Countering the Poison
Posted by Socrates in hush crimes, Socrates, William Pierce at 10:53 am | 
by Dr. William Pierce.
“Today let’s talk more about a very disturbing phenomenon that we’ve discussed several times in the past few weeks, namely a conditioned inability of White people — or at least, a substantial percentage of White people — to defend themselves against non-Whites. When I first told you about the rapes and murders of those Whites in Wichita, Kansas, by two Blacks — rapes and murders the news of which was blacked out almost completely by the media outside of Wichita — I commented that the most shocking thing about this atrocity was the total lack of resistance by the White victims, their complete failure even to attempt to defend themselves against two Blacks armed only with one relatively anemic pistol. The White men just stood and watched the Blacks rape and abuse their women, and then they all knelt obediently in the snow when the Blacks told them to and let themselves be shot in the back of the head, one at a time.”
21 October, 2009 at 12:20 pm
Weren’t those Carr Brothers Catholics?
Oh, remember that sheboon that said the family of here white boyfriend tortured her in W Va.
now she says she made it up. Who knows.
21 October, 2009 at 1:22 pm
@damn catholics!, I don’t understand that at all. She now says she lied, but, from the article “the seven people were convicted based on their own statements and physical evidence. All seven pleaded guilty, and all but one were sentenced to long prison terms.”
Did they give false confessions??
21 October, 2009 at 1:38 pm
These were a group of real tards from back in the hollow. The authorities no doubt made all types of threats including hate crimes—so the tards pleaded guilty to lesser crimes. Chances are drug charges were waved too.
The Syrian/Lebanese magistrate in the area knew the pleas were bogus, and tried to minimize the sentences.
My guess is the tards charged with the various crimes against the colored girl will be the richest creekers in their hollow if they get a good Charleston lawyer. LOL.
21 October, 2009 at 2:24 pm
Racetraders and jews that is what we should identify. They are the only profited gro
21 October, 2009 at 4:12 pm
From the article:
The most popular television shows, which nearly every American viewed — shows such as All in the Family and M*A*S*H — were clever propaganda, designed deliberately to make “racism” a feared label and to put a whole range of other ideas and attitudes beyond the pale of acceptability, while at the same time making acceptable certain types of behavior which previously were abhorrent to most Americans.
It seems to me that singling out these two shows gives a distorted picture. A bias against traditional patriarchal white culture is present in virtually all shows from that period*, and it’s exactly what one would expect to arise after allowing Jews to control the medium. As I said in the thread on Dr. MacDonald’s review of Wheatland’s book, it would be fair to say that the Jewish project since the Enlightenment is to promote among everyone a Jewish view of the world, for both Jew and non-Jew alike. It must now be admitted that they have largely succeeded in this, and yet, what other view of the world could they have promoted, after all? If we whites still controlled our mass media, we would no doubt present our view of the world to them, because it’s the only one we know. We would care as little about its destructive effects (if any) on their race and culture as they now care about their destructive effect on ours.
What’s more interesting, and more in need of explanation is what Dr. Pierce also says:
Tens of millions of White Americans watched these programs on black-and-white television screens week after week. I was one of those White Americans. The programs were genuinely funny, genuinely entertaining.
Why would whites enjoy their seeing depictions of their own racial destruction? Why did they watch week after week, seeing themselves, their culture, and their attitudes mocked as imbecilic and ridiculed as backward and unenlightened? What’s so “genuinely funny, genuinely entertaining” about that? And whose fault is it that they eagerly watched and imbibed such “poison”, week after week? Isn’t locating fault solely with the Jews sort of like a drunk blaming his bartender for his alcoholism?
A mystery, itz!
*I have in my possession, for example, a DVD of episodes of the old Andy Griffith Show, and I noted with interest that the writers were Jews. This show did a lot to popularize the idea that the ordinary, non-Jewish whites in flyover country, who still made up 90% of America in those days, were imbeciles.
Or consider the very jewy Star Trek, an almost 100% kosher production, from its creator Gene Roddenberry down to its lead actors William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy, the latter of whom is to this day a devout, Orthodox, synagogue-attending Jew. Star Trek is such subtle, anti-white propaganda that it’s even a favorite of one frequent, excessively prolix poster who frequents this forum. The jewy message was so effective that even a so-called white nationalist like him desperately wants to “walk among the stars” — wearing his Spock ears and with phaser in hand, presumably.
21 October, 2009 at 5:57 pm
I hope all niggers in usa dies!
21 October, 2009 at 9:56 pm
in reply to Adam:
It’s rather a shame you didn’t read the entire article, for you would see how Dr. Pierce addressed the more substantial issue at the end, the matter of Substance beyond the matter of Form you – and he – addressed concerning the de facto gelding of the American Male, and the Western Mind, the latter through the perversion of Judaism.
However, having read the entire article, I will deal with the issues you addressed, first, and the larger issues Dr. Pierce addressed, as a public service and to emphasize the issues that have needed addressing, and which only two people, Briseis, on one, and Harold Covington, on all others, have spoken to at all.
you wrote, in part:
in reply:
Referring to my earlier analogies of Charlies Brown, Lucy and the football, we might ask why these people, Jews all, have succeeded so completely, while we haven’t.
What do you have to offer that is better?
World of Warcraft, or HALO 3?
Warhammer 40K?
Your internal culture of critique seems to have the circuit breaker kick in when you try to imagine Something Better, and that is very understandable.
