13 September, 2009

Women’s Magazines

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, General Decline, jewed culture, media, media control, media criticism, Socrates, women, women and materialism at 2:36 pm | Permanent Link

A female relative bought something interesting and I had the misfortune of looking at it. Try this: go check out a women’s magazine – one of those thick, heavy ones found on magazine stands. The first thing you’ll notice is that it’s made up almost entirely of advertisements for Jewish cosmetics or Jewish clothing[1]. Very little of it is devoted to articles or text. It’s a bunch of ads posing as a magazine. Clever. The fact that women actually buy these meaningless, materialistic rags says a lot about them but nothing good.

[1] “almost entirely” = at least 90% of the magazine

  • 57 Responses to “Women’s Magazines”

    1. ein Says:

      “The Jews in Hymiewood should come up with a movie about a sexy female vampire for the guys. Maybe Angelina could star in it.”

      A perfect choice!

      And wasn’t there someone called Vampira?

    2. ein Says:

      “Women of a defeated race will bed down with the butchers of their former husbands, brothers, and fathers ….Females try to enhance their own individual reproductive fitness by genetically assimilating themselves to the victors. ….From the point of view of the woman’s genes, strong racism would be counter-productive, since it would disqualify her from breeding with males of a [conquering] race that is not her own…… To sum up, women maximize their reproductive fitness BY SURVIVING AND BREEDING with high-status men OF ANY RACE. “

      As I re-read the above words of Adam, I am AGAIN very impressed with their insightfulness. Very astute, Adam! Women are thus, because of their unique biology, in a reproductive siituation which is innately quite different from that of men. Their reproductive interests and strategies must necessarily be different also. As lliving creatures, we all must seek to get our genes into the next generation or our line will perish; but women must do it in their own way, whatever way is most productive for them. For a female, the best, most effective, way is to attatch herself to a high-status male who will be able to give her the best protection, and the most advantages to her offspring. If he goes down in defeat to a challenger, she will attatch herself to the victor and mate with him. We see this everywhere in the animal kingdom: the vanquished alpha-male sulks off in defeat, and the new king of the herd claims the females for his own harem. They do not object to their new master, and the old one is forgotten. Among humans, it’s less blatant but no less true. As I said before, it all comes down to biology, genes, and survival; and Mother Nature has no scruples. Her only rule is to survive and reproduce.

      Thus, a woman is loyal, first of all, to her own genes, before her own race. That would explain the blonde babes on the arms of black millionaire sports “heros” who look like something out of the Congo or escaped from the zoo. It would explain the German frauleins who hooked up with black Amrican GIs who had food rations and chocolate bars to offer a starving population.

      Even if the woman is a fat, stoned, white-trash junkie, her “man” (if he’s a pusher or pimp) ranks as a high-status male within the depraved standards of his own culture. Within that culture, he can give her protection. He may beat her and abuse her and exploit her, but he’ll prevent other males from doing so. She feels protected.

      Males seek adventure, but females seek security. A female who’s pregnant, or with young children, is vulnerable. She needs a strong protector & provider. Looking at evolution — going back beyond the caves all the way to the savannahs and the trees — females sought security (i.e. status) for themselves and, above all, for their children (who were their genetic investment in the future). They and their children needed protection from other males and other tribes. A strong, high-status male was her best protection.

      In the Middle Ages, the jackpot (for a female) was to marry a title, and the dream of every Cinderella was to find her priince. [Males had to go forth in the world and carve out a place for themselves on their own; females advanced themselves through marriage.] In today’s commercial world, the jackpot is to marry a millionaire. No difference. A woman may feel attracted to the handsome young fellow who parks her car, but in the end she will marry the withered millionaire who can give her comfort and security. If that millionaire is a Jew or even a Negro, it may not matter greatly, not enough to deter her — especially after being indoctrinated all her life about the evil of “racism”, the worthlessness of whites, and the wonderful qualities of “minorities”.

    3. Adam Says:

      Thanks again, ein. You’ve apprehended completely what I was trying to convey. The genetic interests of women explain their behavior, and also our racist behavior as men. Blut und Ehre, blood and honor, are a male thing about which women have fundamentally no clue.

      The view that human beings are only “meat robots”, constructed by genes via the process of evolution to aid in their replication and dissemination is one developed at length by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene. The central concept is that genes only “care” about their own survival into the next generation, hence the title. It’s a good read. This way of looking at matters explains a lot of what we see around us today, both at the level of group and individual behaviors.

    4. Paul_W Says:

      Adam astutely states:
      “Woman is capricious, childlike, and easily led astray, but through her gateway came all of our ancestors, and will come all of our posterity. The white woman is the temple of our race, and the white man is the priest. It is the duty of the priest to guard the temple. If the temple is destroyed, who shall we blame?”

