12 November, 2009

Arkansas: Negro Guilty of Raping, Murdering White Anchorwoman

Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black crime, black culture, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, Socrates at 12:02 pm | Permanent Link

As long as non-Whites live among us, America will be a violent place:


  • 46 Responses to “Arkansas: Negro Guilty of Raping, Murdering White Anchorwoman”

    1. joe from oh Says:

      Jurors heard a tape recording Monday in which Vance told a detective during a February interview that he beat Pressly with a piece of wood that he found in her backyard. He did not say why.

      “I lose control, she lose control,” Vance said.

      This is precisely why it is impossible to live with any degree of security around niggers.

      Just like the nigger “professor” who really didn’t mean to attack a female cohort (another ‘unfortunate’ loss of self control), the nigger who killed the news talking head attributes his muderous outrage to forces beyond his control.

      Niggers are completely unstable compounds who are completely incapable (at times) of restraining themselves from their primal urges to kill. One should never be surprised whenever a nigger commits an unprovoked murder. They really can’t help it. They are built that way-whether they appear to be assimilated (OJ) or not.

      Fed informant Hal Turner had one thing right. His description of these things: “Savage Negro Beasts”.

    2. Tom McReen Says:

      ‘When you’re around blacks never relax’. The sucker-punch mindset that has been discussed on VNNF a lot.


    3. 2050 Says:

      The debate (in the comments at that website) over whether these black on white crimes are hate crimes or not rages on, however it is another example of the focus being diverted from the truth.

      The pro-white types say, “If a white guy beat a black to death it would be called a hate crime.”

      The antis say, “this was just a crime, no hate involved.”

      The truth is what joe^^ said.

      “I lose control, she lose control,” Vance said.

      This is precisely why it is impossible to live with any degree of security around niggers.

      Niggers are completely unstable compounds who are completely incapable (at times) of restraining themselves from their primal urges to kill.( One should never be surprised whenever a nigger commits an unprovoked murder. They really can’t help it. They are built that way-whether they appear to be assimilated (OJ) or not.

    4. 2050 Says:

      Oh yeah, What up with that nigger serial killer in Cleveland. It seems he preferred she-boons at least.

    5. Blackshirt Says:

      What amazes me is that despite the MSM’s work to silence the word getting out about nigger behavior like this, most Whites are aware of it and they continue to make excuses for the nogs. Take a look at what happened during the OJ case… every White woman in the world had a wake up call during that well-covered trial, and yet White women continue to bed down with negroes. Not only that, but beautiful blond White women continued to bed down with OJ knowing he killed his White wife. It’s obvious that even when they know the dangers of getting involved with coons, some White women will knowingly put themselves in danger. All this self destructive behavior amongst the White populace is a testament to the power of programming and brainwashing.

    6. Adam Says:

      The danger is part of the attraction. Basic female psychology.

    7. Lutjens Says:

      Yes, there is always an urge for wymyn to always have some form of misery, chaos and/or disorder in their lives. Blame it on the j00tube.

    8. Sgt. Skull Says:

      White people judge people as individuals and don’t stereotype, remember?? Therefore, women don’t reason that their coon lover could wind up treating them just like OJ treated Nicole. After all that would be racist and if anything gets one banished from polite society it’s being known as a racist.

      Anyway, the nigger who committed this brutal crime should be fed to the lions. Brutal is an understatement and the beating was so savage as to almost be indescribable. He should die a painful, agonizing death just like this anchorwoman.

    9. J.J Says:

      The problem here is that American whites are too soft and have let the nigger do what it wants without fear of consequences. If this had happened in Russia the nigger would have been beaten to a bloody pulp in the middle of the street and everyone would have supported it.

      Ordinary people in Russia don’t give a shit about liberal jew lies such as equality and human rights for sub-human savages. Just look at how the Russian NS skinheads take out shit-skin muslim immigrant filth from the southern states of the former Soviet Union, they stomp them to death in public parks, at bus stops, markets, petrol stations, everywhere and in broad daylight. These people are men not wimps like white male kwans.

