14 November, 2009

Nut-Job Yids Man the Choke Points of American Culture

Posted by Socrates in jew mentality, jewed culture, Jewish arrogance, Jewish brain features, Jewish cruelty, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish history, Jewish paranoia, Jews' mental health, Jews-as-godlike, judaism, Socrates, Talmud at 1:19 pm | Permanent Link

Why worry about terrorism or swine flu when there’s this much-more-serious matter: whack-jobs policing our culture.

With their control of things such as the media, Hollywood and book publishing, the Jews serve as the “gatekeepers” of our society, deciding what discourse is and isn’t acceptable. But Jews are, collectively, mentally ill. Don’t believe it? Paranoia, compulsive lying, cruelty, narcissism, self-hate (both), obsessions with gross things, like urine and poop, dating back to Biblical times[1] – they have the symptoms of the nut-case:

[Forum Thread].

[1] early Jewish urine/poop fixations: [Here]

  • 15 Responses to “Nut-Job Yids Man the Choke Points of American Culture”

    1. zoomcopter Says:

      VNN is an alternative portal into a free-thinking White world, with unlimited possibilities, free of Jewish propaganda. Think and reason outside the box, the television box which defines the boundries of acceptable thought. Kill your TV and ingest the red capsule. Then see the Jewish matrix, which envelopes us and threatens our very existence.

    2. zoomcopter Says:

      “Abaye said: A little excrement may be neutralized with spittle; to which Raba added: It must be thick spittle. Raba said: If the excrement is in a hole, he may put his shoe over it and recite the Shema’.”

      Chosen by God to lord over us?

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      Well said, herr Zoomcopter…..

      The Mold Testament is an example of pure Jewish scatology. It’s no different from the Howard Stern Show or any Mel Brooks movie or Al Goldstein’s Screw Magazine. And it also comprises EIGHTY PERCENT of the Christian Bible. The other 20% is just more Jew supremicist propaganda, but with the overtly scatological stuff taken out. The “Good Book” my tookas.

      Honestly, how many people here have ever really derived ANY spiritual comfort from reading the Bible?

    4. TY Grant Says:

      It is always a tell tale indicator of a Poision Pill while one goes out to either enjoy literature , movies, plays, or whatever…
      Thanks to the enduring fight for our culture we can now show people the real effects of this affection jews have for the sick, and disgusting…

      Saturday Night Live 11-14-2009 is an overwhelming example of the Nihilistic extent that White hating mass media force feeds the cattle…

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      I haven’t watched SNL since the days when Phil Hartman, Nora Dunn and David Spade were in the cast. It was a great show back then, but now it’s like Playboy and Rolling Stone magazine, ie, outdated and completely irrelevant.

    6. Tom McReen Says:

      “And it also comprises EIGHTY PERCENT of the Christian Bible. The other 20% is just more Jew supremicist propaganda, but with the overtly scatological stuff taken out.”

      Worst description ever.

      “but now it’s like Playboy and Rolling Stone magazine, ie, outdated and completely irrelevant.”

      You can’t say that about Rolling Stone magazine.

      “VNN is an alternative portal into a free-thinking White world, with unlimited possibilities, free of Jewish propaganda. Think and reason outside the box, the television box which defines the boundries of acceptable thought.”

      Yes, I always liked the VNN phrase (Linderism?) ‘there is no jew between me and you’. Gets the message across.

    7. Blackshirt Says:

      “And it also comprises EIGHTY PERCENT of the Christian Bible. The other 20% is just more Jew supremicist propaganda, but with the overtly scatological stuff taken out.”

      Really great description! The Christian bible IS Jewish, from Jesus being circumcised to him being declared “King of the Jews”. And to think that a persistent troll here with an Irish name worships the main Jew character in the bible, and has the gall to accuse others of not hating Jews as much as he does! What hypocrisy!

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      McReen, if your heart belongs to the Baby Jeebus, then why not have the courage to proclaim it? Isn’t that what Xians are supposed to do? Or are you afraid you’ll be arrested and sent off to a labor camp in the Arctic Circle? Don’t worry, that won’t happen till after the Revolution, when I am appointed Minister of Corrective Punishment and I sign your paperwork.

    9. Tom McReen Says:

      “Why worry about terrorism or swine flu when there’s this much-more-serious matter: whack-jobs policing our culture.”

      And those whack-jobs create more whack-jobs to police us at the lower levels, even in a mundane office workplace. Here, we have our very own Commissar policing the front page for ‘reactionary Conservatives’…

      “McReen, if your heart belongs to the Baby Jeebus, then why not have the courage to proclaim it?”

      Spends more time attacking Jesus than the Talmud.

      “Or are you afraid you’ll be arrested and sent off to a labor camp in the Arctic Circle?”

      Soviet Gulag fantasy. Along with the use of words such as ‘reactionary’, hatred of nationalism, attacks Conservatives but leaves the left alone, attacks critics of the 1960s, attacks Whites but urges restraint on jews…

    10. Tom McReen Says:

      “Well said, herr Zoomcopter…..

      The Mold Testament is an example of pure Jewish scatology”

      He was referring to the TALMUD, which would have featured heavily in this comments thread had you not been so cunning in ‘misinterpreting’ a Talmud extract for a Bible passage to have an excuse to continue your one-note tirades and make the whole thread about your pet hates instead of jewish scatology which spans centuries.

      What a shame the off-topic crowd used this thread for their usual indulgent purpose.

    11. Tom McReen Says:

      “It’s no different from the Howard Stern Show or any Mel Brooks movie or Al Goldstein’s Screw Magazine.”


      “Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said (on lukeford.net), ‘The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism..”

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      The same scatological insanity that one finds in Screw Magazine is also on display in the Talmud and in your beloved Mold Testament, Tom.


      Game Set Match.

    13. Tom McReen Says:

      “The same scatological insanity that one finds in Screw Magazine is also on display in Mike ‘turd/tookas’ Jahn’s posts”


    14. Tim McGreen Says:

      “The same scatological insanity that one finds in Screw Magazine is also on display in Mike ‘turd/tookas’ Jahn’s posts”

      That’s not a real quote, McReen, that’s just your idiotic opinion. But then again, all your opinions are idiotic.

    15. Tom McReen Says:

      “But then again, all your opinions are idiotic.”

      These are your opinions:

      The holocaust may have happened and we shouldn’t even discuss it.
      Bin Laden/Saudis did 9/11.
      White women being raped and murdered by nergoes pleases the Aryan Gods.
      85-90% of the White race should be purged but foreigners and blacks should be allowed to live in a White society as long as they pwomiss to leave White women alone (yessir, I aint no rapist sir!).
      Aleister Crowley is a great White man.
      Admire the Charles Manson Family murderers.
      The 60’s hippy movement was White.
      Whites who oppose the jewish 60s are ‘Conservative/Christian prudes’.
      Vote for Barack Obama.
      Support White race traitors (Democrats).
      All WNs who do not suuport the above are ‘Conservatives’).
      White Nationalism is a left-wing cause.
      Use national slurs against White people (drunk Limeys, Canadian pussies, Aussies etc).
      Pledge to wear a hockey mask and a butcher’s smock while dreaming about sending other Whites and WNs to a fictional Arctic Circle labour camp.