Whites Apologize to Non-Whites, Again
Posted by Socrates in apologetic Whites, jewed culture, jewed politics, Jewish arrogance, Jewish genetics, political correctness, politics, race, racial differences, Socrates, White philosophy, White thought at 3:36 pm | 
They always do. They always say “sorry” to Jews and other non-Whites. But what if, one day, White men didn’t apologize? What if, one day, White men said “why should we apologize for telling the truth?” That’s when things will start to change:
22 October, 2009 at 4:31 pm
Once again, the Jews are “outraged” about something said by a lowly gentile servant. Sure, it was just an innocuous remark, not really any big deal. But apparently, us Goyim are only permitted to However, it’s perfectly OK to disparage the French all day for being cheese-eating surrender monkeys or the Germans for being miltaristic mass-murders or the Arabs for being fanatics and terrorists. Jay Leno and other kosher approved comedians, talk show hosts, columnists, etc. do it all the time.
BTW, isn’t a “stereotype” a 19th century photographic device that gives the viewer the impression of seeing a three-dimensional picture? What does pointing out facts about miserly Jewish behavior have to do with that? I guess the Jews’ definition of a stereotype is as follows: a blatantly obvious but unflattering fact about Jews and other select minorites that no one is supposed to notice, mention or talk about.
22 October, 2009 at 4:34 pm
From the article:
“There is a saying that the Jews who are wealthy got that way not by watching dollars, but instead by taking care of the pennies and the dollars taking care of themselves,” according to the piece published Sunday in The Times and Democrat of Orangeburg.
This is just an old bromide, only instead of saying “people” he said “Jews”. Evidently the true moral of this story, for anyone really paying attention, is that Jews are not to be confused with actual people!
Added Merwin, the Bamberg County chair: “I have always abhorred in the past, and shall continue to do so in the future, anti-Semitism in any form whatsoever. I … beg that any and all who were offended will accept my deep felt apology.”
Grovel on, Repulingcunts!
22 October, 2009 at 4:35 pm
Sorry. One more time, shall we?….
Once again, the Jews are “outraged” about something said by a lowly gentile servant. Sure, it was just an innocuous remark, not really any big deal. But apparently, us Goyim are only permitted to speak of the Jews in the most flattering and obsequious manner. However, it’s perfectly OK to disparage the French for being cheese-eating surrender monkeys or the Germans for being miltaristic mass-murders or the Arabs for being fanatics and terrorists. Jay Leno and other kosher approved comedians, talk show hosts, columnists, etc. do it all the time.
BTW, isn’t a “stereotype” a 19th century photographic device that gives the viewer the impression of seeing a three-dimensional picture? What does pointing out facts about miserly Jewish behavior have to do with that? I guess the Jews’ definition of a stereotype is as follows: a blatantly obvious but unflattering fact about Jews and other select minorites that no one is supposed to notice, mention or talk about.
There, how’s that?
22 October, 2009 at 7:06 pm
“BTW, isn’t a ‘stereotype’ a 19th century photographic device that gives the viewer the impression of seeing a three-dimensional picture?”
Stereoscope, not stereotype.
22 October, 2009 at 8:52 pm
Adam says:
“Grovel on, Repulingcunts!”
Ain’t that the truth! The only other type of white person I despise worse than a wigger is a cowardly right-winger who apologizes to Jews or muds for telling the truth about them.
22 October, 2009 at 11:36 pm
“Republican chairmen apologize for Jew remark”
Who writes this copy, and who proofreads it? Does it refer to a
comment made by a jew? Then it should read ” remark made by a jew”. If a goy said it, shouldn’t that read “remark about Jews”? It’s all up for speculation..which means that MSNBC’s staffers have opened the door for the OTHER lawsuit I’m going to file…I’ve been twice offended, maybe THRICE offended! Oy yoy yoy!
Those anti-semitic jew bastids at MSNBC!
Republicans-they can’t get their noses far enough out of the ass to pull the dick out of their mouths.
23 October, 2009 at 2:06 am
“it’s perfectly OK to disparage the French all day for being cheese-eating surrender monkeys or the Germans for being miltaristic mass-murders or the Arabs for being fanatics and terrorists.
Jay Leno and other kosher approved comedians, talk show hosts, columnists, etc. do it all the time.”
