3 October, 2009

The Jewish Psyche

Posted by Socrates in jew mentality, Jewish brain features, Revilo P. Oliver, Socrates at 8:54 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Revilo Oliver.

“IT IS ALWAYS extremely difficult for a member of one race to understand, or even to appraise fairly, the mentality of another race. I have often commented on a puzzling aspect of the Jewish mind, the strange desinvolture–no, it’s more than that: the downright negligence with which they perpetrate hoaxes that an Aryan would not attempt without spending an hour or two to make sure that his canard was plausible. (I gave some examples in Liberty Bell, November 1984, pp. 8-17.).”


  • 38 Responses to “The Jewish Psyche”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      I think I’ve made this complaint before, but Dr. Oliver’s use of esoteric examples from Antiquity to illustrate the pathologies of the Jewish mind is too obscure to be of any help to the general reader. Clearly, this man did not wear his learning lightly.

      However, It’s certainly true that the Jews expect us to believe their most far-fetched and improbable fairy-tales without question, including, as Dr. Oliver points out, the Christ myth.

    2. tbow009 Says:

      Christ was just a big show (Jesus went away for years to polish up his act) that was put on to pacify the Romans, whom the hebrews feared more than anything at that time. It worked as Chritianity took hold and allowed the hewbrews to move in and corrupt Rome, which eventually led to its downfall…

    3. Howdy Doody Says:

      Most White men could not tell you who Charles A. Lindbergh was and or who the POS Freud was.

    4. Howdy Doody Says:

      The 1945 Victory was the complete dumbing down of US.

    5. Darklord Theynhammer Says:

      “… it’s more than that: the downright negligence with which they perpetrate hoaxes that an Aryan would not attempt without spending an hour or two to make sure that his canard was plausible.”

      Jews spend so much time lying that eventually they become lazy at it and foul up eventually.

      Part of my own ‘David Duke Style Awakening’ to the Jewish Problem was when Monica Lewinsky stated that lying was a very normal thing in her (Jewish) family.

      The Talmud reads like one whole big way to lie to Yahweh to get out of doing stuff.

      The very, very strange Eruv stuff is like that ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eruv ) We are supposed to believe that Yahweh is so stupid that he will think a stupid piece of string is equivalent to a wall!?!?!?!!? What are these Alien Wacky Jews going to think of next?!?!

    6. Howdy Doody Says:

      I ignore him.

    7. The Real Jimmy Giles Says:

      Please…….please take me back. Even my bees, and my Queen, rejected me………bzzzzzzzing at me that I’m an agent provocateur who’s drank a little too much of my own brand of Bravado Koolaid. I need to vent, to eject out my inadequate feelings and nutbar emotional tirades at someone, anything, so please, please take me back….I do fellatio just so you know….I’m infamous with the Republican Log Cabin boys .

    8. Ein Says:


      Fuck you and VNN.

      Jim Giles

      The above says all that needs to be said of the late, not-great, provocateur, Jim Giles. R.I.P. And good riddance.
      No further response necessary.

      Let’s just hope he stays dead and buried and doesn’t arise from the dead under another pseudonym.

    9. Adam Says:

      Tim McGreen Says:

      I think I’ve made this complaint before, but Dr. Oliver’s use of esoteric examples from Antiquity to illustrate the pathologies of the Jewish mind is too obscure to be of any help to the general reader. Clearly, this man did not wear his learning lightly.

      His statement that:

      Everyone who has even a superficial knowledge of Roman history knows of the conspiracy to overthrow Nero that was led by C. Calpurnius Piso, a scion of one of Rome’s greatest families, and included Lucan (M. Annaeus Lucanus), one of Rome’s greatest poets.

      is indeed excessive. There are many who have a superficial knowledge of Roman history who don’t know about the Lucan connection, and I myself, although I had heard of the Piso conspiracy, knew little more than the name. By crediting “everyone” with such knowledge he flatters his readers and shames them at the same time.

      However, It’s certainly true that the Jews expect us to believe their most far-fetched and improbable fairy-tales without question, including, as Dr. Oliver points out, the Christ myth.

      Hitler, in the quote below, put it even more succinctly than Oliver.

