15 September, 2009

Judge Orders Discovery Re: Obama Citizenship Case

Posted by Socrates in jewed politics, Jewish politicians, Obama, Socrates at 1:02 pm | Permanent Link

This “birth” matter just isn’t going away, is it? Notice the mention of Jewish governor Lingle:


  • 11 Responses to “Judge Orders Discovery Re: Obama Citizenship Case”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      I never thought I’d support a Jewess for any reason, but I sincerely hope this Orly Taitz woman can get that slick fraud Barry Sotero out of office ASAP. That coon was obviously not born in the USA. What balls!

      BTW, “Frank from Queens” is Frank Magniviti and “John from Staten Island” is John Van Soest. Those two right-wing jokers seem to have a problem with revealing their identities, so I thought I’d help.

    2. Lutjens Says:

      Sorry Tim, but the other Jew lawyer couldn’t get it done. This moronic cow won’t either. It would be entertaining to see if the monkey coughs up his papers but don’t hold your breath.

    3. Garrett Says:

      Nothing is going to happen with this case. It will be stalled until Obama is out of office, then we will find out the truth about Obama’s citizenship status. I believe he is not qualified to be the President of the US, and I suspect many higher ups know this as well, but they cannot let truth get in the way. You see, what happens if they let this go to court and find out that Obama is a usurper, and should not hold office? Chaos, that’s what. We will look like a joke in front of the entire world, (if we don’t already), and the niggers would tear apart the cities across the country ala LA riot style. They will not let that happen. It’s a matter of national security.

    4. Howdy Doody Says:

      and the niggers would tear apart the cities across the country ala LA riot style. They will not let that happen. It’s a matter of national security.

      The monsters have already torn the Ex Nation apart.

      The Question who used them as a club ?

      The Answer is plain as as Sun on your face.

    5. Tim McGreenSPO Says:

      But the most important reason of all that Barry Sotero won’t be tossed out of office is because it would have a negative effect on Wailing Wall Street. Everything in the Universe must revolve around how it will affect the stock market. Nothing is more important than that.

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      But the most important reason of all that Barry Sotero won’t be tossed out of office is because it would have a negative effect on Wailing Wall Street. Everything in the Universe must revolve around how it will affect the stock market. Nothing is more important than that

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      On a somewhat related note, Hal Turner’s family has raised a whopping $59 for his legal defense! With that kind of money they can bring Bill Kunstler and F. Lee Bailey back to life to defend Hal in court.

    8. CW-2 Says:

      Just a thought, but don’t Mormons go around photocopying these sort of public domain records? They may have the goods on Barry Obongo in their genealogy database.

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      That is a very interesting point, CW-2. I believe the Mormons do that because they are always “baptizing” non-Mormons, both dead and alive, into the Mormon religion, whether the “convert” realizes he is being “baptized” or not. So yes, those whack-jobs ought to have Barry’s birth certificate on file, seeing as how they have no doubt already “converted” him.

    10. ein Says:

      I understand there is a hollowed-out mountain somewhere in Utah (safe from an atomic blast) where all these documents are very carefully preserved.

      That is an interesting idea.

    11. Lutjens Says:

      Wailing Wall Street