We congratulate ourselves on having “freedom of speech” and no censorship in this country (and it’s true, but only technically); but there is still an unwritten code of what you can say and what you can’t; whom you can criticize, ridicule, and jabe at, and whom you can’t. You have to know the distinctions or bear the heavy consequences! Orthodoxy is rewarded, and heresy/heterodoxy is punished.
Very often, public figures mistake the fine (often invisible) line and get severly rebuked or lose their careers entirely for using the wrong word somewhere. They end up in disgrace, despite profuse apologies and groveling — which never seem to be enough to appease their offended parties. So touchy are the sensitivities of the “offended” that they generally settle for nothing less than complete professional destruction of their critics. Turning the other cheek and “Christian forgiveness” are not in their rule book. I wonder why.
Another thing: The picture gets considerably more complicated when the “fine line” keeps shifting constantly. It can be hard to keep up with! Those worthless, cowardly, cheese-eating surrender monkeys are now the good guys, now that Sarkozy is their president and they are at last on board for war against Iran, and all the rest of the neo-con agenda. But let them step out of line or elect the wrong type of person, and they could be back in limbo in no time flat. The winds keep shifting. It all depends on the winds of the moment. And of course, on what the media tell us to think.
PS. That’s a great definition of “stereotype”. Better than the dictionary’s.
23 October, 2009 at 2:15 am
Jabe at? Whoops. I think I intended to say Jab at, or maybe Jibe at. I always see the mistakes AFTER they’re printed.
Where is that poster we used to have (Shabbas?) who so kindly took pains to point out all our mistakes to us? Now, we just have to find them on our own.
23 October, 2009 at 6:34 am
“The Southeast director for the Anti-Defamation League said the apologies were not enough.
“‘The seeming ease with which these Republican leaders invoked age-old stereotypes of the Jewish people makes it clear that they need to engage actively in meaningful conversation with the Jewish community to understand why their remarks were so insensitive,’ Bill Nigut said.”
Insensitive perhaps and undoubtedly those committing such thought crimes are in need of Judeo-sensitivity training (See “Fritz Perls” + “encounter groups” for a veritable who’s who of the 60’s humanistic psychology movement that helped to destroy a generation and is a gift that keeps on giving).
23 October, 2009 at 11:03 am
In Ohio a consortium of Jew investors led by Dan Gilbert has already spent $32 Million Dollars to make Casino Gambling legal in Ohio. That’s $32 Million Dollars spent on one ballot issue!
The Jews spend to get what they want…
23 October, 2009 at 11:15 am
23 October, 2009 at 11:55 am
In Ohio a consortium of Jew investors led by Dan Gilbert has already spent $32 Million Dollars to make Casino Gambling legal in Ohio. The Jews spend to get what they want…
Most interesting! I recall he was one of the principal financial backers of the Obama campaign. Now he expects to collect his pay-off. Looks like he may have hit the jackpot.
24 October, 2009 at 7:26 am
Talk about a double standard!
I can’t turn on the electronic Jew without hearing jokes and comments about alleged ‘Rednecks’ and ‘White trash’.
But it is wrong to make comments about the hook-nosed ones???
Clearly the Jews have a guilty conscious and are trying to hide out in the background? THEY MUST BE GUILTY OF SOMETHING! Read Professor Macdonald to find out what!
24 October, 2009 at 10:00 am
Why do you think there is such a popularity with the jewish media reporting that a White apologizes to a jew?
All this is is to make examples out of the Whites, a race the jews hate, and to place fear in anyone who is well-known or is a public figure that jews will make examples out of them if one dares to disparage the jews, even if the statement is true.
It’s time to make examples out of jews, no matter what it is, instead of reading or hearing about jews making examples out of us Whites.
Like I had posted earlier under a different topic, the jews and their organizations including the media and the the rich jewish bastards who have over many decades swindled money from the masses are more of a serious threat to us than we are to them.
24 October, 2009 at 10:43 am
Whatever happened to the Jew comedian Michael Richards, the guy who played Kramer on Seinfeld? A few years ago he insulted some Negroes in the audience during one of his stand-up routines, calling them niggers or something. That was the last time anyone heard from him. Ditto for Andrew Dice Clay, another unfunny Jew comedian.
How do the Jews deal with one of their own after they make politically incorrect comments? I guess the offending Jew is quicky and quietly whisked away for a few years until the smoke clears. Then he makes his dignified return to show-biz, starting with a mea culpa interview on Oprah or Letterman first. But I imagine a gentile comedian or celebrity who makes a racist or sexist comment would be left to dangle in the wind, his career permanently ruined.