Sad, but understandable.
you wrote:
in reply:
Star Trek, in its various incarnations, made money for the Jews, but it also dealt with the larger issues of the expansion of Consciousness – the last thing the Jews want is for us to realize that there is much more to Us than the jars of clay we inhabit on this ball of mud.
My favorite writer, Frank Herbert, father of the DUNE Universe, used his science fiction as the only vehicle in which he could intelligently discuss the structure and expansion of Human Consciousness, and its transformation into the Consciousness of Mankind.
And, as for this issue, it has been a theme among our more advanced science fiction writers, from Jack London – a favorite of the thoughtful White Nationalists – and Olaf Stapledon.
In turn, it’s devolution was addressee by H.G. Wells in “The Time Machine.” Ever have one of those days when you looked at the Morlocks and thought, “DAMN! They sure seem familiar! Human sacrifice of the best of the White Race on command! Blind compliance by the White Race – and, worse, the (thank you, Briseis!) “incompetent males” of the White Race.
And THAT takes us back to the Wichita Massacre, and Channon and Chris.
Having, it seems, been indoctrinated into impotence – a term you will be seeing in the future – we can hardly be surprised when opportunistic predators take advantage of soft, easy prey.
Here’s where I give Terrible Tommy Metzger, his guy “Frank Bauer,” and Glenn Miller’s former organization full marks.
Their entire focus is on not being a victim, and that means being ready to fight back and walk away victorious, by any means necessary.
I will address the issue of the gelding of our young males in further posts.
In the meanwhile, I will address the issues Dr. Pierce went on to address:
Dr. William Pierce wrote:
in reply:
Pierce noted, in essence, that the gelding of the White Male is part and parcel of a much larger process of lowering all of us to the lowest common denominator.
Again, I remind you of the words of Peter Shank:
“The White Race has never been successfully enslaved. Their first order of business is to remove the Warrior Caste from our society.”
All part and parcel of the plan of the Jews, which we seem to not only go along with, but fight for the opportunity to support – even at the cost of the human sacrifice of our Posterity, the future of our Race.
There IS a Solution, of course.
More to follow.
Dr. William Pierce wrote:
in reply:
Pierce correctly ties it in with the larger issue, the gelding of the “incompetent (White) male.” In time, this would become worse, as the Masculinized Female replaced him in the schools, and the workplace, all of which he stood for.
And, to paraphrase Roddy Piper in “They Live,” “I’m all out of patience with them, and tolerance for them.”
The Recapturing of the Primal Masculine is their solemn duty, if they wish to be Men at all, much less potential Patriarchs.
Dr. William Pierce wrote:
in reply:
Why is it that Peter Shank, Briseis, Harold Covington and I the only persons who have addressed this critical issue?
Civilization began with Patriarchy!
Remove the potential Warrior Caste, preferable in the womb (“for a small fee!”), and geld your only effective Racial opposition in less than two generations!
No Men, no Warrior Caste, no Warriors, no Patriarches, jsut a kinder, gentler version of The Time MAchine’s Eloi – a beautiful, charming, soft, gelded, impotent White Race that acted as living human sacrifices to the Morlocks – who certainly have a Khazarian look to them!
Dr. William Pierce wrote:
in reply:
The Jews won, but allowed – I repeat “allowed” – the Ranger to adopt the same headgear as the British SAS.
Which is the more powerful, Masculine, color – black, or tan?
Like I said, the Jews won.
Time for Charlie Brown to kick Lucy where it will do some good, and stop playing a Game that has been rigged for him to lose.
That will lead us directly from Dr. William Pierce, to Harold Covington.
Dr. William Pierce wrote:
in reply:
Dr. William Pierce wrote:
in reply:
*waving hand frantically* “Teacher! Teacher! I know! I know! Call on me, Dr. Pierce!”
Dr. William Pierce wrote:
in reply:
Which would just get you arrested, anyway, AND charged with a “hate crime,” as well.
Dr. William Pierce wrote:
in reply:
Dr. Pierce’s Prescrition – start by cutting off Jewish influence over the Culture as much as possible – is nice, but a bit too little, a bit too late.
Above all, people will only do the little things at all when (1) it hurts too much not to, and (2), when they can tie it into a much greater purpose.
Getting people to turn down second helping only works rarely, and. it has been noted, works best when they can directly tie this into some greater goal – lowering their blood glucose so they don’t face the consequences of diabetes, for example.
That takes us to Harold Covington, and the Northwest Republic Analytical Model – the best Idea, reflecting the best Ideals.
The Northwest Initiative – Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model, the Northwest Quarter series of books, and all issues associated with them – is so bitterly opposed by so many people for two reasons:
One, it reminds them of the incredible future we have forsaken to be de facto servants of the Jew, either directly (debt), or indirectly (mass media, and public education).
I suspect that, had we not destroyed the best of Western Civilization in the NSDAP Cultural Moment, we would have received our first transmissions from our Mars Colony around 1960 or so, and would have used that as our stepping off point for the probes to Alpha Centauri.
Then, we wanted to conquer planets.
Now, we can’t control entire sections of our cities.
There’s a reason for that.
Two, and this hurts most of all, goes back to Briseis’s perfect formulation, “incompetent males.”
Covington’s Northwest Initiative reminds us of the sad present we have chosen, and had chosen for us.
Covington hold us before the mirror of Personal Duty, and Racial Destiny, and we really don’t like what we see, at all.
