1 October, 2009

UK: Unions to Boycott Hate State

Posted by Socrates in boycotts, Britain, England, Israel, Israel - the facts, Socrates at 1:27 am | Permanent Link

Who knew that Big Labor was full of anti-Termites?


  • 14 Responses to “UK: Unions to Boycott Hate State”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      Funny, but when those liberal Jew activists pressured all the White nations to boycott Apartheid South Africa in the 1970s and 1980s, they apparently forgot to pressure Israel to do likewise, because Israel did lots of lucrative business with South Africa during those years. Israeli tourists loved going to SA because the schwartzes there were kept under strict control, thanks in part to all the weapons and armored vehicles that SA purchased from Israel. So, one group of Jews is telling the Goyim they can’t do any more business in South Africa while another group of Jews is making a killing off of doing business there.

      I guess it would be overkill if I complained about yet another Jew double-standard being exposed?

    2. CW-2 Says:

      British Trade Unions are a rag-bag of liberals, leftists, feminists, and just plain crazies, so we can expect nothing but hostility from them.
      Their proposed boycott of yid produce is helpful in so far as it focuses comsumer attention on the origin of supermarket produce. I never buy any fruit or vegetables from yidsrael or any Arab country.

      At their recent conference the trade unions also proposed a ban on teachers and those working in the public services from joining the BNP.

    3. zoomcopter Says:

      A step in the right direction, good news.

    4. Angryyoungman Says:

      The only nation who had non-communist unions was the U.S. This is because the old U.S. Feds showed so much favoritism towards the corporations and robber barons, White working men had no choice but to organize or face slave wages and working conditions. My favorite feminist was Mother Jones, a damn good White woman.

      Imperial Germany came up with Europe’s first pension system, and that was under a fucking monarchy!

      The American working class has always suffered more then their privileged cousins in Western Europe. Through the idea of royalty or monarchism, wealthy Europeans always felt some sympathy or responsibility towards their poorer folk. In the “Enlightened” New World, their was no such sentiment. Masonic douche bags the lot of em’.

    5. Angryyoungman Says:

      Of course the white-traitor leftists side with the Palestinians against the Israelis, the Palestinians have a darker skin than most Jews.

      If there was a dispute between Palestinians and Somalis, leftists would always side with Somalis. It is simply the religion of Trotsky. “The least able are always the darkest, therefore they are the most oppressed.”

      We need to get our own house in order friends. We need to put our traitors in their goddamn place before any other group.

    6. 2050 Says:

      Our Unions were just as commie/jew run as any from Samuel Gompers on.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      Unions today are virulently anti-White. They totally support the non-White invasion into the USA in order to fill up their dwindling ranks.

    8. Angryyoungman Says:

      @ 2050

      Yes, some of the leadership were. But rank and file union members, blue collar that is, never agreed with the left on social issues.

      Remember the construction workers who beat the shit out of protestors back in the 60’s?

      @ Tim McGreen
      This is also true. The funny thing is that most union members are White working men who no longer trust the union leaders or the corporate boys.

      We should have taken over the labor movement years ago, instead of kowtowing to the Reaganomics crowd.

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      Reagan was just another sell-out. In addition to the usual sucking up to the Blacks and Jews (the MLK holiday was passed during the Reagan years, with no apparent objections from The Gipper), he promoted Internationalism, Free Trade, unregulated corporate capitalism and all the rest of that Jew money-oriented, anti-White worker poison. And then there were the right-wing “born-again” Christards, who were so dumb they actually thought Reagan was one of them. The right-wing is comprised of nothing but idiots.

    10. ED! Says:

      The Jews were thick in the unions early on because they wanted more MONEY!!! Oh, but after they rose up out of the working class and ascended to the owner class, then unions were no longer a popular cause with Satan’s chosen! Think not then look at Consolidated Metals Corporation (CMC), if they hear you say the word union at that Jew owned outfit you are summarily fired! One who has said that Jews never change is wrong, they change anytime it suites them, when it fits their cause. Jews care about Jews and everybody else can eat their hot steaming shit as far as they care!


