1 August, 2009

The Culture of Deceit

Posted by Socrates in jew mentality, Jewish 'stereotypes', Jewish arrogance, Jewish history, judaism, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 5:14 pm | Permanent Link

by Edmund Connelly.

“For those conversant with the Bible, the twin themes of Jewish resource acquisition and deceit will be familiar. For example, in A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy, Kevin MacDonald describes this:”


  • 13 Responses to “The Culture of Deceit”

    1. Antagonistes Says:

      And why do “Whites freeze like deer in the headlights when confronted with the evidence?”

      Because we have interwoven the Jews’ religious culture of lies (the Bible) into our national life.

      Even though most people, in their heart of hearts, may not believe it or be committed to it, the residual influences are there, just as surely as the residual influences of the civil war are still with us.

      Even the perverse college students, who spend their days drinking and fucking, are influenced by the “social gospel” which proclaims that all men are God’s (potential) children and there is no difference.
      They assume a holy aura when proclaiming this, and they account it to themselves as righteousness.

      The Jews, why, they are the people God chose, the people who came up with ethical monotheism, and are a light unto the nations!

      What a laugh!

      Sadly, the Christ-character of the New Testament keeps that mythology going. At least, the Christ-character as he is portrayed today. But he is so easily identified with Judaism, and told the Gentile woman, who sought healing, that the “childrens’ (meaning the Jews) food is not to be thrown to the dogs (meaning the Gentiles)”.

      That is a serious insult.

      Just read the Bible as you would read the Bhagavad-Gita or the Koran. Everything of value in the Bible was either inspired by other people (principally the Indo-Iranians), or taken from them and modified.

      Celsus says that Jesus led a poor, wretched life that in no way could be considered divine, especially his cry of despair on the cross. After all, if he paid the price of sin, should not he have uttered a cry of victory? Is not that what he came for? Then why the cry of total defeat and disillusionment?

      This goes ten times for the Jews as a whole: how could such a flabby, vainglorious, garrulous, deceitful people be the people of God?

      The true God is surely saddened by this, saddened and amused.

    2. Adam Says:

      Antagonistes Says:

      This goes ten times for the Jews as a whole: how could such a flabby, vainglorious, garrulous, deceitful people be the people of God?

      Crazy, unless … the G-d of the Jews is an evil god. Indeed, this is what some early sects of Christianity, Gnostics such as the Cainites and the Carpocratians, thought. In the Cainite view, the Ten Commandments were a list not of things forbidden, but a list of things to do to obtain enlightenment. Enemies equally of Judaism and other forms of Christianity, they believed that enlightenment could be obtained only by breaking each commandment, and that the evil tribal god of the Jews, Jehovah, gave the Ten Commandments to Moses to keep man ignorant.

      It’s interesting to consider that Gnosticism may have been only an attempt to come up with an answer the riddle posed by such an evil and utterly shameless people claiming to be “the Chosen people of G-d”.

    3. Parsifal Says:

      The Mold Testament is comprised of a bunch of myths, poems and numerological susperstitions the Jews “borrowed” from their Egyptian and Babylonian neighbors. The Ten Commandments, the story of Noah, the Song of Solomon, the Psalms….all of it was lifted from other sources. And all of their Holy Days are celebrations of how millions of their enemies were supposedly smited by the LORD. But they don’t need YHWHWHWY anymore to do their bidding. The Jews now regard themselves collectively as “god”.

      The Jewish race was doubtless formed by unsavory elements that were cast off by other races. The murderers, the thieves and swindlers, the outlaws, the misfits, the outcasts……..they all eventually drifted together to form the tribe of nomadic, desert-dwelling cut-throats known as Jews.

    4. CW-2 Says:

      There is something incredibly narcissistic about jews. This bunch of camel thieves conceived a fearsome desert deity who would not only approve of their activities but would actively aid them in their murders and stealing! Quite incredible.
      Their potential victims would naturally have taken a very dim view the jew’s god and would have derided with scorn any notion that such a criminal group were ‘god’s chosen people.’
      But the incredible has happened. Jews have succeeded in getting many superior peoples, certainly many morally superior people, to believe that they have a mandate from heaven to do as they please and to oppose their depredations is contrary to god’s will!
      Insanity on a global scale.

