2 November, 2009

The Holocaust in Pittsburgh

Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, jewed culture, propaganda, Socrates at 12:23 pm | Permanent Link

What? The Holoswindle didn’t happen in Pennsylvania? Huh. Because this is quite a list of events…


  • 27 Responses to “The Holocaust in Pittsburgh”

    1. Tom McReen Says:

      Wherever there’s a jew, there is Israel…and a holohoax swindle.

    2. old dutch Says:

      The Block family who own the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette are Jews!That’s not a well known fact.

      The Block family also owns the Toledo Blade.

    3. Blackshirt Says:

      Old Dutch, I think the printers the Blocks use are Roman Catholic. Is that true? Could it be further evidence of Catholic/Jewish colaboration? LOL

    4. old dutch Says:

      Hey, Pope Blackie. Slow day at the agency? LOL.

    5. Justin Huber Says:

      Boy, that “Brundibar”/children’s opera thing sure looks good. Not!

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      And the Jews have the chutzpah to accuse racially concious Whites of being obsessed with the Nazis! If anyone is obsessed with Hitler and Nazism, it’s them. If only someone in Pittsburgh would stage the 17th century versions of the Oberammergau and The Merchant of Venice. Like that will ever happen.


      { Tom McReen Says:

      2 November, 2009 at 12:25 pm

      Wherever there’s a jew, there is Israel…and a holohoax swindle.}

      Wow, Tom, you have an incredible grasp for the obvious. What other brilliant observations will you enlighten us with? That the Jews are greedy? That they have big, crooked noses? I can’t wait for your next exciting contribution to this discussion. Jerk!!!!

    7. Tom McReen Says:

      You would know, you post the same shit on every thread.

      “If anyone is obsessed with Hitler and Nazism, it’s them.”

      That is very obvious. I sometimes post the obvious because noobs often read these pages. What’s your excuse?

      NB: everyone note the first posts by Blackshirt and Timmy are needless attacks on other posters. Bang goes Blackshirt’s ‘McReen is disruptive’ theory.

    8. Blackshirt Says:

      Well McReen, if you aren’t disruptive how come you were banned from here for a couple months? I’ve never been banned, but you have so I guess that pretty much settles who really is disruptive, eh?

    9. Michael Mavros Says:

      These holohoax events will continue forever as long as the useful idiots keep on attending.

    10. th Says:

      The real problem is that there is an audience for this type of crap. It’s to me not a total suprize that the audience for this and all the other jewish brainwashing is guess who? White people. The jew is at home laughing as their machine reels in more sympathy and money. Just as in south carolina there is a big movement of white people to free or commute the sentence of a nig cop killer. These people obvious were at one time reeled in on the big jew sympathy charter. I spent years in the Alliance trying to educate people and it was useless. It was whites that always alerted the police to my legal activities. Sometimes I hope that I am in a coma and it’s all a nightmare, but it is reality.

    11. Tom McReen Says:

      “Well McReen, if you aren’t disruptive how come you were banned from here for a couple months? I’ve never been banned, but you have so I guess that pretty much settles who really is disruptive, eh?”

      It’s impossible to tell how exactly many times you and your socks have been banned.

      As for myself, not so much banned as Socrates recognising that I got a little too close in to your squabbles and intervening for my own good. I was nonplussed at the time but looking back he was right.

      I shall now retire from this thread before it gets disrupted any further but not before pointing out that all the VERY obvious socks your pals have been using – Parrot, Old Dutch’s Sidekick etc – purely for trolling purposes, in addition to your needless disruption of this thread, must have pushed you all closer to being banned yourselves.

      Now, the holohoax: how many here believe it MAY have happened as ZOG says? Be honest. There are some here who are on record as saying they don’t like us even discussing the holohoax and have clearly set their minds to disrupting threads so discussion doesn’t happen.

    12. Blackshirt Says:

      You are so full of shit, McReen. I don’t have any “socks”- I am all alone here, I am not related to Tim or anybody else that hates you.

      Socrates banned you to save you from yourself, eh? That is absolutely hilarious!

      “McReen” you must be a kike the way you try to twist arguments in your favor and accuse everyone who has a distaste for you of being a Jew, Marxist, sock puppet, etc. etc. You think you are being clever, but you’re not that smart…

    13. Justin Huber Says:

      Isn’t ironic that the Jews behind this whole Holocaust event in Pittsburgh are putting on seminars entitled “Hitler Youth” and “Education in the Third Reich” where I assume they are going to wail about the Nazis indoctrinating German youth. Yet, at the same time, they’re also putting on this wretched looking children’s opera that also appears to be some sort of propaganda aimed at young people. It’s kind of a contradiction if you ask me.

    14. Tom McReen Says:

      The suffering never ends (just like the propaganda).


    15. 2050 Says:

      Justin~ exactly. I hear all the time how children were forced to join the Hitler Youth etc, so they could be brainwashed etc. None if it true.