All the more reason to look more closely, and begin doing better, much damn better, if only for the sake of our Posterity.
Hence, my new sig.
Note why I use the example of the young James Tiberius Kirk as an apt example of what the White Male (and I am using THAT term very loosely!) has become: failed barfighter, failed Iowa farmboy, impetuous squanderer of immense Talents, and potentially, future Starship Captain:
What’s stopping you?
Taking the counsel of failures assures you of failure.
Take Home Assignment:
How would the James Tiberius Kirk of the new Star Trek movie have responded to the Carr Brothers if he had been in Wichita?
Bonus Points:
How can you Do Better?
21 October, 2009 at 10:29 pm
LOL. The theme from Star Trek should be the national anthem of rabbi Covington’s Northwest Republic!
21 October, 2009 at 11:05 pm
New America and Adam, a pox on both your houses.
22 October, 2009 at 9:38 am
Who or what the heck is Breiseis? Is that a medical condition or a chemical reaction?
Or perhaps the name of a remote galaxy? …(that we should be walking among)
I won’t even ask about Peter Shank.
22 October, 2009 at 2:45 pm
I think “New America’ writes and seems a lot like Harold Glass-Covington, shortened to Harold the Hutt. There’s a Star wars reference for ya, “New America”.
The warrior caste part is interesting. No doubt stolen concept regurgitated as “original”. Seems to be your forte’ El Tubbo!
Hey Tim, when you put a pox on “New America” remember it’s a standing order because I have a suspicion Harold the Hutt has resurfaced – the turd can’t help himself. Its those “special” genes hes got that the rest of us lack. He’s a self-hating You Know WHAT!
22 October, 2009 at 4:43 pm
Absolutely, Jew America aka Harold Glass-Covington. And very well said! One must always be wary of self-promoting, know-it-all windbags, gurus and self-styled saviors like Glass-Covington, especially when they try to disguise their “chosen” ethnicity by using a generic “WASP” surname. “Covington”, indeed. Probably more like Kornblatt or Korngold.
22 October, 2009 at 6:06 pm
“One must always be wary of self-promoting, know-it-all windbags, gurus and self-styled saviors”
Oh the irony.
22 October, 2009 at 7:03 pm
in thoughtful reply to Ein:
you wrote:
in reply:
That comment was beneath you – if it was you, or an impostor.
Briseis was a poster on VNN/F, who called in to some of the VNN FTL radio shows from time to time.
Briseis is smart, and seems to despair at how we are squandering the tremendous Cultural gits bestowed on us, at tremendous personal cost, by our ancestors.
Her comment came on a VNN FTl show; it was quickly mentioned, and subsequently ignored.
I suspect that is because it would be too brightly lit a mirror for many of us to look in.
Trust me on this – many of the “males” who self-identify as White Nationalists are not people you would want to be in a room with.
you wrote:
in reply:
You would be the poorer for that, but that’s your choice, and I’ll respect it.
my new sig:
What’s stopping you?
22 October, 2009 at 8:28 pm
in reply to Tom McReen:
Thanks for the astute observation.
Note that, as usual, Covington’s critics are critics of Covington personally, and do not discuss his tremendous Ideas in any constructive manner whatsoever.
As I have said before, I do not care one iota if Covington is on the payroll of all of our Racial Enemies, and spends all of his time away from writing to howl at the Moon.
What he has DONE, with his Northwest Quarter series of novels, picks up the torch where all his critics ran from it, and removed all of their excuses for what they have chosen, by their ill-considered choices, to have made of their lives.
This essentially scares the “males” – and damn, but I am using THAT term loosely – into junior high school cafeteria level attacks – personal attacks – and refusing the address the issues Covington faced for us, the issues that, as I have said before, fill in the blanks for the proposals Pierce mentioned, but neither Pierce, nor his followers, have done anything about.
As Covington noted elsewhere (loosely paraphrasing):
That last part is what wins First Prize.
I KNOW, factually, demographically, that my Posterity will be virtually a scorned minority, in one generation, and a hunted minority, soon thereafter.
The hunting shall be all but State-sanctioned, and the hunters shall have the functional equivalent of State immunity.
You probably think this is extreme, but it actually the moderate position.
Of course, if you believe otherwise, we can ask Channon Christian, or Christian Newsom.
You DID read about their horrific slaughter in all of the national newspapers and mediacorp broadcasts, didn’t you?
Just like you didn’t hear about the Carr brothers, and their role in the Wichita Massacre.
There’s a reason for that, of course.
And THAT reason is part and parcel of why Covington’s Northwest Republic is so damn correct, and every other alternative (WHAT “Alternative?”) is simply defeatism, couched in the mockery of the Child before the Adult.
my new sig:
What’s stopping you?
Fear of WHAT, exactly?
22 October, 2009 at 10:00 pm
“Tom McReen Says:
22 October, 2009 at 6:06 pm
“One must always be wary of self-promoting, know-it-all windbags, gurus and self-styled saviors”
Oh the irony.”
Irony? Where? What irony? I certainly never styled myself as any kind of guru or messiah. Besides, even if I did, that would be an example of projection or hypocrisy on my part, not irony, wouldn’t it? And here I thought I was just a mere “sock puppet”!
Please, try to be sober first before attempting to post anything, you old limey boozehound.
23 October, 2009 at 1:47 am
“Note that, as usual, Covington’s critics are critics of Covington personally, and do not discuss his tremendous Ideas in any constructive manner whatsoever.”
