25 August, 2009

Mexican Trespassers Get Free Flights Back Home

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, General Decline, illegal immigration, immigration, mestizos, Mexican mentality, Mexico, Mexinvasion, Socrates at 12:44 pm | Permanent Link

More abuse of White technology. Who pays for that flight program? White American taxpayers [1]. Why aren’t Mexican taxpayers funding that program? These days, Whites always pay for the misdeeds or misfortunes of non-Whites. When there’s a flood, famine or other disaster in some Third-World country, who pays for the relief aid? Yep, White taxpayers. Each time, Whitey pays, regardless of the circumstances. Aren’t you getting tired of that?


[1] a mention of U.S. Customs and Border Protection/ICE funding the program: [Here]

  • 12 Responses to “Mexican Trespassers Get Free Flights Back Home”

    1. Blackshirt Says:

      I have an idea, how about filling up these planes and then using them for surface to air missle practice?

    2. Mega Therion Says:

      Doesn’t matter if their sending these spics homes by carrier pigeon or Lear Jet…as long as they’re not here. Whatever works!

    3. Lutjens Says:

      Like Charlie Bronson said in Death Wish III when he splattered the roach on the wall… they’re like roaches, you gotta kill em all or what’s the point?

      I agree with Blackshirt. Send them back in boats, planes or whatever and then target practice time. Who cares anyway?

    4. Janet Says:

      I cannot wait for the day for the US to send these cockroach mestizos home. I’m so sick of them in California I cannot tell you.

      The Mexicans have become far more arrogant in the last few years. I’m not the only one who noticed this. Many of my White Nationalists friends do as well. They have completely fucked up the beaches. When I go down and surf in the morning I’m amazed at how many Muds I see there.

      California used to be a wonderful beautiful state. White guilt, the Jews in Hollywood and our legislature has allowed these vermin to come into California with abandon.

      There are certain stores (like the .99 cent store) that I refuse to shop anymore. The place is full of Mud filth and white trash. I still believe there are some white folks who are not worth fighting for.

      Perhaps we can fly them out on a military hop with our military on board instead of our millitary dying in Jew sponsored wars in the Middle East.

      This VNN forum is very therapetic to me. It’s comforting to know I have fellow white brothers and sisters who are alignment with my beliefs. The only answer is complete Balkanization from these turd eaters and live amongst ourselves. There is no other way.

      By reading these posts has stirred me into action. I’m involved and on board. It’s imperative we stick with this until the end or the Jews and the darkies will overtake us.

      White people have to consistently speak out, the more we speak out and not swallow shit, the more courageous we become and others hopefully will follow suit. If not they can stay with the muds.

    5. Blackshirt Says:

      “I cannot wait for the day for the US to send these cockroach mestizos home.”

      Janet, don’t count on the US government to ever send the Mexcretment home. If it ever gets done it won’t be the US government doing it, but a White racist government of some sort. I feel bad for you stuck out in California, since it seems that it is well on it’s way to becoming part of Mexico again. Sad to say, I know it was a pretty nice place once, but that is far in the past now. I advocate all racially conscious Whites to get out of any areas where you are in the extreme minority. I remember California being overun by non-whites when I was there in the early ’90s, but I can’t imagine how bad it is now.

      Up until a couple years ago it was possible to go many miles here in Northern New England and never see a non-white face, but even here it is getting bad, and this area really is the last majority White bastion in this country. With that said, I can only imagine what some of the areas in the rest of the country are like these days. Judging by my travels in the past couple years the Southern US probably has the worst racial situation of the whole country, though.

    6. Angryyoungman Says:

      @ Blackshirt

      It depends where in the south from what I know. Mississippi is and always has been a Black state so we might as well hand it over to them. The same with the greater Atlanta area and southern Louisiana.

      The Carolina’s and most of Tennessee are still decent, but now there are tons of retiring New England Jews and baby-boom degenerates moving into those areas, which is in many ways worse than the niggers. It’s always amusing how the most vocal supporters of DIEversity are always the first ones to flee.

      Adding to this violent mix many Mestizo communities have inserted themselves around the bigger cities of the south, much to the dislike of White and Black alike.

      If child-bearing Whites want to relocate to a decent region, much of the northern Midwest and the mountainous West is a good idea. The north-eastern most parts of Jew England are also decent.

      Idaho property is skyrocketing. Hopefully any degenerate White Capitalists who relocate their will be overwhelmed by Mestizo militias.

    7. Howdy Doody Says:

      Smith River CA. Pelican Bay State Prison, was opened in 1991.

      The property was purchased by a lie telling the owners it would be for affordable homes for young couples.

      This was the Whitetest and safest large area completely safe, beautful and peaceful

      CA SAC Regime Command had to destroy the area for Racial reasons, believe it. Crescent city CA. was against the prison 75% believe it.

    8. Howdy Doody Says:

      Smith River CA. Pelican Bay State Prison, was opened in 1991.

      The property was purchased by a lie telling the owners it would be for affordable homes for young couples.

      This was the Whitetest and safest large area completely safe, beautful and peaceful

      CA SAC Regime Command had to destroy the area for Racial reasons, believe it. Crescent city CA. was against the prison 75% believe it.

    9. Blackshirt Says:


      I spent a lot of time in the Carolinas (former military) and Tennessee. For the most part I agree with you about some parts of North Carolina, but South Carolina is a completely nigger state. The areas around the military bases in North Carolina are completely race mixed, I know having spent a couple years there. Also the areas around the big colleges there are too (Chapel Hill, Triad area). Not to mention Charlotte, which is packed with niggers. The rural areas in North Carolina are now overrun with wetbacks brought in to work on the agricultural land- it is not unusual to see Mexican stores and Spanish language signs in small towns in NC. As far as Tennessee goes, the big towns are packed with niggers and the only areas I can think of that are worth a shit are in the Smoky Mountains.

    10. Coup d'Etat Says:

      “The flights are voluntary and available only to Mexican illegal immigrants who don’t have criminal records.”

      LOL The crazy jews and the other crazies redefining illegals vs. criminals. As long as we have lowlifes like these floating around and not in jail or dead, getting rid of all the illegals in a civil way will never happen.

    11. Bigduke6 Says:

      The Romans used to take all the tramps and vagrants, put them on a boat, go out to sea and float check them.

    12. Bigduke6 Says:

      yeah the mexi-cons in big cities act like they own the place. Chicago is the biggest shit hole of slime immigrants. White people are now the minority in Chicago.