      It required the whole bottomless falsehood of the Jews and their Marxist fighting organization to lay the blame for the collapse on that very man who alone, with superhuman energy and will power, tried to prevent the catastrophe he foresaw and save the nation from its time of deepest humiliation and disgrace. By branding Ludendorff as guilty for the loss of the World War they took the weapon of moral right from the one dangerous accuser who could have risen against the traitors to the fatherland. In this they proceeded on the sound principle that the magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than consciously and purposely evil, and that, therefore, in view of the primitive simplicity of their minds they more easily fall a victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others; yes, even when enlightened on the subject, they will long doubt and waver, and continue to accept at least one of these causes as true. Therefore, something of even the most insolent lie will always remain and stick-a fact which all the great lie-virtuosi and lying-clubs in this world know only too well and also make the most treacherous use of.

      The foremost connoisseurs of this truth regarding the possibilities in the use of falsehood and slander have always been the Jews; for after all, their whole existence is based on one single great lie, to wit, that they are a religious community while actually they are a race-and what a race! One of the greatest minds of humanity has nailed them forever as such in an eternally correct phrase of fundamental truth: he called them ‘the great masters of the lie.’ And anyone who does not recognize this or does not want to believe it will never in this world be able to help the truth to victory.
      -Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1, Chapter 10

      Describing the Jews as “the great masters of the lie” was Schopenhauer’s apothegmatic insight. Note also that this passage is the basis of the Jewish slander that it was the Nazis who pioneered the “big lie” technique – itself another example of the Jewish talent for the big lie!

    10. Ein Says:

      “The foremost connoisseurs of … the possibilities in the use of falsehood and slander… have always been the Jews; for after all, their whole existence is based on one single great lie, that they are a religious community while actually they are a race.”

      Note that this passage is the basis of the Jewish slander that it was the Nazis who pioneered the “big lie” technique — itself another example of the Jewish talent for the big lie!

      That is a VERY excellent point, Adam! Remarkable their brazenness! Thanks for some great quotes.

    11. Krystian Kowalczyk Says:

      “The foremost connoisseurs of … the possibilities in the use of falsehood and slander… have always been the Jews; for after all, their whole existence is based on one single great lie, that they are a religious community while actually they are a race.” – Adam

      Another German had this to say:

      “Der Jude ist nicht etwa verlogen, sondern die Luge selbst.” – Ludwig Klages

      The Jew is not dishonest possibly, but rather the lie itself.

    12. The Real Jimmy Giles Says:

      Not so fast all you fucking cowards, pussies and pansies. I have an announcement and you’d better listen good and later support my ass otherwise more libel, slander and provocateurism is coming. I’m authoring a new book. Entitled “Alienation”. Subtitled: “The life story of Jimmy “Mississippi Queen” Giles and his struggle with coming out of the closet, gay rights and provoking the far right.”

      Get out and buy it NOW! Why? Because I said so! When? Its being published being with funds I received from COINTELPRO so I’ll have to keep you updated as they’re run on gov’t time.

      My next book, being published by The Gay Life Press: “Queen Diva: How to look sexy in that baby doll and run a bee hive as its surrogate Queen.” Support that too! Won’t be out until 2010, however.

      Follow Me! Honor. Courage. Fashion Accessories for ALL!

      Jimmy “Mississippi Queen” Giles

    13. Howdy Doody Says:

      Perhaps you remember him from the past.

      If I remember correctly he visited Samfrancis Forum too and the O.D. forum as they got the same stuff years ago..

      Those were the days at Samfrancis with alot of characters running around the Web before VNN ever showed up. H. Turder has proved since that crime of murder and Insurance fraud happened in NYC it seems that then the trolls were sicced on US in force, and of course until one is arrested like HT, they just keep it up.

    14. Tim McGreen Says:

      So, let me see if I’ve got this straight……Jim left his “beautiful, long-legged Columbia graduate student” wife and a great paying career at IBM to run a homosexual apiary in Mississippi?

      I can just imagine how charming Jim must’ve been when having dinner with his in-laws: Shut up, Mom and Dad, you fucking pussies! Why don’t you use your real names like I do? I’ve never lost an argument online and I don’t intend to lose to fucking cowards like you! I need hard men, Mom and Dad, HARD, SWEATY MEN!

    15. Blackshirt Says:

      Thanks Tim and the Real Jimmy Giles! I was laughing so hard I had tears coming out of my eyes :-D

    16. Curt O'brian Says:

      Old Time radio theater at it’s best. Except it’s posted in text….

      I wish you had the clopping of high heels and the squeal of tires!


    17. Curt O'brian Says:

      I like works of fiction…

    18. Antagonistes Says:

      Actually, I was reading a magazine called “Fate” or something like that and saw an ad for the very manscript that Oliver talks about!