New America, you want to talk about Covingtoon’s “tremendous ideas” like Jimmy Giles wants to talk about creating a cadre of “hard men”. It’s ALL you want to talk about, and it’s goddamned NON STOP. Of course we don’t want to talk about Covingtoon’s “tremendous ideas” because there’s nothing to talk about! “Tremendous ideas”, like what? That we all pick up everything we have and move to a Northwest filled with gooks, spics, and washed up hippies from California? Oh, what greatness! Thank Yahweh for Covingtoon’s “tremendous ideas” because our struggle would be devoid of a purpose without his benevolent guidance.
What was it that Tim said on another thread, something like “There is only one god named Covington, and New America is his prophet” LOL
23 October, 2009 at 3:24 am
in reply:
That comment was beneath you – if it was you, or an impostor
No, it wasn’t an imposter. And no, I think the comment was well justified (Do note that a lot of other posters here would have been less delicate.)
I tend to get peeved and lose patience when faced with arcane references that go unexplained and we are left wondering what on earth the writer is rambling on about. There are a lot of people in this world, and we can’t possibly be expected to know them all! It’s a waste of time reading such comments when the references they make are left unclarified. And I’m by no means singling you out; you’re hardly alone in this. It happens on the Internet and the media all the time. (Even professional journalists fail at this quite regularly.) When they leave me spinning in outer space, frankly, I just don’t bother reading their posts/articles any further. Why waste the time when you don’t know what they’re talking about? And it’s not the reader’s fault for not knowing; it’s the writer’s fault for not making it clear.
I never heard of any poster named Breiseis, however smart and commendable he/she may be. No disrespect to her/him, wherever he/she is. But I did take the trouble to look up the name and learned that it’s an obscure character from the Trojan War. That’s all I got. Naturally, I’m left wondering what the Trojan War has to do with all of this incomprehensible babble.
Thank you for your reply. Now I know. Sort of.
Oh, as for Peter Shank, I looked up that mystery man too. I found a number of them, including a wrestler, someone working on the AIDS retro-virus, a St. Louis painter, and a Massachusetts inventor involved with patents, plus an Associate Director at AT&T. Why should we have to go through all this trouble? I gave up!
23 October, 2009 at 1:06 pm
{And, to paraphrase Roddy Piper in “They Live,” “I’m all out of patience with them, and tolerance for them.”}
Yet another mystery man! Who is Roddy Piper? Is he the pro wrestler “Rowdy” Roddy Piper? This cat Jew Amerikwa is coming up with more obscure references than the unfunny Jew comedian Dennis Miller.
23 October, 2009 at 5:15 pm
in reply to Ein:
you wrote (in part):
in reply:
All too true. and totally my error, and responsibility to correct.
Peter Shank
Harold Covington 1:
Harold Covington 2:
Peter Shank is most instructional for us.
He was the best, and most popular host, on RBN – Republic Broadcast Network.
His intellectual journey from Conservatism, to where he is today, includes the best summary of how self-defeating the behavior of so many White Nationalists is.
Particularly insightful are his comments about how simply doing a straight-down-the-middle interview with Bill White got him fired that same night, before he left the building, and how the trite, trivial, continual attacks on Christianity by WNists is, quite inadvertently, doing the work of the Jew, FOR the Jew.
my new, shorter sig:
23 October, 2009 at 5:45 pm
in reply to Ein:
you wrote (in part):
in reply:
Point well taken, with my apologies;
http://silentconsort DOT com/
Peter Shank:
http://shankradioworldwide.typepad DOT com/shankradio_world_wide/
Harold Covington 1:
http://www.northwestfront DOT org/blog/
Harold Covington 2:
http://downwithjugears DOT
The DOT, of course, is to make it through the spam filters.
Thank you for the constructive criticism!
my new sig:
24 October, 2009 at 11:10 am
It’s not Harold Covington, it’s Harold GLASS Covington. Guards, take him away.
24 October, 2009 at 5:12 pm
New Amerikwan, are you sexually involved with Harold the Hutt if you’re not Hezekiah Glass-Covington himself? You act and seem like his gay lover. You realize that he was intimately involved with Frank Collins (aka Cohn) back in the day? Word is they “shared a bunk”! Frankie got caught soliciting little boys with his popsicle and then Hezekiah fled the scene too. Just like the old Greensboro days. That Hezekiah, he sure gets in trouble, of course, never his fault, being a “Heavy Lifter” and all!
Yeah, he’s done the “heavy lifting” all right. He’s had a lot of scandal and queer behavior to carry with him and now has to get a braindead ‘tard to do his promoting (if you’re not Tubby doing another impersonation) and pseudo-fundraising?
You know what Rabbi Harold is to the WN movement? What Bernie Madoff was to the investment banking industry only much, much, much, much, and much less successful. Madoff at least met with people (real chutpah) and lived well, El Tubbo is probably in a one-room apartment or in someone’s garage/basement yet again, creeps/waddles out at night and farts/wheezes incessantly while he’s eating his supersized bags of doritos and cheezies washing them down with a case of Miller beer. According to Billy Roper years ago Hezekiah Glass-Covington can barely get around he was so disgustingly obese, which is where Harold the Hutt came into play. His beard was very Talmudic scholar-like too according to the pictures that were posted of him. I can only imagine what Mr. “Heavy Lifting” looks like now. Older, fatter, even more revolting with a wiry, unkempt, beard.
