13 October, 2009

Anti-Termitic Goyim: They’re Insane

Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', anti-Termitism, jew mentality, Jewish chosenness, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish paranoia, Jewish racism, jews, judaism, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates, Termites at 6:24 pm | Permanent Link

Any gentile who criticizes Jews is a carpet-chewing wacko. There’s no other possible explanation – ask God (oops, G_d):

[Article at VNN Forum].

  • 9 Responses to “Anti-Termitic Goyim: They’re Insane”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      Yo, “Nicholas Stix” , if there’s no such thing as a Jewish Conspiracy, then why was it that Iraq and Afghanistan were invaded? No one wanted those invasions except the Zionist Mafia. And why is it only the Jews (and their Goy stooges) are pushing for a war against Iran?

      Why is AIPAC one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington? Why do the Jews control the mass-media? Why do they control the most elite colleges and universities? Why are there a disproportionate number of Jews in Congress? Why do politicians always pander for the Jewish vote but never the Irish or Greek vote? Why do the Jews control Wall Street and the Federal Reserve? Why did Israel attack the USS Liberty and get away with it?

      Good thing there’s no such thing as a Jewish Conspiracy, eh, “Mr. Stix”?

    2. Adam Says:

      From Stix’s article:

      MacDonald’s science has the following components:

      1. The Jews are not a religion or a people, but a race;

      2. This race pursues “a group evolutionary strategy” (GES), in which it is a cancer, always seeking a non-Jewish host society, in order to destroy it from within;

      3. Due to the Jews’ racial GES, they are a. ethnocentric, which explains their refusal to help anyone but themselves; b. “a people that must dwell alone,” which explains their refusal to engage in social relations with non-Jews, or live among them, let alone engage in (racial) intermarriage; and c. Must perpetuate a “culture of critique,” with which they destroy the host society, i.e., perpetrate a Holocaust; and

      4. There is no possible refutation of this theory, and only a Jew would even try!

      Item 4 is wrong, and probably a blatant lie rather than an error, since Stix is intelligent enough to know better. MacDonald’s theory would be refuted if Jews were, on balance, as lacking in ethnocentrism as whites. Individual Jews seldom advocate policies that would harm Israel or make life more difficult for their own race, and their elites never do. Whites advocate policies that harm their own race, and the US and Europe, all the time. In fact, the majority of whites, along with its co-opted elites, actually pursues such policies. That is the big difference, Mr. Stix. It’s why MacDonald is right, and you are wrong.

    3. Adam Says:

      I should add to the above that Stix’s screed itself is an instance of the sort of obnoxious, poisonous Jewish ethnocentrism – the culture of critique – that Dr. MacDonald is talking about. Stix, being Jewish, leaps forward to defend his race with a foam-flecked hostility that is only too typical. Yet whites patiently suffer each day much worse attacks on their practically non-existent “racism” without complaint. Indeed, suicidally, and unique among the races of the world, many of them even worked for anti-discrimination laws to be passed against their own race. Find me a Jewish society that has done that, Mr. Stix, and you may then be in a position to argue your point. Otherwise, yours is just the usual hypocrisy shown by your race.

    4. 2050 Says:

      Excluding jews and their excusers is the only principle that will protect real-world WN and allow it to develop.
      Alex Linder

      I took this from one of the posts by Alex in that thread.

      I like saving files with these Linderisms.

    5. old dutch Says:

      All Jews are assholes. Really, can you think of a Jew who you have encountered who isn’t an asshole? Even a Jew who you may like personally, at best, can be classified as an amusing asshole. Maybe they can’t help themselves because of inherited genetic traits & the learned behavior of their Jewish cult experience.

    6. Junghans Says:

      The Great Escape From Zog! Great humor, but a realistic and explicit reflection of the implicit, escapist mentality of the white bunnies.

    7. Krystian Kowalczyk Says:

      Really, can you think of a Jew who you have encountered who isn’t an asshole?

      No. Now more than ever, I despise them all.

      Maybe they can’t help themselves because of inherited genetic traits & the learned behavior of their Jewish cult experience.

      Spengler offered the opinion that High Cultures are super-organisms. If this is true, then jews are the super-organismic parasite. They evolved into a civilization-destroying disease probably, as Kevin MacDonald says, through group selection.

    8. Neal Says:

      Keep the pressure on denounce the jews in public. Always point out that when they speak that they are jews.

    9. Ein Says:

      It will do no good — unless your listeners understand WHY you say that, and WHERE you’re coming from. Otherwise, they will just dismiss you as a bigot and a crazy whacko. The Jews have anticipated that. They’ve taken care of that eventuality in advance, having thoroughly indoctrinated the population since childhood against “the evils of anti-semitism”.

      Your audience has to be prepared first, or the message will be lost. It’s kind of like you don’t put the eggs in the frying pan until you’ve greased the pan first. Otherwise, you’ll have a mess and ruin the pan.

      As I said, they have to be prepped. Unless your hearers understand why and where, they’ll pay you no attention. You’ll be wasting your time, and you’ll only accomplish one thing: to make life much harder on yourself. In the end, the Jews won’t suffer, but you will!