    10. Tim McGreen Says:

      The Sargeant is right, Whites have been programmed by their Churches, schools and jew-tube not to make sweeping judgements of others based on Race or “sexual orientation”. That would be “discrimination”, which is apparently the worst crime anyone can possibly commit. Well, after “anti-Semitism” and “Holocaust Denial”, that is.

    11. Adam Says:

      joe from oh Says:

      Jurors heard a tape recording Monday in which Vance told a detective during a February interview that he beat Pressly with a piece of wood that he found in her backyard. He did not say why.

      This crime scene detail would have been obvious to the police from the time they arrived, as was the rape. And yet only now is the information released — at least, this is the first I’ve heard of it, and I’ve followed the case more than most. They also took their time about releasing the fact that she’d been raped. In fact, it wasn’t the authorities that released that information at all, but rather her parents during an interview MORE THAN A MONTH later.

      Here is a once strikingly beautiful white woman, her face bludgeoned beyond recognition (every bone in her face was broken, according to the medical examiner’s report, the middle of her face crushed, and her jawbone pounded level with her neck) by an ape wielding a two-by-four, who then defiled her broken, bleeding body by raping her. DNA tests and the entire modus operandi would have shown that the attacker had to have been a nigger, and so they knew this, yet the authorities were more concerned about covering up the details of the rape/murder and controlling the “spin” than they were about catching the perpetrator. With such bunglers and politically-correct ass-kissers in charge of the case, it’s a miracle this nigger was ever caught at all.

      The only fitting penalty for such a crime that even comes close would be to pound this nigger’s skull into a thick pink paste with an aluminum baseball bat. However, at this writing, the information arrives that the nigger has been spared the death penalty, on account of his “rough childhood”. Surreal.

      This country is hanging by a thread.

    12. Blackshirt Says:

      “However, at this writing, the information arrives that the nigger has been spared the death penalty, on account of his “rough childhood”. Surreal.”

      I saw that too. I’d be willing to bet a large sum of money that there were coons on that jury… that’s the only way this ape escaped the death penalty. So now this worthless piece of shit is going to sit in a comfy cell with cable TV and conjugal visits with it’s sheboon for the rest of it’s existence, all on the tax payer’s dime. America continues to pay for it’s coddling of niggers in every way.

    13. Irma Grese Says:

      That’s the way it happened with me. The she-boon who put me in the hospital back when did so with NO provocation at all. Each and every one of them are stupid, dangerous animals who need to be destroyed along with their kike protectors!

      joe from oh Says: Niggers are completely unstable compounds who are completely incapable (at times) of restraining themselves from their primal urges to kill.

      In the Old South, this THING would have been SKINNED, along with it’s family, it’s friends and any other chimps passing by. I bet they were plenty stable THEN.

    14. Howdy Doody Says:

      Irma Grese Says:

      14 November, 2009 at 4:56 am

      In the Old South, this THING would have been SKINNED, along with it’s family, it’s friends and any other chimps passing by. I bet they were plenty stable THEN.



      You statement is true and factual. Congoids and White’s Equally had extremely safer crime free lives in 1900 than today.

      As White site have now for TEN years proven with history, documentation, photos, science of every type, I.Q., genetic’s you name it, 1965 jooo instigated racial law changes and opening the borders of New Zealand, AU. Canada and US has only meant alot more terror murder violence and daily harrassment and pain.

      Thank you Uncle jooey, and useful idiot’s paid traitors, cryptic enemey aliens etc.

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      As I’ve said befopre, the most dangerous place in the USA for Whites is the Deep South. The niggers there are absolutely out of control. Thanks, “Doctor” King.

    16. abc Says:

      I just wonder how politically correct her TV shows were?

    17. Tim McGreen Says:

      { I just wonder how politically correct her TV shows were?}

      No doubt she was a very liberal, PC airhead type who was always polite to Negro males. Sorry missy, but the Aryan Gods do not suffer fools lightly.

    18. Tom McReen Says:

      “No doubt she was a very liberal, PC airhead type who was always polite to Negro males. Sorry missy, but the Aryan Gods do not suffer fools lightly.”

      Timmy the atheist has found religion. He rejoices when negros rape and murder White women. It pleases his ‘Aryan’ Gods.