Yeah, we can do better New Amerikwan. We mostly definitely can, but you obviously can’t.
24 October, 2009 at 5:22 pm
in reply to Tim McGreen:
Your anger masks your fear, but not any more.
Not one good idea in all of your posts, but your trite, high school drama club dropout persona speaks volume for itself, and about you.
What Linder “the damndest thing I have ever seen; we have the best Idea in the world, the best Ideas in the world, and the goddamndest group of people out there claiming to represtn us,” is showing the beginnings of being a Cause, and a Cause that, organically, more than intellectually (for now) is attracting much better people, for much better reasons.
Let me be blunt:
The best homage the Student can pay to his Teacher is to Do Better. As Linder stated, “The best rebellion is excellence.”
Pierce’s White Zion led to a dead-end in Hillsboro, West Virginia.
Pierce’s Vision, carried forward, revisted and extended by – of all people – Harold Covington, has succeeded where “White Zion” failed, and VNN succeeded where the National Alliance’s print systems have failed.
Just for fun, I went to the local public library today, and set one of the public computers so that it was opened to the Harold Covington 1 site listed above.
A local came in, looked at it, and STAYED ON THE BLOG for thirty minutes.
He then called his wife on the cell phone, and said, “Honey? Go to the computer and type in THIS ADDRESS. I’ll see you in a little while. Yes, I love you, too. Bye!”
He left that page open after he left.
It’s what Linder said.
Once people get the first look at what WE have to offer, live, directn unscreened and unfiltered, they look like they have been Awoken from a sound slumber.
We then have them, for we offer them what no one would dare tell them can be found, and they can help to make it themselves, and make it there own.
This guy walked away from the computer, and he moved quickly – damn, but he was excited!
Linder was right.
There is no arguing with White Nationalism, so they – the Jews – MUST shut us down at every opportunity.
How do you like THEM apples, Charlie Brown?
my new sig:
24 October, 2009 at 6:00 pm
in reply to New America aka Harold Glass-Covington Says:
You wrote one line worthy of discussion.
You wrote:
in reply:
Damn, but I enjoy a good laugh now and again.
“WN movement?”
I kept the question mark on because it really says it all.
There simply is not a “WN movement.”
There IS an Idea, there IS (now!) a Cause, and NOW, finally, there is the crystallization of the best of these Ideas, into the best of Causes.
Covington has removed your excuses for failure.
All you have left are your own “explanations.”
Too much gang sign in your neighborhood?
Too many broken bottles in the playground, and broken needles in the park?
How would you define your DUTY to your Posterity?
Want to barricade yourself in your house – which only slows them down, if they are serious, and you dare not see what the average 911 response time is in your area?
Metzger was right.
We let this happen to us.
With the willingness to accept responsibility will come the power to solve the problem, and not a minute before.
Your move.
And, of course, you want “something better.”
Coming right up.
By the way, sit down tonight, and write a letter to your grandchildren of fifty years from now, telling them what America looks like then, and what you did about this, and what their neighborhood looks like now, and what you did about THAT.
my new sig:
24 October, 2009 at 6:14 pm
From Hezekiah Glass-Covington’s blog:
—- More of his talmudic ‘Heavy Lifting’———
October 22, 2009 · Filed under Media
For Those Who Bother With This
Okay, for those of you who are members of VNN, and who bother with this kind of (in my view) pretty much pointless activity, there is a passably interesting thread on VNN right now.
It appears that Glenn Miller’s drinkin’ buddy Alex Linder was pissed off by the favorable Occidental Quarterly review, and he is rather viciously attacking the Northwest novels and the whole Northwest concept. The Northwest is being ably defended by Comrades Randolf Facto, Peter Kramer, and “Jack Torrance,” none of whom is me despite the accusations you will see on the same board. (Linder has banned me from VNN and apparently has some nifty way of figuring out my IP address; I haven’t been able to sign onto VNN under my own name and IP for years.)
At some point Linder will have a hissy fit, he being one of these little tin-pot cyber-dictators who can’t stand being opposed for any length of time, and he will probably kick everybody off the board or confine them to his “Nutzpah” section. These cyber-tarradiddles are an interesting comment on how we would behave if we ever actually got power; we’d be intriguing and shooting each other like army colonels in a South American junta.
Anyway, anyone who wants to chime in go to
24 October, 2009 at 6:59 pm
in reply to New America aka Harold Glass-Covington Says:
Your post reminds me of an old saying that encapsulates the philosophy of agents provocateurs from Day One:
“Let’s you and him fight!”
For some reason, you refuse to address the substance of my posts.
As I have said before, I could not care less if Covington is the worst paid agent of every intelligence agency on Earth, or if he lies awake and howls at the moon all night.
His Northwest Quartet has removed our excuses.
Nothing else matters.
The look I saw on the face of the guy in the library today – the dawning realization that Something Better, much damn BETTER, is not only possible, but stands right before him.
Think he and his wife are having a long talk about their future tonight, and are using words like “Nothing to lose,’ and “Starting Over on Higher Ground?”
Bet on it.
Covington has succeeded where all before him didn’t, define “success” how you will.
Nothing else matters.
I have every good reason to believe that ONE Family is being redeemed from the Second World Mud Hell America is becoming.
I’ll just bet you they are contacting THEIR relatives to discuss the new Idea, the new Trek to the New Homeland.
You can just bet they won’t be the last.
