14 October, 2009

Your Choice of Treatment

Posted by Socrates in anti-White themes, Britain, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, egalitarianism, England, equality, equalocracy, Frankfurt School, Socrates at 5:21 pm | Permanent Link

by Alex Kurtagic.

“Sometime ago I visited my local surgery. At the reception desk, I was confronted with a poster, bearing Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) logo. The poster was produced by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA), which is a spawn of the British government’s Department of Health. Across the top of the poster, in large white letters set against a black background, it read, ‘YOUR CHOICE OF TREATMENT.’ Below followed eight captioned photographs, depicting eight models in different attires. The four on the left, under the captions ‘pharmacy,’ ‘optician,’ ‘dentist,’ and ‘doctor,’ sported smiling faces and a friendly manner; they were also ethnically diverse, with 50%–75% of the physiognomies bearing partly or wholly non-European features. The four on the right, under the captions ‘security,’ ‘police,’ ‘court,’ and ‘prison,’ sported serious faces and an unfriendly manner; they were ethnically homogeneous, with 100% of the physiognomies bearing Northern European features.”


  • 6 Responses to “Your Choice of Treatment”

    1. Adam Says:

      From the article:

      Certainly, a (methodologically sound) counterpart to The Authoritarian Personality could prove useful. How about a 700-page tome entitled The Egalitarian Personality, as part of a “Studies in Liberal Prejudice” series sponsored by the Department of Social Science of a prominent, lavishly funded White advocacy group? How about it if it was loudly promoted in the intellectual media and praised to the skies by White-advocate professors in elite universities and at academic conferences?

      The hatred for white people by white people that underlies modern racial egalitarianism is mental illness, of course, if that term has any meaning at all. These sick individuals are desperate for the frisson of moral superiority over other whites they can only obtain by crusading against racism; they need it like a drug to feed their chronically weak egos. Unfortunately, such a book wouldn’t sell, and not only because the publishing industry’s Jews wouldn’t print it or promote it. The book would have no buyers because unlike the sincere but misguided, deeply moral whites who bought The Authoritarian Personality in order to help eliminate racism and fascism, the jewy whites who suffer from egalitarian personalities are immoral, completely without an honest sense of shame, and have absolutely no interest in reforming themselves. In fact, they are still convinced they are right, and will not be satisfied until the white race is completely destroyed. A rifle butt to the skull is the only way to deal with such people, not making them read a book.

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      Instead of complaining to us about that poster, Alex should complain to the NHS. No matter: A single payer, government run healthcare system is something that all civilized White nations must have, regardless of whatever the right-wing fearmongers and the powerful health insurance lobby have to say about it.

    3. Tom McReen Says:

      “A single payer, government run healthcare system is something that all civilized White nations must have, regardless of whatever the right-wing fearmongers and the powerful health insurance lobby have to say about it.”

      I’d expect nothing less from you comrade!

    4. Adam Says:

      Tim McGreen Says:

      A single payer, government run healthcare system is something that all civilized White nations must have, regardless of whatever the right-wing fearmongers and the powerful health insurance lobby have to say about it.

      Possibly, but only if you don’t include the US as a white nation. You do realize that the gov’t of the US is trying desperately to genocide its white population, don’t you? And that it’s being run mostly for the benefit of Jews, and that its titular head is a nigger? If these things are true — and they are undeniable — then what makes you think that gov’t-run health care will be anything other than a disaster for the white race?

      If this is just you displaying your sense of humor again, Tim, I have to say that I don’t get it.

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      My argument, sir, is that all civilized White nations should have a single-payer national healthcare system for their White citizens. I know that won’t happen under the present enemy occupation government of the USA, I’m simply telling you what I would like to see happen if we were living in a free and just society for Whites only. Sheesh. In future, I shall take extra pains to explain my postitions to your satisfaction and your satisfaction alone.

    6. Adam Says:

      @ Tim McGreen

      Since you referred to “right-wing fearmongers and the powerful health insurance lobby” the assumption seems justified you were talking about our current situation in the US, and not some theoretical whites-only state. In any case, I don’t agree with making the gov’t into the sole provider of medical services. That would concede them literally the power of life and death over citizens, and abuses would be inevitable. It would be especially dangerous for dissidents.