29 August, 2009

Health-Care Gurus

Posted by Socrates in Big Brother, federal power, health, health care, jewed culture, jewed politics, Obama, Socrates at 2:03 pm | Permanent Link


It’s just a coincidence, isn’t it, that, back in the 1990s, the Clinton’s public-health-care guru (Ira Magaziner) was Jewish, and Obama’s public-health-care guru (Ezekiel Emanuel) is also Jewish? It just happened to turn out that way, huh?

  • 6 Responses to “Health-Care Gurus”

    1. tbow002 Says:

      TORT REFORM is the best way to lower healthcare costs but then the LAWYERS (we know what lawyers are) Would lose out.

      The Democrats would rather rob the elderly of their medicare ($500 BILLION) and scare the crap out of them THAN do TORT REFORM and take the liability moster off the backs of Doctors and healthcare professionals.

      In Essence the Dems sided with LAWYERS over the elderly. Real nice folks those dems…

    2. Luke Says:

      I recently ordered a used copy of the Robert I. Friedman book “How the Russian Mafiya Invaded America”, but haven’t had time to read it yet. But, from reading the reviews on it – and from the Dr. William L. Pierce American Dissident Voices broadcast which discussed the contents of this book – I do know that the Russian Jewish Mafia that Frank Lautenberg helped to bring into America – is heavily involved in both insurance and health care related industries. I am wondering if I’m the only white nationalist out there who is smelling the criminal Kosher stench all over this attempt by the Magic Negro to take over the entire health care industry in America?

      This would fit nicely into the standard modus operandi of this Jewish Mafia; they used Giuliani to bust all the Italian Mafia bosses in New York City, to clear out the competition – and then the Jews from Russia moved right in and picked up the territory. Same principle would apply to health care, right?

    3. Doug Says:

      This is the white house’s flickr stream, good to check if you have an RSS feed to see what company Obama keeps, here’s him with 3 of his top jews and Gibbs in the oval office.

    4. Hoff Says:

      Red Mafiya – The whole book online in full text.


    5. nerk twins Says:

      This health care scam is phase 5 of Big Jew’s plan to kill off the white race. Monkbama is strictly the magic negro front man. As always Big Jew gets whitey to pay for the bullet that kills him. In this case elderly whites will be denied care so that white tax money can be shoveled at the alien mudd horde allowing it to replicate even faster.I do sense a revolt on the horizon. I don’t think Big Jew counted on the amount of info available 24/7 out here in cyber space. It has and continues to inform whites of the ugly plot surrounding them and the sick fiendish devil band of jews behind it.

    6. whodareswings Says:

      Ezekiel Emmanuel is a self-confessed Communitarian. They are followers of Amatai Etzioni (aka Warner Falk) an Israeli-American socio-economics guru attached to George Washington University. What’s going on with these Communitarians is that they’re going after case and constitutional law inside the universities and using Talmudic law to try to replace the former’s protection of individual rights with the latter’s emphasis on the greater good of the community. The Living Outside the Dialectic blogspot is a good place to get briefed on Communitarianism. http://nikiraapana.blogspot.com/ I found this article posted there:

      21st August,2009

      Obama, We are “‘God’s partners in matters of life and death”

      by Adam Kredo


      President Barack Obama needs some outside help pushing health care reform, and he’s turning to rabbis to get it.

      In a morning conference call with about 1000 rabbis from across the nation, Obama asked for aid: “I am going to need your help in accomplishing necessary reform,” the President told the group, according to Rabbi Jack Moline, who tweeted his way through the phoner.

      “We are God’s partners in matters of life and death,” Obama went on to say, according to Moline’s real-time stream.

      The 15-minute morning briefing was sponsored by the Religion Action Center of Reform Judaism, and included rabbis of all persuasions. Although the RAC hosts the call each year, participants had never before heard from a sitting president.

      What stood out about the call is that Obama “is a master communicator,” Moline, the rabbi of the Conservative Agudas Achim Congregation in Alexandria, said in an interview after the call ended.

      “This was clearly a message that was tailored to us,” and not merely a generic stump speech, he added.

      Moline noted that in the lead up to the president’s address, as the rabbis waited on hold, “there was a lot of chatter” among some participants who felt that the call should be seen as an opportunity “to instruct the President about [Presidential Medal of Freedom selection] Mary Robinson” and about the peace process in the Middle East.

      “It was the subject of a good deal of conversation whether anyone was going to challenge him on that,” in particular Rabbi Eric Yoffie, the president of the Union of Reform Judaism, whose has publicly chided Obama for his administration’s stance on settlements.

      When the issues failed to come up during the health care call, Moline pithily tweeted: “Yoffie praises President and does not raise any other issue. Good for him.”

      “Rabbi Yoffie stuck to the subject” of health care reform, Moline said in the interview, “I think it was a good thing.”

      Eyebrows were also raised by the choice of hold music that played to rabbis before the call began.

      “First mistake,” Moline tweeted, as he waited for the call to begin. “Music on hold is ‘Deutschland uber Alles,’ ” a classical German anthem, the lyrics to which in part say, “Preserve and protect our Kaiser, our land.”

      (The music was chosen by the company carrying the conference call, not the White House or the RAC.)

      A questioned submitted by Moline also was asked to the President, the rabbi proudly noted on Twitter, writing, “WOW! My question was asked of the President!!!!!”

      The question, he later explained, was about how rabbis can address issue of health care reform “in a non partisan” way when they’re behind the pulpit.

      Obama responded by noting that the massive “human toll” of a broken health care system is a non partisan issue, and simply is unacceptable, Moline recalled.

      The call, which was closed to the media, precedes another Obama phoner that is to take place at 5 p.m. this evening (Wednesday).
      This entry was posted on Friday, August 21st, 2009 at 8:09 am. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.