      By God, the Jews know this. Why else do you think that a (racial) Jew can only be born of a Jewish mother? They figured this shit out a long time ago.

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      I’ve noticed a phenomenon of Evolution that isn’t discussed very often…………………When a young, childless woman is sexually attracted to a guy, he’s almost always going to be a good-looking, though completely narcissistic or irresponsible, immature dope whom she unconciously wants to sire her offspring, so that they too will be good-looking. But once those offspring are born, she will often discard the good-looking, conceited jerk who impregnated her and search for another guy based not on looks, but rather on his ability to be a good father to her child/children. That happens a lot, I suspect, yet Society doesn’t recognize it or approve of it, even though it would seem to be a part of the natural reproduction and parenting process.

    6. Adam Says:

      Tim McGreen Says:

      I’ve noticed a phenomenon of Evolution that isn’t discussed very often…………………When a young, childless woman is sexually attracted to a guy, he’s almost always going to be a good-looking, though completely narcissistic or irresponsible, immature dope whom she unconciously wants to sire her offspring, so that they too will be good-looking. But once those offspring are born, she will often discard the good-looking, conceited jerk who impregnated her and search for another guy based not on looks, but rather on his ability to be a good father to her child/children. That happens a lot, I suspect, yet Society doesn’t recognize it or approve of it, even though it would seem to be a part of the natural reproduction and parenting process.

      Women can sense good genes in a prospective mate that will increase the survival potential of their future offspring and they respond accordingly. It happens a lot, and it’s often something that’s known only to the mother, if geneticists are to be believed.

      Mommy’s little secret

      As we gather to mark the festive season, here’s one juicy morsel mom won’t be dishing up: that guy you call your dad may not be. DNA testing has revolutionized medical science, CAROLYN ABRAHAM reports, but it also has uncovered the myth of female monogamy. Now doctors are wondering how to break the news to men

      By CAROLYN ABRAHAM, Saturday, December 14, 2002 – Print Edition, Page F1

      They came to the hospital together, a husband, a wife and the little daughter they feared had been cursed by inheritance. Since birth, she had struggled to breathe, and all the signs pointed to cystic fibrosis.

      If the girl truly had the incurable disease that clogs the lungs, she had to have received two copies of a CF gene, one from each parent. Tests at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto confirmed the family’s worst fears — and then some.

      The girl was indeed afflicted. Her mom carried one of the culprit genes. But her dad, the doctors discovered, was quite a different story. His DNA showed no sign of a CF gene, which means he is not a carrier and he is not her dad.

      Hospital staff have felt bound to keep the secret from him. But when they told the mom, it came as no surprise; it rarely does.
      “It is probably true in a lot of families, that daddy is not who you think it is,” says Steve Scherer, a senior scientist in department of genetics at the Hospital for Sick Children.

      As families gather this festive season, here is a spicy fact that mothers might be loath to dish out at the holiday table: It’s now widely accepted among those who work in genetics that roughly 10 per cent of us are not fathered by the man we believe to be dad.
      Geneticists have stumbled upon this phenomenon in the course of conducting large population studies and hunting for genes that cause diseases such as cystic fibrosis. They find full siblings to be half-siblings, fathers who are genetic strangers to more than one of their children and uncles who are much closer to their nieces and nephews than anyone might guess. Lumped under the heading of “pedigree errors,” these so-called mis-paternities, false paternities and non-paternities are all science jargon for the unwitting number of us who are chips off someone else’s block.


      More at: http://www.canadiancrc.com/Newspaper_Articles/Globe_and_Mail_Moms_Little_secret_14DEC02.aspx

      Also noteworthy in this connection are children of rape victims. Reliable statistics are hard to come by, but my impression after having researched the available information on the web led me to conclude that an extremely high number (i.e., 70% or so) of raped women who become pregnant from the rape choose to keep the baby. This is a truly perverse outcome, especially when you consider that a large proportion of these women were probably raped by niggers or spics. But then the impulse to reproduce, and the sex response in general, has nothing to do with being rational. It’s buried much deeper in the genetic programming.

    7. xx.weirich.xx Says:

      Adam, you say, “Blut und Ehre, blood and honor, are a male thing about which women have fundamentally no clue.”

      Yeah? You think all women think about is whether or not their genes will get passed along? Wrong. There are still some good white girls our there who wouldn’t water down their blood with a nigger or whatever just too pass along genes. Women don’t understand the phrase “Blut und Ehre,” eh? Then what the hell is my excuse for NEVER thinking of doing such a thing and disowning all that do?

      The idea that NS men send out to women- that they are weak and inferior- is exactly the reason why women don’t want to stand up and fight with you.