By the way…
What’s YOUR excuse?
How do you explain to the wife and Family why you are staying where the gang sign grows like weeds, as do the signers, and their gangs.
Written that letter to your granddaughter fifty years from now?
Didn’t think so.
Think about what that husband and father is talking about with his Family, as they have a Destiny to Fulfill, and talk, even as we speak, about Taking The Gap…
And what are YOU talking about tonight, with your GF/WF, and Family?
What excuses do you offer them for your failure to Do Better?
When are you going to stop offering excuses, and discuss your Duty, and their Destiny?
Tonight would be an excellent time.
Now might be even better.
my new sig:
24 October, 2009 at 10:27 pm
God, “New America” still preaching the gospel of Covingtoon? Does this guy have all day to write his novels, or what? From what I can gather, New America is one of three things: 1) He is either a complete loser without a job or life who has unlimited time to sit on a forum and crank out half-page long essays, or 2) he is a system agent, with all that comes along with that, or 3) he is Covington himself posting under one of his many monikers.
Now, Will Williams was here before and swore “New America” wasn’t Covingtoon by his writing style. But I’m still not convinced because New America is so in love with Covington, it’s hard not to believe he isn’t the man himself. On the other hand, I’m not so sure New America isn’t a system agent, although that seems unlikely in my eyes. I tend to believe that New America fits the number 1 possibility the best.
24 October, 2009 at 10:51 pm
Well, Jew Amerikwa could be just a very odd person with an idee fixe about that NW Republic thing. Adam’s got a hangup about advanced technology, Apolonian likes to post offical-looking articles about the Fed and Emperor Constantine…..I guess the White Resistance attracts all kinds of people…..misfits, provacateurs, dishonored prophets, people who’ve had enough, people who want some more…..What to do with this motley assortment?
24 October, 2009 at 10:52 pm
Well, Jew Amerikwa could be just a very odd person with an idee fixe about that NW Republic thing. Adam’s got a hangup about advanced technology, Apolonian likes to post offical-looking articles about the Fed and Emperor Constantine…..I guess the White Resistance attracts all kinds of people…..misfits, provacateurs, dishonored prophets, people who’ve had enough, people who want some more…..What to do with this motley assortment?
24 October, 2009 at 10:58 pm
in reply to Blackshirt:
Make life easy for yourself.
I always assume that I am talking with members of one law enforcement agent or another if I am ever discussing Race issues, and it does not matter how long I’ve known them.
Assume the worst:
Assume both Covington and I are the worst-paid employees of the worst intelligence agencies on the planet.
Now what?
Here’s the Adult answer:
Take whatever works, and use it.
If you were surrounded by ten enemies closing to do you great harm, and the only weapon you had was an Uzi, you would not care where it came from.
Same here.
Covington, alone, has the best Answer to all of our Racial issues.
I saw a total lemming become converted after seeing the main page of his blog.
He might not self-identify as a White Nationalist yet, but, damn, he certainly identifies as a White Man with a Family who wants the BEST future for his Family – and that’s good enough for me.
The irony is, you and your cohorts address all manner of personal issues, but never address, in a substantive manner, exactly what Covington has to say, and why it works.
And that’s fine.
This is what matters:
This morning, a lemming began to become one of US, all on the basis of a half-hour of reading the main page of Covington’s blog.
We just might have something that works, here!
my new sig:
25 October, 2009 at 1:50 am
There is no god but Glass-Covington and New America is his last and greatest prophet.
25 October, 2009 at 9:41 am
in reply to Blackshirt and Tim McGreen:
Just as an aside, Ein asked intelligent questions, and the received high quality answers – the links, live, unscreened, uncensored, to people who have a lot to offer in terms of painfully gained experience, and high quality of analysis, and commentary.
Think Ein went to Peter’s site, and saw a wonderful summary of how CONservatism is simply a tool to keep us distracted?
Think Ein went to Briseis’s site, and saw good, high-quality commentary, particularly dealing with Channon and Chris?
Think Ein went to Harold Covington’s 1 link, and said, “WHOA! What is THIS?”
The look and sounds of the guy in the public library yesterday morning is the look and sound of someone getting that does of cold water in the face of the dreaming man, painfully Awakening from the Dream manufactured to control them by the Jew-controlled educorps, and mediacorps.
I expect to be seeing a lot more people like him; people that our collapsing economic system are generating in larger numbers, people with nothing, and nothing to lose, and need to replace a manufactured Dream – one that is artificial, and organically unsustainable – with a real Dream, and a Plan to make it the new, real Reality.
A quick comment concerning the character of Harold Covington.
When he graduated from Chapel Hill High School, SOMETHING in his Soul Awoke, and Inspired him with the Idea that NO WHITE STUDENT SHOULD HAVE TO GO THROUGH WHAT HE WENT THROUGH in his relations with the Faithful Colored Companions in the public
schoolindoctrination school system.It’s taken about forty years – about the same period of time Moses heard The Call and – no, skip that – for Covington, who went through all manner of Hell along the way.
Covington won.
THAT LOOK, on the face of the (former) lemming in the public library, THAT SOUND, in his Voice, as he called his wife and told her – “LOOK in this new direction! LOOK NOW!” – means Covington has won the Race, FOR the Race.
Glenn “Rounder” Miller made an excellent point with his political organization, which dressed like Men, and walked the street in disciplined formation, when he said:
Covington has shown ONE Family “it is possible.”
