19 October, 2009

Review of Thomas Wheatland’s The Frankfurt School in Exile, Part I: Authoritarianism and the Family

Posted by Socrates in Frankfurt School, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 9:09 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.

“Thomas Wheatland’s book, The Frankfurt School in Exile, provides a useful historical account of the travels, connections, and ideas of an important Jewish intellectual movement. The Institute for Social Research began as an orthodox Marxist organization during the Weimar period. During this period, they were dedicated to studying the class struggle and were often in close contact with members of the German Communist Party. Like several other members of the Institute, Max Horkheimer, who became head of the Institute, came from a wealthy background, but like so many Jewish radicals, had a ‘moral and emotional’ opposition to bourgeois society (p. 15).”


  • 13 Responses to “Review of Thomas Wheatland’s The Frankfurt School in Exile, Part I: Authoritarianism and the Family”

    1. Adam Says:

      From the article:

      In other words, Jews could advocate cosmopolitan universalism for Whites while at the same time retaining their own Jewish identity. This is perhaps the fundamental intellectual stance of Diaspora Jewish intellectuals since the Enlightenment (and strikingly absent in Israel). Wheatland doesn’t comment on the obvious contradiction here. White Christians are to give up their ethnic and religious attachments as outmoded and “anti-democratic” while Jews fashion an ethnic identity that wears the mask of cosmopolitan universalism.

      Or, another way to put it would be: The Jewish project since the Enlightenment is to promote among everyone a Jewish view of the world, one size fits all, for both Jew and non-Jew alike!

    2. Kuda Bux Says:

      Does MacDonald ever discuss banking or fractional reserve?

    3. Adam Says:

      Does MacDonald ever discuss banking or fractional reserve?

      Not that I have seen. His central concept is that cultural changes drive genetic changes, not economics.

    4. old dutch Says:

      Dr. MacDonald makes a very subtle point in the history of German- Jew relationships. One so subtle, I don’t know if he understands it himself.

      MacDonald points out that the Frankfurt School was a reaction by the Jews to German cultural resistance to Jewish Marxism. This is true.

      But, it wasn’t a reaction to Hitler. Because Hitler was still in the hospital suffering from combat wounds when von Schleicher acting on orders of the Social Democrats Ebert & Noske had the Jewish Communists Leibnacht & Luxemberg assassinated and their revolt put down by force.

      Later, Hitler was still a Munich beer hall bon vivant when some patriotic German youth decided to assassinate the Jewish politician, industrialist & German foreign minister Walter Rathenau for what they saw as an ongoing sell out of Germany. There was no connection to Hitler in this affair either—Hitler was still an unknown.

      To sum my point up, the Frankfurt School was not the reaction to Hitler that it became when transplanted to the US, but a Jewish reaction to German cultural defense against Jewish Marxism/Judeo Bolshevism in Germany.

      Btw, Rathenau may not have been the worst Jew in the world—just to slick of a Jew for his own good.

    5. Ein Says:

      It is always a pleasure to read anything by Dr. MacDonald. Well, not a “pleasure” exactly, given the subject matter. But you know what I mean.

      Btw, I think The Frankfurt School (later become The New School here) though hardly known at all to the masses, is possibly THE MOST effective subversive organization that has ever existed. Without a shot fired or having any armies, it has literally transformed America during the 20th century, from everything we once stood for to the opposite … and through America via its military/economic/cultural power, it has transformed much of the world. Yet, most people never heard of it.

    6. Adam Says:

      Ein Says:

      It is always a pleasure to read anything by Dr. MacDonald. Well, not a “pleasure” exactly, given the subject matter. But you know what I mean.

      Btw, I think The Frankfurt School (later become The New School here) though hardly known at all to the masses, is possibly THE MOST effective subversive organization that has ever existed. Without a shot fired or having any armies, it has literally transformed America during the 20th century, from everything we once stood for to the opposite … and through America via its military/economic/cultural power, it has transformed much of the world. Yet, most people never heard of it.

      It’s strange to think that Dr. MacDonald derides its Freudian theoretical basis as so laughable yet, like you, also believes the Frankfurt School to have been supremely effective. Ordinarily you’d expect an effort based on a mistaken conception of reality to fail. There must have been something that was very efficacious in all that Freudian snake oil after all.

    7. Ein Says:

      “…yet, like you, also believes the Frankfurt School to have been supremely effective. Ordinarily you’d expect an effort based on a mistaken conception of reality to fail.”

      They did not expect to fail. Regardless of their evil agenda (from our point of view), these were people not accustomed to failure. All of them, that I know of, were from wealthy and successful families. They were used to having things go right. They or their parents had made fortunes. i.e. They were no fools.

      One has only to look at the astounding results of the Frankfurt School. They quietly and silentlly overturned America. And most Americans don’t even realize what happened. The “proof of the pudding”, as we say.

    8. Ein Says:

      And most Americans don’t even realize what happened. The “proof of the pudding”, as we say.

      In fact, we have the spectacle of millions of white Americans enthusiastically applauding “Change”…. the very change that is contrary to their own interests and which spells the disestablishment (and ultimate doom) of their people. Lemmings!

