14 August, 2009

How a Real Mechanic Does It

Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black culture, General Decline, Socrates at 9:28 pm | Permanent Link

Can’t see his undies? Then he ain’t doin’ it right.

real mechanics

  • 30 Responses to “How a Real Mechanic Does It”

    1. Mega Therion Says:

      Looks like that “tune up” is being performed in a mall parking lot. It’s probably some white person’s car, some bovine American wasting his money inside that mall on foreign made crap,giving themselves cancer at the Orange Julius.

      Niggers “fixing” anything…LOL!

    2. Stan Sikorski Says:

      As YJ used to say: “Niggers would be absolutely hilarious if it wasn’t for the rapin’ and killin’.”

      And the thing is about “that look” – it’s so 90’s. I mean itz 2009 already niggers. You would think you could come up wi something that doesn’t invole a sideways ball cap or half-off pants.

      Silly niggers. Life is for humans.

    3. Irma Grese Says:

      HA HA HA HA HA HA!! OMG I can just HEAR the erudite and intellectually STIMULATING conversation between these two boons:

      Ape 1: “YO YO YO sumpin’ be wrong wit dis here carburetor, g! WERD.”

      Ape 2: “YO nigga dat shit betta be git ta workin’ or imma bus’ a cap in it azz wit muh GAT. WERD, G YO. WERD.”

      Ape 1: “Oot oot oot!! An’ sheet.”


    4. Blackshirt Says:

      I have always wondered if police officers were the ones to first promote baggy shorts and jeans for ghetto kids. After all, it must be hard to run from the cops when your pants are half down. (OD says LOL)

    5. Doug Says:

      I can’t see the tails, so they really have no reason to have their pants down that low.

    6. Mega Therion Says:

      The ape on the left has his shirt rolled up as well…these niggers are as gay as a San Francisco hairdrssing florist.

    7. Howdy Doody Says:

      Stan Sikorski Says:

      14 August, 2009 at 9:59 pm

      As YJ used to say: “Niggers would be absolutely hilarious if it wasn’t for the rapin’ and killin’.”

      And the thing is about “that look” – it’s so 90’s. I mean itz 2009 already niggers. You would think you could come up wi something that doesn’t invole a sideways ball cap or half-off pants.

      Silly niggers. Life is for humans.


      In the few remaining White bubble’s of the Kwa, that never ever had Africans, now has Whites taking in their half breed grand children for the last decade or so, and todaze the WHITE boys wearing this crap with the side ways hat, and walking a dog down the street trying to get reactions.

    8. Howdy Doody Says:

      What is really Funny to me is to see Vacationing WHITE middle class, middle aged and chubby with the O bumper sticker on their car.

      These types would NOT last One Day in a savage area, or the one I grew up in. Insolated public employee’s would be my guess.

      So from a college of lies to government “job”= they will believe anyting Public broadcasting/media tells them.

    9. Mega Therion Says:

      I see a lot of cars owned by whites that have bumper stickers touting Obama/Biden…like it’s equal billing. “Hey I voted for Biden,not Obama”…a lot of union assholes seem to have this approach. Dickheads one and all…

    10. Stan Sikorski Says:

      I can dig it Howdy. I see them alot out here in Wisconsin. Stupid White morons from Shitcago and other urban areas passing thru on I90 with a Sambobama sticker on the bumper and a silly sideways hat takin p space where a call phone isn’t as they block the passing lane. I can’t wait until tourist season is over here in the Waterpark Capital. We get niggers, spics and white niggers in the summer, White European workers in the winter. I’ll take the winter any day.

    11. Dale VanderMeer Says:

      All you have to do is spell “saggin'” backwards just to get to the botttom of why “‘da bro’s” are on “da’ down low.”

    12. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      Nigger culture… and nigger cops… sure, AmeriKwa is a great country.


    13. Karol Says:

      What’s really scary is that these ooga boogas are looked at as “the wave of the future” by many whites. And what future would that be? America in 200 yrs completely niggerized would look just like Apefreaka.

    14. Dawn Landry Says:

      What the hell-and in public no less. Aren’t these “people” toilet trained yet? Bad question. This fashion statement is utterly bizarre.
      I guess this is what happens when they are dressed in people’s clothes-africans just can’t figure how to do it correctly. They ought
      to wear Depends with the saggy pants -then they’d really sag.
      My God-this is the Twillight Zone! Can you imagine this “look” in the
      1980s. I’d love to see them run from the police like that.