24 October, 2009 at 3:08 pm
“Whatever happened to the Jew comedian Michael Richards, the guy who played Kramer on Seinfeld? A few years ago he insulted some Negroes in the audience during one of his stand-up routines, calling them niggers or something. That was the last time anyone heard from him. “
Good question! You’re right — he has vanished. He has retired “for spiritual healing.” I went and did some checking. Here’s what I found. It seems he not only did the mandatory groveling to Their Black Majesties Jackson and Sharpton, but (that not being sufficient) he has now slinked off to the far side of the planet to let the smoke clear, as you say.
“Richards made a public apology for his remarks, during a satellite appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman, when Jerry Seinfeld was the guest.
Richards later called civil rights leaders Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson in order to apologize. He also appeared as a guest on Jackson’s syndicated radio show.”
“In July 2007, partly due to the incident at the Laugh Factoryin November 2006, Richards announced that he has retired from stand-up comedy for “spiritual healing” purposes and would be traveling with his fiancée to Cambodia, where they would visit Angkor Wat, as well as more remote temples, on a tour sponsored by the Los Angeles-based Nithyananda Foundation.”
24 October, 2009 at 3:18 pm
I checked on that uncomical “comedian”, Andrew Dice Clay too. Learned very little about the vulgar slob, except that …”his popularity has waned.” (I wonder why?) Oh, and his real name is Silverstein. Imagine that!
25 October, 2009 at 1:55 am
They “apparently believed that the image of the Jew as penny-pincher was a praise of Jewish frugality,” Matthew Brooks said. “In fact, it dates back to the centuries of anti-Jewish persecution in Europe, when Jews were forbidden to own land …blah blah blah, and somehow ended up owning the world, so apologize NOW you bastards …blah blah blah
Oddly enough, the phrase “persecution complex” never appears in discussions about jews.
25 October, 2009 at 2:15 am
{“They “apparently believed that the image of the Jew as penny-pincher was a praise of Jewish frugality,” Matthew Brooks said. “In fact, it dates back to the centuries of anti-Jewish persecution in Europe, when Jews were forbidden to own land …”}
Why don’t the Jews ever explain WHY they were forbidden to own land in the Middle Ages? Because that’s what they took from the goy farmers who couldn’t pay back their debts to the Jews, that’s why they don’t explain it. I’m really starting to lose my patience with those obnoxious camel-snouts. They’re all the same, they never change and they all use the same predictable lies and tricks.
25 October, 2009 at 4:42 pm
If my recollection of this event serves me well, Michael Richards isn’t actually a Jew. While groveling he even admitted this, but then said that he “considered himself” Jewish.
From the article:
[Lying Jew Brooks said] “In fact, it dates back to the centuries of anti-Jewish persecution in Europe, when Jews were forbidden to own land or conduct any business other than money-lending, which was closed to Christians by Church law.”
Logic should tell us that there was never a time when any region of Europe had a substantial population of Jews and they were ALL making a living ONLY by lending money. The market for that wouldn’t have been big enough to require more than a handful of them. They just like to put that forward now because it’s the one thing they did back then that doesn’t automatically expose them as scum. The truth is, in any region they were found, they were also tax collectors, organized criminals, and white slave traders. Jews were then and still are the scum of this earth.
25 October, 2009 at 4:55 pm
The truth is, in any region they were found, they were also tax collectors, organized criminals, and white slave traders.
And of course, these Jewish “industries” is where they got money to lend in the first place! It was extracted from the blood of our people.
25 October, 2009 at 5:02 pm
Everyone on the cast of Seinfeld, like Curb Your Enthusiasm, is Jewish, except for the good-looking shiksas that Jerry Seinfeld or Larry David would lust after.
25 October, 2009 at 5:07 pm
Well, in all fairness I don’t recall ever seeing Larry David lust after a shiksa on his show, except for his cute TV wife. But Seinfeld sure did, that sneaky, leering, predatory Kike.
25 October, 2009 at 5:14 pm
They “apparently believed that the image of the Jew as penny-pincher was a praise of Jewish frugality,” Matthew Brooks said. “In fact, it dates back to the centuries of anti-Jewish persecution in Europe, when Jews were forbidden to own land …
Europe is a big place, with many countries and political subdivisions, so to make such a blanket statement about “Europe” is simply nonsense.