      Talk about effective propaganda, and impressionable subjects!!!

    9. Junghans Says:

      Touche, Adam & Ein! That’s why Anglo-Americans are charitably known in Europe as ‘Amerikinder’.

    10. whodareswings Says:

      Dear Dr. MacDonald:

      I just skimmed your review of Wheatland’s book on the Frankfurt School In Exile. I will read more carefully tomorrow; but tonight it is late.

      It might interest you to know that the Frankfurt School played a key role in staging the sham known as the Nuremburg Tribunals after WW2.

      Many of the Frankfurters fled or were kicked out of the Third Reich in the 30s. They were hired out of Columbia by Bill Donovan of OSS and given prominent positions. The OSS’ largest single division, comprising some 40% of it’s staff and budget, was the Office of Research and Analysis, or R&A. R&A was headed by Walter Langer, former (and later) Chair of History at Harvard. R&A was subdivided into a European desk and an Asian desk. The European desk was headed by Franz Neumann, and in that role he wrote Behemoth, his analysis of how German society and the Third Reich worked, which became the in-house Bible on Nazi Germany for the OSS and for the entire American intelligence and defense establishment. In the preface, Neumann says that only an intense campaign of psychological warfare would neutralize Germany after the war. Under Neumann, the European desk was subdivided into the Germany & Austria desk, and others. Germany & Austria was run by Herbert Marcuse. Other Frankfurters who worked for OSS included Adorno and Hans Meyerhoff.

      Prior to the war, the OSS had grown out of a British Intelligence operation designed to bring the US into the war on Britain’s side. This was in my opinion the single most decisive battle of the conflict, because if the US had sat it out, Britain could not have won alone; with the US in it, she could not lose. When their private war of propaganda and deceit resulted in the erosion of US reluctance to commit to another European conflict, crowned by a declaration of war after Pearl Harbor, the American members of this undertaking moved into the executive branch as the Office of the Coordinator of Information, later to split into the Office of Strategic Services and the Office of War Information (OWI). They and their friends also controlled the Library of Congress and the Psychological Warfare Division under Eisenhower, which in turn controlled all press censorship and coverage of the war. Everything Americans knew, or thought they knew, about the war was derived from primary source materials these men controlled. Even after the war, the OSS took possession of the German archives and the personnel who counted, the high ranking generals, industrialists, and politicians.

      During the war, the OSS (among other duties) was responsible for “black” or deceptive propaganda designed to undermine German morale, an undertaking necessarily involving a great deal of deception and forgery. They were the eyes and ears of the US Government, and controlled nearly all of the information reaching not only the decision making bureaucracies, but the general public, during the war years (this is not really a secret, but not widely known; you have to go to archival sources to find it. I have). The role of R&A included helping the black propagandists to write effective lies and disseminate them in Germany; creating and disseminating (through fronts) “news” about the war for public consumption; producing training material and films for the troops, much of it laced with propaganda; and evaluating the effectiveness of strategic bombing. I can’t prove it, but I strongly suspect the push for “morale” bombing (targeting civilians) also came from OSS.

      As the war neared it’s end, the OSS was instrumental in setting up the tribunals themselves. Bear in mind that had the Allies really thought the Germans were guilty of gassing millions of civilians, they could have tried, convicted, and hung them under the Geneva Convention. Instead, they set up kangaroo court with all the rules stacked toward convictions, and the rules of evidence weakened enough that thousands of people could be convicted with shaky or even grossly faked “evidence”. The OSS film division filmed the trials, provided “documentary” footage and affidavits to be used as evidence, and helped stage them for maximum PR effects, directing lighting and scenery in the courtroom. Finally, and most important, the OSS controlled the evidence and the witnesses! I have in hand solid evidence that Neumann and Marcuse themselves were directly involved in screening cases and evidence for the tribunals at high levels.

      I recall reading also that Adorno was effectively the music censor for all of Germany and Austria after the war, exercising powers given him under the military government. I regret to say that I have lost the source however.

      The standard bios of the Frankfurters sometimes mention in a sentence or two that they worked for the government during the war. Some go so far as to mention the OSS, but they always make it sound like the Frankfurters were peeling potatoes and waiting for a chance to get back on campus. Nothing could be further from the truth. They were engaged in a campaign to defeat Germany not only militarily but psychologically, and to poison the well of Western thought forever, and Neumann said nearly as much in his own words.

      After the war, the OSS alumni were first in line for top posts in government, media, and academe. For example, six of the past presidents of the American Historical Society were OSS alumni. They had the best sources, and they had the best contacts; the spoils of war were theirs for the taking. They took what they wanted, which was the power to further manipulate the minds of their fellow men.

      We are still paying the price. What they did in Germany was a dress rehearsal for what they did in America after the war.



    11. Ein Says:

      Thank you, Eric. That was a remarkable letter.

    12. Junghans Says:

      Thank you for sharing that information, Eric. Excellent work.

    13. CW-2 Says:

      Excellent information, Eric. We could do with a team of researchers to dig out more of this evidence hidden in the official archives.