21 September, 2009

UK: Not Enough Brainwashing

Posted by Socrates in Britain, England, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Socrates at 2:41 pm | Permanent Link

You know how we hear about the Holoswindle nearly every day? Well, we need to hear about it even more:


  • 7 Responses to “UK: Not Enough Brainwashing”

    1. Cranky Frank Says:

      I’ll applaud when they devote equal time to enlightening the little darlings in gruesome detail about some of the things that the Glorious Allies did to Germany in order to save the Sacred Sheenies, especially the USAAF’s and RAF’s barbaric exploits over refugee-filled German cities, with an honest explanation of Rudolf Hess’s tragic death (murder) to cap it all off.

    2. tbow002 Says:

      But they dont teach how the jewish people tried to stear Germany towards communism back then. (just like today) And that was cause for a great deal of some of the anti semitism…Teach the kids the Whole picture…

    3. CW-2 Says:

      So more valuable school time is to be spent on the fevered delusions of the jew imagination, ie., the holohoax. Time would be better spent with classroom discussion of how the valor of the Waffen SS prevented the raping asiatic red tide reaching the Channel Ports.

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      I once subbed in a history class where they were supposed to watch a Holohoax documentary. Thankfully, they couldn’t have cared less about the subject. It was the usual Holohoax documentary, complete with a squeaky violin in the background and some old Yid talking in a heavy accent about how the Nazis killed everyone in my family except me, I escaped from a gas oven while being chased around by camp dogs, I had to hide in a shoebox for the rest of the War, blah, blah, blah………..So I just took out the DVD and they watched South Park instead.

    5. R CROSS Says:

      How can it be “history”when it is by no means proven?It is only white children being subjected to this distortion,since wogs are exempt as it might upset thier sensibilities.These are not “teachers”they are political cadres.

    6. Lutjens Says:


      Tim, they probably learned more from the ‘anti-Semite’ Cartman than they did from those whining shylocks.

    7. Marwinsing Says:

      LOL I saw Holoswindle posters in Coventry city last year, all over the city centre. Had to have a quiet chuckle on that one. Damn British. Imagine seeing 1933 Ukraine Holodomor (or Armenian Genocide) posters all over Tel Aviv? I think not!