The People You Can’t Joke About (Unless You’re One of Them)
Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', apologetic Whites, humor, jew mentality, jewed culture, New York, Socrates at 10:16 pm | 
17 October, 2009 at 10:31 pm
That joke is older than dirt.
jewish boy: “Father may I have five dollars?”
jewish father:”Five dollars,four dollars,what do you want three dollars for?
18 October, 2009 at 1:02 am
That guy has nothing to apologize for, Jewesses are pretty damn scary, especially to look at. With the notable exceptions of Joyce Wildenstein, Amy Winehouse, Sarah Silverman and Judge Judy Scheinlin, of course.
Here’s a good Jew joke: What does a Jewish Princess do with her asshole every morning? She sends him to work! (sorry, ein, I know you don’t like “blue” material.)
18 October, 2009 at 7:24 am
You’re right.
But sometimes it’s warranted.
18 October, 2009 at 8:52 am
Q: How do you get 6 million Jews into a car?
18 October, 2009 at 12:50 pm
I intend to go out and buy some of his albums; he’s marked for destruction by the hate-filled Chosen Race, and they’ll do everything in their considerable power to ruin his concert and recording career. His only mistake was in naively thinking that an apology would help. It never does with that tribe.
18 October, 2009 at 7:15 pm
+ Why are Jews so freaking ugly?
– Because they are Jews.
+ What is the difference between a Jew and a pizza?
– Pizzas don’t scream when you put them in an oven.
+ How many Jews can you fit in to a car?
– Two in the front, three in the back, and about six million in the ashtray.
18 October, 2009 at 9:26 pm
Jews hate goyim. If you hate them, they fear you. If you don’t kowtow and grovel to them, they hate you. If you do kowtow and grovel, they see it as weakness and view you with contempt. And once they hate you it’s for good.
What we’re trying to do now is figure out a de-jewing technic. In my opinion it has to be international just as our foes and their agendas are international, else we will be individually crushed as was good old One Nut.
19 October, 2009 at 4:33 am
A: Tell them someone left a dime under the back seat!
19 October, 2009 at 6:20 am
It never ceases to amaze me that Ron Paul is criticized when he has been after their power base, the issuance of nations’ currency by loaning it into existence out of thin air for many years. He’s finally becoming relatively effective thanks the unable-to-help-themselves-from-overreaching their character. You want them out? You start by cutting their water off and that means exposing so called finance, investment banking, the Federal Reserve, the IMF & the World Bank (“The Fund and The Bank”), and their domestic collection agencies starting with the IRS and every Sheriff-Collector who facilitate foreclosure on anyone and everyone who can’t come up with enough of their “currency” that they cycle through inflation and deflation for exactly that purpose.
Do you want these creatures like this medical doctor controlling even more of the health care industry? Do you think it is in your best interests? This is why they get purged from nations and Americans, dumbed-down by their government schools and mass media of entertainment and so called news, will either figure it out, like so many others have throughout history, or they and their civilization will perish.
Arrange your affairs as best you can, so that you can damn the torpedoes, and then start explaining these realities in the simplest terms to the lowest common denominator of our people at every opportunity. Unfortunately this Irish tenor violated the fundamental rule that you don’t negotiate, with terrorists, try to appease them, etc., but apparently the same hormone mediates courage that lengthens vocal cords. Maybe that has something to do with why I always preferred the bass who sang “My Grandfather’s Clock” on Lawrence Welk to the Irish tenor (and tenors generally).
19 October, 2009 at 7:05 am
What’s the matter with the jew who doesn’t own real estate but yet rents an apartment from a non-jew? That’s a joke in of itself. And, what’s the matter with this guy renting out to a jew anyway? He will have nothing but headaches from endless jewish complaints. Couldn’t he have been smart enough and not rent to this jew or any other jew and be quiet about it?
If he is stupid enough to rent to a jew, make a joke about it, and then apologizes, I have no sympathy for him.
19 October, 2009 at 7:50 am
This Irish Roman Catholic asshole tells a joke to his “three Jewish brothers” and it becomes a national news story even on VNN? LOL.
How about this: Unknown Irish Catholic asshole tells joke to his “three Jewish brothers” and it becomes national publicity for him.
Could this be a publicity stunt?
Get it?
19 October, 2009 at 9:58 am
OD, you are so right! I’m glad we can always count on you to name the Irish Roman Catholic! Now if we can get everyone else naming the Roman Catholic instead of naming Jews, we’ll be getting somewhere :)
19 October, 2009 at 10:43 am
hey Coup, i don’t think the man owns the apartment building he lives in.
OD. WTF?!?