      I even ordered it from an entity called “Abelard” so I think it is the same manuscript.

      I could not even read it; it was so convoluted.

      I did not know that “Abelard” was a Jew.

      Jews hate Christianity and Christian morality so much, and do so much to corrupt it (see the preceding Kevin McDonald article). It seems that every perversion has, at bottom, a Jew.

      I think that Christianity could be our salvation IF it were White-affirming (instead of trying to be gay-affirming) and Jew-conscious (instead of being Israel-supporting). The former is the corruption of the liberals; the later the corruption of the conservatives. And they are huge corruptions that , I must admit, have no support of any scripture that I have read.

      Who hath corrupted both?

    19. Tim McGreen Says:

      Sir, how could Christianity ever be our “salvation”? And our salvation from what?

    20. Ein Says:

      That’s a very good question. Saved from WHAT?

      Well, from sin, of course! But first, they have to convince you that you’re sinful. We learn that even a newborn babe is sinful, because of Original Sin and all that. But never fear!… They can “save” you from your sinful nature. Of course, you can only do it through them, and that’s the catch.

      It’s like buying an appliance, which is on sale and temptingly cheap — but then finding that you’re locked into buying their own brand of supplies for it which are very expensive, and only through them. I’ve had that happen with razors, copy machines, cameras…..

      But it’s nothing new. The Hebes discovered it long ago.

    21. The Real Jimmy Giles Says:

      Hey, fucking pussies, pansies and cowards………….for a limited time I’m offerign my new pamphlet for a blowjob (preferred it comes from a nublie young male ):

      BLOWHARD: How to suck & blow at the same time and remain hard for your life partner.

      Again, published through Gay Life Press, part of the Color Me Pink series.

      Now, fuck you all, get out and buy my books and get in line for the pamphlet, what are you homophobic???!!!! Oh, before you buy I demand you give me your SSNs, Driver’s License numbers and Date/Place of Birth.

      Honor. Truth. Integrity. Fashion Accessories For All!

      Jimmy Giles, the real version, not that uncouth and useless other guy. I’m the real deal, fuck you all!

    22. Antagonistes Says:

      Well, a teacher saves people from ignorance. A doctor saves people from disease. A fine artist saves people from debauched tastes.

      (All the above have been corrupted, but ignore that for just a moment.)

      So what would the Christian gospel save people from?

      Un-wholeness. The state of being divided against oneself, and separated from God, nature, and others. It promises holiness (wholeness).

      (All the above have been corrupted, but you asked me “saved from what” so I have given you the answer that I think is in the tradition of the Church fathers. Would that I could see evidences of it! That would go a long way, wouldn’t it?)

    23. Antagonistes Says:

      More to my point: The White RACE needs to be “whole” –complete and unified.

      Even more to my point: The White RACE needs to be healed, so that it can be whole.

      Take this not as a defence of Christianity. All I am saying is that a Christianity that fulfilled its promises, that gave power, that was WHITE-affirming, that was EURO-affirming, COULD be our salvation, IF it were all the above.

      Instead, some of its most popular preachers quote Bono.

    24. CW-2 Says:

      We don’t need the Gospel of bonehead Bono that’s for sure. I don’t think we should hold our breath waiting for Christianity to become WHITE-affirming, but it would be great if some bishop or future pope was secretly one of us. Just a dream, instead the next pope will probably be a black ex-muslim!

    25. Lone Star Says:

      With what power do you Christ haters expect to fight the Jew with? The Jews have their god, which is Satan. Which god will you summon? The god of human willpower? LOL

      Your arrogance on this issue even surpasses the Jews, who deal in realities, including spiritual realities. Their attack on Christ should make it obvious that they perceive Christ to be real and a threat. What more do you need?

      So you will join them in your own destruction? Ha Ha, I smell many rats here.

    26. Blackshirt Says:

      Hey Tom, I guess you decided to drag one of your old monikers out of the closet, eh? LOL “lonestar”lol. Who’s next, banjo billy? :-D

    27. Tim McGreen Says:

      Lonestar, it was the Jews who foisted the Christ Myth on us 2000 years ago, you dope. They though Xianity would tear the Roman Empire apart and make the Goyim worship the Jews and their Jew state of Israel. But the Jews obviously didn’t forsee a Christian backlash against them for “killing” their “savior”. Nor did they forsee that the Christians would try to forcibly convert them. The Jews have a tendency to create movements that are meant to enslave the Goyim but often come back to bite them on the ass.

