28 November, 2009

‘The Kiss’ at the Music Awards Show

Posted by Socrates in homosexual themes, homosexuals, jewed culture, jewed media, Socrates at 2:33 pm | Permanent Link

Homosexuality takes a big step towards public acceptance. Despite some viewer complaints, this sort of thing need happen only a dozen times and then most TV addicts will be desensitized to queer behavior. Further, who’s surprised that Lambert is Jewish?


More about Lambert: [Here].

  • 9 Responses to “‘The Kiss’ at the Music Awards Show”

    1. Luek Says:

      Has everyone forgotten the juicy liplock Madonna applied to Britney Spears on national television a couple of years ago? If the nation could get over that display they will get over this one too.

    2. J.J Says:

      What nation? Muds, jews, queers, white male hating liberal feminist women?

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      Out of all the complaints that ABC recieved over Miss Lambert’s homosexual behavior on stage, how many of those complaining were Jews? Probably zero. Jews only get offended if Whites start displaying any pride in being White. I guess even acts of cannibalism or human sacrifice on stage wouldn’t offend the Jews, as long as none of the participants started shouting “Heil Hilter”, “White Power” or “I Deny the Holocaust!”.

      Did you notice in that article the praise Miss Lambert got for his performance in that disastarous Ten Commandments musical by that Jew critic from the LA Times? The Jewspapers will ALWAYS praise one of their own Tribe’s actors, producers or directors, even if the movie or play they are involved with stinks. I just read a Jewsmagazine review of Woody Allen’s old “comedy”, the 1971 movie “Banannas”. It’s a silly, puerile, sophomoric film, but the Jew critic wrote it was a “hillarious classic”.

      Truly, there’s no other group of people who are as repulsive, clannish or obnoxious as the Jews are. No one else even comes close, not even those greasy and bufoonish Mestizoes.

    4. Curt o'Brian Says:

      I had thought Lambert was a non Jewish name. Interesting that the name of that soccer player that had a good twenty minutes of beating the shit out of the BYU women soccer team had a last name of Lambert too – Elizabeth Lambert.

      I didn’t hear anything in the news about a racist religious zealot Jewish bitch soccer player beating up Mormon women. So I know if it isn’t in the Media or RESPECTED places like the LA Times then it must not be important. If one Palestinian woman soccer player beat the crap for half a game out of Yeshiva University Women soccer players and it was an international story you think somebody might mention it? Yup.

      You see how fast things are going now. They talk about glacial melting speeding up… The Jews are now really pushing the gay agenda right down to homosexual oral sex simulations on award shows.

      It reminds me a little of the Ellen thing. When it was revealed she was gay her show was canceled a month later. But low and behold her show came back stronger than ever. STRONGER than ever and has been that way ever since. I wonder if there is a principal in psychology that you do something shocking and then immediately take it back… but then reintroduce it again as though it is normal and people somehow accept it instantly? Something that’s been noticed concerning the chimp brain that humans have.

      Could be.

      Looking forward to Homosexual kissing at the Rose Parade on top of the float wishing everybody a New Year. Can’t be more than two years away.

    5. Justin Huber Says:

      Right on Tim. I enjoyed your post above. Even the so called “good” Woody Allen movies are awful. Yet, there’s always these lame brain white actors and actresses clamoring to be in one of his stupid movies. Then to top it all off, once they’ve made the movie they gush about what a “genius” Woody is. Yuck!