You know, you could at least only point out if you think someone is catholic if it is in some way relevant, but just to sling it out there at trivial things like this, where there’s no World Wide Papal Conspiracy angle involved, makes you look, or should I say reveals you as a simply a perhaps Protestant? anti-Catholic. I’ve tried to understand your points probably more than anyone here, but this kind of crap has just got me wanting to jump right in on the anti-OD bandwagon.
Why here? Since the Anti-Catholic thing has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with White Nationalism.
Are you the one who stuck that “the pope is the anti-christ” poster on that dumpster I saw when I was a kid?
I think railing about the anti-christ catholics would go over better on a website that was known for having believing Christians, whether catholic or protestant. They’re not known for hanging out here.
I mean, seriously, why here?
19 October, 2009 at 10:58 am
Them jews have inadvertently let slip that they have been hiring Catholics for the high profile singing at baseball game jobs. When will we overcome?
I call for all to act now, for if not now, when?
They came for my neighbor’s singing job and I did not act. Someone else will do it.
They came for my other neighbor’s singing job and I did not act. Surely someone else will act.
Then they came for my singing job and there was no one left to stop it.
*hangs head and cries*
If only I had stood against the Catholic menace. If only there was an answer to the ‘Catholic Question.’ If only they were the ones with the tattoos on their forearms. If only the Catholics didn’t control the media and the Federal Reserve and Wall Street.
Protestant singers unite!!
19 October, 2009 at 11:00 am
You Irish Catholic tards don’t understand real world politics. LOL.
Just like Friday night on national TV, Chris Matthews, Alec Baldwin, & some other Irish Catholic politician named Grady, or was it O’Grady, spent an hour kissing Mahr & Spradlings Jew political asses on TV. It was disgusting to watch these three Irish Catholic political tards suck Jew Ass—unless you remembered that they are Irish Catholics. LOL. What can you expect…
The US is probably the only country in the world that takes the Irish Catholics seriously…LOL.
19 October, 2009 at 11:12 am
LOL @ Old Dutch! LOL
19 October, 2009 at 11:34 am
I’m a Protestant. Born and raised.
19 October, 2009 at 12:20 pm
I can’t explain it, but Irish are the first to take Big Jew’s cues, the first to obey the Jewish Master, the first to race mix. Better people than me have observed this phenomenon, i.e., Revilo P. Oliver.
19 October, 2009 at 1:12 pm
I don’t give a damn if this person is Irish and/or Catholic or owns the damn building or apartment. That’s not the point. And, isn’t it quite unusual for a jew to rent, a jew doctor that is, instead of buying a home? That is a joke.
This bozo makes an anti-semetic joke in public, then APOLOGIZES, then states he is not anti-semetic, and states he has 3 members of his bank who are jews? What kind of B.S. is this?
It’s called — an idiot and the jewish media to follow.
As far as the Irish/Catholic crap, it doesn’t matter what religion some of these idiots are. There are plenty of LDS’s in politics that kiss the jew’s ass just as much.
19 October, 2009 at 1:13 pm
Bank should read as “band.”
19 October, 2009 at 2:52 pm
I just want to congratulate Old Dutch for taking this thread and using it to focus on the Irish Catholic menace. Old Dutch really goes the extra mile to expose the plots of these scheming Pope-lovers.
And now we have “Damn Catholics” who has come to join the cause against Pope-ry. He has informed us proudly of his Protestant affiliation, which in my book makes him a true White Nationalist because he doesn’t worship the same type of Jew that the Catholics worship.
Keep up the good work, OD!!!
19 October, 2009 at 3:16 pm
Krystian Kowalczyk Says:
“I can’t explain it, but Irish are the first to take Big Jew’s cues, the first to obey the Jewish Master, the first to race mix. Better people than me have observed this phenomenon, i.e., Revilo P. Oliver.”
True, there are alot of Irish/Irish Americans who take up the causes of the Jews. There are some very recognizable personalities who are Irish that sponsor the multiracial agenda, most notable are the Kennedys. This is all the more surprising when you think about how much in bed with the Jews the archenemies of the Irish- the British- are. On a scale of pushing the world Jewish agenda, the Brits take the #1 spot, even eclipsing the US up until just after WWII. The Brits gave the Jews Palestine; up until WWII or just after the world financial center was London, where there is a huge Jewish community (the center of the Rothschild banking family); they even had a Jewish Prime Minister in the 19th Century (Disraeli); Jews are swarming all over British upper class society and government even today (foreign minister Miliband); Britain declared war on Germany over the war in Poland; not to mention that the British were eager to fight Germany in WWI because wealthy British Jews stood to gain tremendous amounts of money through speculation and war profiteering… But anyway, I’m just glad that the official religion in the UK is (or was) the Protestant Church of England. Thank Jewsus they weren’t Catholic, or they’d really support the Jews!
