30 November, 2009

Swiss Voters Ban Minarets

Posted by Socrates in Muslims, Muslims in Europe, Socrates, Switzerland, white nationalism at 9:56 am | Permanent Link


(Above: a minaret. Some are fatter, and uglier, than this one)

This is great news. Who wants Muslim symbolism in White countries? Of course, the liberals and the Jews are shocked by this ban, which is a set-back for multiculturalism in Europe:


  • 25 Responses to “Swiss Voters Ban Minarets”

    1. Howdy Doody Says:

      There are over 40,000 Muslims in Christchurch N.Z. as of 2004, and they a Mosque near the great Church in city center.

      There is a five way traffic juction near the city center and there near the road this some RED painted steel beams that were sand blasted to paint. These beams have a sign that says never forget, as were taken to N.Z. from the Trade Center crime of murder and insurance fraud.

    2. Chonodomarius Says:

      I was in Edinburgh a couple of years ago and I was shocked to see a Muslim prayer tower amid all the stately old church spires. What a slap on the face to the memory of Robert the Bruce and all the Scottish crusaders. Someone should turn that old gun up on Calton Hill in that direction and blow it off the skyline.

    3. abc Says:

      Meanwhile, the Vatican already protested the Swiss decision, saying it’s bad for integration of Muslims in Europe.

    4. CW-2 Says:

      abc, can you provide a link to the Vatican comment? The Vatican comment should serve as a timely wake-up call for Catholics as to who is running their church; globalist front men controlled by jew puppet meisters.

    5. Blackshirt Says:

      The Swiss, like the rest of Western Europeans are in trouble. This ban is just symbolic, and really doesn’t change much. What they need to do is ban Muslims, not just minarets. This is another case of attacking the symptom, not the disease.

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      The Mohammedans have been trying to conquer Europe for 1400 years. Now they are finally succeeding. Without a single shot being fired, no less. Pretty soon even the Vatican will become a giant mosque.

      Any racially-concious White who still thinks we should form an alliance with the Mohammedans against the Jew is out of his friggin’ mind. That would be like trying to get rid of your rodent problem by bringing a bunch of snakes into your house.

    7. A.Galland Says:

      True freedoom is being able to vote on various topics as they do in Switzerland. To just vote for a politician every 4 years is neither democratic nor free.

    8. Ein Says:

      “This ban is just symbolic, and really doesn’t change much. What they need to do is ban Muslims, not just minarets. This is another case of attacking the symptom, not the disease.”
      Exactly! I couldn’t agree more. If you don’t have Muslims, you won’t have minarets either.

      But it looks like the European Court of Human Rights, Amnesty International, etc., are already gearing up against it. Just imagine: some court outside the country overuling the majority VOTE of the citizenry! Unbelievable! That’s what we’re coming to in our so-called democracies, the way they’re getting so distorted.

    9. TKO Says:

      Let me know when we get to the point of banning synagogues.

    10. CW-2 Says:

      Amnesty International should try building a Christian church in Saudi Arabia!

    11. Awful Truth Says:

      Banning Synagogues? That’s a childish dream you have there TKO! It won’t happen too soon or maybe not at all. Don’t get me wrong, I would totally want Synagogues to be banned but it wont happen…
      However there is a more realistic way in punishing the Jews.

      We could ban circumcision on minors (people under 18). This will make Jews leave our countries and move to Israel.

    12. S.U.N. Says:

      The Swiss have always fought for their freedom and identity, to the point to consider themselves a wholly different germanic race. The excuse to broaden cultural grounds is bullshit, we all know the moslem wants to force his garbage religion in the western world. If the Swiss haven’t bowed to return anything to holohoax survivors, why would they let moslem “architecture” contaminate the landscape. Too bad the “White” House is a mud and stick hut.

    13. Ein Says:

      “We could ban circumcision on minors (people under 18). This will make Jews leave our countries and move to Israel.”

      That would have little effect, since it’s only a one-time thing. They would go to Israel (or even next door to Canada or Mexico) to have it done, and then come back. Places like Bermuda and the Bahamas would develop big circumcision industries and all-paid package trips. Even cruise ships would offer it! Something like banning kosher slaughter would have a more lasting effect, or outlawing the kosher tax on food.