      I’ll bet a dollar that the primary mode of transportation to all holoswindle museums in this country are big yellow buses.

      What weirdos want to show pics of piles of dead people to children. sickos.

      On the above tussle.^
      Blackshirt my friend, you had no reason posting any of those attacks of OD or Tom.
      Tim, you had no reason to post that attack on Tom. No reason.
      Just when i think it’s safe to back on the boards, here comes the sharkin.

    16. 2050 Says:

      Blackshirt, in your defense since i just whacked you a little, I also was reading OD’s post expecting the Blocks to be catholic.haha. Of course there is a film to be shown there about a catholic woman hiding her jew neighbors. Now there I go.

    17. Tim McGreen Says:

      {I also was reading OD’s post expecting the Blocks to be catholic.haha. }

      Who are the Blocks? Are they a Jewish family who converted to Catholicism? I think I had a dentist named Block once.

      2050, Tom is an obnoxious swine. Someone must put him in his place. He’s such a negative, right-wing reactionary, exactly the kind of person the White Struggle does NOT need.

    18. old dutch Says:

      “Of course there is a film to be shown there about a catholic woman hiding her jew neighbors. Now there I go.”
      LOL. The Block’s are Russian Jews, and they have owned the Post Gazette since the 1920’s.

      I’m sure that any Roman Catholics who work for the Blocks’ kiss Jew ass & tow the Jew line or they are gone. By the same token, the Block’s will attack a Jewish politician in their newspaper, for their own reasons that may not be understandable to us White American types.

    19. Blackshirt Says:

      2050 said:

      “Blackshirt my friend, you had no reason posting any of those attacks of OD or Tom.”

      HUH???!!! I have no reason to “attack” McReen? Did you read McReen’s post before mine? It was nothing but an attack on me, like 90% of McReen’s posts on this website are!

      As far as OD is concerned, how was I “attacking” him? I was simply asking whether the Jewish Block family he mentioned were using Roman Catholics to do their work for him. We all know Old Dutch is our resident Catholic exposer, and if anyone would know of devious Catholic influence, it would be Old Dutch! LOL ;-)

    20. Tim McGreen Says:

      Behind the scenes, Jews fight each other like wild dogs fighting over a rotting, fly-ridden zebra carcass. Being parasites and scavengers, they play dirty and will screw over anyone who gets in their way, even other Jews.

    21. Tim McGreen Says:

      Well, I’ll say this for OD….At least he’s not thin-skinned, caustic and confrontational like McCreen. You can insult and threaten the guy all day long and it doesn’t faze him one bit. He just keeps right on exposing Catholic evildoers.

    22. 2050 Says:


    23. 2050 Says:

      Tom posts a good post
      OD posts a good post
      Bs makes a ‘non-attacking’ jab at OD
      OD politley slings back the jab.
      Tim jumps Tom’s case over nothing, finding fault where there is none.
      Tom turns it around and gives it back. Then correctly points out that he did not start the crap on this thread.
      Bs then brings up Tom’s disruptive past.
      Tom defends his past somewhat and says yeah but your worse. Bows out.
      Bs defends himself on the sock charge and then goes into the old you are a jew offensive.
      Tom comes back, but with a topic related post, I think, not having went to the link.
      2050 jumps in playing referee like he tends to do. In the interest of not typing too much gets it wrong a bit concerning Bs.
      2050 points out that he had the same feeling reading OD’s post that Bs had. Slips in a catholic comment joining the fun.
      Tim says that Tom must be jumped anytime anywhere because his views are right centered. At least that’s what I got from that post. You mean even when he says nothing but,

      “Wherever there’s a jew, there is Israel…and a holohoax swindle.”

      That’s a perfectly fine comment to make. At least let him make a ‘negative, right-wing reactionary’, statement before jumping him.
      OD shows his usual thick skin and laughs and goes on with his agenda.
      Bs points out my mistake in my post. True.

      Bs‘s first post after Tom’s said nothing to Tom. Good on topic post. Tim jumped Tom first, and Tom posted back that
      NB: everyone note the first posts by Blackshirt and Timmy are needless attacks on other posters. Bang goes Blackshirt’s ‘McReen is disruptive’ theory.
      Thereby invoking Blackshirt and receiving his posting wrath.

    24. Ein Says:

      2050… Don’t try to analyze the pingpong game. Just let them play.
      Now let’s see, what was the original topic?

      Oh yes, the Holycause! I almost forgot.

      As for the newspaper’s “Blocks”, I was puzzled about them too. I thought it was some kind of printers’ union or something!
      Never heard of them. (No doubt that’s the way they like it.)

    25. Tim McGreen Says:

      2050, you’re another Howard Cosell. I just hope you have a better-looking toupe than he did.

    26. abc Says:

      With all the trolling, there’s much BS on this blog now.

    27. Tim McGreen Says:

      {With all the trolling, there’s much BS on this blog now.}

      There are always going to be excitable, agitated and garrulous people posting on sites like these, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are trolls.