You can just bet they are fighting – FIGHTING with the Illusions their past lives were based on – to find a way, to MAKE a way, to Take The Gap – “to JOIN IN.”
This is the essential First Step.
It won’t be the last.
Remember the (looseky paraphrased) astute Insight of Alex Linder:
To all of Covington’s detractors. I say this:
If the Look and Voice of the lemming I saw in the library yesterday is any Sign whatsoever, “STAND BACK.”
Dr. William Pierce wanted a White Zion?
See you, and raise you, Bill.
Raise you a NATION.
25 October, 2009 at 10:57 am
New America Says:
24 October, 2009 at 5:22 pm
Let me be blunt:…The best homage the Student can pay to his Teacher is to Do Better…
Pierce’s White Zion led to a dead-end in Hillsboro, West Virginia.
Pierce’s Vision, carried forward, revisted and extended by – of all people – Harold Covington, has succeeded where “White Zion” failed…
What a crock!
A comrade pointed to me out this Internet radio interview with Defendant Covington:
I’m told that all questions in this canned interview were submitted in advance by your Maximum Leader and callers were prearranged, mostly to help push Defendant Covington’s fantasy novels.
I hope he sells lots of books. That way I get more of the $200,000 he owes me.
The host of that “Prothink” show claims that Covington inspired him to pick up and move his family to the NW. His wife must be pleased.
Defendant Covington’s best line of the lame interview was an obvious slip of the “Student’s” tongue:
“[My NW Migration] is almost a form of White Zionism.”
That’s a good one, eh, Mr. New America? I thought you said Pierce’s White Zion failed. You and Tub o’ Lard need to get your stories straight.
25 October, 2009 at 12:30 pm
in reply to Will Williams:
Welcome back, Will!
Time for another ass-whipping.
Here it is.
Will, the rest of us have moved on from the Godforsaken mudhole of White Zion #1, Hillsboro, West Virginia.
Dr. Pierce is dead, his body buried, and his great soul is somewhere else, hopefully a worthy place, indeed, for all of the great work he did in defining The Racial Problem, and outlining possible solutions.
That having been said, as we have discussed before, Northwest Republic – a Nation INTENTIONALLY founded on Race as its foremost organizing principle – beats the “archipelagoes” of Pierce’s White Zion on any day of week.
Let’s deal with your post, first:
Will Williams wrote:
in reply:
Anyone can say anything.
Let’s assume the worst case is true – Harold Covington has the power to control interviews from a distance, and force the interviewer to post his interviewer, his way.
I hope intelligent questions were submitted in advance, which is how it works on all professional talk radio shows with an interview, and then intelligent discussion takes place, and time is not wasted rebuilding everything from scratch, and the issues have been clarified.
This still leaves plenty of time for intelligent follow-on questions.
As memory serves, I don’t think Dr. Pierce did too many radio interviews, and rightfully so.
He was busy building a better place, for our Race.
His time was not going to be wasted with simple questions, from simple-minded people.
The price of receiving Pierce’s Wisdom was your duty to do some homework, and become at least slightly acquainted with the issues he was addressing.
It’s a slight price, indeed, for the enormous Gifts he offered us.
Will Williams wrote:
in reply:
Some of us like to live in the Past.
The best of us plan for a Future, a much better Future.
The rest of us should try that sometime.
A Northwest Republic – a White Homeland – would be ideal, as well as an Ideal.
Will Williams wrote:
in reply:
Swing and a miss!
Will, understand the difference between “White Zion,” Dr. Pierce’s specific outline for building White Archipelagoes, in time linking them to, well, something, and White Zionism, a Racial philosophy based on meeting the individual’s challenges as Racial opportunities. (This works very well for the Jews, of course; as this is a matter of Technique, and Technology, we should master these Tools, as well.)
Zionism was the philosophy practiced by Brigham Young – a “Promised Land, called Zion,” to be precise.
Young, a man of strong Racial Awareness, was particularly concerned with what Yockey called the Vertical Component of Race.
Young took his followers to what one and all saw as a Godforsaken, barren waste, in the middle of literally Nowhere.
He made the Mormon people into the Living Foundation of a New Nation.
That this nation was literally co-opted into the American Union has not stopped the Mormon
RacePeople, consciously developing a Vanguard of the Race, an Elite of whom their Posterity would be proud.What a wonderful Idea!
What a tremendous opportunity!
Will, the look and tone of Voice I saw in the lemming’s eye, and heard in his speech, is all I need to know about which approach works.
We got a Convert yesterday.
He, and his Family, joined up.
They don’t realize they are White Nationalists, but that’s fine.
They will.
Be honest, Will.
If you had young men asking you for advice, would you tell them to develop a skill, and move to Covington’s Primary Settlement Region One, in Kalispell (where I still dream of Yankee Jim playing music at the local bars…), or would you send him to Hillsboro, West Virginia?
Posterity, Will.
Think Racially, Act Locally.
Primary Settlement Region One would be a great place to start.
25 October, 2009 at 4:58 pm
After all the “leaders” who have led their followers to destruction, one would have to be a god damn fool to follow yet another “leader”. Every man should be his OWN leader. He shouldn’t look to some other man, especially a fat pervy con-artist like Glass-Covington, to show him the way. There’s no reason to run off like a pussy to the Pacific NW and let some self-appointed fatso Messiah tell you what to do. Make your stand right where you are.