    19. Blackshirt Says:

      Notice how Tim said nothing at all addressing McReen. Perfect example of McReen hijacking a thread to attack others.

    20. Tom McReen Says:

      “Whites have been programmed by their Churches, schools and jew-tube not to make sweeping judgements of others based on Race or “sexual orientation”.”

      Like the Catholic Church and the split Anglican Church? Churches lag way behind TV and ‘education’ for brainwashing the public.

    21. Irma Grese Says:

      Blackshirt Says: Notice how Tim said nothing at all addressing McReen. Perfect example of McReen hijacking a thread to attack others.

      TRUE FACT, and WNs attacking each other is large part of the reason we are in this mess! Why the hell do you care about a fellow WNs religion, McReen? As long as we humans agree on the 14 Words and the fact that kikes, niggers, spics and all other non-Aryans need to be cleared from the continent what does it matter to you??

    22. Ein Says:

      “WNs attacking each other is large part of the reason we are in this mess! Why the hell do you care about a fellow WNs religion?”

      Well said, Irma! And it can’t be said enough, although it never seems to sink in. A casual reader would very often think this is a site devoted to religion.

    23. Tom McReen Says:

      “Why the hell do you care about a fellow WNs religion, McReen? As long as we humans agree on the 14 Words and the fact that kikes, niggers, spics and all other non-Aryans need to be cleared from the continent what does it matter to you??”

      “A casual reader would very often think this is a site devoted to religion.”

      Your statements are directed at the wrong person.

    24. Ein Says:

      “Your statements are directed at the wrong person.”

      They weren’t directed at any particlar person.

    25. Tim McGreen Says:

      {Timmy the atheist has found religion. He rejoices when negros rape and murder White women. It pleases his ‘Aryan’ Gods.}

      That TV newsblonde was of no use to The Struggle, anyway. She was one of those self-centered career gals whose job was more important to her than bringing healthy White children into the world. Besides, she was part of the Jew-controlled press, so she undoubtedly would have used her influence in the media to push for hate-crime legislation, abortion of White babies, third-world immigration and so on. In other words, she was the enemy.

      Get a clue, McReen.

    26. Tim McGreen Says:

      I’m sorry for the girl’s family and all that, of course. She didn’t deserve such a violent, premature end. But this crime should send a strong signal to White parents that they need to inculcate their children with racist beliefs as early as possible.

    27. Tom McReen Says:

      “Get a clue, McReen.”

      Says the ‘WN’ marxist who tries and fails to rationalise his barely disguised contempt for a blonde White woman who has raped and murdered.

      ‘The Struggle’? Keep your marxist phrasebook to yourself.

    28. Tom McReen Says:

      “Besides, she was part of the Jew-controlled press, so she undoubtedly would have used her influence in the media to push for hate-crime legislation, abortion of White babies, third-world immigration and so on. In other words, she was the enemy.”

      Hillel house hilarity. I don’t believe that the non-troll posters who contribute here as as stupid as you believe.

      “I’m sorry for the girl’s family and all that, of course. She didn’t deserve such a violent, premature end.”

      Too little, too late.

    29. Blackshirt Says:

      “Too little, too late.”

      So sayeth Lord McReen, master of the VNN forum universe. LOL ;-)

      McReen, why don’t you slither back under the rock you came out from under?

    30. Blackshirt Says:

      “Says the ‘WN’ marxist who tries and fails to rationalise his barely disguised contempt for a blonde White woman who has raped and murdered.”

      So exactly what are you saying, troll McReen? Are you saying we should feel sorry for any white person who suffers or is killed by a non-white? What about Nicole Simpson, McReen? Do you feel sorry for her too, even though she was fucking a nigger and had two little mongrels with it?

      Nope, my sympathy only goes to racially conscious white people, not race traitors or those who facilitate or collaborate with the enemy.

      But what McReen is saying isn’t out of character for a Christard, Conservative, which McReen is. You see, everyone is precious in Jewsus’s eyes and McReen feels the same way because he loves Jewsus.

    31. Tom McReen Says:

      “Nope, my sympathy only goes to racially conscious white people, not race traitors or those who facilitate or collaborate with the enemy.”