    5. Parsifal Says:

      “But the incredible has happened. Jews have succeeded in getting many superior peoples, certainly many morally superior people, to believe that they have a mandate from heaven to do as they please and to oppose their depredations is contrary to god’s will!
      Insanity on a global scale.”


      Christianity was not the first religious cult that the West imported from the East. The cult of Aphrodite came to the Greeks from Syria, for example; Perisan Zoroastrianism was popular in the Roman Empire. But unlike Aphrodite and Zoroaster, the Near Eastern Jewish savior god Haysoos was marketed to the ignorant, impoverished Greek and Roman masses, not the intellectual elite. The Jews used the same tactics in spreading Bolshevism, another Internationalist utopian con-job. The Jews were smart to inflict their subversive religion of Xianity on the Goyim from the bottom up.

    6. zoomcopter Says:

      Taken from the article:

      “Hamilton points out that “contrary to his words, Roosevelt’s speechwriters understood perfectly well that men’s minds are the prisoners of whoever controls the media of mass communications — in 1939: Hollywood, the great newspapers, magazines, book publishers, and radio broadcasters. Whites today remain prisoners of fate precisely because they are prisoners of their own minds — minds controlled by others.” (See also his Demented Religion.)

      How very true. Most Whites never think outside the box. To it’s great credit, VNN begins it’s inquiries into what is true, from outside the box. Truth exists, only outside the Jewish matrix of lies and deception. In order for our race to survive the destruction planned for us, by the Jews, we must think, reason and exist, outside the Jewish matrix, cleverly designed to ensnare us and swallow us whole.

    7. Antagonistes Says:

      Iif you ever get a chance to listen to Religions of the Axial Age by Professor Mark W. Muesse (put out by the Teaching Company), it would, I think, be worth your time.

      The Professor traces the genius of the Aryans(“the Noble Ones”) in creating religions, beginning with the Indo-Aryan mystic, Zarathustra, in Persia (Iran). Then he elucidates about the Indo-Aryans in India.

      He relates the Palli teaching that the Buddha was a quite handsome man with blue eyes.

      So . . . what are we doing with a Semitic religion?

      And what are the Asians doing with an Aryan religion?


    8. Adam Says:

      Parsifal Says:

      … the Near Eastern Jewish savior god Haysoos was marketed to the ignorant, impoverished Greek and Roman masses, not the intellectual elite.

      Here’s an interesting article that takes the opposite point of view, and presents some good observations on what made Christianity successful. Essentially, it can be seen as an improved technique of crowd management due to a better appreciation of the evolving human psychology of the era and also better from the biotechnical (i.e., Darwinian) aspect of offering superior reproductive strategies more suited to the environment of cities as opposed to rustic pagan woodlands.


      As a cub reporter for the Oakland Tribune in 1959, Rodney Stark drew the fraternal organization beat. “I covered the Oddfellows and the Elks because I was the new guy,” he recalls. One day, Stark got an announcement from a different kind of club-the Oakland Spacecraft Club. “A guy was going to tell about his trips on a flying saucer, to Mars and Venus and stuff. I went on my own time and wrote it up. The Sunday editor ran it as a front page feature.”

      Readers loved the story. Believers liked it because he reported the event fairly. Skeptics enjoyed what they viewed as the story’s absurdity. From that day, Stark’s beat expanded to cover East Bay subcultures-including religious cults and sects.

      Though his reporting days are behind him, Stark has kept the religion “beat” as a professor of sociology at the UW. An eminent social scientist, his most recent book, The Rise of Christianity, makes compelling claims that many Christians may find surprising. Stark punctures the notion that early Christianity was a religion of the poor and that most first-century Christians lived on the margins of Roman society.

      Both the popular and academic press were convinced. Newsweek called it “a fresh, blunt and highly persuasive account of how the West was won-for Jesus.” Peer sociologists, in the journal Contemporary Sociology, hailed the book as a “masterpiece of historical sociology.”

      Stark’s book is a departure. For several centuries, most historians and sociologists agreed that early Christianity was a religion of the dispossessed. Friedrich Engels wrote that “Christianity was originally a movement of poor people deprived of all rights.” A popular college textbook by Yale historian Erwin Goodenough said of the early church, “Its converts were drawn in an overwhelming majority from the lowest classes of society.”