    6. ED! Says:

      OK, Jews acting like Jews. Then consider the Jewish death grip on our (their) media. Where is the Christian outrage? The Rich Christians are too involved with preoccupations like Christians United for Israel (CUFI), or the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ). The Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John for lunch bunch are too busy helping the Jews push the Palestinians off their land with OUR TAX DOLLARS!!! Too busy helping the Jews murder Palestinian Children, here again, with our STOLEN TAX DOLLARS!!! Christians Ronald Reagan and George “W” Bush turned a blind eye while the Jews raped the stock market, Savings and Loan institutions, Banks and corporations wiping out jobs and the retirement funds of millions of White Americans. Where was Christian “W” when Jewish leadership in the commodities market speculation fiasco drove gasoline prices to $4.00+ a gallon? And who got hurt from that? The White working class for the most part, while the Jews and their Christian ilk raked the cream off the top! Did not Christian Zionist “W” sit back and allow Jew Maurice Greenberg to run AIG into the ground, allow Jew Sandy Weill to tailspin Citigroup in? Bill Clinton with his heavy weighted Jewish cabinet egging him on engaged in dangerous deregulation like signing the Gramm-Leach-Bliley act when he should have raised hell about it? That would have got the public on the backs of their elected representatives concerning that treasonous bill! But OH NO, that is not what the Jews and their Christian Gentile Enforcers like Republican PHIL GRAMM wanted! Was it not a Christian Bill Clinton who pardoned Arch Jewish Criminal Marc Rich right before he departed office in exchange for a $400,000 reward! Was it not Marc Rich who helped the Jewish Russian Oligarchs steal the fortune of the Russian people after the collapse of Jewish instigated Bolshevism/Communism in the former Soviet Union? And then was it not King “W” who accused Vladimir Putin of being an Anti-Semite for having the courage to go against International Jewry and prosecute the criminals?

      This is what the late Dr. William Pierce had to say about Jewish financial crime:

      “And, digging through the rubble of Enron’s collapse and turning over a very large flat stone at the bottom of the heap, what do we find but another Jewish “financial genius” blinking at the light and trying to scurry away like a startled cockroach, a bulging suitcase full of money in each hand. Sound familiar?”

      That was from the speech (Enron, Fastow, and the Looting of America).

      We watched helplessly while Jews Herbert and Marion Sandler worked their Adjustable Rate Mortgage Jewish sorcery at Golden West Financial Corporation and then sold the toxic mess to Wachovia Bank for around 24 billion making (stealing) a cool 2.4 billion for themselves! Then what do they do with their ill-begotten funds, they fund ACORN and help a Communist half-breed get elected! Did we not watch Obama bailout Goldman Sachs? It is the White working class that pays for that kind of activity with their tax dollars stolen from their checks every week! Money we could use to make our lives better in the face of declining wages and spiraling inflation! But wait, our tax dollars are just payment on the interest our (their) government has borrowed from the Federal (not) Reserve Bank to do all this stuff to us. The rich Christians pay massive taxes however, they more than make up for it because they benefit from this sleazy financial activity that goes on day in and day out! The next time you hear a Christian say they received a HOT STOCK TIP then you know that they have been allowed to profit from yet another Jewish PUMP AND DUMP stock fraud scam! They are not allowed to participate for free, but rather for services rendered to Jewish interests! This kind of sordid activity is perpetuated under our noses with each passing day.

      From that same speech by Dr Pierce:

      “The Jewish swindlers who made all of these myths depended heavily on the support of corrupt or foolish Gentiles for their success, just as Michael Milken and Andy Fastow depended on the collaboration of corrupt and greedy Gentiles for the success of their clever, Jewish shell games with stocks and bonds and money.”

      I know that the Bible is a massive fraud/fairytale/mind control thing. But if the Bible is true then did the Jew god NOT destroy Sodom and Gomorra because of their sexual conduct, turning lot’s Wife into a pillar of salt when she looked back? So where is this god? After all the wars, bloodshed, and recessions the Jewish swindlers have caused then why should we be shocked at a homosexual Jew kissing another homosexual on our (their) media? Why— as time goes on the stupid American people will be desensitized to the point that children in the third grade will get to watch live gay sex in their classroom as an instruction on alternate life styles! Think not then ask yourself this; if they have gone this far then what is to stop them from going all the way?

      Around this time last year we watched on while Israel murdered hundreds of Palestinian children with US weapons and funds while the Republican CUFI Christians and other Arm Chair Warriors cheered them on! Gentile Christian America for the most part is QUEER IN BED WITH ISRAEL and IPAC controls our government so why worry about queers on TV?


    7. CW-2 Says:

      Great posting ED! It’s only con games and mind control that is keeping the house of cards from collapsing.

    8. Mark Says:

      I hear that bisexuality among WN women is common and encouraged by the men.

    9. ED! Says:


      The White Nationalist Women I know are disgusted at the thought of having sexual relations with another person of their like sex. I know of no White Nationalist Men who encourage their Women to engage in such conduct. Not all people who claim to be in the WN movement are what they say they are…
