14 September, 2009

More Organ Theft News

Posted by Socrates in jewish criminality, Jewish cruelty, Jewish greed, Jewish Tyranny, money, Socrates at 2:27 pm | Permanent Link

What kind of people would steal organs from children? Guess. In fact, there’s nothing Jews won’t do for profit. Money is everything to them. Just as fish need water, sheenies need shekels and lots of ’em:


  • 3 Responses to “More Organ Theft News”

    1. CW-2 Says:

      Get a load of that head gear the rabbi is wearing.

    2. Ein Says:

      “Just as fish need water, sheenies need shekels.”

      Ha! That states it perfectly. With them, EVERYTHING is about money.

    3. ED! Says:

      It is sad that someone would do such things to a child for money. I guess that if they would have sex with a child, then cutting them up for profit is not out of reach. When I see children on the schoolyard playground, and then think of what some people would do to them for pleasure or profit it makes me sick. Strangulation hanging is in order for such monsters! Let us change our world and make it so!
