7 October, 2009

Non-White Immigration: Death Sentence for America

Posted by Socrates in immigration, Socrates, William Pierce at 3:53 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William L. Pierce.

“TODAY WE’LL TAKE A LOOK into the future — a look into what the future will be like if we all remain spectators and simply let the present course of events continue.

And we’ll also look at what the future could be if we choose to become participants in the historical process instead of merely remaining spectators.

I will tailor these two visions of the future especially for those of us who live in North America — but in broad outline they will be recognizable by all of us, no matter what part of the White world we live in.

First, let’s look at the future we will have if we continue behaving just as we are now: if we continue watching TV, paying our taxes, and letting the politicians and the controlled media run the country.”


  • 4 Responses to “Non-White Immigration: Death Sentence for America”

    1. Coup D'Etat Says:

      The U.S. and the American Dream:

      Technical jobs exported to third world countries; H1B visas given to third world people to take over U.S. citizens’ jobs; layoffs here and there; mexican illegals pour over into the U.S. and are given jobs; manufacturing companies shut down or exported; more mexican illegals given jobs; hospitals shut down from massive invasion of illegal mexicans using emergency services; more layoffs for U.S. citizens; banks loan money to illegals; layoffs continue here and there; foreclosures begin; stock market tumbles; huge layoffs; stimulus money is handed out; more foreclosures; more layoffs; illegal mexicans continue to pour in; credit card interest rates soar; layoffs continue; unemployment filings soar; homelessness increases; illegal mexicans pour in and employers continue to give jobs; homes for sale increases; more layoffs; demand for free food at food pantries increases; illegal mexicans pour in with jobs granted; unemployment rate increases to 10% from 3% in less than six months; multiple bank closures continue; banks clamp down on personal loans; more layoffs; homelessness continues to increase; illegal mexicans pour in and are working; medicaid benefits are cut; layoffs continue; uninsured individuals increase dramatically; AND,

      cheap labor and illegal mexicans continue to work at jobs that Americans don’t want.

      It won’t be a question of “don’t want” pretty soon as more employers are laying off U.S. citizens and hiring illegals instead. As the trend continues as such, 3rd worlders including illegals will be the only ones working.

    2. Andrei Yustschinsky (Andrei's Ghost) Says:

      Palo Alto police seek wayward mestizo male who shot video up attractive White women’s skirts

      By Andrei Yustschinsky

      Daily News Staff Writer
      Posted: 10/08/2009 12:08:07 AM PDT
      Updated: 10/08/2009 12:08:07 AM PDT

      Palo Alto police are looking for someone who can identify a Fry’s Electronics customer suspected of shooting pictures or video up the skirts of White female customers at the store Monday.

      Store employees watched through security cameras Monday as a mestizo-looking male repeatedly stooped over a shoulder bag that he had placed on the ground, Palo Alto police Sgt. Dan Ryan said. At first, they thought the mestizo might be slipping merchandise into the bag like most mestizoes do.

      But as he nudged the bag closer to the legs of a White blonde female customer in the store’s camera aisle, the employees realized he was actually bending down to manipulate a cell phone camera hidden in a pocket on the bag’s shoulder strap, Ryan said. The camera appeared to be shooting video up the attractive White woman’s skirt.

      Workers continued to watch as he attempted the maneuver with yet another White female customer, Ryan said. But they lost track of the mestizo when he left the store.

      Fry’s reported the suspicious behavior to police the next day, Ryan said. “They weren’t sure if it was a crime or not.”

      If the mestizo was indeed taking sexually oriented pictures or video of women without their consent, Ryan said, he is guilty of only a misdemeanor.

      Police are distributing a picture of the wayward over-sexed mestizo taken from the store’s surveillance footage in hopes that someone will step forward and identify him. He was described as a mestizo, about 30 years old, of obese build and about 4’10”.. He was wearing a gray Ecko T-shirt and a yellow La Raza cap. It’s
      likely the mestizo lives in the area, since he rode to the store on a bicycle, Ryan said.

      Anyone with information is asked to call the Palo Alto Police Department’s witness hotline at 650-329-2190.

      E-mail Andrei Yustschinsky at [email protected].

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from “on the spot & in the parking lot” of Fry’s Electronics, 340 Portage Avenue, Palo Alto, California (650) 496-6000 Fax: (650) 496-6018

    3. Andrei Yustschinsky (Andrei's Ghost) Says:

      Police look for help identifying Brighton mestizo and negro robbers

      Updated: Tuesday, 06 Oct 2009, 3:26 PM EDT
      Published : Tuesday, 06 Oct 2009, 3:26 PM EDT

      by Andrei Yustschinsky, Author of the new book “BROWN & BLACK=TROUBLE”

      BRIGHTON – Police are looking for the public’s help identifying two suspects, one mestizo, the other negro,who were observed on surveillance camera robbing a convenience store in Brighton early this morning.

      Police say that at about 1:30 A.M., two multicultural suspects broke into a store at 1912 Beacon Street. A store employee stated that two individuals of diversity entered the store, showed a firearm and demanded money.

      The store employee described one of the suspects as a mestizo male, about 5’0″, 200 pounds, wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt, a black t-shirt and a do-rag. The other was described as a colored (negro) boy, about 6’10”, 150 pounds, wearing a black hat and a black FUBU® jacket.

      Community members who wish to assist this investigation in an anonymous manner should call the CrimeStoppers Hot Line at 1(800) 494-TIPS or text a ‘TIP’ to CRIME (27463). The Boston
      Police Department will stringently protect the identity of those who wish to remain anonymous.

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting……..

    4. Long Live The Confederacy!!! Says:

      You can take the nigger out of the jungle but you can’t take the jungle out of the nigger!!! If our great patriot Adolf Hitler was living in America today there would be no Holohoax. he would be cramming niggers and Jews into those ovens 24/7 in order to save our race!!!