25 October, 2009 at 5:39 pm
in reply to Tim McGreen:
you wrote:
in reply:
“Every man his own King, every man his own Pope.”
Covington is not asking anyone to follow him.
He is asking one and all, particularly in the remarkably ineffective, subpotent and incompetent self-defined White Nationalist “Movement” to consider their choices to date, and ask themselves if they would consider another choice, a much better choice.
In discussions concerning the historically self-defined White Nationalist “Movement,” when I used the word “incompetent,” it will usually be followed by the word “males.”
Not “Men.”
Simply “males,” a nice, biological terms useful for geldings as well.
The only “leaders” they are following is their squad leader in HALO 3, and WoW, and, well, Mommy, of course, when she makes them milk, a sandwich, and some cookies – IF they’ve been good little boys.
Actually working on their strengths and weaknesses to become the Living Foundation of a New Nation – no, that’s way too Adult for them.
They can work on those milk and cookies, though!
you wrote:
in reply:
Every man should be the best Man he can be.
He should look to other Men to see how to deal with situations, rather than each one make the same mistakes over and over.
Thus, a prudent man avails himself of many counselors, and chooses each Leader on a situational basis; his Father, when he is a Child, and who he chooses to ally himself with, as he develops in individuation.
Covington only offers Ideas; they are the best damn Ideas I have ever seen, and would make Pierce proud.
you wrote:
in reply:
Nobody is telling anyone what to do.
Covington has made some analyses, and some suggestions.
Again, no one is “run(ning) off like a pussy…”
We would be running TO Something Better.
What would you rather see outside when you awake in the morning, (more!) gang sign, or Glacier National Park? What would you rather hear when you go to bed at night, gangbangers from Homies in da Hood, or the soft murmuring of the Flathead River?
THAT is what the former lemming realized in the library.
you wrote:
25 October, 2009 at 6:17 pm
New America says:
“Covington only offers Ideas; they are the best damn Ideas I have ever seen, and would make Pierce proud.”
Puke. (actually projectile vomitting).
Covington would make Dr. Pierce proud? Are you fucking kidding me? How dare you even mention Covingtoon in the same sentence as Dr. Pierce. There is no comparison, and Pierce had no time for Covingtoon when he was alive, for god sakes!
New America, you are positively deranged and out of your mind!
25 October, 2009 at 6:24 pm
Glass-Covington has to stay hidden or on the net. He has a mega lawsuit hounding his ass, people will figure him out quickly after being around his greasy mug and realize when he comes out of his rathole with his walker wheezing and cuttin’ a few the whole way they made a blatant error.
To recap, Tubs Glass-Covington has to stay in his bubble and his only lifeline is the net. His only “interaction” he can truly muster is schizophrenic through his online aliases. Poor bastard – fat, ugly, $200K lawsuit searching for him and getting closer, probably living in a dump, alienated from his *true* heritgage which is the self-hating kind, blacksheep of the Serta mattress fortune and an embarassment, lonely and did I mention FAT?
MY new sig line:
“We can definitely do better, just don’t listen to Bernie Madoff’s fellow tribesman Harold Glass-Covington, nicknamed “The Rabbi” and/ or listen to his poorly disguised alias ‘New America’.”
25 October, 2009 at 6:50 pm
I’d like to know where the rabbi is too! I wonder if Will will let me have a small fee for tracking ol’ tubby down? I’d take a a couple grand in payment, and I’d also have the satisfaction of dragging the rabbi out into the light of day.
25 October, 2009 at 8:51 pm
in reply to Blackshirt:
you wrote:
in reply:
Very few of Dr. Pierce’s admirers – and I am one of them – can see the shortcomings of his Work – notably in the area of organization, and the creation of an organization that would outlast him, and build on his Foundations.
And, tragically, few ask what Dr. Pierce would do and say if he walked the Earth with us today.
Certainly, he would Do Better.
With all respect, look at an American Dissident Voices Dr. Pierce did called “White Zion.”
My criticism of White Nationalists includes an unwillingness to set our sights high enough.
“White Zion” proposed White Archipelagoes, but only proposed them, and with them, some sort of vague linkage to connect them.
The necessary linkage would have HAD to include a political organization, with substantial, legitimate, above-ground components.
Never happened.
Nothing to connect them, and even the best building blocks never create a viable building.
Just look at the Articles of Confederation, and their intellectual heir, the Constitution of the Confederate States of America.
Brigham Young, no stranger to the Racial Question, proposed and built a White Zion in the Great Salt Lake Valley. As well, he created a White NATION, our beloved Deseret.
Washington, DC, had other ideas, and these won out, at the organizational level.
Young succeeded in transforming the Culture of Our Beloved Deseret into something where the Posterity and the Founders – those who are part of the Trek of ’47 – can be proud of each other, to the point that the journals of those who made the Trek of ’47 are treasured heirlooms of their Posterity.
THAT is Racial Thinking!
What stops us from doing, in the words of a Drill Sergeant of my acquaintance, “Better, Much Damn Better!”
Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model simply shows his detractors a Freudian Mirror, where they can see themselves all too clearly.
Rebelling at the sight of THAT, they quickly change the topic to gratuitous, ad hominem attacks worthy of the finest of junior high school cafeterias.
I keep asking Covington’s detractors to write a short letter describing America fifty years from now, and what THEY DID to insure a brighter, Whiter future for THEIR Posterity.
Their response, the silence of the geldings, says it all.
my new sig: