15 August, 2009

Woodstock’s 40th Anniversary

Posted by Socrates in counterculture, jewed culture, Socrates at 11:15 pm | Permanent Link

Most media people fondly recall Woodstock because they know that the counterculture played a major role in America’s transformation from “conservative” to “liberal.” Trivia: almost all of the big counterculture icons were Jews, e.g., Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin and Herbert Marcuse. In fact, Jews played central roles in the creation of the Woodstock concert itself:


  • 78 Responses to “Woodstock’s 40th Anniversary”

    1. Antagonistes Says:

      WHERE . . . IS. . . NEW AMERICA?

    2. Coup d'Etat Says:

      Brits on board! That would explain the half and half witted comments from the land of no free speech so they, Mega and the lot, have to make up half-witted comments in a hyperactive mode to make up for more meaningful conversations.

      So sorry, Mega, that you got left out from being a “GREAT AMERICAN.” LOL

    3. Justin Huber Says:

      In my opinion, the popular conservative movement, as exemplified by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity etc. is just as poisonous as anything that is found on the left. In fact, it might even be more dangerous. Obama rallies or Freedom Concerts, pick your poison white man. Either one will kill you.

    4. Igor Alexander Says:


    5. Igor Alexander Says:

      Regarding The Doors: I agree about Soft Parade being their weakest album with Morrison (the stuff they did without him was horrendous, and I don’t even like American Prayer that much). Touch Me sounds like elevator muzack, and Morrison sounds like he’s pissed out of his skull on that song. Wild Child and a couple of others are OK, though, as others have said.

      I love the LA Woman album. It’s a good example of the kind of magic that can happen when a band ditches the stale studio and records an album live. It was also their only album with a real bass player, AFAIK; on all the other albums, it was Manzarek playing a bass keyboard.

      Regarding Morrison’s obscenity trial, though, I have to say that these days I tend to side with the people who put him on trial more than with him. The people who put him on trial saw him for the threat he represented to a moral society and tried to stop him. Should we blame them for that?

      Today no one gives a shit about morality or public decency anymore.

      The way things are going I wouldn’t be surprised if 20 years from now parents take their kids to see faggots daisy-chaining each other down the street in pride parades.

      I would LOVE for some of these perverts to get their heads bashed in with nightsticks and to be put on trial for obscenity. As it stands, cops now side with the faggots against the rest of the population.

      Was this sad state of affairs what Jim Morrison and his ilk were fighting to bring about? Now that the hippies (and the jews that backed them) have won their revolution, are we really better off?

    6. Mega Therion Says:


      GO FUCK YOURSELF. You’re another troll,occasionally showing up here to start shit. Fuck you, you don’t deserve anything more than “half-wit” insults you scummy MORON…

      You didn’t even understand my post! Parsifal is correct..Satire and irony are beyond your GED grasp.

    7. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Jim was disgusted with Christian spirituality”

      The West was much better off under Christianity than it is today.

      A Europe that is full of atheists and neo-pagans who reject 1600 years of their history, who refuse to have children, and who think “gay marriage” is AOK is not going to resist Islamization.

    8. Mega Therion Says:

      Thanks Parsifal…the feeling is mutual. Good to see you back. It’s really something how the Hannity types on this board are basically now equal to a Morris Dees or Abe Foxman. Total fuckin obstacles.

    9. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Igor, it’s the height of hypocrisy that a place like Miami should put Jim Morrison on trial for obscenity.”

      OK then, so because others are breaking the law and getting away with it, that means it’s wrong to prosecute anyone. I think it’s obvious that Morrison was chosen to be made an example out of because he was a public figure.

      “As you doubtless know, Miami is full of strippers, wife-swappers, mud-sharks, promiscuous homos and dope smugglers.”

      I have no idea what Miami was like at the time he was put on trial. I’ll take your word for it.

      “The facts surrounding that Doors concert on the night of March 1, 1969 are unclear, but it seems that Morrison was drunk on stage and should have been fined for it. But nothing more than that.”

      The only thing which was unclear was whether Morrison actually showed his wang or not. Whether or not he actually showed it, he was certainly pretending that he did.

