20 August, 2009

Frankfurt on the Hudson

Posted by Socrates in communism, Frankfurt School, Marxism, Max Horkheimer, Socrates at 11:11 pm | Permanent Link

The ghost of Max Horkheimer says: “Hey, don’t they know that nobody uses a photo of me without giving me a free taco first?”


  • 13 Responses to “Frankfurt on the Hudson”

    1. zoomcopter Says:

      The Frankfurt School was the prototype of all the current “think tanks” we have, now. Lavishly endowed by wealthy Jews, they provide cover for Jews, allowing them to gather, plan and carry out pro-zionist activities. Usually they have very disingenuous names like American Enterprise Institute, or some such, when in fact, there is very little “American” about them.

    2. CW-2 Says:

      Same in the jewK, the sinister ‘think tanks’ such as the Tavistock Institute and Chatham House spring to mind.

    3. Z.O.G. Says:

      Good post, zoomcopter.

    4. zoomcopter Says:

      Thanks, Z.O.G.

    5. Mega Therion Says:


    6. Mega Therion Says:

      I apologize to zoomcopter for that unfair assertion.

      To Zog…FUCK OFF

    7. Z.O.G. Says:

      Mega Therion, I told you before…STOP GOING OFF YOUR MEDS.


    8. Z.O.G. Says:

      zoomcopter, here’s some other euphemistically named Jewish think tanks:

      Project for a New American Century
      Center for American Progress

      Yeah, they seem to love to put the word “American” in there, don’t they?

    9. Mega Therion Says:


      Only a weak JEW like you would take meds. YOU JEWED CUNT.

    10. Tom McReen Says:

      “zoomcopter, here’s some other euphemistically named Jewish think tanks:

      Project for a New American Century
      Center for American Progress

      Yeah, they seem to love to put the word “American” in there, don’t they?”

      America is the jews’ biggest patsy.

    11. Z.O.G. Says:

      Now, now, Mega Therion, try to calm down. You remember what your shrink said about getting upset.

    12. Z.O.G. Says:

      Oh, here’s a good one. It’s a Jewish online political magazine called, “The American Thinker”.


    13. Mega Therion Says:


      Only a JEW like you goes to a shrink…ZOGGIE