    11. Ein Says:

      white-traitor leftists side with the Palestinians [who] have a darker skin than most Jews. If there were a dispute between Palestinians and Somalis, leftists would side with Somalis. …“The least able are always the darkest, therefore they are the most oppressed.” We need to get our own house in order friends.

      Yes, we do! Most defninitely. But what we DON’T need is to get involved in their family squabbles. We should strictly stay out where our interests are not involved. We must not get sucked into it, as they always try to do.

      Yes, some of the leadership were [communists]. But rank and file union members, blue collar that is, never agreed with the left on social issues.

      Thus, their union “representatives” did not represent them or their interests any more than their political “representatives” did. Those union members — gullible sheep all — were being USED!

      I have been present at, or witnessed, some union meetings where virtually all the rank and file were black/colored, and virtually all of the officials up on the dais were Jews. Why does no one notice and question this? Oh, I suppose because they’ve all be so progandized into thinking that “racism” is evil and that color is of no importance anyway. Color is just a coincidence, and race doesn’t exist.

      Example: I happened to be at a hotel last year where the SEIU was holding its annual convention; the lobby was jammed with its members all milling about, all black; but in the plush VIP lounge upstairs were the union executives — nearly all fat Jews (some grotesque) with obvious New York accents — enjoying their union-paid perks at the members expense. Nice work, if you can get it!

      It was very interesting for me to just sit there and observe. An education.

    12. Ein Says:

      And, PS, let me add too that was not the first time I have observed that situation. In a place where I worked, some years ago, that was heavily black, I saw the same thing at union meetings. The very, very few Jews employed there would all be union delegates and union executives; the rank & file was heavily black & brown. Whites were mostly shut out by a coalition of those two elements. For instance, when they voted on providing aid to anti-apartheid forces in South Africa, I spoke out and objected to using Americans’ union dues on foreign adventures that had nothing to do with us in the USA. I was shouted down and totally overruled. Naturally, the measure passed. Anything done to help Black Africa was automatically “good”. Any opposition was evil.

      It was interesting to observe this racial dichotomy. It was a preview of the Jews’ envisioned new utopia that seems scheduled for us all: a few fat Jewish bureaucrats and executives (nearly always fat!) ruling over a mass of docile, gullible, swayable blacks and browns.

      Yes, those blacks and browns can at times get restless and even violent, but they can also be controlled more easily than whites. Whites are prone to asking awkward questions and investigating things for themselves. But Blacks, basically, believe whatever they are told and do what they are told — just so long as they are fed — and have plenty of booze, jive, and sex to keep them happy and distracted. It doesn’t take much to satisfy them. They can be distracted very easily with just a basketball or a busomey babe.

      Plenty of whites are bad too — but not that bad.

    13. Ein Says:

      “It was interesting to observe this racial dichotomy. ”

      Between masters and serfs, I mean. Between the rulers and the ruled.

      Whites, being “difficult”, as history has consistently shown, just don’t seem to fit into that envisioned picture.

      Well, who would want to?

    14. Hoff Says:

      So, one group of Jews is telling the Goyim they can’t do any more business in South Africa while another group of Jews is making a killing off of doing business there.

      I guess it would be overkill if I complained about yet another Jew double-standard being exposed? -Tim McG-

      Hoff: The jews ALWAYS play both sides. No, it’s NOT double-standard, that is Lying Jewish Scumbags.

      Whatch this short vid and read my comments Hoff-alla.

      “South Africa’s Coloureds Better Off Under Apartheid”


      The jews did the same thing with their false flag op fraud Kristallnight. Some jews boycotted Germany and some jews made big cash when trading with Germany. The Moscow jews sold strategic raw material to Hitler en mass, right up to Hitler attacked Sovjet. Same thing today, while the jews in Jewistan calls for international boycott of lran the very same jews buy oil from – lran. The whole boycott scam is ALWAYS a win-win for the jews.