I remember reading in a book about German emigration in the 1800s, a statement that one of the incentives was that only nobles could own land. I think this may have applied specifically to Prussia. But the point was that land ownership, the basis of wealth in pre-industrial society, was restricted to the nobility — NO MATTER WHO YOU WERE. I suppose you could lease or rent land from them, but not OWN it unless you were a nobleman. That’s one of the reasons that rich Jews sought to purchase or somehow acquire noble titles.
Well, that probably didn’t apply in all places. I’m sure that in England commoners could own land, doubtless for a long time (although I just read today that in HenryVIII’s time, foreigners could not own or inherit property in England – not even if they were royalty. I don’t know when that restriction was lifted. Of course, Jews would have been considered foreigners — but they weren’t allowed in the country back then anyway.
Germany istelf, before unification was fragmented into something like 70 distinct administrative units. So it’s impossible to say there was one uniform policy everywhere. But basically, land was for nobles. If you weren’t a nobleman, you were out of luck, whether you were a Jew or not. That argument, so often used, is just more whining for sympathy. But, as usual, it’s not the whole story.
25 October, 2009 at 5:30 pm
Nope, not a Jew. Richards was passing for Jewish, like an octaroon might pass for white.
More: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/11/28/entertainment/main2213618.shtml
25 October, 2009 at 6:51 pm
But Jews are often cagey about their Jewishness. A lot of them are just plain reluctant to admit they’re Jews, at least when there are Gentiles around. That Michael Richards sure looks Jewy to me. I could be wrong, of course, but my Jewdar tells me otherwise. And the name “Richards” sounds like the kind of generic surname a Jew might use to try and downplay his Jewishness. But if I’m wrong, then I’m wrong.
26 October, 2009 at 6:18 pm
Rubenstein told The Associated Press on Tuesday. “He told me, `I’m Jewish,’ when I asked him.
“He said there were two mentors who raised him and who had a big influence on his life, and they were Jewish. He said, `I agree with the concepts and the religious beliefs of Judaism and I’ve adopted Judaism as my religion,”‘ Rubenstein said. “He really thinks of himself as Jewish.”
“He said there were two mentors who raised him and who had a big influence on his life, and they were Jewish. He said, `I agree with the concepts and the religious beliefs of Judaism and I’ve adopted Judaism as my religion,”‘ Rubenstein said. “He really thinks of himself as Jewish.”
According to the Wiki article, he was raised outside of any religious tradition. So what? A great many Jews are. But they’re still Jews. This is one of the games they play: pretending they’re just a religion.
And just because he had two parents who were not practicing Jews, doen’t mean anything either. That doesn’t mean he can’t be of Jewish descent.
Why else would a person say he’s Jewish if he’s not? Unless it’s a form of job insurance, or perhaps a plea for special consideration?
But even so, everything about him says “Jewish”. And HE agrees with that!
I also agree with Tim about “Richards” being a very generic type of surname “that a Jew might use” for camoflage purposes. Kind of like Joan “Rivers”.
26 October, 2009 at 7:01 pm
@ ein
If he’d been given a pass on his remarks, you’d be even more convinced he’s a Jew. Since he was ruined by them, I suppose you have a good story ready to explain that, too.
It’s hard to imagine what evidence would convince you if the above sequence of events doesn’t. If no possible evidence can convince you he’s not a Jew, your beliefs are not falsifiable, and any discussion is useless. Even if we had his DNA to test, any true Jewish conspiracy theorist worth his salt could still find a way to allege a plot.
He does have a somewhat Semitic appearance. Maybe he’s got a Jew hiding deep in the woodpile somewhere, it’s hard to say. A Jewish grandfather or great-grandfather, perhaps. But then, even the Nazis had a cutoff point, a threshold for Jewish blood below which someone even though “tainted” would be considered Aryan.
Believe he’s a Jew if you like, it’s nothing to me. I don’t.
26 October, 2009 at 9:51 pm
old dutch Says:
23 October, 2009 at 11:03 am
In Ohio a consortium of Jew investors led by Dan Gilbert has already spent $32 Million Dollars to make Casino Gambling legal in Ohio. That’s $32 Million Dollars spent on one ballot issue!
The Jews spend to get what they want…
Even a brorken Clock is Correct twice a day, haaa.