      Nice try. We know you and Tim want 85-90% of the White race dead. Your attempts to disguise your hatred of Whites with the clause…they’re not race concious…isn’t working.

      “Are you saying we should feel sorry for any white person who suffers or is killed by a non-white?”

      You don’t? You have no sympathy for White victims of jew brainwashing and propaganda who then get killed by non-Whites? That’s very jewy.

      “What about Nicole Simpson, McReen? Do you feel sorry for her too, even though she was fucking a nigger and had two little mongrels with it?”

      Is every White who gets raped and killed by non-Whites Nicole Simpson? Your Talmudic/Hasbara training is crap, you’re not as clever as you think you are, anti. To think an anti-White pos like yourself has the nerve to call yourself ‘Blackshirt’, like any real Blackshirt would laugh at or endorse White women being raped and killed by negroes.

      “not race traitors or those who facilitate or collaborate with the enemy”

      Give it a rest, rabbi.

    32. Tom McReen Says:

      “But what McReen is saying isn’t out of character for a Christard, Conservative, which McReen is. You see, everyone is precious in Jewsus’s eyes and McReen feels the same way because he loves Jewsus.”

      Projecting like a kike again. Everything you post revolves around your hatred of ‘jewsus’. When was the last time you actually posted on topic?

      Note that this paranoid’s definition of ‘facilitating the enemy’ is as deliberately broad as his weird definition of ‘Conservative’ and ‘Christian’ (any non-trolls and real WNs who still post here and don’t enjoy seeing White women raped and killed by non-Whites).

    33. Tim McGreen Says:

      “Hillel House Hillarity”……. That’s actually pretty funny, Tom McCretin. Did you steal that from the VNN Forum? I know you’re not imaginative enough to make a remark like that on your own.

      McReen, for someone like you, a chap who is usually so misanthropic, to rush to the defense of a brainless newsblonde is odd. She was no friend of the White Struggle. In fact, she would have smiled with satisfaction on camera while reporting the arrest of a “WN” like you. If she wanted to, she could have learned all about the issues of Race and the Jewish Problem. But she chose not to and so Nature took its course.

      A zebra who wanders away from the herd gets jumped on by a lioness, an inattentive antelope who gets too close to the muddy watering hole gets chomped by an alligator. And a single White newsblonde who lives alone in a crime-ridden, Black-infested city gets raped and murdered…….I lose control, she lose control….. Such are the Laws of Nature.

    34. Tom McReen Says:

      “But she chose not to and so Nature took its course.”

      Not being fully jew-aware = White women deserved to be raped and murdered? Fail.

      “Such are the Laws of Nature.”

      Jewish ‘multicultural societies’ have nothing to do with the laws of nature. You don’t know what you’re talking about and you’re only here with Blackshirt to cause disruption.

    35. Tim McGreen Says:

      {Jewish ‘multicultural societies’ have nothing to do with the laws of nature. }
      Yes they do, as Jews are parasites and parasites are a part of the natural order.

      {You don’t know what you’re talking about and you’re only here with Blackshirt to cause disruption.}

      OK, so now Blackshirt and I are two separate people? Weez ain’t sock-puppets no mo’, suh?

    36. Tom McReen Says:

      “Yes they do, as Jews are parasites and parasites are a part of the natural order.”

      No. Multicultural societies (keep to the point) are artificial jew creations and the circumstances caused by them are not natural (to Whites) as well as the artificial means of support (media). Whites’ living conditions are not natural (to Whites). Jews turn everything upside down.

      Keep trying to ‘justify’ White women being raped and killed if you wish, it’s quite the spectacle.

    37. Tim McGreen Says:

      Whether I “justify” White women getting raped and murdered by Negro savages is irrelevant. The fact is they do get raped and murdered and they will continue to as long as they remain willfully ignorant. Is it my fault they’re too dumb to take some common-sense precautions? Is it my fault they refuse to see things from a racist perspective?

      If you were to try and protect a White woman from being assaulted by a Negroid, do you think she would appreciate it? No, both she and her would-be attacker would testify in court that you committed a hate crime by calling the Negro a racial slur.

      Don’t you know anything about human nature?

