3 November, 2009

Germany: Jews Bother Humans

Posted by Socrates in Germany, jewed culture, Jewed workplaces, Jewish aggression, Jewish arrogance, Jewish chosenness, Jewish paranoia, Socrates at 12:42 pm | Permanent Link

To be a yid is to be an obnoxious bully with a special license (issued by God) to harass gentiles:


  • 20 Responses to “Germany: Jews Bother Humans”

    1. Tom McReen Says:

      We need to go to Iranian websites now to inform us about what’s going on regarding jewish harassment of people in the West? The same Iran ZOG describes as tyrannical and repressive?

      1984 = ZOG.

    2. th Says:

      I just saw Obama on this morning with the traitor Merkel. He was saying how much freedom was blossoming in Germany. Any one visiting the Fatherland lately knows, you have to look very hard to find a german there. It’s a damned shame.

    3. A.Galland Says:

      The Germans now are too weak and meek to run their own country. What a shame that once such a country was the smartest and strongest one in the world now panders to the lowly tribe.

    4. S.U.N. Says:

      Yes, what a pity for Deutschland. The problem is that the EU “leaders” are so leftish that they feel they must allow immigrants to set the rules, as if in a redress of grievances. For what, I really don’t know.

    5. Ein Says:

      Yes, sad. They’ve been “disciplined”.

      Now they know their place, and who The Boss is.

    6. Karen Says:

      I have not lost hope yet on the Germans. They will rise again this time with the rest of the world. What is seen on the boob toob with the farce called Obama and the even bigger joke called Merkel is just what it is. a farce. This will not last……….

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      I hope Karen is correct. Merkel and Obongo are just empty-headed ciphers, wholly unworthy of anyone’s respect or admiration. It can’t possibly go on like this for much longer. Eventually, another Ceasar, Charlemagne, Napoleon or Hitler must come along to fill the void.

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      Why would any self-respecting Gentile want to go to Zionist Occupied Palestine, anyway? I would not willingly put one dime into their economy.

    9. Lutjens Says:

      What the hell are these subhumans doing in Germany anyway? Sounds like the German airport security is inadequate for them. They need to be arrested and deported. Oh wait…

      I am not worried about the Germans. They are just merely going about their business. The blow-up will happen suddenly and swiftly, much like in January 1933.

    10. Ein Says:

      Most passengers feel reportedly obligated to answer the questions, although Israeli agents are not authorized to have such security checks of airport visitors.

      Most international airports have agreements with Israel’s national carrier, El Al, allowing it to carry out security checks in addition to the standard checks made by local airport staff on passengers taking Israeli flights.

      Excuse me, isn’t this double-talk?

      Either they do have permission or they don’t! But I imagine they do, because they usually get whatever they want…. even here, but especially in Germany — an occupied, defeated country that cannot say no to Jews and where Jews have special status as a sacred, privileged group.

      When you come right down to it, WW2 was the best thing that could have happened to them (Jews). It was a blessing! It raised them up and put them on a pedestal as a people beyond reproach.

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      Jew War II was definately the best thing to happen for Jewry since their side won the first Jew War in 1918. The Jews only lost around 150-250,000 of their fellow creatures during Jew War II, a small price to pay for world domination. But then again there is no such thing as a Jew who’s satisfied with what he’s already got.

    12. Ein Says:

      #1. What kind of people would be traveling between Berlin and Tel Aviv anyway? Virtually ALL Jews, and thus automatically Israeli citizens too. So the Israeli agents are presumably questioning their own people, not Germans. And anyone NOT an Israeli or Jew would be highly suspect as to their motives. (I’m not defending them here! Just looking for an explanation.)

      #2. I understand there’s been an explosive growth in the nmber of Jews in Germany — particularly in Berlin — as these are coming from from Eastern Europe (with the new access provided through the EU) and from the former Soviet Union. These latter were supposedly heading for Israel but ended up in nice, comfortableWestern Europe instead.

      #3. “I am not worried about the Germans. The blow-up will happen suddenly and swiftly, much like in January 1933.”- Lutjens

      I’m less sure about that. The great difference is that in 1933, Germany was populated with Germans. Not so today! Now, there are so many nationalities and races crowded into (what was) Germany that Germans are a dwindling percentage. And those sorry specimens that remain are pacified, neutralized and feminized. Not to menion totally brainwashed. I wouldn’t doubt that real Germans are an actual minority in Berlin which is an international hodgepodge.