      Stark feels Engels, Goodenough and others missed the boat. “I was reading a book by an Anglican bishop, John A.T. Robinson,” he recalls. “He makes an interesting point. If you pay any attention to these fishermen who are among the apostles, you realize that they own the boats, and they don’t always go out. We aren’t talking about poor, uneducated guys who worked on boats.

      “And throughout the New Testament, you can see that these people are not the down and out. The people that Paul refers to in his letters are people of position,” he says. He added that Paul was a citizen of the Roman Empire and wrote Greek at a time when literacy wasn’t common. “It is now accepted by New Testament scholars that Jesus spoke Greek,” he explains.

      Members of the Roman imperial households were counted among the early Christians, says Stark, noting that this was particularly true of imperial women. “We know this. The fact that they had gravestones means that they weren’t part of the down-and-outers. You didn’t have to be rich (to be a Christian), but you didn’t have to be part of the unwashed masses either.”


      More at: http://www.washington.edu/alumni/columns/dec98/martyrs1.html

      Follow the links at the bottom of the page to read the rest of the article.

    9. FTL Veteran Says:

      “Abraham goes to Egypt to escape a famine with his barren wife Sarah, and they agree to deceive the pharaoh into thinking that Sarah is his sister, so that the pharaoh takes her as a concubine. As a result of this transaction, Abraham receives great wealth”

      This story is also telling in the way of him offering his WIFE up as a piece of ass to get wealthy…..He pimps out his own wife. To add to the Jeweyness of it all, he tells the Pharaoh that she is his sister…..AS IF ITS OK TO PIMP YOUR SISTER OUT TOO! I have talked about this many times on the air and how he is of course the hero of heroes to the Jew….Even today! All the while white culture has always looked to war heroes, honest heroes and noble men for inspiration. These glaringly obvious stories of typical Jewish Behavior should be enough alone to awaken more people to the nature of the Jew menace.

    10. Antagonistes Says:

      Sounds like “The Man Nobody Knows” and “The Book Nobody Knows” by Bruce Barton.

      Written more than 50 years ago.


    11. zoomcopter Says:

      Worth a listen, thanks.

      “If you ever get a chance to listen to Religions of the Axial Age by Professor Mark W. Muesse (put out by the Teaching Company), it would, I think, be worth your time.

      The Professor traces the genius of the Aryans(”the Noble Ones”) in creating religions, beginning with the Indo-Aryan mystic, Zarathustra, in Persia (Iran). Then he elucidates about the Indo-Aryans in India.”


    12. Adam Says:

      FTL Veteran Says:

      This story is also telling in the way of him offering his WIFE up as a piece of ass to get wealthy…..He pimps out his own wife. To add to the Jeweyness of it all, he tells the Pharaoh that she is his sister…..AS IF ITS OK TO PIMP YOUR SISTER OUT TOO! I have talked about this many times on the air and how he is of course the hero of heroes to the Jew….Even today! All the while white culture has always looked to war heroes, honest heroes and noble men for inspiration. These glaringly obvious stories of typical Jewish Behavior should be enough alone to awaken more people to the nature of the Jew menace.

      Like the technological system itself, the Jew really has no God except success. Just as the technological system compels the adoption of the most efficient means to an end, he worships what works. Unencumbered by the values of a simpler time – honor, truth, loyalty, courage, chastity, etc. – the cowardly, dishonorable, lying, sister-pimping, backstabbing Jew is more in harmony with the spirit of the current technological environment. Whites can react either by becoming more like the Jew, trying to out-jew the Jew, or by altering the technological system to once again favor white values, which would necessarily involve crippling or destroying it. The former course of action means destroying the very values and people it is attempting to save; the latter means the destruction of Jewish power along with everything we currently take for granted in the world, along with literally billions of deaths from starvation and disease, leading ultimately to the creation of an entirely new consciousness once the old order burns away.

    13. Tom McReen Says:

      “…marketed to the ignorant, impoverished Greek and Roman masses, not the intellectual elite. The Jews used the same tactics in spreading Bolshevism, another Internationalist utopian con-job. The Jews were smart to inflict their subversive religion of Xianity on the Goyim from the bottom up.”

      This is contradicted by the long history of jews always infiltrating at the top levels. The “Russian” revolution was funded by jewish bankers Warburg and Schiff with a nod from the Kaiser. And why would jews create “x-tianity” only to have it backlash on them for centuries? Jews like movements they can control.

      Some people post here to indulge their own prejudices rather than develop understanding.