    15. Andrei Yustschinsky (Andrei's Ghost) Says:

      I think the car owner’s stereo needs “service” too! Don’t worry, these negro “mechanics” will get around to it,

    16. Parsifal Says:

      I think that “fashion statement” comes from nig prison culture. The ones that wear their pants halfway down their tookas are telling the other incarcerated primates that they are available for copulation. It’s like a female baboon’s ass turning red when she’s in estrus.

    17. Tom McReen Says:

      Claim: The fashion of sagging one’s pants was born of a prison mode of signalling sexual availability.

      Status: False



      It did start in prison, according to Snopes.

    18. Parsifal Says:

      I don’t know, those two darkies look like they’re “advertising” to me. But then again, Negroes will hump anything, anywhere, anytime.

    19. Al Gator Says:

      “Parsifal Says: I think that “fashion statement” comes from nig prison culture. The ones that wear their pants halfway down their tookas are telling the other incarcerated primates that they are available for copulation.”

      Not quite, what the pants half down says to everybody is that: “I’zz a drug dealer and I knowzz I’zz in your sandbox, but I ain’t doon biz, I’zz juss passin through, don shoot my dumb black ass.”

      Word. Ask your pot dealer.

    20. jackumup Says:

      Claim: The fashion of sagging one’s pants was born of a prison mode of signalling sexual availability.

      The actual reason is because niggers recieved thier clothing from handme downs starting when they first were dressed in the slave (good old) days to the present

    21. jackumup Says:

      Claim: The fashion of sagging one’s pants was born of a prison mode of signalling sexual availability.

      The actual reason is because niggers recieved thier clothing from handme downs starting when they first were dressed in the slave (good old) days to the present

    22. smitty Says:

      Wow, Grease Monkeys!

    23. Parsifal Says:

      I don’t think those are American Blacks, they’re probably from West Africa or Haiti. Those jet-black jungle types never wore anything more than a dirty loincloth before coming here, so they’re unfamiliar with how people-clothes are supposed to be worn.

    24. -jc Says:

      Of course they’re queer: read a little about native black culture. Why do you think AIDS went through Africa like Grant went through Richmond? Why all the sodomy associated with home invasions, carjackings, rapes, and murders: Do you think whites are doing that? How about prison rape, Hollywood propaganda movies as the source of your opinion notwithstanding?

    25. Tom McReen Says:

      -jc you’re probably right. Snopes is a semitically correct website, I posted the link because it was the first ‘answers’ page to come up in my Google search. It contradicted all the other answers the search found.

      Snopes is probably protecting the macho negro reputation, they don’t want White folks finding out about lots of black men being on the ‘down low’.

    26. Parsifal Says:

      Oh, that’s OK, Tom, I accept your apology. I was right and you were wrong about the origins of the low-slung nigger-pants.


    27. Dawn Landry Says:

      I think I figured it out -nogs are too lazy to pull up their pants. Too
      much trouble and shit. One time I saw one of our noble African
      American savages walk past a school bus stop, in only his underwear @ 7:30am. It only makes sense-he was going to the
      laundrymatt to get his clothes (or steal some). That would have been a funny video-wish I would’ve had a camera. Running around
      in only their underwear may be the next fashion statement in the

    28. Tom McReen Says:

      “Oh, that’s OK, Tom, I accept your apology. I was right and you were wrong about the origins of the low-slung nigger-pants.


      I apologise for not recognising your knowledge of homosexual culture, in particular the culture of the black gay community.

    29. Nathan Says:

      You know what the picture made me immediately think of? How good it would be to be standing behind them with a whip, yelling, “Hurry up and fix my car!!” Of course, that would have to be a car that was for sale. Sure wouldn’t trust my life to Afro-egineering.

    30. JOOM Says:

      Well, I’m an expert on niggers, living in southern Cal(for now), and I think they wear their underwear exposed to air out their nasty ass.
      After all, they NEVER take a bath and smell like a buffalo fart up close. If they wore their pants like a human, the bacteria in their ass crack would eat them alive! Why do you think they walk doing that “shoo fly” thing with their arms always swinging by their ass?
      It’s to fan it! OOGABOOGA!