere in North America:

      Brown man #1: “What ever happened to the White people?”

      Brown man #2: “Lucky for us, they were too kind to everyone.”

      Then they’d hop on boats or aircraft and make way for Europe or wherever the last rump of Whites exist, looking for hand-outs/white wimminz/reparations etc. Their first words on arrival? “Racists!”.