      Anyways, I don’t get this. Are you cool with people flashing their wangs in public?

    10. Igor Alexander Says:

      “1600 years of Christianity have taken their toll on the European race. Europe may never recover from it.”

      Europe was doing fine until the last century or two. If it’s Christrianity that killed Europe, it must’ve been some slow acting poison, and oddly, the death throes only came after it was removed.

      A society that has no religion is as good as dead.

    11. Igor Alexander Says:

      * Christianity

    12. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Jim also suffered from some kind of affliction that he could not shake, which, according to one biographer, was childhood sexual abuse (I think so)”

      I highly doubt that Morrison was diddled as a child, and I don’t see this suggested in the lyrics you quoted. He was just a typical army brat rebelling against authority is all.

      Highly intelligent boys who grow up in strict religious/authoritarian households often tend to go over the top when they start rebelling. Aleister Crowley is another example.

      I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the people at VNN shitting on Christianity were raised in fundy households.

    13. Igor Alexander Says:

      “He also had a thinly-disguised homo-erotic side.”

      I’ve never heard of him sleeping with men, but he did seem somewhat vain, and vanity in a man tends to smack a bit of queerness.

    14. Blackshirt Says:

      “I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the people at VNN shitting on Christianity were raised in fundy households.”

      In my case I was raised in a mainstream Protestant church, although I had many friends who took me to fundamentalist church youth groups. When I look back on that period do I regret most of the things that were pushed on me? You bet. Even my “mainstream” Christian church tried to impress on me that sex outside of marriage was bad, I was to be ashamed of my body, and Rock ‘n’ Roll was the devil’s music. All these things were high priority to the Christians around me, but race meant nothing to them. I remember when the first race mixed couples showed up in the ’80s, my church welcomed them with “Christ’s love”. Fucking disgusting.

    15. Blackshirt Says:

      Parsifal, presumably the management is deleting your posts as soon or soon after you make them…

    16. Igor Alexander Says:

      Christianity definitely needs a few changes, that’s for sure. But I also think it served some social functions that were extremely important and I haven’t seen anything better pick up the baton.

      I don’t know if Christianity is really salvageable at this point, since no one in their right mind literally believes in it, but I don’t see any alternatives for the time being. It’s there, it’s everywhere, it’s part of our heritage, and even whites who reject it still hold a certain number of “Christian” values, even if they’re not fully aware of it. I always get a kick seeing “Satanists” standing up for the underdog; well, isn’t standing up for the underdog a Christian value?

      I think Christianity can be reformed to take out the self-destructive stuff and leave in the stuff that’s actually useful to our survival.

    17. Mega Therion Says:

      Parsifal is banned, while Curt Zog McWeen are allowed to spew their retardation all over the place.

      That’s WRONG. Offensively unjust. And very,very sad…

    18. Igor Alexander Says:

      I just got through a protracted argument with a Christian Zionist (though I suspect it may have been a kike posing as one to sucker gullible Christians).

      Anyways, I found that some of the most effective arguments were to accuse the jews of being Christ-killers and to mention that story about Jesus overturning the money changers’ tables.

      Christianity is like playdough; you can shape it into almost anything you want.

    19. Tom McReen Says:

      “Anyways, I found that some of the most effective arguments were to accuse the jews of being Christ-killers and to mention that story about Jesus overturning the money changers’ tables.”

      I’ve used similar arguments to challenge those brainwashed zionist idiots on MSM forums. Those dupes have no idea how much they have been manipulated, it’s pleasing to embarrass them with their lack of Biblical and political knowledge. They think the evangelical TV networks and Fox News are all they need to know. They’re quite sheltered, it doesn’t occur to them they are being played.

      “Christianity is like playdough; you can shape it into almost anything you want.”

      That’s unfortunately been true but you could say the same thing about anything else the jew touches. The fundamental problem is lack of real education about jews and their allies.

    20. Antagonistes Says:

      I was not “molested” as a child, but I was sexually abused (mostly by female teachers, one of whom would tell us ten year olds of her romances, run her hands down inside my shirt-front and unzip her dress to show us her bra and slip. I got so hot for her that one day I jumped on my bike, riding around, totally clueless, looking for her house!) .

