5 August, 2009

Israel’s Culture

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Socrates, Zionism at 3:19 pm | Permanent Link

When a race of swindlers manages a state, the culture there can only be cruel and inhuman:


  • 9 Responses to “Israel’s Culture”

    1. Parsifal Says:

      Too bad Hitler and Himmler were so kind to the god damn Jews in those German vacation camps. Now the only way we’ll ever be rid of them is through a nuclear war. But if that’s what it takes, then so be it.

    2. Mega Therion Says:

      As nutty as David Icke can seem, when I heard him say Israel was created to control the oil supply of the Middle East, that’s really the only rational excuse for the existence of that Communist-Zionist theocracy. No coincidence that the Bolshevik Revolution and Balfour Declaration were both creations in 1917. And the Crypto Kike Wilson put the USA in WW1…

      Oh..and for Old Douche…FATIMA was in May,1917 as well!!!

    3. Coup d'Etat Says:

      To Mega:

      This is why we are fighting and still fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan; is to help the Israeli terrorist state take control of the ME and its oil supply. This sort has been going on since the 1960’s. Where have you been? A tidbit you may not know and which you can make a connection to: France had control over South Vietnam. They controlled that area since after WWII. France has had many jews in place for many decades. What was the fight about? Control over Cam Rahn Bay and its oil supply that the North Veitnamese backed by China and Russia wanted and didn’t want the jews to have.

    4. Mega Therion Says:

      Of course I knew about JEWED France running South Viertnam. Do you think you’re privy to special information? France also gave Nukes to Israel when JEW Pierre Mendes-France was PM in the 50’s.

      And it hasn’t been going on since the 1960’s as you state,it goes back to WW1. EVERY PRESIDENT since then(Wilson on down) has catered to World Jewry,long before that Communist theocracy was created.

    5. Parsifal Says:

      France had ruled Indochina since the 1800s, except when the Japs took it over in WWII. Ho Chi Minh and his crew helped defeat the Japs and then drove out the colonial French in 1954. The country was then “temporarily” divided into a North and South until national elections were to be held in 1956. But Eisenhower did not allow those elections to take place and Vietnam remained divided for another 20 years. The Soviets maintained a presence in Vietnam, but never got much out of it.

      Eventually, Vietnam will take away many if not most of Red China’s manufacturing jobs. Why pay a Chinaman 50 cents an hour if a Vietnamese will do the same work for 25 cents an hour? It should be clear that International Capitalism is at least as tyrannical as so-called “Communism” (ie, centralized, authoritarian socialism), if not more so.

    6. Mega Therion Says:

      Capitalism and Communism. Two sides of the same JEW coin. The Kikes run both ideologies and create “conflict” between them as a facade to make the masses think there’s a difference. There isn’t. Ultimately we’re all under the yoke of King JEW, no matter if you’re in a “free market” country or a “socialist” one.

    7. Curt O'brian Says:

      Can you even begin to think about what life is like when everybody is a selfish game playing SOB? You know the place only has 7.8 million people total supposedly. And of that only 5.2 million are Jewish. That’s right. All this for a Jewish city a quarter the size of Los Angeles. They have 200 nukes at least to protect a desert hellhole with five million Jews in it. I don’t think the nukes are there to protect the Arabs do you?

      All this for five million people.

    8. CW-2 Says:

      Globalists always divide countries in half so they can get a profitable war going at a later date.

    9. Justin Huber Says:

      Parsifal, just out of curiosity, what type of economic system do you advocate? I’m no fan of “international Capitalism” but I certainly don’t like Communism and have always been uncomfortable with “socialism”, at least in its Marxist context. I enjoy your posts and just thought I put this out there for you.