UK: American Nationalist Banned from BNP Rally
Posted by Socrates in BNP, communism, dispossession & destruction, double standards, jewed culture, jewed politics, judaism, judeo-communism, Marxism, Socrates at 7:23 pm | 
But if he was a Marxist, he could enter any Western country and attend a rally with the greatest of ease, despite the fact that communism is the most extreme “racial” ideology [1]. Orthodox Judaism is also quite extreme, yet Orthodox Jews aren’t banned from White countries:
[1] communism = originally racial/religious for Jews, but political for the “useful idiot” gentiles
14 August, 2009 at 8:02 pm
The UK won’t let a lone White American man speak at a peaceful political meeting for fear that he will stir up “hatred” and “extremeism”. Yet every year, the UK lets in tens of thousands of bomb-throwing Mohammedan maniacs preaching death to the West and Jihad. At this rate, England is probably just a few years away from total self-annihilation.
14 August, 2009 at 9:24 pm
I don’t much care for the BNP or those who would support the modern (post John Tyndall) version. I don’t know much about this Wiginton fellow, except that he has travelled around Europe and presents himself as a major figure in the “movement”… sort of reminds me of “Dr” David Duke. With the modern day BNP’s track record of supporting Zionists at the expense of Muslims, it is not your father’s British nationalism. I’m sure CW-2 and other British comrades will verify that when you are dealing with Nick Griffin’s BNP you are dealing with kosher conservatives and NOT White Nationalists or racists. As a matter of fact I have seen a great deal of evidence showing the BNP distancing itself from racism and anti-semitism.
With that kind of record I find it funny that there is concern here on a hard core anti-Jew website for anything to do with the BNP.
15 August, 2009 at 1:48 am
he should’v have entered the UK “illegally” or, @ least, a bit more surreptiously…….if it’s OK for multidinous mudz to do so, wtf ain’t it OK for a white man?
*coupla good ways*
i/through the “back door”…..’plane to Dublin, ferry to Liverpool;
ii/light ‘plane to Scotland….landing on “private air-field”…….train to London!
just lobbing @ “Heathrow” is the height of stoopidity….that fckn shite-hole is literally crawling with ZOG-botz!
15 August, 2009 at 10:49 am
At this rate, England is probably just a few years away from total self-annihilation.
It depends. The natives are as spitting mad about what is happening to their country as we are here in the US. The English won’t go quietly.
Nick Griffin’s BNP you are dealing with kosher conservatives and NOT White Nationalists or racists.
Isn’t it amazing that nationalists everywhere do the kosher kowtow? What would our ancestors think of “proud Euro nationalists” prostrating themselves before Semitic desert trash?
And I’m not buying the “common interests” shit either. Neither I nor anyone I know has “common interests” with the vile, scamming, baby-eating, nation-wrecking Juden.
just lobbing @ “Heathrow” is the height of stoopidity….that fckn shite-hole is literally crawling with ZOG-botz!
Heathrow is the most Orwellian airport I’ve ever seen – cameras and zoggies everywhere. It’s clogged and inefficient and they do that on purpose so that they can scrutinize everyone who passes through very well.
16 August, 2009 at 5:22 am
Blackshirt is correct about Nick Griffin’s BNP, but for the foreseeable future it is the best we’ve got, and Griffin woke up a few sleep-walking Brits when he said, “we are witnessing the silent genocide of the British people.” All the talking heads on the jewtube were apoplexic with rage at that comment. The sheep after being shorn are not supposed to object at the prospect of their imminent extinction and replacement.
After spending the past 2 weeks moving round England and trying to gauge the real mood of the people, it appears that among the older White working class it is one of resigned despair, while the middle class still have their heads firmly stuck in the sand.
There are pockets of passive resistance, but all the signs point to the jewK imploding not with a bang but with a whimper.
16 August, 2009 at 1:28 pm
The White Celtic and Anglo-Saxon peoples of the British Isles are the indigenous native inhabitants. So why aren’t the Lefties demanding that the White population of the UK be protected from displacement? Why isn’t the UN demanding that England’s White Cultural Heritage be preserved?
16 August, 2009 at 1:57 pm
Details of the BNP festival here:
17 August, 2009 at 1:39 am
“Parsifal” (whew!…..finally!… the “spelling” right!) …. did you “vote” in my poll ?!?
17 August, 2009 at 1:57 am
Sorry, Herr Exalted Grand Master, but the voting station is closed. However, I would have voted for the last option, the gradual and complete elimination of ALL non-Whites from the planet. Think of what a paradise even Haiti and Uganda would be without those anthropoids messing up the place. And no more White babies being sacrified on altars during the High Holy Days.