      Anyway, Morrison, I believe was molested. I think I was drawn to him, almost against my will, because I subconsciously recognized a sexually-abused soul-mate, mostly because of emotions expressed as rebellion against the authority figures who abandoned him (and me) :


      I also was “desperately in need of some stranger’s hand, in a desperate land.”

      The more I looked into Morrison’s life, the more I became convinced of this, even before Davis’ book and interview.

      I will say this for Christianity: I did not go Morrison’s route of debauchery and promiscuity because of it. Now, being older, I realize that, whether I believe in Christianity or not, such behavior is ignoble, and has a terrible cost to my own soul.

    21. Blackshirt Says:

      But McReen, Jesus was a JEW. What about that, Tom? You mean you hate Jews, but worship a JEW? Doesn’t that make you a hypocrite? ;-)

    22. Tom McReen Says:

      Morrison from an army family, abused as a child…there are websites that investigate the military’s connections to satanic child abuse and programming. It’s difficult to know if there is something going on or if those people are paranoids. There are some documented facts:

      “The Temple of Set was established in 1975 by Lt. Colonel of the US Army Michael A. Aquino and certain members of the priesthood of the Church of Satan[1], who left because of administrative and philosophical disagreements with its founder, and, as Aquino said, because he was disgusted at the corruption within the Church of Satan.[1] The Temple of Set was incorporated in California that same year as a nonprofit church.”


    23. Blackshirt Says:

      Hey McWeenie, when are you going to answer my question? Doesn’t worshiping a Jew when you supposedly hate Jews seem a bit hypocritical? What’s a matter, can’t answer that?

    24. Antagonistes Says:

      OK, “McReen”, that is totally absurd, about the military molesting Jim Morrison. I did get a laugh out of it, however.

      Temple of Set, indeed!

      In the interview, Morrison did NOT, WOULD NOT say who molested him. He told his mother, and she shushed him.

      I think that goes a long way in explaining his hatred of women , and his using, or abusing, them.

      “McReen” indeed!

    25. Tom McReen Says:

      “OK, “McReen”, that is totally absurd, about the military molesting Jim Morrison. I did get a laugh out of it, however.”

      That’s not what I said.

      “Temple of Set, indeed!”

      What I specifically posted is documented fact. Trying to misconstrue what I posted to score cheap troll points makes you look bad.

      “In the interview, Morrison did NOT, WOULD NOT say who molested him. He told his mother, and she shushed him.”

      I don’t really care, just making conversation but as you’re another Parsitroll I’m no longer interested.

      “I think that goes a long way in explaining his hatred of women , and his using, or abusing, them.”

      Don’t care now. Shoosh.

      “McReen” indeed”

      ‘Antagonistes’ indeed!

      Obsessed with my name? Coming out of nowhere to flame me for no reason? ‘I’m laughing at you’ comments? I must say, you did a good impression of a genuine poster for a time but it now seems you’re a Parsifal groupie.

      “I was not “molested” as a child, but I was sexually abused (mostly by female teachers, one of whom would tell us ten year olds of her romances, run her hands down inside my shirt-front and unzip her dress to show us her bra and slip. I got so hot for her that one day I jumped on my bike, riding around, totally clueless, looking for her house!) .”

      Tall tale troll fantasy. Go back to weeping on your pillow listening to your dead singer soul mate.

    26. Blackshirt Says:

      Hey McReen, what about my question… you know, the one about you supposedly hating Jews but worshiping one (Jewsus)? Why can’t you answer that? Why are you avoiding the question, you HYPOCRITE?

      Should I answer it for you?

    27. Antagonistes Says:

      Sorry, Tom lad..

      I thought you were pulling my chain.

    28. Tom McReen Says:

      No problem then, Antagonistes. I apologise for my part.

      I’ve made the same mistake in the past. That’s the nature of the internet. Sometimes one doesn’t get the tone of an internet post or perhaps I didn’t make my post clear enough.