    28. CW-2 Says:

      Herr Lone Star, I agree that jews hate and fear traditional Christianity, and that their visceral hatred is much more than a racial memory of some well deserved ass kicking they received in Russia during the 19th century. BUT, all the main line Christian churches, with the possible exception of the Orthodox churches, are playing the jew tune. The churches are not neutral in the debate on race and biological realities, but are active in their opposition not only to us but to the White race in general.

      Their hostility is breath taking. They are cheer-leading our extinction, the very race that built Christianity, gave it a social structure and provided it with missionaries! In Belgium church authorities are selling old churches to be converted into mosques! Those very same churches that very built and paid for by the pennies of widows and working class Whites!

      Is it any wonder that the churches are empty. If it weren’t for the effectiveness of 24/7 jew propaganda more White people would be looking to us. But then most church men seem a pretty dumb bunch, can’t they see that when Big jew lets the jihadist ragheads off the leash they will be the first to have their throats cut.

    29. Antagonistes Says:

      Yes, it appears that Christianity is on the ropes.

      It has been receiving pretty solid body-blows since its inception.

      It might already be knocked out–compare the Christianity of the Middle-Ages (with very astute people using the methods of Plato and Aristotle to interpret it), with the Christianity of today (with left-leaning clerics interpreting Christianity with the methods of Marx, and right-leaning people sending their money to Israel).

      A sad denouement. But perhaps it is explainable–Marx and Israel, both taking people’s money, and both working for the lessening of the West, both hating the West for their own reasons.

      Christianity has left us without a sacred canopy.

    30. Tim McGreen Says:

      Maybe if the Bible was as interesting to read as The Odyssey or The Aneid, Xianity wouldn’t be losing so many customers. News flash, you CAN be a spiritual person without Christianity! In fact, Xianity has kept Whites from communing with the spiritual forces of Nature for far too long. The truth is, Xianity is a very UN-spritual belief system. It has no respect for Nature, Family, Race……..Who the fuck needs it?

    31. Ein Says:

      ” News flash, you CAN be a spiritual person without Christianity! In fact, Xianity has kept Whites from communing with the spiritual forces of Nature for far too long. The truth is, Xianity is a very UN-spritual belief system. It has no respect for Nature, Family, Race”

      Yes, I get annoyed at always reading/hearing that if you’re not a “good Christian” or a true believer, you’re lacking a spiritual side. Nonsense. And you don’t need to be religious to be moral or respectful of nature. Didn’t the druids and the ancient Norse worship trees, rocks, rivers? You can’t get any closer to nature than that.

      Not that I’m recommending it, but it’s better than worshiping some ancient desert tribe’s vengeful, bloodthirsty god who was only concerned with helping his favorite people (and that doesn’t mean us).

    32. Tim McGreen Says:

      The fact that so many White people have “rationalized” themselves into believing that the Old Testament/Jewish Bible was really meant for them and not the People of the Beak shows how easy it is for Whites to be fooled by Semitic lies.

    33. Justin Huber Says:

      To be honest, I’ve always found the natural world to be much more inspiring than churches.

    34. Blackshirt Says:

      “People of the Beak”

      LOL, Tim!

    35. Blackshirt Says:

      “To be honest, I’ve always found the natural world to be much more inspiring than churches.”

      You guys have to stop talking like that, you are making McReen/O’brian/Lone Star/banjo billy upset! I’m sure he’s pounding his head against the wall reading this!

    36. Tim McGreen Says:

      Look at most of the churches in your area. They are ugly, sinister-looking buildings that have no relation to the natural world around them. They look more like stone or brick prison fortresses than houses of worship. Any “god” that dwells in such dark, gloomy places like that must be pretty creepy.

    37. CW-2 Says:

      Many 19th century churches are pretty grim looking edifices. But prior to the Reformation the interior of many churches, particularly major ones, was quite cheerful and uplifting with lots of color and decoration. Floors were paved in polychrome tiles, columns washed in greens and golds, and ceilings painted in blue to represent the sky. The architect Pugin kick started the Gothic revival by going back to the decorative styles of 13th century Europe.
      If there is one thing that Aryans are good at and enjoy doing, it is making the ordinary beautiful.

    38. Tom McReen Says:

      “However, It’s certainly true that the Jews expect us to believe their most far-fetched and improbable fairy-tales without question, including, as Dr. Oliver points out, the Christ myth.”

      The provocateur strikes again. A better example of jewish myth would be the holohoax, which you implore VNN not to talk about because you believe it may have happened.