    14. Coup D'Etat Says:

      Change the name in the article from “Muslims” to “jews,” then I will believe the Swiss are making real progress.

    15. ED! Says:

      Not all that long ago the German people had been spoon-fed Jewish excrement until they vomited and put A.H. in power. Let the White people of the world get their fill. When the kidnapping of the rich starts here in the U.S. by the drug lords and other Spanish speaking brown skinned filth it may serve as a wake-up call to the cheap labor crowd that wears the garb of Christianity. I can hardly wait until they snatch-up the kid of some rich kike and demand payment.

      It will be interesting to watch the reaction of the towel-heads to the decision that the Swiss have made, riot and burn cars like they do in France may-be, we shall see…



    16. Locked n' Loaded Says:

      The jews want to move all the arabs (never mind sub-Saharan ape Africans) into Europe to get rid of whites and to give the arabs a new stomping ground while the jews can enjoy their expanded homeland covering the Nile to the Euphrates and beyond. In the end they will not succeed but it’s too bad things are going to have to get very shitty before whites wake-up. Whites always have to get backed into a corner. Then they come out swinging.

    17. Tim McGreen Says:

      Well argued, Locked and Loaded. Your post above shows a lot more brain-activity than other recent efforts.

      Herr ED!, I don’t think most Germans voted for AH and the NSDAP because of any racist or anti-Jew ideology. They wanted someone in office who would provide jobs and stability. Unless I’m mistaken, few of Hilter’s mass-audience speeches ever had much to say about the Jews. In their vanity, the Jews believe the Nazis spent all of their waking hours fixated on Der Judenfragge. But in reality that was not the case.

    18. CW-2 Says:

      L ‘n L has made an interesting point. The Islamicisation of Europe is the result of a semitic deal between the zionists and the muslims. The pay-off for sacrificing the Palestinians is for the Arab world to expand into Europe.
      For the ‘semitic brotherhood’ it is a win-win situation. Jews get greater Yidsrael, Arabs and Turks get Europe as a new breeding space, and both get the destruction of the hated White race.

    19. Tom McReen Says:

      The Vatican has shown us its true colours, apparently not caring about its own long history and heritage in Europe. Just another anti-White body. Into irrelevence it goes.

      It seems no institution is immune to the kikes’ ‘political correctness’.

    20. CW-2 Says:

      Listen up Catholics, looks like the Vatican is happy to see the destruction of Christianity in Europe!
      And they wonder why the churches are empty.

    21. Tim McGreen Says:

      The Catholic Church was NEVER pro-White. No sooner did they lose Northern Europe to the Protestants than they were in the jungles of the New World converting the Indian savages to make up for the loss. And then they started mating with those critters and giving them food and medicine so they could produce more offspring! And then there is the infamy of what the Catholics did to White Protestant Germans and Frenchmen in conflicts like The 30 Years’ War.

      Funny how the Vatican wants all the White nations to let in every non-White invader, but the Vatican itslef is surrounded by high walls, guards and fences. Hypocrite assholes.

    22. Coup D'Etat Says:

      The Catholic Churches are not empty here in the U.S. There are plenty of mexicans to fill every pew and the priests are all too happy to see them; gangbangers and all.

    23. 2050 Says:

      Dang, where’s Old Dutch?
      Truly though, the Catholic Church has been a part of the problem for a long long time.

    24. CW-2 Says:

      As I read it the Catholic church only gave in to big jew during the early 1960’s at the Vatican council. The Anglican church (Episcopalian) of England surrended at the 1930 Lambeth conference. I have no data for the other denominations, but Presbyterians and Congregationalist have always been zionist at heart.

    25. ED! Says:

      Herr ED!, I don’t think most Germans voted for AH and the NSDAP because of any racist or anti-Jew ideology. They wanted someone in office who would provide jobs and stability. Unless I’m mistaken, few of Hilter’s mass-audience speeches ever had much to say about the Jews. In their vanity, the Jews believe the Nazis spent all of their waking hours fixated on Der Judenfragge. But in reality that was not the case.

      Comrade Tim, anytime White People vote for what is good for them they are voting against Jewish Will, Know it or not!!!!!!!!

      HERR ED!