      And this is NO ACCIDENT! As in ALL the other white, western countries, their government over the past half-century has been busy “electing a new people”. (Note: I say “their” government sarcastically.)

    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      I guess it will be up to the Eastern European countries to save the White Race. Western Europe, Canada, South Africa, Australia and the USA are all friggin’ hopeless.

    14. Lutjens Says:


      Good points but remember, the NS started in very small numbers. Germany was already reduced in size as far as population after WW I with many murdered or expelled from former German territories. Also keep in mind there are many Germans abroad, whether actual German citizens or not. These folk, including myself, will be ready to lend a helping hand when the time comes, whether here in the US or abroad.

      As for their government… well they are no better or worse than ours. The US govt has been hijacked badly, if not worse, than the German government. Take a look around this place :)

    15. Patriot Says:

      Two points about air travel:
      Newark Liberty Airport (NJ) – flights to Israel: waiting area around gate is closed-off with barrier walls (encompasses the only bathroom in that part of departure concourse wing). This enclosed area is only for Israel-bound flyers. Isn’t that special. Wanna bet part of airport tax covers this luxury for them.
      Rome’s L. DaVinci Airport – new terminal for US carriers and ElAl. Because ElAl is there and also our nation’s special relationship with Israel, passengers back to US are subjected to prison-like conditions as one enters the terminal (love those arial catwalks with machine gun toting soldiers and being interrogated like a criminal. Of course, our carriers most likely paid for the new digs and Israel gets a free ride. ElAl passengers must feel like kings in this environment….and better yet they don’t pay a dime for such service.

    16. Justin Huber Says:

      Does anyone ever wonder what it would have been like had the Germans won World War II? I know it’s the kind of thinking that really doesn’t accomplish anything, but I still sometimes wonder about it.

    17. Ein Says:

      We’ve probably all wondered about it, Justin
      Well, what do YOU think?

    18. Tim McGreen Says:

      {Does anyone ever wonder what it would have been like had the Germans won World War II? I know it’s the kind of thinking that really doesn’t accomplish anything, but I still sometimes wonder about it.}

      That is a very, very complicated question, Herr Huber. For instance, what about Germany’s ally Japan? How would history have changed if the Imperial Japanese had conquered the western Pacific and east Asia, including India, China and Australia? The USA and the world as a whole might have been even more seriously impacted by a Japanese victory than a German one.

      And would the German victory have included the conquest of North Africa and the Near East? All of the USSR? England? The USA? Some of these? Or none of these?

      And what about Hitler’s sucessors? How would they have been chosen? Would they have been as ideologically driven as Hitler was, or more moderate, like Admiral Doenitz?

      And how would Germany, a small country with limited resources, have been able to hold on to a vast empire for very long?

      I guess the Third Reich’s original intentions were just to colonize parts of eastern Europe and Russia as far as the Ural Mountains. But what would have happened to Stalin? Would he have committed suicide in a bunker in Moscow? Or would he have retreated to Central Asia to plan a massive counter-attack? Would Churchill have been dismissed as Britain’s wartime PM and replaced with someone willing to talk to Hitler? Would FDR have keeled over that much sooner and been replaced by Douglas MacArthur or Charles Lindbergh?

      And how would the Jews have reacted to all of this? Would the Nazis or anyone else have given them a so-called “homeland” in Palestine, or in Madagascar? Or in eastern Siberia? Or anywhere? Or would the Jews have all scurried off to South America and stayed there for a few centuries?

      See how impossible it is to answer your question?

    19. Tim McGreen Says:

      Additionally, there is also the question of the A-Bomb. Even if Germany did somehow manage to conquer all of Europe, North Africa, the North Atlantic and the USSR, it’s very likely the USA, under relentless Jewish pressure, would have eventually dropped atomic bombs on Berlin and other German cities, killing hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of German civilians. Would Germany have had any A-Bombs of its own to retaliate with? Or would they have been defenseless against such an attack? Given that nightmarish scenario, maybe it could be argued that it was better for Germany to lose WWII than to be subjected to relentless atomic bomb attacks, something that would have permanently obliterated Germany from the memory of men for all time?

    20. Justin Huber Says:

      I guess the other question you could ask is whether the Germans could have won World War II if the other Western powers had done the wise thing (in my opinion anyway) and stayed out of the war? I still think they would have had a hell of a fight on their hands with the U.S.S.R. even if they did manage to push them back to the Urals. Even if they “won”, Germany probably would have had 100 to 200 year project ahead of them.