23 November, 2009

Spitting Mad Jews and Angry Artists, Parts 1 & 2

Posted by Socrates in art, jew mentality, jewed art, jewed culture, Socrates, White art/architecture at 11:33 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. Lasha Darkmoon.

[Part 1].

[Part 2].

  • 25 Responses to “Spitting Mad Jews and Angry Artists, Parts 1 & 2”

    1. old dutch Says:

      Is Lasha Darkmoon Jewish? LOL.

    2. Socrates Says:

      old dutch Says: “Is Lasha Darkmoon Jewish? LOL.”

      Why would you think that?

    3. old dutch Says:

      “Lasha” is a real expert on Jewish art, particularly Jewish “performance” art. I read this story as a put on by a Jewess. I could be wrong, but, I doubt it.

    4. Andrea Dworkin Says:

      With so many newspapers going under in recent times, it seems that most of the ‘news’ pieces today are from the AP? You can’t e-mail these people directly either for a critique or rebuttal…

      Do you ever wonder if AP ‘reporters’ are just stock photos and names of Gentiles and that the propaganda articles are all written by Jews and attributed to some smiling, glib Gentile?

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      Andrea, you are right again. The AP is totally Jewish. I once interned for them while in college. That experience taught me never to work for Jews again.

      And you are right about how impossible it is to contact those AP assholes and let them have some feedback. They write the nastiest, Jewiest articles imaginable…always lots of bullshit about Holohoax deniers and “hate crimes”. Naturally, the AP Wire Service is used by every stupid local newspaper in the country, even in places where there are few if any Jews. But that Jew propaganda has to be spread everywhere, doesn’t it?

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      Western Art started going downhill around 1870, starting with that Manet painting of the naked woman having a picnic with two guys. How vulgar! And I think poor Van Gogh must have had syphillis or bi-polar disorder to paint such crazy pictures. Back then, the bourgeoisie were shocked and repulsed by his art, yet today there is hardly a respectable bourgeois household that doesn’t have at least a Van Gogh coffee-mug or wall calendar in it!

    7. mich bubba Says:


    8. mich bubba Says:

      read this


    9. Ein Says:

      I thought it was a great article.
      I too wonder why anyone would say it’s a put on by a Jewish performance artist.

      Incidentally, I couldn’t get this site all morning, but kept getting this message instead. This is not the first time It’s happened. What does this mean?

      You don’t have permission to access / on this server.
      Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    10. old dutch Says:

      Ok. Einstein. Maybe “Lasha” is right about the Jew Pissaro, after all Hitler did imitate much of Pissaro’s use of the color pink during Hitler’s pink period during WWI.


    11. Justin Huber Says:

      It means we’re entering the Forbidden Zone like in the Planet of the Apes. Just kidding. I got that message yesterday as well. Made it in today though.

    12. zoomcopter Says:

      Seeing “forbidden” messages, means you’re approaching the limits of acceptable discussion. Thinking outside the box, is where it’s at. Lasha Darkmoon is shining a light on the Jewish psyche, exposing their depravity, for all to see. To paraphrase Sean Hannity, “Let freedom of thought, reign”

    13. old dutch Says:

      Zoom, you are kidding yourself if you think Jewish performance art would embarass a Jew.

      I’m sure the Jews just love the attention that “Lasha” is getting them. As I have said on numerous occasions all Jews are assholes, and they love being assholes. Tell me that you know a Jew who isn’t an asshole. You have gotta admit that even a Jew who you may like personally is an amusing asshole.

    14. zoomcopter Says:

      Lasha Darkmoon is an intelligent, articulate white woman, writing candidly about Jewish perversions in the art world. A very good trend to see, IMO.

    15. 2050 Says:

      ^^ no kidding huh?

    16. Venereal Jackson Says:

      Whoever Dr. Lasha Darkmoon is she wrote a very good summary of the depravity of “Art” and the “elites” that judge it, sell it and promote it. In her second article however, she seems to change her tone about the Jews from a “no holds barred” attitude to a softer tone when she sees the painting that is sent to her by the Jew that says his own people screwed him and rebukes her for thinking that Jews are “visually flawed”. She really can’t have much courage in her convictions if she is so easily swayed. This is simple psychological manipulation often called “good cop bad cop”. She really should think about this. If there are a substantial amount of “Good Jews” who have the wisdom and foresight to see the destruction that their brethren have wreaked upon the Western World. Where are they? They have had ample time to sabotage the system their own people have set up. Things wouldn’t go so smoothly for them if there was substantial opposition from within. From this one can only come to the conclusion that most Jews have no problem with what their elites do. Case closed!

    17. Leonard Whitemoon Says:

      Lasha Darkmoon is her pen name for Krissake. No, she’s not a yid.

    18. Ein Says:

      I almost didn’t bother, but I read the article and liked it.
      Very much so, in fact. And particularly, as always, the following comments.

      I don’t see any reason to think she’s Jewish.
      However, I do think she ought to get a better pseudonym in order to be taken more seriously. I had assumed it was an American Indian name. But no.

    19. Ein Says:

      I could add that, being no novice, I should be inured to surprises by now and I’m well aware of their cultural penetration, but I had no idea it was THAT thorough and THAT bad. I never cease to be amazed at the degree of their penetration and contol. No matter how bad you think it is, on further investigation, it always turns out to be even worse.

    20. Tim McGreen Says:

      You’re right, Ein, that Lasha Darkmoon name is so goofy and New Agey. It sounds like the name of a typical Art Bell guest. “We have Lasha Darkmoon with us this evening to discuss her new book about the Mayan calendar and the end of the world in 2012…” C’mon, already.

    21. Coup D'Etat Says:

      This woman is a comme si comme sa and in my book that is a BIG NO NO. I don’t think you people read the article all the way through. Either that or you don’t have a problem with her philosophy on good jews vs. bad jews and her friendship with one.


    22. Teuton Suet Says:

      Lasha’s Darkmoon Ph.d’s essay is old news and mostly recycled from When Victim’s Rule: http://www.jewishtribalreview.org/wvr.htm and the dated art section at The Jewish Tribal Review http://www.jewishtribalreview.org/artw.htm

      Our side needs a culture tzar or a critic to promote contemporary artists musicians and other culture makers who are down with issues relevant to the WN resistance zeitgeist. We need to create a seductive non-wigger art world. There is plenty of academic and political punditry to plow through, but who is creating a new alternative culture? Is there even one? The ADL, Simon Wisenthal Center and the SPLC haven’t targeted any artists or musicians so there must not be any threat from this quarter. That doesn’t speak very well for the efficacy and spread of WN ideals.

    23. Ein Says:

      “that Lasha Darkmoon name is so goofy and New Agey.”

      New Agey is exactly right. Ha, ha. You’ve described it much better than I could have.

    24. Howdy Doody Says:

      They Live- When Carpenter did that movie in 1989, he did not use his real name.

      He must have been paranoid that his tribal shit loving friends in Hollywood would look twice if his name was on it.

      I have by chance met Hollywood tradesmen who were fully awake and told me some stories.

      They and their willing paid tools and cryptics have US on the ropes hard at lest Since FDR and his Dec. 7 1941 crime.

      I suspect hardly will it be mentioned this year.

    25. Justin Huber Says:

      I’m not a big fan of that wierd Manet painting either. As whites, we should be really proud of our art. As far as I know, no other racial group has produced anything like it. Modern “art” is simply junk.