19 October, 2009 at 3:18 pm
Btw, Bill Maher’s mother was a Jewess, but, you Irish Roman Catholic tards will be proud to know that his father was an Irish Roman Catholic. LOL.
19 October, 2009 at 5:32 pm
Hey, OD, what about Pat Robertson, the late Jerry Falwell, Hal Lindsey and John Hagee? They are/were all big-time Jew ass-kissers and none of them are/were Roman Catholic. The same goes for the Bush Dyanasty, Clinton, Orin Hatch, Tony Blair, Scumbaugh, LBJ……………..And you’ve apparently never heard of Father Coughlin, the Roman Catholic radio priest that the FDR regime forced off the air in 1942 for his anti-Jew, anti-Wall Street and anti-Communist broadcasts. Or the Order of the White Camilla, the Catholic version of the KKK in Louisiana during Reconstruction. Get a clue, already. LOL.
19 October, 2009 at 7:46 pm
Amen, Old Dutch! Continue to name the Roman Catholic! Don’t let anyone stop you from spreading the word about those cryto Catholics and the agents of the anti Christ in Rome. Don’t forget to name the Italians, Spaniards, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Portuguese, Hungarians, Croats, French and Austrians, too. All of these dirty Pope worshipers are working night and day to undermine the Protestant reformation!
19 October, 2009 at 7:58 pm
And i’ve got my Hagee Study Bible on my shelf just full of ass kissing the chosen ones devotions.
Maybe Hagee’s really a Catholic.
How’d Bill Mahar’s Irish Catholic father give him a jew last name?
Boy, they’re something.
And I just found out that the blonde on ‘The View’ Elizabeth Hasselbeck (sp?) is a Roman Catholic. AHA!
That must be how she got the job.
Did you hear the one about the Catholic priest, the Protestant preacher and the Rabbi.
OK, a priest, a minister, and a rabbi walk into a bar…
OK, OK, a priest, a minister, and a rabbi are in a boat fishing…
19 October, 2009 at 8:44 pm
The Irish Roman Catholic politicians are sucking Jew ass on national TV—that’s a fact. LOL. They actually got Jew ass hair stuck in their teeth. Maybe they will make a relic out of Jew ass hair and sell it to other Roman Catholic tards like some you have mentioned. LOL. The Holy Ass Hair of St. Patrick or some such.
19 October, 2009 at 10:15 pm
Old Dutch, you just amaze me with your insight! You know, now that you have enlightened all of us, I was wondering if you suspect Obama is an agent of the Pope like I do? Do you think he has a direct line to Benedict the anti-christ, or does the line go through Tel Aviv first? I read somewhere online on one of those Catholic watchdog groups that the UFO phenomenon is actually nothing more than a secret Vatican space program whose goal is to spread mind control chemical over the nations of the world, thus making it an easier transition to a Vatican world dictatorship. What are your thoughts on this Old Dutch?
Are we helpless in the face of this satanic Vatican juggernaut, or can we be saved through the principles of Martin Luther and John Calvin? Old Dutch, we await your wisdom on these matters.
19 October, 2009 at 10:24 pm
Krystian Kowalczyk Says:
I can’t explain it, but Irish are the first to take Big Jew’s cues, the first to obey the Jewish Master, the first to race mix. Better people than me have observed this phenomenon, i.e., Revilo P. Oliver.
The Irish are white people who have been oppressed by other white people for centuries. No doubt that makes it harder to sell them on love of the white race in general, and probably makes them more inclined to see Jews as fellow victims rather than oppressors.
19 October, 2009 at 10:45 pm
“The Irish are white people who have been oppressed by other white people for centuries. No doubt that makes it harder to sell them on love of the white race in general, and probably makes them more inclined to see Jews as fellow victims rather than oppressors.”
The Irish Roman Catholic politicians are so oppressed they get on national TV and suck Jew ass. We are not talking about jack leg preachers—we are talking about Irish Catholic politicians with real world political clout & media access!
Btw, the Irish Roman Catholic/Jew John Kerry is going to get his Cap & Trade Bill through Congress without opposition from the US Chamber of Commerce. The Kerry-Boxer Bill should be a real treat for big money Jews who will get a whole new market in carbon futures to manipulate & scam.
This means the Catholic & Jew alliance will be picking your pocket by driving up manufacturing costs, raising the cost of heating & cooling for you, and making you pay for it!