    38. Tom McReen Says:

      “If you were to try and protect a White woman from being assaulted by a Negroid, do you think she would appreciate it? No,”


    39. Tim McGreen Says:

      OK, McReen, go ahead and be the “hero”. See where it gets you.

    40. Annie Oakley Says:

      I can understand where McGreen is coming from, even though I don’t necessarily agree with it. Blaming the victim really gets us nowhere. I’m sure there are plenty of us on this board who were maybe somewhat sympathetic to the muds, got burnt and here we are now, defending our race.

      I’m sure that this TV reporter didn’t hate whites or out of malice hung around the muds to get back at whitey. I just don’t. I feel bad for her family and god bless her soul for what she endured the last minutes of her life. I cannot even begin to know or want to know how that felt.

      Irma, I’m sorry that that sheboon attacked you. I am. I lived in NY for 2 years and took the subway home at night from Baruch College where I went to school. This was back in the 80’s when the subways were a cesspool. My uncle then told me if you look like a victim, you’ll be a victim. So I put on my psycho bitch look on the train and never had a problem. I guess I was lucky.

      I know people even now who spout the diversity crap but that is changing. Now people who were previous neo-cons and race apologists are beginning to see the light, just from what they see on the news.

      But Irma, you are right. All of us on this board are WN’s and need to stick together. I don’t care what religion someone is, I just want the muds and Jews gone. All that infighting just pushes back the clock on our success of a white nation. I went to a WN meeting this past weekend and it really inspired me to keep going. All of us have a strategy and we’re working on it daily.

    41. Tim McGreen Says:

      That newsblonde was no doubt absolutely brain-dead when it came to matters of Race. And she no doubt would have reported with glee about the arrest of a “neo-Nazi”. But since I don’t think she committed any true race-crimes, I am willing to concede that she did not deserve the violent end she experienced.

      It’s human nature for people to divide themselves up into groups that are pitted against each other, even if the combatants are all White and Nordic-looking. I guess that’s what Marx meant when he said that all organisms carry within themselves the seeds of their own destruction. The trick is to find a way to control that subconcious urge for self-annihilation.

    42. Blackshirt Says:

      “McReen” group of trolls says:

      “If you were to try and protect a White woman from being assaulted by a Negroid, do you think she would appreciate it? No,”


      What the fuck? Well, obviously you are a complete idiot if you don’t get what Tim is saying. The reality is that most racially neutral White women would testify against you in court if you came between them and a domestic dispute with a nigger. That is what Tim is talking about, retard.

    43. Blackshirt Says:

      Like Tim I have no use for White people who put themselves in compromising situations (i.e. dating non-whites, living with non-whites, advocating for non-whites) getting their asses handed to them. Now, I feel differently if the White person in the situation was innocent and thrust into the situation beyond their control. But every time I hear of a White racetraitor getting worked over by non-Whites I have no sympathy and consider it poetic justice.

    44. Tom McReen Says:

      “What the fuck? Well, obviously you are a complete idiot if you don’t get what Tim is saying.”

      It isn’t working rabbi.

      “The reality is that most racially neutral White women would testify against you in court if you came between them and a domestic dispute with a nigger. That is what Tim is talking about, retard.”

      No mention of ‘racial slur’ or ‘domestic dispute’ – you and Jahn McGreen just add extra details as you go along, then have the gall to behave like you’ve ‘won’ the point. TJB.

      Are you not allowed to have your own opinions or do you have to try and rescue the jewish sophist ‘McGreen’ on every thread?

      “OK, McReen, go ahead and be the “hero”. See where it gets you.”

      You like White women being raped and killed because it pleases your ‘Aryan’ Gods (I thought you were an atheist? lol more doubletalk). Stop trying to rationalise your anti-White hate. There is no discussion taking place here, just you showing what you really believe.

    45. Tim McGreen Says:

      {Are you not allowed to have your own opinions or do you have to try and rescue the jewish sophist ‘McGreen’ on every thread?}

      Blackshirt’s got my back, yo…..

      McReen, you certainly have an unusual way of analyzing things. I’d even go so far as to say it’s an idiotic way of analyzing things.

    46. Blackshirt Says:

      Well Tim, you have to be a good guy… McReen hates you, so that makes you my friend ;-)