19 October, 2009 at 11:06 pm
Adam, maybe it’s the fact that there are almost no Jews living in Ireland that makes the Irish so naive about The Tribe? The only Jew living in Ireland that I am aware of was the fictional character Leopold Bloom in Joyce’s Ulysses. But if I remember correctly even he was a pervy Jew.
19 October, 2009 at 11:29 pm
Old Dutch, please answer my questions. Please don’t ignore me, I’m trying to help you spread the word about the Catholic menace.
19 October, 2009 at 11:45 pm
The only point I will concede to OD is that there are indeed a large number of Roman Catholic Italian and Irish American politicians in the USA. But that’s because there are a large number of Roman Catholic Italian and Irish Americans. I suppose if there were more Protestant Dutch Americans, there would be more Protestant Dutch American politicians as well. LOL.
20 October, 2009 at 12:07 am
2050 asks:
“Why here? Since the Anti-Catholic thing has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with White Nationalism.
I mean, seriously, why here?”
Why? Because it serves to divert attention away from The Chosen Ones, that’s why.
Distracting attention is one of their principal strategies. They are very good at it.
Hey, they would complain about the Amish, if they thought it would be an effective distraction. They would complain about Eskimos! Anyone would do.
Anyone but one group. It’s essential to protect that one group.
Divide and rule: an old, old tactic.
As someone else once said here, I quote from memory as best I can …. “You’re up against a 5,000 year old racket that dominates entire nations and economies, that controls religions and intimidates rulers, and which has the sort of power that the Mafia can only dream of.”
20 October, 2009 at 12:23 am
Ein, c’mon man, don’t you see? Old Dutch has shown us the path to enlightenment, and he is exposing the Catholic plot. Just like Old Dutch has said before on another thread, Roman Catholics are a more serious threat than Jews. I for one think we should change the VNN page title from “no Jews, just right” to “no Catholics, just right”. After all, Old Dutch has given money to Alex Linder and he is a grand old man of VNN, with a nod of support by being tolerated on this forum. I think perhaps Linder agrees with OD, and hopefully he will consider broadening the intellectual front to the Catholic problem.
Old Dutch, I’ve got your back, man! ;-)
20 October, 2009 at 12:31 am
old dutch Says:
” You Irish Catholic tards don’t understand real world politics. LOL.”
What I don’t understand is which part you dislike more: the “Irish” part or the “Catholic” part?
If someone’s an Irish Protestant, does that make him OK?
Or is he only half bad?
20 October, 2009 at 12:36 am
Krystian says:
“I can’t explain it, but Irish are the first to take Big Jew’s cues, the first to obey the Jewish Master, the first to race mix. “
First to mix? Well, certainly none that I know! And nothing at all to compare with the Dutch in that area.
But there is a certain truth about their willingness to go against the national grain, just to undermine the resented Anglo Protestant majority. Look at the Kennedy’s! They’ve devoted their lives to it. They hate the Anglos so much they are willing to destroy the country to serve their gnawing resentment. In that, they share some common motivations with the Jews.
There is a certain glee they share in socking it to the resented Anglo Establishment. The only problem is that the Establishment was dis-established many decades ago, and it is millionaires like the Kennedy’s (and the Jews) who are now The Establishment running this country! Such irony.
But let me add that they do not represent all Irish!
20 October, 2009 at 12:43 am
Blackshirt Says:
“I just want to congratulate Old Dutch for taking this thread and using it to focus on the Irish Catholic menace.
Keep up the good work, OD!!! “
Yes, he has done that very effectively, diverting us completely away from …. well, uh, whatever was the original topic.
Great work! They should give him a raise…. whoever “they” are.
20 October, 2009 at 12:51 am
Blackshirt Says:
“Amen, Old Dutch! Continue to name the Roman Catholic!
Don’t forget to name the Italians, Spaniards, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Portuguese, Hungarians, Croats, French and Austrians, too. All of these dirty Pope worshipers are working night and day to undermine the Protestant reformation! “
And let him remember to mention the Dutch too. After all, they are majority Roman Catholic! LOL
20 October, 2009 at 1:04 am
Adam Says“:
The Irish are white people who have been oppressed by other white people for centuries. …that makes them more inclined to see Jews as fellow victims rather than oppressors.”
Aha! You’ve hit on a very key point. The Jews were quick to perceive this and to take advantage of it in forming alliances useful to themselves. Especially so in Britain, I believe.
And also, as I understand it, that self-image also makes the Irish more prone to sympathize with blacks, as historical “victims”, the way the Irish see themselves, and thus to admit Africans into their country as poor refugees.
Thus, their victim mentality is actually the shovel with which they are digging their own graves. It will be the destruction of Ireland and the end of the Irish nation.